Community > Posts By > ArdentMan

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 06/04/14 12:21 AM
I am an ordinary man;
The common guy on the street;
I am the everyday man;
Ordinarily simple and honest;
I have ordinary taste;
And not overly ambitious;

I have a modest job;
With a minimal pay;
Trying to raise my family;
But can rarely afford luxuries..
I have the typical worries;
Of every human person

I love my family,
I pledge my faith with god,
I am law abiding and I fear violence;
I will walk the park when I am free;
Have my coffee with the morning papers;

Happy am I as an ordinary guy;
With no special taste or preferences;
My happiness are always easy to achieve;

Should you and me cross path ;
By chance on a crowded street,
You wouldn't notice this common face;
And we will go our own ways;
In this ordinary world...
To pursue our ordinary lives...
As common everday objects

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 06/02/14 12:22 AM
For me fantasies are an enjoyable part of life especially if if that's all you. They can be arousing, explicit, romantic and more. They give me ideas about what we’d like from our intimate partners and can be a form of escapism, or allow us to imagine things we desire, thinking if we want to take it further. Some fantasies remain the same over their lifespan, or change in content and intensity depending on their circumstances and experiences. fantasizing isn’t just a pleasurable option. I believe it’s a mandatory part of a person’s sexual life. Often accompanied by a suggestion that you must always be willing to act the fantasy out. I think all fantasies can be voiced and acted upon. The subtext of such messages is if you’re not prepared and don't fantasise on a regular basis and willing to take it further you’re sexually unadventurous. This can distract us from remembering we have a choice whether to fantasise or not - and to what degree are you willing? Some of us really get off on our fantasies. Others aren’t bothered , not me..Some are anxious. I don't think fantasising about someone else is a form of cheating...I don't agree..I am not concerned that a fantasy could lead me to acting on (or at least having to entertain the thought of) desires someone I don't no..or a woman who is in a relationship. It what fantasies are all about..fantasizing. We or I can be turned on by a shared fantasy because it resonates with things we are excited by, or she may give me ideas for things I have not previously thought about – but realise we share the same. That can be so pleasurable. We may find that exploring our fantasies and having to focus on how we communicate may bring one closer and make us feel more connected. Our fantasies may lead to us making significant changes within our relationship or might just be something we think about occasionally. I'm not afraid to act on mines if given the opportunity.. Are you ?

ArdentMan's photo
Sun 06/01/14 01:16 AM

The sensual mysticism of my entire vertical being
      “Physical sensual pleasure is a sensual experience no different from pure seeing or the pure sensation with which a fine fruit fills the tongue; it is a great unending experience, which is given us, a knowing of the world, the fullness and the glory of all knowing afterward the act of intimacy is more than an act of pleasure, its' the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it's almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you're a part of them. From experience we realize a  woman's appetite is twice that of a man's; her sexual desire, four times; her intelligence, eight times”
Nobody dies from lack of sex. It's lack of love we die from.

ArdentMan's photo
Sat 05/31/14 02:01 AM

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.�� We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.. Don't settle for the one you can live with. Wait for the one you can't live without
Love is a thing we like to say, but really i want to save it for the special day , love is something everything you need, Dont ask or dont plead, love will come it can take its time love is like a star a star that will shine, love is for you and love is for me love is for everyone ,love is great as great as can be. We search for love we look for love day and night love is a bird on a journey flight. Love is special it will never grow old , its engraved in my heart in letters of gold
If you love someone tell that person that you love him/her, forget about the fear of looking rediculous. What's really rediculous is missing an opportunity of telling someone that ur heart is invested on him/her
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly
When you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread
Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired
The shortest word I know is "I". The sweetest word I know is "LOVE". And the person I never forget is "YOU
Understand that you are in love when you think about someone else many times more in a day than you think about your own self
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own
The first time you fall in love, it changes your life for ever...and no matter how hard you try the feeling never goes away

ArdentMan's photo
Fri 05/30/14 02:13 AM
Why I like older women..�
Because they are beautiful Strong Intelligent..older women are truly astonishing in every right. The very essence of her presence is such a pleasure.
Some are so full of charisma and tenacity she has earned an deserves a man satisfaction and who will respect her compassionately admire her. From the feminine in her walk to the sexiness in their voice is so captivating. Her Strength is your demeanor don't break. Her experiences her Intellect is one of her greatest gift, she is nobody's fool. She may not wake you up in the middle of the night & ask you, "What are you thinking or question your motives..
An older woman doesn't care what you thinking you're with her. The older a woman gets, the stronger her libido gets and the older a man gets, the weaker his libido gets .
An older woman knows the difference between sex and making love..An older woman is�
almost always already attached to someone, so there's no need to develop a phobia about committing to her. The last thing she needs in her life is another clingy, whiny, dependent lover.
Older women are more honest more direct..An older woman will tell you that you are an ******* if you're acting like one. A young woman probably say nothing, just in case it means you might break up with her.
An older woman will never accuse you of "using her." She's using you.�
Older women take charge of the situation. Some older�
woman may call you up and ask you for a date.
Older women know how to cook..�
An older woman will introduce you to all of her�
girlfriends. Some younger woman will avoid her girlfriends when she's with you, in case you get any ideas.
Older women are psychic. You never have to confess to having an affair, because somehow they always know.�
Older women often own an interesting collection of�
lingerie that they have acquired from admirers over the�
years. Some older woman may never accuse you of stealing the best years of her youth because chances are someone else has stolen them first

ArdentMan's photo
Fri 05/30/14 12:05 AM
You ever have that feeling like you are a distant memory, feeling alone..Yes there are time i reflect upon my state , my singularity something y. I'am the type of man when i feel something i consequently respond to that feeling or have no hesitation about voicing

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 05/29/14 11:58 PM

First off, I am who I am. I know I need to change some, but it must be my decision to change.

If I change only in the way you think I should change, a wall will come between us. I'll resent myself, and I'll resent you for trying to make me change.

Now, as to who obeys the other. I don't want to be bossed around, and I'll try not to boss you either. I don't need you to put me down, hurt me with words, or make fun at my expense.

I know you have feelings about things, and I want you to tell me how you feel.

I'll try to hear your feelings, your wants, and your needs, and I'll try to let you know that I hear you.

I'll try to tell you when I can't do all I hear you expecting or asking of me.

I'll try to tell you why I can't without feeling guilty or getting angry.

I will try to be tender when you are hurting.

I will try to be tender when we are being close.

I will try to let you do your own thing and not box you in.

Whenever we can do something together that we both want to to do, let's do it.

I will try to be as honest with you as I can, and be the kind of person

you can count on.

I need you to laugh with me, but not at me.

When I open up and tell you about my feelings,

sometimes it will be like handing you a little baby bird-

please hold and handle with care.

If these words say it like it is - for you too

Let's make an agreement to try.

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 05/29/14 12:27 AM
All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something some of us have quite a lot of experience with
I can see just how lonely, and how deep this feeling runs. And it scares the **** out of me to be this lonely because it seems catastrophic at times.
Do you ever feel that way?"
I search for the words to describe this feeling "Restless" moments.
We're going to meet a lot of people who share this undesirable feeling.
They describing that moment of feeling lonely and you realize that how lonely can be. Everybody else seems to find the right words except you.
For a time you can be alone and doing fine and never give a thought to living any other way and then you meet someone and suddenly you become lonely. It stabs at you, almost like a physical pain, and you feel both deprived and angry, deprived because you wish to be with someone and angry, because you may think of someone and their absence brings you misery, knowing it can't be or reserved to take the initiative. It's a strange feeling, akin to desperation, a feeling that makes you wait by the phone even though you know that the call may not come.
You feel so small and lost like you're the only one
You want somebody, just anybody
To lay their hands on your soul, just to hear a voice, to acknowledge you.
You want a reason to keep believing and no one hears you cry. Wondering if there is someone thinking of you.
'Cause all your fears seems to circle that lonilness.
We think of who to call..then we realize that sleep is our only friend
Well even sleep
Can't hide you from all those tears
And all the pain and all the days
You wasted pushin' them away
It's your life, it's time to find our balance.. to enjoy time alone. It gives us an opportunity to discover who we are and to figure out why we are alone.

ArdentMan's photo
Tue 05/27/14 12:03 AM
A elements of a great kiss --no pressure, the duration, texture, and relaxation
There's nothing quite as remarkable and unforgettable as the exchange of an amazing kiss. The meeting of lips can evoke such a myriad of emotions and communicate your desires in a way that nothing else can quite compare. Even better, your lips become a weapon in the war of passion and lust. I like to tease and be teased... a passionate exchange of heavy lip-locking a form of intimacy without removing the clothes.

There should be no pressure, you don't want to smash your lips into each other, but you don't want to feel like you're kissing air either. Lets Find a happy medium that allows you to vary your intensity from gentle to passionate, depending on the mood we create
I think the kiss should correlate to the mood you are trying to create. If we want to teasing suggestive kisses would be a start If we want to fill them with stimulating longing and need, a longer, more passionate kissing exchange might work. The
Texture of our lips is a very large part of our kissing experience.
This is a passionate way i want to begin to make love to you. When webare both lying down and kissing,
Attempting to create the ultimate foreplay, hearing intimate moans, seductive whispers , following the sensuous of kisses heighten our sensual experience portunity to live out a few sexual fantasies we
both may have wanted to try!
Lets extend our sensual encounters is to see how many times or different places we can engage in lovemaking if there is no inhibitions can you be adventurous?

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:16 PM
I'm Don in Fullerton.. Hello ..a little about me..Due to the spontaneity of the situation, If I meet a woman I have no expectations Hopefully were able to communicate from a confident standpoint because neither of you had anything riding special in our lives Not seeking to seeking to prove anything. Im just a ordinary man looking for someone who's sincere , down to earth. Someone like me, outgoing
Lot of personality character adventurous spontaneous and comfort to talk with and be around..''I meet no strangers" dont put emphasis on color or appearances..I may not be endowed with great looks so dont judge me..when u judge others you don't define them you define yourself. so contact me if u like to enjoy a man with great social skills and listen I respect women of all ages,Whether she's 18, 48, 78 or whatever is not important, what’s more important is their true nature through their actions, not mere words. I think it depends on the types of character each individual possesses, not age when were are making love...Iam reminded that there is a person attached to it. Feelings.. motions, trust, respect... and when it's all in place.. My knowledge tells me that the lovemaking is let's  enjoy what we create then we can Concentrating on thinking up new and exciting things to do for to each other instead of worrying about how long it will be until you see each other really helps, and makes things more fun

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 05/26/14 02:22 AM
Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 05/22/14 02:26 AM
Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine.
Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly
The difference between can and cannot is only three letters. Three letters that can shape your life's direction
When we put down ideas of what life should be like, we are free to wholeheartedly say yes to our life as it is
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 05/22/14 12:33 AM
I also used to believe that there was something seriously wrong with me, so thinking about how most of my life people told me,I had no emotions didn't smile or communicate, i had no knowledge on how to communicate or share feelings..which was they tell me “You’re too sensitive,” “so intense,” “you’re just so emotional. It only felt safe to feel it all alone. I’d get sideswiped by inexplicable emotion at inconvenient times. So, I just tried to keep it all under wraps, keep it all under conscious control. I didn’t trust myself at all. I didn’t trust my body more or less anyone else, although I had many friends. I didn’t trust anything other than my thoughts. My body was so unpredictable and confusing, this sensitivity was so out of control. I spent a lot of time alone, I tried to have relationship with women, but was clueless. Had no confidence socially, or intimately. Now as a highly sensitive person, I am starting out with all this raw sensation at the transcendent level. It was up to me to work on myself I needed to be more positive, I could only live with personal discontent for so long So I began working on my self-esteem. I have realised that I always put others before myself, mostly because I care far more for others than I do for myself Now my sensitive nervous system can pick up on other people’s emotions We often think of sensitivity as weakness for three main reasons: it is out of our logical control, it makes us vulnerable, and we don’t know what to do with it, which means that we suppress and judge it—so it has manifested in weakness. I turned my weakness into strength, I learned to have to ability to share my thoughts,my feelings and no reservations in expressing them is a great accomplishment. I realize I have a abundance of affection that was laying dormant inside me. I didn't no how sensual I could be. One thing I can truthfully confess to , we as men can learn so much from a woman even about ourselves, if only some of us take the time to listen, understand and not be so hesitant in communicating with them. Women are a phenomenal treasure from above. Believe me I listen and I gain knowledge. The degree of love I give is determined by my own capability. My capability is determined by the environment of my past existence and my understanding of love, truth and God. My understanding is determined by my parents, friends, places I have lived and been. Each experience is fed into my mind from living

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:29 AM
�Those who choose to embrace their need�
�assuredly enjoy the experience most�
�Many who wish to remain in the closet�
�loneliness, torment, confusion is their host�

�light beyond grasp, alone in your struggle

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 05/19/14 01:09 AM

I'll tell it rather simply;
I'll say it plain without any misdirection
A single thing is all I want
And all I want is you just you.
There are no other riches,
No treasures or possessions
That ever could compare with the desire I have for you.

I want to know how many scars you have
and memorize the shape of your lips your tongue.
I want to climb the curve of your lower back and count your vertebrae, your ribs, your fingers,
your goose bumps.
I want to touch every part of your anatomy and be fluent in your body language.
I want you, entire you..I want it to be like two eye gesturing bodies wanting to be in motion

I ask to kiss you , our tounges tangling
It starts out very gently. It is so erotic and highly stimulating�
I want to gently stroke the back of your neck with my tounge, I want to explore with my hand, mouth your body,your neck , your belly down to your innermost curves. Building up anticipation. Our mouths begining to water along with Our bodies Quivering ready to be caressed by each other.�I want to gently take your hands to let you feel my length The moment you felt the hardness of my length you imagine relief.�

ArdentMan's photo
Sun 05/18/14 02:01 AM

I am just a man,

I can't make your dreams come true, but with hope,I can move mountain with my mind, as your friend my sincere friendship for you will always be on time.

I am just a man, with deep compassion and ambition,a mellow emotions,and fascination,i have a great imagination. Getting to know u is first option,

I am just a man, i have learn to embrace the power of friendship and understanding,my appetite for this is enormous, enough for two me and you,

I am just a man,I have tasted love and wasted love, with endless kisses,this one is for umauh,I am neither inferior,nor superior,I live for love i died for love,i am love,


I am just a man, I will and i can communicate with you mentally, spiritually, and physically, I am ready for a friend ,i hope ur too,cuz I want you to be my friend without judgement, circumstances or laughing at me ,you can trust me with ur heart i'll try my best,to give u the best as friends do.

I am just a man, I will and i can be ur friend unconditionally,loyally and faithfully, i'll give u all of� what a friend is required of me,with no regrets,no restrictions, satisfaction guarantee,with all i have,all of me.

I am just a man, i will and i can be that� naturally, endlessly,i promise i''ll be gently,as a lamb,but as firm as missile,just talk to me softly as I shall you .take me as i am.

I am just a man, i will and i can be a very passionately friend ,cuz friendship isn' t a game for two u,I'll give you my spell binding� honesty share my emotions like you've never had,i'll listen when you're happy and glad.

I am just a man, i will and i can respect you for all eternity,naturally ,willingly,giving you the best of me,but I am just a man, just be woman enough for me.



ArdentMan's photo
Fri 05/16/14 12:48 AM
No person is too good for me and I am not too good for anyone..we all deserve the best and if he/she can't see that YOU re amazing ,then he/she really isn't the best for you.
Never trust the doubted never doubt the trusted one. God has given us "REAL EYES"

Sometimes we all can be difficult people to deal with at times but yet , I still stick around,,will you?. .The fact that we can you accept my flaws, if you can makes me know that u truly care about me . There are days where even i am moody ,grouchy,etc but i never once let that get in the way of conversation. Accept me for who I am, and I admire you for accepting me for who i am ,without judging me
you asked me how many times you've crossed my mind I would say once because you never really left
When I make a mistake,I give an apology without an excuse attached to it. The longer an apology, the less authentic it is.
Take my time, I give you what I can.
Take my kindness, I have plenty to spare.
Take my love, I give it to you freely.
But I won't allow anyone to take my self respect

We shouldn't force things to happen. It will only drive yourself crazy tryin or put distance between us, then at some point we have to let go and let what’s meant to be, BE. In the end, loving our lives ,it's about trusting our intuition, taking chances, losing and finding happiness, cherishing the memories, and learning through experience. If we do grow in Love its is giving each other the power to destroy one another...but trusting them not to.
Anyyone in life is can hurt you, we just have to figure out which people are worth the pain
Loving someone doesnt need a reason. If you can explain why you love someone, its not called "Love"... its called "Like

ArdentMan's photo
Tue 05/13/14 12:38 AM
can i offer you a penny for your thoughts, matter of fact 3 pennies for our mind engaging not so sexually,but getting intimatley closer as we approach the� climatic attitude of new mental sensational conversation.�
cause im trying to get to no everything about you from the neck up.\
these are not your t ypical sexual poetic quoes, but trying to close the door on the familiar freaky forplay games, which most men chose to approach you.�
why they are trying to get deeply embeded in the fine fibers of your bed sheets, im trying to find and define the� fibers of which your mind� speaks.�
i want to engage you, i want to engage you� by putting a two carrot solitare claim in your mind and marrying your every thought, i want to lick every inch , every curve creves so i can get a oral� fixation f rm each of your passionate imagination, i rather be naked and exposed holding you as we lying describing the hard times you had in life. i want to feel the heart beat of your inner rythm as they lead me to the warm wet waterfalls of feminie thoughts and ill swim within them from back stroke to breast strokes penertrating the entry of your mind taking to time to find out everything you allow me to

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 05/05/14 12:47 AM

.Visual Sensation: ....I push away the dinner plates and lift you onto the table. I can see from the look in your eyes that you are mine. Your red lips part with longing... Sound Sensation: ....I can almost hear you purr --- I know I can't wait any longer, "You are mine' I whisper. Shoving away the dinner plates, I don't care who hears us now, "You are my most sinful dessert' I sigh.... Touch Sensation: ...I reach under the white linen tablecloth, my hand slides teasingly slowly up your trembling thigh. You let me gently part your legs as your moist heat attracts my fingers like a thousand invisible magnets

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 04/28/14 12:59 AM
Perfect women are not the ones
Seen in magazines and movies
Perfect women are not the ones
Who can fit in stereotype categories
A perfect woman
Who is beautiful in every way
A woman with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels her strength, who doesn't makes enorm demands on her, who does not doubt her courage or toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treats her� like a woman. A woman should not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself.
What makes a woman beautiful is her loyalty to and her honesty with a man and a strong man doesn't have to be dominant toward a woman. He doesn't match his strength against a woman weak with love for him
A blessed thing it is for any man is to have a� woman as a friend, one human soul whom he can trust utterly, who knows the best and worst� and who loves us in spite of all his faults. What men can do..
Men are designed to be men. Men don't need to become somebody who they are not in order to please a woman. A woman wants to feel like she is heard, understood, and that you care about her ,just because we� appreciate her, doesn't mean she knows it! All Women typically feel great� when they feel truly appreciated
Women want to know that you not only listen, but that you hear what they say. They want us to respond to their emotions we don't have to experience the same emotions she is feeling; simply acknowledging, affirming, and responding to her emotions will validate the need she has to be heard. Just remember Women are emotional creatures,
They want to be loved for who they really are, on the inside, as well as on the outside, to be accepted unconditionally by a lover�.Express your fantasies or private thoughts to each other. The beauty of
fantasies and thoughts is that if you can share those with someone else as you tap into theirs combining your minds and creating wonderful experience.
Exploreing them at anytime any place
When making love to her Experience should tells you that there is a person attached to it. Feelings. Emotions,trust,respect and when it's all in place.. knowledge tells you that the lovemaking can be fabulous