Community > Posts By > ArdentMan

ArdentMan's photo
Mon 08/11/14 01:05 AM

The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her in completion. Don't make her feels empty. Sensuality for her is not only a wave of pleasure in which she is bathed, it's a charge of electric joy at contact with another partner
Especially when he looks at her with the eyes of love see strength, ability, beauty and uniqueness.
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see as you stare into each other’s eyes..... drawing each other into your mind and gasp as ecstasy is awakening.
in wave after wave of ecstasy a Expressions of pleasure.throwing your senses Into the depths of the uncontrollable desire for each other.

When Sensuality likes to make love at the border where time and space change places. When she is considering a potential lovers more interesting to discover the intimacy in a woman than it is to have it just thrown at you. always eager to set off into the unknown territory of a little adventure n, dissolves into hundreds of such days in which sensuous experience is the constantly flowing, nourishing, inspiring source of life. This generation has lost the true meaning of romance. There are so many songs , men who disrespect women. You can’t treat a woman as a piece of meat. You should treat your like a princess. Give her love songs, compliments something with real meaning. Maybe I’m old fashioned but to respect the woman you love should be a priority.
ache for her Affection , the essential cement of a relationship. Without it, she may feel totally alienated. savor the moment..when you hold each other brushing of the lips.cuddling , the passion "'Passion' a word which involves so many feelings; I feel it when you touch, I feel it when you kiss, I feel it when yiu look at one another . For you are her passion...let her know
You want to return what she has given you.

This is the way to love, you have to love easy but feel hard. You have to pay the price of sacrifice in order to grow a love, which is deeply fulfilling. That is the best way to love and to make love

ArdentMan's photo
Fri 08/01/14 10:04 AM
his Pastor has guts

Thought you might enjoy this interesting prayer given in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people.

When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism.

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent to direct us to the center of Your will and to openly ask these things in the name of Your Son, the living Savior, Jesus Christ.


ArdentMan's photo
Wed 07/30/14 01:30 AM
She fell docile as a lamb into my arms. We kissed and caressed, I met no resistance when I unlaced the strings to free her dress and fill myself in the moist and hot bed nature made between her thighs. We made love outdoors—without a roof, I like most, without stove, my favorite place, assuming the weather be fair and balmy, and the earth beneath be clean. Our souls intertwined and dripping with dew, and our love for each other was seen. Our love for the world was new..I
never knew a single second could be expanded into something timeless and so archaic
There’s a huge difference in sex and making love. We have sex with someone who can satisfy us physically, but we make love to someone who can satisfy us soulfully and eternally. Once you realize the fine-line between making love and having sex, you will understand the meaning of your identity..! Life isn’t only about survival, it’s about living and so is making love. We have sex to satisfy our lust and hunger, which is nothing, but survival, but we make love to feed our soul and our mind, to fill a void that is there since a long time, that longs for a partner and that needs someone whom we want to spend the next morning with!

When you have sex just for physical pleasure, you are ashamed and guilty at one point of life or another, but when you make love to someone who means everything to you, you are always proud of it. Never in life, not even a single time, you regret that time and the moments spent with that person. You will always rejoice it and remember it with equal passion and joy

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:52 AM
The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too
Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world; choose the one who makes your world beautiful
When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you
People are more what they hide than what they show.
Sometimes people don’t notice the things others do for them until they stop doing them
Anyone can come into your life and say how much they love you.  It takes someone really special to stay in your life and show how much they love you
Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the idea of other people loving you

ArdentMan's photo
Tue 07/22/14 01:09 AM
To me a good kiss is one that lingers long after the lips have parted. It starts out very gently.�
It is erotic and highly stimulating. A gentle nibble is often a nice touch as well
Do we overlook the sensuousness that this lip brushing, touching cuddling. produces
there is an art form to a great kiss�
The best kisses are those that build in intensity
I also think the longer the kisses the more sexually stimulated you become.�
At the same time the longer the kiss the deeper the kiss.
I'd like to part those lips, and taste

ArdentMan's photo
Sat 07/19/14 01:12 AM

living and breathing 
the sensual life 
eloquent desire 
rhythmic flow 
sweetest of romance 
most powerful urges 
balancing power and softness 
captured by beauty 
honored by love

If We could make love 
I want it to be like nothing I’ve ever experienced before 
You were there 
I was there 
But we were not there physically 
We lay naked facing each other 
Entwined and caressing 
Your stare was all encompassing 
I was drowning in your eyes 
I could feel your love, your caresses, your kisses 
Then you entered me 
Your movements were slow, light, ethereal 
But oh so real 
Even though your orgasm felt faint 
I could feel what you left behind ooze out of me 
Can you imagine what it’s going to be like 
When we make love on the physical plane? 
Mind blowing.

I want to feel 
the heat of your hands on my skin....

I want to close my eyes and loose 
myself in the essence of your touch...

I need this. 
I... ache for this...

With winter's end my 
entire soul unthawed too...

Now every inch of me 
aches... with need... 
for you...

So far away 
yet so near...

I need to feel your warm breath 
whisper in my ear

I want to wake up to 
your body smothering mine 
as you cover every inch of me 
with the heat of your tongue

I want to yeild to you 
Submit to you 
Give in to you 
Commit ...Carnal Sins with you 
 Between us... 
Nothing is Taboo...

I swear... 
I've never been so hungry 
As I desire every morsel 
of your being

I want to taste   
your sweet N Salty goodness 
Till I'm addicted to your flavor... 
I want to be filled... completely 
By the width .. and strength 
Of you...

Surrender... Everything 
Until I am breathless 
Yet neveer empty...

As my Desire for you 
Never wanes ... 
ALways desiring you 
Always... dreaming of you

Knowing That my thirst 
will not be quenched

Until you come to me... 
Until you come and get 
what has always... 
been yours...

How I 
Desire.... Your Touch

ArdentMan's photo
Fri 07/11/14 11:48 AM

Showing love and appreciation for my partner to explore creatively with our differences in desire levels; deepen intimacy, confiding and bonding; so we can learn fascinating differences in our sexual our desires without awkwardness or embarrassment; and break out of guilt and frustration cycles that can sabotage our sensual pleasure exercise our fantasies that can be designed to be so pleasurable, fulfilling, creating a lasting intimate relationship. Chemistry, Compatibility exsist between us.. can we remove the restrictions put on our sexuality because of inhibitions. Let our Objectives guide us in developing a more focused and sensual style of lovemaking it should be so strong to override all of that beyond certain restriction,” , for the most part, sparked or sustained by emotional intimacy which is most comforting, soothing. that distance between reality and fable shall no longer exists

ArdentMan's photo
Sat 07/05/14 01:53 AM

As I Sit delicately on the edge of the bed� with my legs crossed waiting for you to enter the room.�� You entered as you watched as� I Slowly begin to unzip my pants ..It's the very deliberate and my� exaggerated movements I'm attempting to make� this sensual stripping so enticing to watch.. But I'm trying so hard to actually turn taking my pants� off in to the quite the art form. As I continue undoing them, pull the zipper down and then slowly pull each side apart to reveal my underwear, then slowly push them down as you sexily move your hips from side to side
Utilize your visualization techniques hopefully ill be able to turn you� on. To make your eyes go from "dead" to "very much alive" in a few seconds, my intentions using this unmastered skill of making your eyes transform I want it to have a powerful effect on your imagination.. Think lustful thoughts and imagine you are looking at someone who drive you wild. try to be passionate
Lets Combine purposefully sensual talk with intense eye contact to enhance this moment so our cerebral cortex can� analyze what's going on� subconsciously..
That attentive look.. Setting the mood, it has erected the emotional depth inside me.
We can control this environment..I want to hear how your mind� analyze the way that you're thinking about this moment..
Come touch me..Simply touching each other� can make us feel more secure and less anxious. It can make us feel grounded and safe .
It's is� the ways romantic partners� as we are bond with each other giving� us the sensory input that we crave.� How truly important it is to exercise all our physical senses for proper brain and emotional development so lets give each other kisses all over the place as this feeling begins to intensify as the thought of you making love to me,
Begins to set the tone.

ArdentMan's photo
Tue 07/01/14 08:54 PM

Desire and intimacy are very much a part of Love, sometimes erotic poetry prove that sex need not be sordid or ugly. A poem can touched you, if you are
Artistically inclined.
take a moment to realize erotic poetry do not defy understanding because it is never the same for some of us.
Really amazing how some people have this special gift to put feelings in paper and really touch lives of other people .

Love, intimacy is Universal. It seems to be Timeless.. even though it's something we all experience, it's also something we all experience differently. Love and intimacy is an individual experience, filtered by our own lives and expectations. No one truly understands it because it's invariably a very different thing for each of us.
When reality and fantasy meet, the result can
helped make that fantasy a reality in our mind..especially
between two people with no inhibitions, adventurous, having a desire for each other, sex can the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 06/25/14 01:15 AM

Intellectual attraction: my desire to engage with you in an intellectual manner, such as engaging in conversation with them, “picking their brain,” which I enjoy..and it has more to do with what she thinks the ability to communicate on different levels instead of the person she is.
Aesthetic attraction: occurs when i appreciates the appearance or beauty of another her character, sincerety, inside as well as the outside being ..realizing were connecting sexually or romantic attraction.

Romantic attraction: is attraction that makes us desire romantic contact or interaction with each other..that tingle we get knowing when we're together
We understand our identities and attractions

Sensual attraction: the desire to interact with her in a tactile, non-sexual way, such as through hugging or holding hands, cuddling..engaging in " Frottage".

Emotional attraction: the desire I have to get to know someone, because of the result of their personality instead of their physicality. This attraction is present in most relationships from platonic friendships to romantic and sexual relationships
Sexual attraction: attraction that makes us desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in each other seducing each other in to a romantic sensual liaison

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 06/25/14 01:15 AM

Intellectual attraction: my desire to engage with you in an intellectual manner, such as engaging in conversation with them, “picking their brain,” which I enjoy..and it has more to do with what she thinks the ability to communicate on different levels instead of the person she is.
Aesthetic attraction: occurs when i appreciates the appearance or beauty of another her character, sincerety, inside as well as the outside being ..realizing were connecting sexually or romantic attraction.

Romantic attraction: is attraction that makes us desire romantic contact or interaction with each other..that tingle we get knowing when we're together
We understand our identities and attractions

Sensual attraction: the desire to interact with her in a tactile, non-sexual way, such as through hugging or holding hands, cuddling..engaging in " Frottage".

Emotional attraction: the desire I have to get to know someone, because of the result of their personality instead of their physicality. This attraction is present in most relationships from platonic friendships to romantic and sexual relationships
Sexual attraction: attraction that makes us desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in each other seducing each other in to a romantic sensual liaison

ArdentMan's photo
Sat 06/14/14 09:03 PM

In a� man's depth he should have emotions,� deep feelings as I do as a man. just because he may laugh all the time at most things but do he show any emotions. In his depth he is a� loving and caring person he don't show this side of his self if he's not feeling it. If he does
It means he is mature in his� feelings . He has an emotionally mature side which is usually hidden b'neath his� hidden� side.. he can express his innermost desires as well.. emotionally, verbally and just as well physically. He should let go of all inhibitions
His Depth means a� strong personality and knowledge of many things

For me to love, is to commit myself, freely and without reservation. I am sincerely interested in your happiness and well being. Whatever your needs are, I will try to fulfill them and will bend in my values depending on the importance of your need. If you are lonely and need me, I will be there. If in that loneliness you need to talk, I will listen. If you need to listen, I will talk. If you need the strength of human touch, I will touch you. If you need to be held, I will hold you. I will lie naked in body with you if that be your need. If you need fulfillment of the flesh, I will give you that also, but only through my love.

I will try to be constant with you so that you will understand the core of my personality and from that understanding you can gain strength and security that I am acting as me. I may falter with my moods. I may project, at times, a strangeness that is alien to you which may bewilder or frighten you. There will be times when you question my motives. But because people are never constant and are as changeable as the seasons, I will try to build up within you a faith in my fundamental attitude and show you that my inconsistency is only for the moment and not a lasting part of me. I will show you love now. Each and every day, for each day is a lifetime. Every day we live, we learn more how to love. I will not defer my love nor neglect it, for if I wait until tomorrow, tomorrow never comes. It is like a cloud in the sky, passing by. They always do, you know!

If I give you kindness and understanding, then I will receive your faith. If I give hate and dishonesty, I will receive your distrust. If I give you fear and am afraid, you will become afraid and fear me. I will give to you what I need to receive

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 06/12/14 03:19 AM
I don't have much to give you
in the way of material things.
But then, I have never been a material person . . .
so it wouldn't matter much anyway.
I do have something to give you, though . .
and I hope you accept this gift with joy.
I have chosen not to wrap it . . .
I want it to be presented to you
as pristine as can be.
And anyway, decorations or wrappings would
certainly ruin the effect.
And so it is . . . that I stand before you . .
unclothed, but surprisingly, unashamed
of my nakedness.
You have already captured a piece of my heart,
and you have captivated my soul.
The only thing left for me to present to you
is my very being . . . and I do that willingly,
happily, and most of all . . . lovingly.
Standing before you . . . watching your every movement . .
seeing the desire in your eyes
for the very first time.
I don't believe in all of my life,
I have ever witnessed a moment
as beautiful as this.
Neither one of us can speak . . .
and we are finding, even breathing, is difficult.
Your heartbeat is pounding out a rhythm
that almost assaults my ears.
I can hear it from where I stand across from you . . .
and every beat speaks of your love for me.
I am giving you this gift tonight,
because I desperately want you to look inside.
I want you to open this package that I offer you,
slowly . . . lovingly . . . sensuously . . .
and search for what lies within.
You don't have to look far, you know . .
everything I feel for you is just below the surface.
So it shouldn't take long for you
to discover the beauty awaiting you there.
Go ahead . . . open this gift as a child would
on a snowy Christmas morning . . .
in a hurried fashion . . . rather like a frenzy, if you will.
But once that initial gift is opened . .
and the passion subsides . . .
Please promise me
that this gift I give you . . .
this gift of myself . . .
is only just the beginning

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 06/12/14 03:18 AM
I don't have much to give you
in the way of material things.
But then, I have never been a material person . . .
so it wouldn't matter much anyway.
I do have something to give you, though . .
and I hope you accept this gift with joy.
I have chosen not to wrap it . . .
I want it to be presented to you
as pristine as can be.
And anyway, decorations or wrappings would
certainly ruin the effect.
And so it is . . . that I stand before you . .
unclothed, but surprisingly, unashamed
of my nakedness.
You have already captured a piece of my heart,
and you have captivated my soul.
The only thing left for me to present to you
is my very being . . . and I do that willingly,
happily, and most of all . . . lovingly.
Standing before you . . . watching your every movement . .
seeing the desire in your eyes
for the very first time.
I don't believe in all of my life,
I have ever witnessed a moment
as beautiful as this.
Neither one of us can speak . . .
and we are finding, even breathing, is difficult.
Your heartbeat is pounding out a rhythm
that almost assaults my ears.
I can hear it from where I stand across from you . . .
and every beat speaks of your love for me.
I am giving you this gift tonight,
because I desperately want you to look inside.
I want you to open this package that I offer you,
slowly . . . lovingly . . . sensuously . . .
and search for what lies within.
You don't have to look far, you know . .
everything I feel for you is just below the surface.
So it shouldn't take long for you
to discover the beauty awaiting you there.
Go ahead . . . open this gift as a child would
on a snowy Christmas morning . . .
in a hurried fashion . . . rather like a frenzy, if you will.
But once that initial gift is opened . .
and the passion subsides . . .
Please promise me
that this gift I give you . . .
this gift of myself . . .
is only just the beginning

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 06/11/14 01:32 AM
You ever have that feeling you want to talk some of the time I do. Then there are times I don't feel the need to talk or vent or share. I can be self-contained, independent, and private. I like living life in my head. I like keeping some of my secrets..don't we all? But I don't know...sometimes i want to talk, other times I want to listen. I am that person people can talk to me about anything I don't cause any drama and I love being happy and joking around. It would be great if I found someone I can open up to feel confident they are really interested. Someone who like similar things or completely opposite things. Maybe get into a heated discussion, who knows. Just someone to talk to & not feel judged I have had real friends who I can trust and be with in the military, beyond that...but change had a way of arriving unexpectedly and over time you lose contact, our lives take us in different directions...some die..some change..But over the last few years something has just gotten worse, at times great.I have tried to talk to people but no body understands me, they don't seem to understand I can be smiley, sincere, sociable, I can be upset, confused and in a shell..just as anyone. People always come to me when they want to vent, talk and knowing how comfortable it is. But it feels like when I need someone to talk to, there's no one. Not even those who vent to me. I've learned to keep everything bottled up but I know it's not a good thing. I Feel So Alone i once had a really good friend and we told each other everything he committed suicide now i dont have anyone to talk with to the extent we did. There are times i really need to express myself to some one and tell them everything i get really sad holding it all in and it gets hard sometimes dealing with now I write. I wish I could find more people to talk to, it's been a long struggle being the approacher and not getting much back in return. I wish people would also put effort in talking back and so on

ArdentMan's photo
Sun 06/08/14 01:56 AM

There are times I'm lonely , I don't hesitate admitting it..I often reflect on my singularity. Missing the companionship of a woman.
I do enjoy the friendship and companionship of woman because I am by instinct�no how to enjoy the organic affinity between us...the joyousness and tenderness that can be produced..
But when you're deprived of it for a lengthy period then you value human companionship more. But I have to survive and so i devise all kinds of mental exercises if there no reason to celebrate not having companionship. It's not just about eroticism and sexuality, it's starts with communication, absence of judgements of any kind, trust and Someone who cannot ever be tempted away
by youth, beauty, money, bribes.I personally never been tempted by those things.
Although I am human, I do enjoy making love�if that moment arise my goal is to feel my emotions. If there is a social and physical attraction..If she feels hers then we can make love with emotions, followed by affection it should be so omnipotent.
The value of the personal relationship to all things is that it creates intimacy and intimacy creates understanding and understanding creates love.
So I've learned Patience is the companion of wisdom
Age has given me the gift of me; it just gave me what I was always longing for, which was to get to be a woman who can accept me for who I am, my inconsistentsies, my flaws , but knowing when I'm with her I shall attempt to make her fell she is the most important woman in the world.

ArdentMan's photo
Sat 06/07/14 01:20 AM
Acknowledgement of a supreme quality i felt by the visual artistry of you when the aesthetic image was first conceived in my imagination

The radiance of which your presence speaks is so realistic, make me remember the limitations of being human
My mind in that mysterious instant lost control of bodily functions.
My knees start to shake,
My mind is filled with wonder,
My heart with fright
The instant wherein that I was in supreme quality of your presence engaging in a dignified dialogue, your integrity was profuse. the clear radiance of the aesthetic image, is apprehended luminously by my mind which has been arrested by its wholeness and i was fascinated by the harmony of your voice especially when blended into chords pleasing to the ear.
Yes you are the luminous silent stasis throwing off my senses.
Almost putting me in a cardiac condition whic I called the enchantment of the heart.

Your personality your character refines itself almost out of� normal existence so to speak. life purified in and reprojected from the human imagination. The mystery is that of material creation is accomplished. The artist, like the God which created you...a phenomenal treasure remains within� you almost above his handiwork, refined out of

ArdentMan's photo
Thu 06/05/14 01:36 AM
I �could not believe what she was about to do, �before we knew that it
was wrong, but curiosity had brought us here. Now that we have stared
temptation right in the lace so many times, i realized that I was not
as strong as was she was. She told herself that there was a chance
that she was dreaming again, but she knew this was a lie because she
stated my touch felt too real.

we sat on the edge of his bed as my massive hands massaged her neck.
With each rub she felt herself drifting back closer and closer to my
chest. I whispered something into her ear, but she could not
understand me because she �was to intoxicate by my touch, I was
inebriated by the sweet smell of her aroman, the softness of her skin
was like holding a infant baby.. that sensation had overrode all of
the other sensors in our brains i assume I �spoke a little louder,
bringing her back to reality. I asked her if she was okay, she
responded by simply nodding her head. She was not okay though, this
was wrong and she knew that she needed to leave before it was too
late.I didn't want her to leave.. She needed to leave but her body
wanted to stay. As she prepared an excuse, I began to passionately
kiss her neck. we bothe knew then that it was already too late.

No other words were spoken. I turned her around and kissed her like
she was the love of his . Slowly he laid her down onto the bed and
then he stood up to remove his clothes. My body once looked like it
had been sculpted by Michelangelo but now im still proud of my
physical appearance i removed her clothes, piece by piece,
I started off slow and I definitely knew what I wanted to do. As I
slowly undressed her, taking my time to marvel over every inch of her
body. slowly revealing everything i had previous imagine about her,
�I wanted to make her feel like she was a queen and like she was the
most beautiful woman in the world.

foreplay was an art to me, something not to be rushed. I started at
her neck, gently sucking not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard
enough to raise her body temperature. Easily �made my way down to her
breast. I twirled my tongue around her areola before I slipped her
entire nipple in and out of my mouth. It felt so good that she thought
that the feeling could not get any better. That was until i kept her
nipple inside of my mouth and began twirling my tongue around her
nipple while sucking at the same time. He was driving her wild. Her
body began to move to the rhythm of my tongue. She moaned and begged
me not to stop. She completely � � �it when i sensually slipped two
fingers inside of her wetness. My tongue and fingers move in synch
with each another, slowly guiding her to an unknown territory named

She tried to fight it but her body would not let her, it felt as if
the oxygen had left the room. IM �hoping She felt a warm tingty
feeling start at her clitoris and before she could react that feeling
shot through her entire body. Her muscles begin rigid as she grabbed
ahold of the sheets and let the sensation take over her body as i
watched.. This was �a whole new realm that i wanted to introduced to
her to and hoping she gets an appetite for it, she greedily wanted
more and more.

Four hours later, after I had taught her the true meaning of the word
euphoria, she now stared at him as he lay asleep

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 06/04/14 12:27 AM

Ordinary people like me believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible
If you pursue happiness, you are an ordinary person. If happiness pursues you, you are an extraordinary person. Do not chase happiness; let it chase you.
A well-trained mind responded to symptoms.
An ordinary mind reacted after it happened
Things don’t have to be extraordinary to be beautiful. Even the ordinary can be beautiful

ArdentMan's photo
Wed 06/04/14 12:21 AM
I am an ordinary man;
The common guy on the street;
I am the everyday man;
Ordinarily simple and honest;
I have ordinary taste;
And not overly ambitious;

I have a modest job;
With a minimal pay;
Trying to raise my family;
But can rarely afford luxuries..
I have the typical worries;
Of every human person

I love my family,
I pledge my faith with god,
I am law abiding and I fear violence;
I will walk the park when I am free;
Have my coffee with the morning papers;

Happy am I as an ordinary guy;
With no special taste or preferences;
My happiness are always easy to achieve;

Should you and me cross path ;
By chance on a crowded street,
You wouldn't notice this common face;
And we will go our own ways;
In this ordinary world...
To pursue our ordinary lives...
As common everday objects