Community > Posts By > starsmoonearth

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Sun 10/18/09 07:45 AM
Let them be who they are, give them space to feel them out . Do not be to quick to impart your order or rules unto them. Let it be a slow integration process, where u are learning as well . Do not be static but with an open mind if u allow it all of can be happy. patience and love.

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Sun 10/18/09 07:40 AM
The evolution of learning has truly eluded this individual

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Sun 10/18/09 07:19 AM
So many theories , thoughts , precepts of the order of things.So many aspects are involved within this matrix which harbors the us as a being.
I seek to question not or even decipher it .The , the matrix ,the universe it is my reflection ,i consider not the fallacies of decision making,such be my intuition based on decisions that with that reaction a different outcome is created but with each one come another path having created , . I cannot create a perfect path as all paths change based on the relativity of my decisions having the power to divert me to where i wish to go.Do i make n intuitive decisions , and reflect weather i should not have and i should have are just wasted energy.. it matters not. the order of life and the universe will continue. T ..

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Sun 10/18/09 06:35 AM
perhaps in order to not quit but yet to understand the other for the sake of the weak may seek to elevate her understanding to another plateau ,embrace the evolution of learning .

u are agreed.

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Sat 10/17/09 09:10 PM
Edited by starsmoonearth on Sat 10/17/09 09:11 PM
Such strength ,dormant though it be is within you. Remove the garment of deception that you yourself have chosen Your current state is a reflection that you are not the master of your life. As you give strength to that which is easy to, For untruths are easily to come , easily explolded and their comforts are only temperal. Take up the challenge to be you. Just do it

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Sat 10/17/09 08:15 PM
Mundus vult decipi

Tis true....

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Sat 10/17/09 10:56 AM
to answer your question: (i am not Jamaican) but i think you need to go out more. The world has and is changing continually, perhaps the few girls u approached mayhaps a different form or attitude of approach is necessary depending on your preference. I a wondering how many Jamaican girls u are speaking of.

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Sat 10/17/09 10:39 AM
well i for did dine with the devil and all his angelic beings . and i can can say is , to me they are nothing and are only strong as my fears or or what lingers in my subconscious from past obscenities. some much floating around. I lsep in a house where i was told a young beautiful girl died and keeps walking around at nights. I was disappointed she did not show up , was no fun sleeping alone

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Sat 10/17/09 10:23 AM
Is not the response to the opposite of what is presumed or presumed as granted has to same effect in what is implied based on the response you wish to conjure or bestow per say the feeling of adequacy. Perhaps is a misconcception with us ( human) in the area of growth per say,. A most given response is based on the emotion which when not understood is given power to make decisions, but if we go beyond the emotions and seek out the virtues which is us and which comprises us then we will know not based on a feeling but on a intellectual insight or power understanding all things and is needful for removing the feeling of inadequacy from another.

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Thu 10/15/09 04:11 PM
Single and reaching out.. any females interested in a social outing or sorts please feel free to contact moi

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Wed 10/14/09 06:39 AM
Hi there: I just scan emails without a through read. I find it is easy for me to analyze an individual.Am i a shallow species?Lets see. I traveled around the world to find a little girl. took me 2 yrs , sacrifice all my possessions to find her.Braved accusations , famine and pestilence with my eys on the prize.Went to school , got a masters. Scuba dived , hangliding , lost my house , lived on the streets , fought and got back control of my life and here i am .


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Mon 10/12/09 02:42 PM
One can say the words to caress the heart of another. One can say the words without meaning to connect to the soul of another. Love. The true essence of it will never lose its power if uttered not to deceive or corrupt but in infallible truth when spoken shall indeed make the heart glad , shall soothe and make glad the heart of children and adult alike.

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Mon 10/12/09 02:23 PM
self acct: Society broken down to the individual, to the one. As an excuse for the individual frailty or weakness , a label is put on that individual to represent a habit or illness thus leading to represent that that someone has an affliction that is beyond his or her ability to help oneself. Wherein truth that individual is responsible for every action in that person course of life. A decision or a reaction to a circumstance do bring bring about the fruits of that decision.. good or bad , the individual is responsible for that which he or she or they have created.

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Mon 10/12/09 08:25 AM
The pit is your creation. heaven and hell are inward states. change the way u think.. u are a god..

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Mon 10/12/09 08:22 AM
I totally agree.. we are gods.. for we with our thoughts we create , we exist.. In agreement

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Sun 10/11/09 03:01 PM
Death:What is there to fear in it or of it. Is not the Planet our teacher. All things die . We shall die , for me there is no fear ,if there were yet i will ask the reason there of. If i have discerned fear in myself , then prhaps i am not complete .I have not yet embrace the evolution of intelligence but rather have give in to base unintelligent desire that would manifest outwardly in my life. On the contray i i will embrace that which complets me. I will seek out the hidden virtues in myself and feed it forthwith growth in understanding i shall reap and in so doing i shall understand death and i shall not fear for it .It is part of the order of things.

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Sun 10/11/09 02:47 PM
Edited by starsmoonearth on Sun 10/11/09 02:48 PM
religion: for us or for the individual/ I dare not speak or utter for the body on the whole as to the beneficial influence to us. But to the one as in my self as an individual i dare spek with a certaintainty ,not with utterance that would protray traits that thread to arguments but with understanding and experience i will say that religion for myself i have at one time entertained and discarded as i have seen it as just anothers method of control and dictation to produce an ordered society whoses fear in a spritual goverment to pleases a deity do lead to a conformation to the laws of man whom in their eyes dictate to us what is right and wrong.
I am me .. iam free and not bounded nor alienated by such things but on the whole i respect all who entertain beliefs and conviction in that wherein they were raised , not being free. my own truth i shall seek out.

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Sun 10/11/09 10:05 AM
Toss all that medication out. save the child. embrace him , love him , patience him.Talk to him . communicate. look and listen, you will find it, it is there. that money you spend use it for his activities. find him for he wants to be found.

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Sun 10/11/09 10:00 AM
ADhd; Foget it , it does not exsit ,if it does then i am adhd . Embrace the child with other avenues to release that abundant energy. We are all adhd , do you remember you childhood. Well they missed me. The child only needs to be understood with a lot of patience . The world has changed , there is no more room within for patience and the wild mustang running and roamang free .

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Sun 10/11/09 09:45 AM
Edited by starsmoonearth on Sun 10/11/09 09:51 AM
Your are a powerful being . Your strengths and weakness are not another;s but your own. Do not think of the dream all that , get it out your head, do not feed it for it will only recur.Do you utmost best at night to put something in your head before bedtime, a good book , nothing terrifying to trigger any memory of such things. Find your fear and embrace it, find the root cause inside you find embrace it , let it go. It is weak it is u making it strong.