Community > Posts By > Eckani

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Sun 10/04/09 12:53 PM

Go with your gut feeling...
Yes!it knows when you don't!

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Sun 10/04/09 11:57 AM

:heart:What do you do when you can't find the one for you?:heart:

happy Do you give up?happy

bigsmile Or keep pushing for the dream?bigsmile

Once it became obvious that compatible people had become extinct, there was really no reason to keep looking....
Exactly, I don't see the point in doing so anymore... besides I don't want to inflict myself on someone!

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Sun 10/04/09 11:34 AM

flowerforyou I gave up a long time ago flowerforyou
Ya! what you said! 16years now:smile:

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Sun 10/04/09 09:48 AM

JB your question has been answered in so many ways on this post.You dont see, because your eyes of understanding are covered.flowerforyou

Its a spiritual understanding that you lack and no HUMAN being can give that to you. A blind man cannot read a book without braile. You cannot make him see.flowerforyou

You have been given enough food for a feast and yet you cannot digest a small meal.flowerforyou

No one can give you the enlightenment that you seek.flowerforyou

It is not a gift that you can receive from man.flowerforyou

It is a divine understanding that comes from God Himself.flowerforyou

Your Pursuit is in Vain.flowerforyou

You are asking the wrong ones for an answer to this question they cannot provide you. And you dont see that. This is why you feel your
question has not been answered. When actually it has been answered more than once.flowerforyou

Please do not take my comment in a negative tone. I say this respectfully. You need understanding from the one your questioning. If i have a problem with you, or a question about you, I will ask you, and not joe the plumber.flowerforyou

Redirect your question, to the One your question is about. Why He would answer you, just as much as anyone else would answer you had you questioned them.flowerforyou

And in fact He has ansered you!flowerforyou

You either cannot recieve it, dont receive it and will not accept it.flowerforyou

But you have been answered!flowerforyou


I think you misinterpret me completely.

I do not seek enlightenment. I am asking a certain kind of person to question what they have been taught to believe about the term "GOD" so that they can find their own personal enlightenment.

I ask them to not speak of "God" (to me) unless they can define that term.

You still speak of "God" as if you are not God.

You still speak of "God" as if HE created YOU.

You speak of "God" as if you were separate from God, and yet you claim that God is all, Omnipotent,Omniscient,and Omnipresence.

This means that you ARE God.

So for me to "ask God" would simply mean for me to "ask myself."

The questions I ask are for those people who separate themselves from that which is.

They are for the people who would claim that God is a supreme being, a male, who created man after his own image, and then wrote a book (The Bible) which they claim is "HIS word."

Question that. I question that. I am just asking these people to question that.

That is all.

You are God. flowerforyou

I Wonder why people find this so hard to know! (You are God or we are) Oh! I keep forgetting people don't qustion there pre-programing, they don't say, well I wonder if what I have been told is true? They just follow the program, with out looking? What if, what you have been told is not true,you all don't ask that! WHY,WHY WHY,don't you ask that? Is what I have ben told ture,it's really simple to ask,really it is!

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Sun 10/04/09 09:11 AM
(Now if you're going to try to tell me that your beliefs are going to control when it rains, and when you're car's going to break down, or things like that, then I think you'd have to come up with some evidence to back up that claim.) Yes there is proof, provided you accept science as proof, quantum physics has proved this time and time again if you want to do the research. Of course if you don't believe in science, then you have to rely on your own personal experience, and even in the psychological sciences(if you want to call them that) have experimented with this from backwards upside down to stand on your head, the effect is the same you're thinking affects other objects. And the thing I'm trying to tell people is look, you can see it, I don't need to try to convince anybody. If you take the time to look for yourself then it does become self-evident and I'm not sure why people want to dispute this when they haven't even looked or trying to look. The idea is for you to have your own experience with it, that's all that simple! Anybody can try this experiment, take two plants and separate them, the one you come around it when you're in a good mood and feeling fine and loving, water and do whether you need to, the second plant you only go around when you're angry or in a bad mood, and attended at, and see what happens. So I don't know why this statement I made isn't relevant to this, it is showing you the same thing, if you choose not to recognize it as that oh well then don't. Because it has the same affect on you whether you see it or not, because life becomes a whole lot more fun when you do!

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Fri 10/02/09 06:43 AM
Edited by Eckani on Fri 10/02/09 06:44 AM

Wow, I have been alone so long that I honestly don't know if I can share my space again....and truthfully that scares me. I have actually thought about this!

Same here. I'm not sure i could handle criticism about the way I do things, when I go to sleep or what to watch or do during the day. I thought about it too, I don't know if i could ever handle it after this long. ohwell
I think there is a lot more of use than we know, because I feel that to

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Fri 10/02/09 06:33 AM
Upon exiting the interstate on the exit ramp, a gentleman came upon a couple of cars ahead of him at the stop sign, the driver of the front car seemed to be a little reluctant to go, and as the minutes passed a line developed behind him, after a short time he heard somebody from the back pipe in and say the sign says stop not give up.

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Fri 10/02/09 06:23 AM
Edited by Eckani on Fri 10/02/09 06:23 AM
This elderly couple had a cat that was more like a part of the family, so when it took ill, they immediately took it to the vet! The vet examined it, gave it a shot or two and some prescription medication. With that being done the wife brought the cat and the medication and handed them to her husband while she went to pay for it. While she's doing that he read this the warning message on the bottle, do not operate heavy machinery or equipment while in use, he pauses for a moment and scratches his head and then says Martha I know what the cat does while we're away!

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Fri 10/02/09 05:42 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
yes excellentlaugh laugh laugh

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Fri 10/02/09 05:22 AM
I have an older daughter who happens to be blonde, and she does have her blonde moments: on those long weekends that we get,(she lives about 4 hours away-In Wisconson) she came to visit her younger sister, her younger sister's husband is in the Army reserve and was doing his time over in Iraq for a year, and we're all talking about it, the oldest daughter asked where did you say he was, my youngest daughter said Iraq, my oldest daughter's response to that was well great you can visit him on weekends?????????

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Fri 10/02/09 05:04 AM
I need to share this with my five kids, they tend to forget this.

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Fri 10/02/09 04:58 AM
laugh It sounds like a couple people I know, but very kind and loving people they are.

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Fri 10/02/09 04:50 AM
:heart: Love in action. always wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fri 10/02/09 04:43 AM
My intention was to meet someone, but with all the wonderful people here on the forums, that intention has dwindled, but don't get me wrong, it certainly would be nice, and like somebody here said, I simply miss the intimacy that can exist between two people who really care about each other. I myself am fairly new here, and would love to have friends like you, if you will have me? And then at some point maybe more with someone? Eckani

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Fri 10/02/09 03:37 AM
I try to comment on topicless... is this an incarnation of that? kind of? Reading some of the posts, what wonderfull people here, it is very much a privilege to read.

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Fri 10/02/09 03:03 AM
Edited by Eckani on Fri 10/02/09 03:06 AM

I don't know for sure where I heard this but I thought it was cute, despite what Westerners think, jesus is not blue-eyed blonde from California!

How would you know? Do you have some inside information about who Jesus was and what he looked like? I doubt it.

It is well known that Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew from Palestine .
He became a Christians and lost his life in a very violent way .
As a mere person he could not save his own skin .
I think anyone who thinks Jesus is God or the son of God is living in delusion ......flowerforyou flowerforyou .
Ya.what they said,thats why it's cute-(Middle Eastern Jew from Palestine)

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Fri 10/02/09 01:08 AM

I don't know for sure where I heard this but I thought it was cute, despite what Westerners think, jesus is not blue-eyed blonde from California!

How would you know? Do you have some inside information about who Jesus was and what he looked like? I doubt it.
no I just thought it was cute, he very well could have been, it's just interesting that we project these images on historical figures, like Napoleon or Caesar you see a picture in your mind, for all we know is Caesar was an Eskimo? I just thought the image projection was cute.

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Thu 10/01/09 07:05 PM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.
apparently you didn't know!

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Thu 10/01/09 06:22 PM
Edited by Eckani on Thu 10/01/09 07:01 PM

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth.

correct and just because you say it's self evident doesn't make it self evident.
Of course not, geez people, what I'm saying is look at it for your self, take a hard look, look, look, look, how can I be any clearer than that, when you examine your thinking and the results, it's there. One way, is to change our judgment on something whatever it might be and then see what happens, like say, why is this a good day or a bad day, what kind of thinking has caused it to be one way or the other? And then it's entirely up to you how you respond to it, the thinking that is. And that has an effect on your body, look at when you're stressed what happens to the body look at when you're happy what happens to the body, look at it, pay attention, it's there for you to see. Now thoughts have a measurable energy way, and everything that exists also a has a measurable wave energy, so why then would your thinking not have an effect on it, since it is energy that can be directed or not, but we do not see it!Eckani

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Thu 10/01/09 05:06 PM
Edited by Eckani on Thu 10/01/09 05:20 PM

I will share A little secret - and the only reason it's a secret is because no one wants to hear - is that your life is (absolutely and totally) a reflection of your own (beliefs and thoughts)and point of view.

ok, first you say (and I doubt this is original thought but I'll go with it at the moment)... you shape your own destiny...

Your (beliefs) come first,and life is shaped accordingly. No matter what you believe, the universe will provide you with situations and evidence consistent with your belief.

now you say, the universe provides your experience for you (this is a direct contradiction to the above statement that your life is 'absolutely and totally a reflection of your own beliefs".. you have the tought, and the universe provides you the proof evidence conditions circumstances of that thinking so how does that contradict itself?

You are really the sole auther of your personal experience. This is self evident, just look! There is nothing to prove in this statement,

of course not, it's back to the original thought, which is in direct contradiction to the second... so let me ask you this, what's the difference between a good day and a bad day, the only difference is what you think. Because the day itself is doing just fine.

you are the evidence, This tends to be a slap in the face to religion, because of its truth.Eckani

uhm, just because you say it does not make it the truth. Go back and read the book again, perhaps make direct quotes... I am sure the book you got this from did a better job at trying to explain it than you have... and that's why I said to look for your self, and I would rather you didn't believe it, but have your own experience of it, then you will know, no doubt

OY VEY!! sorry don't know how to do this,quote thing yetbigsmile

frustrated drinker

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