Community > Posts By > Eckani

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Thu 10/01/09 04:29 PM
I don't know for sure where I heard this but I thought it was cute, despite what Westerners think, jesus is not blue-eyed blonde from California!

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Thu 10/01/09 03:47 PM
Edited by Eckani on Thu 10/01/09 03:51 PM
Consider this? Most of us are aware of that corporations or companies are in business to make money they do not base their decisions on unquantifiable information because their bottom line, is cash flow. Do you know how all the drug companies decide whether to market a product or not, they compare it to the placebo effect, if it is 5% better than the placebo effect, they market it. For those who may not know what the placebo effect is, I will explain it, it is when a company takes a certain number of people, that number can vary of course, they give sugar pills to half and the others they give the medication to and then see which one does better, and as a whole they find the placebo effect has far greater results than the medication and of course they will not tell you this because then they can't make money from you and that is their agenda to make money.If knowledge of this fact wasn't quantifiable you better believe they would not based their decisions on it. (Reference this)Bruce Lipton - Try It On Everything - Youtube for placebo effect. Eckani

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Thu 10/01/09 03:24 PM
I wonder what causes people not to see this, is it the same thing that causes them not to see their shoe is untide their fly is open their missing a button from their shirt or blouse, and I also wonder why they choose to deny it before they've looked at it. I don't get that, oh wait, I keep forgetting people function on automatic program thinking, they don't stop themselves to consider that what they are thinking may not be correct, because 95% of what they tought yesterday they thought today and tomorrow and a week later and a month later, same thoughts different day and they don't even notice this happening, there sure are a lot of people asleep at the wheel. Eckani

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Tue 09/29/09 08:45 PM
I will share A little secret - and the only reason it's a secret is because no one wants to hear - is that your life is (absolutely and totally) a reflection of your own (beliefs and thoughts)and point of view. Your (beliefs) come first,and life is shaped accordingly. No matter what you believe, the universe will provide you with situations and evidence consistent with your belief. You are really the sole auther of your personal experience. This is self evident, just look! There is nothing to prove in this statement, you are the evidence, just look! This tends to be a slap in the face to religion, because of its truth.Eckani

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Sun 09/27/09 12:34 AM
Fri 09/18/09 06:45 AMAssuming they didn't show up on our doorstep..... I mean if we're just talking about having detected the presence of life 'out there', the distance would preclude us from ever interacting with that life, so there would be no way for that life to contradict any of the religious beliefs here on earth. I think they'd be fine with that.

I think the problems would occur if we were actually visited by alien life. And I do think that would unsettle not just religions, but everyone. Anyone (anything?) that would have the technology to visit us would effectively be higher on the food chain, lol. I think the concerns here would be bigger than figuring out whether they have the same religion.

When first contact is made with aliens, everyone will find out how primitive religions thinking is. I feel kind of bad for those who are religious because it's going to rip the foundation of their system out from under them. But I will feel happy for those of us who know better and it is knowing, and not a faith. I will see if I can describe this knowing, let's say you have a child around, and you have a scented candle on the coffee table, and kids being what they are curious will want to check it out, so he reaches out to touch it, and you say no hot, but for the child in that moment hot has no meaning he has no reference point to understand hot by, until he reaches out to touch it, then hot is no longer a concept it's a knowing, the direct experience of it has showed him what hot means. The direct internal experience that we had shows us the primitive nature of religion. But that doesn't mean you can't cling to it for as long as you can that's up to you! But the time will come when you will know better.Eckani

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Sat 09/26/09 09:42 AM
This is from youtube (George Carlin - Religion is ********) In the bull **** department, a businessman can't hold a candle to a clergymen, cause I got to tell you the truth folks, when it comes to bull ****, big time major league bull ****, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion, no contest. Religion easily has the greatest bull **** story ever told, think about it, religion has actually convinced people that there is an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do every minute of every day, and this invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does not want to to do, and if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place full of fire, smoke, burning, full of torture, angwish, that he will send you to live, and suffer, and burn, and choke, and scream, and cry, forever and ever on untill the end of time. But he loves you?????? and he needs money, he always needs money, he is all perfect all knowing all wise, but somehow just can't handle money. Religion takes in billions of dollars, and pay no taxes, and they always need a little more, now you talk about a good bull **** story, holy ****!!!!! But I want you to know something, and this is sincere I really try to believe in God, I really really try to believe there is a God who created us in his likeness and image, loves us very much and keeps a close eye on everything, but I got tell Ya, the longer you live the more you realize, that something is F----UP, something is wrong here, war, disease, destruction, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption and the Ice Capades, this is not good work, if this is the best work God can do I'm not impressed, results like these do not belong on a resume of a supreme being, this is something you would expect from an office temp with a bad attitude, just between you and me in any decently run universe this guy would be out on his all powerful *** a long time ago, and by the way I say this guy, I firmly believe that looking at these results, that God has to be a man because no woman could or would ever F---- things up this bad! If there is a God most reasonable people might agree that he is at least incompetent, and maybe just maybe doesn't give a ****! So I decided to look around for something else to worship, something I could really count on, so I immediately thought of the sun, happened like that, overnight I become a son were worship, well not overnight can't see the sun at night, but first thing in the morning, several reasons, first of all I can see the sun, unlike some other gods mentioned, you can actually see the sun, I am kind of big on that, I don't know, it kind of helps the credibility, so every day I can see the sun, it gives me everything I need, heat, light, food, flowers in the park, reflections on the lake, and ocational skin cancer, but hey, at least there's no crucifixions, and were not setten people on fire because they don't agree with us, sun worship is fairly simple, no mystery no miracles no pagintry, it doesn't ask for money, no songs to learn, and there is mo special building to gather in to compare clothing! The best thing about the sun is and never tells me I'm unworthy, or that I'm a bad person that need to be saved, and has never said an unkind word and treats me fine. There is if you care to look!? eckani

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Wed 09/23/09 05:30 PM

People who say they 'don't question God' also probably don't question authority.

Any authority.
Ever since I was about 6 or 7 years old I wounder about this,why don't people ask question, they just take what ever there fed,and take it hole. Did any notice this (Lets get the message right.The Bible as it says said in Gen. chapter 1:26 and i quote "and God said,let Us make man in our image,after Our likeness),- let (((( Us ))))) make man? I wounder, who is us? I'am sure glad it's quote or religion would say I jusk made it up, the us part.

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