like a con artist or gold digger??
what do you mean by scammer?? did he ask for your credit card number ???
am here for a keychain.
maybe the rib thingy.. but no not about the dna structrue of a man turning into a perfect curve. or the translation of the bible saying God took the rib being a a poor translation older more acrute translations say curve out of adam. I am sure if you research there will be something on the internet about it if you need anyhelp let me know phill
ok you get first place come over here and get your prize
ok you get first place come over here and get your prize
hay its bs they earsed my hottest girl on jhs why is it ok to do the hottest guy.. by they I meann that bull dog dike
I thought getting bit in the booty was like first prize or something
I want to enter this hottest guy contest is this the right place
just wanted to say...
actually here am going to take back that flower. email me add me to messanger
just wanted to say...
actually here am going to take back that flower. email me add me to messanger
just wanted to say...
hay I wanted to write you but I think your restrictions kept me from saying hello anyways lol good morning princess.
jerk on t.v.again!
Hay that reminds me lol bush didnt give libby a full parden so libby has fith amadment rights and doesnt have to talk about how he is big mouth narc. that rats on his own kind. not try to argue clinton shouldnt of parden his friends, clinton just wasnt as smart as the crimanal bush.
heres something interesting about adam and eve. when they finished mapping the dna of humans a few years back a scientist noticed that women have dna structure that men dont have he ran a program that took a month and tried to see were it would fit in that mans dna structure and when it was done instead of looking like a spiral the dna was a perfect curve.. in the bible it says God took the curve out of adam, poor and bad tranlastion say god took the rib but thats not acruate neither is my spelling. but on the liter side if its true god used a rib then that proves adam wasnt black cause I have never seen a black man give up a rib.j/p
phill |
I would rather....
gross thats like me with long hair and more facial hair.
pen pal stabs pal with pen
if I ever go on trail I want a black jury diffently. not to stereotype to much but I went to a theater once with all black people they like to get in volved in what they watch you would diffently know if you were guilty.
pen pal stabs pal with pen
a group of right wing nuts believe that global warming is caused by over activety in hell do to the out breack of aids in the 80's they say that hell is bieng filled to fast causing climate change and average tempature to raise year after year. one cristian took a more scientific aproach and siad it was a natural cycle "look at the ice ages that had happen in the past" I think he forgot he was telling people yesterday the earth was only ten thousand years old.
pen pal stabs pal with pen
welcome wagon runs over new comer, bush passes iq test.
have you heard any crazy news lately? |
am happy that we have a notice committe other wise people like me might go unnotice when we are not noticing stuff like notices.. I am sorrie you probally noticed that I am a bad speller. thank-you for noticing
phill |
am sorrie frank I am just jelous cause ive been bad to