After the fall of Rome, there was a Dark Age that lasted over 500 years...and that was before the advent of high-explosives, long-range missiles or thermonuclear weapons were developed. As Einstein said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Personally, I would favor having the United States to return to its Pre-WWI isolationist philosophy, close up its borders tight and let the rest of the world fight over the scraps of civilization. Unfortunately, the existence of nuclear weapons takes that option off the table. Even if we were not actually attacked, the overall destruction of the planet will eventually work its ways to our shores via radiation and/or nuclear winter. Hmmmph. Mankind has the same strengths and weaknesses wherever their geography is, just in different ratios. Western concepts aside, life goes on and there will always be great nations, with or without us. |
As the dollar goes, so does the rest of the planet... there won't be another superpower, once that happens and the smoke clears, for quite a long time. I don't know about that. Perhaps the term 'superpower' is the wrong choice, being a western concept and all. There have been great nations and cultures long before the US or it's dollar were ever even heard of. Life goes on. |
It's not if the fiat currency system will collapse, but when. It's not if someone else will become a 'superpower', but when. Such is life. |
Biden has like Dementia or Alzheimer's there is no way that man will last 4 years "like that"... Biden has been like that through his whole Washington career. Joe Biden's first failed Presidential run: Some of his Biden Moments over the years: My personal favorite was when he told the Missouri Senator in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow... and yet more: "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed." -- Biden, 2008, in a CBS interview.
My favorite of that article....FDR wasn't president in 1929 and TV was in the preliminary stages...this coming from a man serving as a state senator for 36 years. The effects of the crash lasted a decade. If FDR had kept his hands out of the matter, the system would have recovered on its own. Just like the 8 year great recession we just experienced, once you stopped the liberal interference the economy took off on its own. The answer isn't more Government and bureaucracy. These fluxes happen all the time. Most people don't know that we've had multiple recessions/depressions throughout the country's history. One of the main reasons why the 3rd version of the Federal Reserve was created was to stop the economic roller-coaster. Obviously, it was extremely effective since we had the Great Depression less than 2 decades later. The difference between now and then is that we currently have a fiat currency that is not backed by anything physical (gold, silver, oil, etc). Back in the 30s Government was restricted by how much money they could print because of the restrictions of their gold reserves. Today, no such restrictions exist and they just print money. Eventually, the system will collapse when you need a wheelbarrow full of dollar bills to buy a loaf of bread. Maybe. Backseat 'what if's" are numerous, but still only supposition. |
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Sun 05/24/20 03:00 PM
Alan Dershowitz, DEM laywer says YES, the state has every right to plunge the needle into your arm. (from The Blaze radio media and Dershowitz on YouTube). Would YOU fight getting the shot? We have the 'right' to refuse. I do not think such authority is specifically in the constitution, and therefore is more of a state issue. States may decide for the 'common welfare' of the public to mandate shots, I think. I am not sure. In Ohio, we had a form to opt out of shots. However, such form comes with aknowledgement that there is NO liability for anyone else when or if sickness occurs. The thing with vaccines is they decrease odds of being overtaken with the illness. So if the majority take the vaccine, the minority who don't are really mostly only risking their own or children's health. Sad for the children who get no choice though. IF the reverse happens though, you have a pandemic, and exponentially larger percentages of people are susceptible to being infected or dying. |
Free Palestine
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Sun 05/24/20 02:54 PM
there is a distinction between being anti-Jewish and being against either the state of Israel or the policies of the Jewish state. It is hard sometimes to acknowledge context and separate details I see the same thing with 'anti america' sentiment, where any criticism of anything that happens IN america is the same as 'hating' America itself. Or criticizing police brutality is the same as being 'anti' police. Or not performing a certain patriotic custom is being 'unpatriotic'. The phenomena is not new. I think it is another form of 'collective' thinking, instead of individual. |
Link cards are only made in Illinois. but....The Illinois Link card can be used in all 50 states at most grocery stores and ATMs. Look for a display that the store accepts Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards. I assume other states will soon make their own It makes sense if the common welfare is calling for people to go out as little as possible to common areas, like stores. |
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Wed 05/20/20 06:14 PM
Lol, the really bad news is a lot of the people in Washington get "crazier" and "crazier" on whom we have to Elect for office and they also get "Richer and Richer" in the "Pool of whom we have to chose from" ;)... No Common Person Can Even Run For Office Anymore Flies In The Face Of The Founding Father's Too In Trying To Have A Sane Country That Stayed United As One ;)... None of which has a common clue what a normal working family lives on or even individuals goes thru paycheck to paycheck to live daily along with loads of stress from this "Upside down world" we live in now I thought this was suppose a time of "Progress" so much for progress?? If this is progress take me back to the "Old Normal" the 80s was better LOL even the music was better!!! Though lustful music videos was rampant or that's what I remember on the sin side of things back then "my 80s memory"... And "In Reality" what we really need is (The Most Loving, Humble, Wise, Respectful, Giving, Forgiving, Intelligent, Honest, Prudent, Selfless, Moral, Ethical etc. Person that exist in Leadership in the Entire Country) of course that never happens we need Jesus LOL, but instead we seem to be getting overtime the more corrupted individuals, evil, selfish, prideful, and so forth I guess that's why one day the world will get the "antichrist" type instead "eventually" his slick ways will fool them all too and be in their "inner circles anyway" preparing the way for the man of lawlessness does it ever show too, in a Grim Reaper Voice Muuuhahahahahahha I Have Fool Them All And In Command, in the future that will be that person's thoughts!!!!!!!!, one day we will "surely get that as a leader via less and less of a pool of individuals with scruples and principles ;)... That's why I always try to vote for people that are a "lesser demon" than I am or you might be the bad sinner type and vote the "opposite direction" thinking you'll get more "rebellious ways to enjoy like a rebellious teenager" WhooooHoooo!!! But in the end only get "more controlled" by a very demonic evil person or person(s) more evil than "thy self" etc. within your government, that's to say it's very "unwise to vote for a Hitler type and expect for him or her to give you all that you desire" when he or she says only what you "want to hear", than what you actually need to survive, because one wiser than yourself will always give you what you need to help you to the best of his or her ability, and the other what you think you want to "only" destroy you.... Actually, none of the Presidents have been 'common'. They have all come from prestigous colleges, military service, or wealth. I actually don't want a 'common' man POTUS. I will take someone who has BEEN common and progressed in life. But the 'common' man can be pretty dumb and egocentric, a dangerous mix for a leader. |
Biden has like Dementia or Alzheimer's there is no way that man will last 4 years "like that"... Biden has been like that through his whole Washington career. Joe Biden's first failed Presidential run: Some of his Biden Moments over the years: My personal favorite was when he told the Missouri Senator in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow... and yet more: "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed." -- Biden, 2008, in a CBS interview.
My favorite of that article....FDR wasn't president in 1929 and TV was in the preliminary stages...this coming from a man serving as a state senator for 36 years. The effects of the crash lasted a decade. |
I only go out for the store, there are still people driving and people at the store (grocery and drugs). Other stores like tech or furniture are closed though, only doing curb side pickup.
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Tue 05/19/20 11:12 AM
I feel that when a mother take care of a child ..The emotions are in heaven . It is the day that every women wants to live..But why can't we take care of our partner like a child.. struggling for equality and power, mostly wanting to do 'our own thing' and not be responsible for or the responsibility of another adult I would personally love a relationship where we treated each other that way |
Adult movies
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Sun 05/03/20 11:24 PM
Does it matter? They are all the same after a while anyway. MF, MM, or FF
or some combo thereof. |
You should all take a deep breath, hold your nose and reconcile yourselves to another four years of President Trump. After that, he'll be gone and you can elect someone else. I hope. He does have a history of fits and bullying though, so maybe he will declare that rule part of the 'swamp' and get his followers to rally behind him to change it. |
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Sun 05/03/20 09:54 PM
In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. ^^^^^ To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything! Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs. the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field. Why is it not a qualification? It is a high qualification, to me, to manage that which you have experience doing, not that a POTUS is the same as a manager, since the government nor the states are business entities. There is a huge difference between doing a task you know how to do and managing other people doing something. If you know how to do something well, you are qualified to teach others how to do the task and to judge their ability to perform that task. You are not qualified to provide motivation for them or solve the many other obstacles that may be hindering their performance. It is like saying I have a total recall of American History, therefore I am qualified to be a teacher when I don't know anything about teaching. Most politicians know very little about managing an organization the size of the federal government; most even fail at managing a state or local government! Give me an accomplished manager over a politician any day! I believe the democratic party had only 1 POTUS candidate who had an accomplished management background. SO, where do teachers come from when they START teaching? The analogy escapes me. Again POTUS Is not the manager of the government or the people. The government is a structure WITHIN which a POTUS Must do their OWN PART. They do not manage the other politicians. THey do not manage the citizens. For this reason, knowledge of their 'constitutional duties' within that framework, not the private framework, is important. And experience within that framework is the best way to gain that knowledge.That should not be 'starting' knowledge, IMHO. The lower political offices is where experience should be acquired before EVER reaching the WHITE HOUSE. I also do not agree our current POTUS has ever been a person that 'managed' anything. Running around bullying with authority is not the same as 'managing'. Having the money to buy things is not the same as 'managing' them. |
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Sun 05/03/20 10:02 PM
In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. ^^^^^ To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything! Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs. the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field. Why is it not a qualification? It is a high qualification, to me, to manage that which you have experience doing, not that a POTUS is the same as a manager, since the government nor the states are business entities. There is a huge difference between doing a task you know how to do and managing other people doing something. If you know how to do something well, you are qualified to teach others how to do the task and to judge their ability to perform that task. You are not qualified to provide motivation for them or solve the many other obstacles that may be hindering their performance. It is like saying I have a total recall of American History, therefore I am qualified to be a teacher when I don't know anything about teaching. Most politicians know very little about managing an organization the size of the federal government; most even fail at managing a state or local government! Give me an accomplished manager over a politician any day! I believe the democratic party had only 1 POTUS candidate who had an accomplished management background. SO, where do teachers come from when they START teaching? The analogy is misplaced because history teacher would be within the 'educational' industry, not the 'history' industry. The analogy escapes me. Again POTUS Is not the manager of the government or the people. The government is a structure WITHIN which a POTUS Must do their OWN PART. They do not manage the other politicians. THey do not manage the citizens. For this reason, knowledge of their 'constitutional duties' within that framework, (in this case, no framework existed beyond the limits of his daddy's or his own pockets for him to learn how to do that) not the private framework, is important. And experience within that framework is the best way to gain that knowledge.That should not be 'starting' knowledge, IMHO. The lower political offices is where experience should be acquired before EVER reaching the WHITE HOUSE. |
I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job. What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant. I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates. A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS. Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job. I disagree. I have not seen the trend of fraud, incompetence, or unprofessional demeanor in my fifty years on this Earth in the White House. Even with those I did not agree with, they were professional in their demeanor and not completely incompetent in the position. ACA website was contracted to 'private' entities. People are people, political or civilian, and some mistakes will be made because none are perfect. Yet, perfect is the other EXTREME from total incompetence. And I would not want someone in any position that admits to just talking out the side of their neck when they do not know something, and then proceeds to constantly claim they know everything. |
I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job. What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant. I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates. A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS. Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job. I disagree. I have not seen the trend of fraud, incompetence, or unprofessional demeanor in my fifty years on this Earth in the White House. Even with those I did not agree with, they were professional in their demeanor and not completely incompetent in the position. ACA website was contracted to 'private' entities. People are people, political or civilian, and some mistakes will be made because none are perfect. Yet, perfect is the other EXTREME from total incompetence. And I would not want someone in any position that admits to just talking out the side of their neck when they do not know something, and then proceeds to constantly claim they know everything. |
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Sun 05/03/20 10:12 AM
In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. ^^^^^ To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything! Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs. the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field. As for your Doctor example, if all a medical professional knows is medicine he/she is not qualified to be in a position of high management. Same goes for POTUS if all he/she knows is politics. Why is it not a qualification? It is a high qualification, to me, to manage that which you have experience doing, not that a POTUS is the same as a manager, since the government nor the states are business entities. |
"Unfortunately politics is not about leadership but being a highly partisan A-hole!! " Politics - polemic - partisan. Yes unfortunately modern politics is a contest if irrelevant popularity rather than anything else. It attracts a certain type of ego maniac sociopath who craves attention. So many smart people know they could make a difference as leaders, but the media circus, and shock jocks, internet beatups, and lobby groups would be such a pain to deal with, and their lives would never be the same, or private, again. Why do it unless you like those combative interactions with media, and stakeholders, and oppositions. Thus the types of "leaders" left from which we are allowed to 'elect'. Legitimate business people. And part of bloodlines. Cowboy actors. I do not think one has to like everything about a job to accept it. Soldiers do not necessarily like war or being shot at, but they know someone has to do those things and the sacrifice is worth it for them. Same is true, IMHO, for politicians, who take jobs in high spotlight and scrutiny that are worth it for the position that can make differences in the lives of others, because it has to be done. |
In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. ^^^^^ To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything! Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs. If you think he is a great leader, what leadership accomplishments has he had outside the political arena? I have heard of none. I want a leader that has the desire and strength to tackle the mess of the federal government. Biden and Obama had 8 years and I saw no significant accomplishments on the performance of government in that time. There are a number of better leaders than Trump but they are also smart enough to avoid politics so far. Joining the political circus will only result in hatred toward them and a destruction of their legacy. Unfortunately politics is not about leadership but being a highly partisan A-hole!! the POTUS is in the political arena. The question is like asking why I think a doctor should be over a medical department if he has not done anything outside the medical field. |