Community > Posts By > moshe

moshe's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:22 PM
I used to believe that speaking in tongues was as previously stated "a
load of crap" . . . . however I am beginning to see that there are
people who make a show of it and get wrapped up in the emotionalism,
thus giving it a bad name.

Here are some truths I have found

In the book of Acts, whenever a new people group came to Christ it was
confirmed with speaking in tongues

Speaking in tongues can refer to one of three things . . . speaking in
another comprehensible language (once again see acts and the Pentecost)
. . . it can possibly mean our spirit "intercessing with groanings that
cannot be uttered" our soul crying out to our Maker in pain and joy that
cannot be put into words . . . . it can also be considered an angelic
tongue used in prophecy. This last case requires an interpreter. As a
Christian to deny tongues would be to throw out large parts or try to
explain away much of the New Testament. Just because I do not
completely understand it doesn't mean its not true. Just because
christians blow up abortion clinics doesn't mean God wants to kill those
people, and just because christians make a show out of what should be a
gift doesn't mean it isn't real.

Read the book of Acts as well as first Cor. and then say that speaking
in tongues is just an act. Don't try to explain it away, open your
heart and see where God leads.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:54 PM
don't ask me . . . ask the guy who wrote it :P

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:39 PM
for sure:) we are in an interesting age

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 07:59 PM
I wonder how much faith we actually have . . . scripture tells us that
with faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains:)

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 07:51 PM
Hebrews 11:1

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 07:50 PM
well put spider . . . was going to say the same, but got distracted:)

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 07:34 PM
that makes sense, but still doesn't answer the question of the water
ABOVE the firmamint.

Also of the 17 occurances of the word firmamint, 7 are in reguards to
creation, the one in Genesis 1:20 seems to identify it as part of
heaven, which would coinside with the ice/water idea. The use in Psalms
150:1, and Ez 1:22 don't really point one way or another since they are
giving these charactics to people. The only place I could easly replace
it with heaven would be Psalm 19:1, but it could still be a seperate
thing. The reference to a frimamint in Daniel indicates brightness . .
. not sure how that plays in. There are maybe 2 or 3 more where it
could possible be replace with heaven, but that doesn't necessarily make
it the defination.

My point being . . . taking into account the other uses, the definition
is still vague. To say that I am using the term wrong is grossly
inaccurate. To say the other 16 uses are a completly differnet meaning,
is also inaccurate. I question any scolar who says he as a definate
defination of this word. I still believe it is something differnt from
heaven, because it is a differnt word. There is an extra meaning
intended here.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:52 PM
So how do you explain Genesis 1:7 "And God made the firmament, and
divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters
which [were] above the firmament: and it was so." Also, how long did
this dust cloud last? What happened and how did it disappear?

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:46 PM
I spent last summer in Israel . . . and learned something that has
dramatically affected the way I see some things.

I used to believe that the Hebrews created the golden calf to worship
another god . . . Baal . . . I guess a bull was the representation for
Baal. I discoverd that a calf was what the Hebrews used to symbolize
Yahweh. Some would carry a calf figurine on them that was
representative of the one true god. The calf they built was not to Baal
or some other god, but to the Lord.

Do we today use any symbols to represent Christ or what he has done for
us? Do Christians today bow before any symbol? Lets just say that this
nugget of truth has affected my home decor:)

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:28 PM
I do like that answer:) however i cannot help but wonder what started
the rain since it hadn't happened before. I also wonder what could have
created an enviornment that would allow reptiles to grow to such great
sizes. I wonder also what was differnt that allowed so many people to
live close to a millenia.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:25 PM
"The wisdom of man is the foolishness of God"

"Gods ways are above the ways of man"

I personally don't believe I can ever fully understand God . . . He is
one and 3, it think it is more than just 3 parts to a whole, I believe
it is more than i can comprehend. Thank you father for granting me
faith to accept what i cannot wrap my mind around.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:21 PM
btw the ice i was referring to was not particles but perhaps a sheet
encasing the globe. The distace wouln't have to be great . . . and from
this you wouldn't have heat from the falling particles. However the
world was when God created it, i'm sure it was amazing:)

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:00 PM
I love the topic:) For the guy not only created me and has every right
to my life . . . but then sent his son to die for me . . . I am not once
but twice owned. With as much as he as done for me he deserves every
moment of my day . . . its sad to see how much i waste.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:57 PM
If you go back almost every symbol has been used by one religion or
another and since most ancient religions are centered around fertility .
. . it comes as not suprise.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:54 PM
It is just one idea to explain the world before the flood . . . there
was no rain and people had extremely long life. If heavens was
synonomoys (sp?:) ) with firmamint . . . then why two differnt words . .
. Having studied hebrew for a couple years there are many times that
words have diffenent meaning in differnt contexts. The most literal
definition of firmamint is an expanse between the heavens and the earth
. . . the water/ice shild seems to fit that concept . . . it would also
explain the lack of rain, (when the sun finially melted through that
would be one hell of a rain storm . . . . a flood?) it would explain the
long life spans. Do I believe it is fact . . . not necessarily . . .
but I have yet to hear a better explanation. If you have one please

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:40 PM
Doubtful:) Most of what i know has been my own study. I once enjoyed
a good debate and wanted to be well prepared. However I argued out of
pride instead of love. All I wish to do know is share the truth with
those who are truely looking for it. I have read Darwin's "Origin of a
Species" the holy books from many religions and cults . . . and the
Gospel stands above the rest as truth. I have attemped to drop all
preconcieved notions and approach each on the same level . . . and Jesus
Christ is the only logical answer. I encourage everyone to let go of
what they know and open their minds . . . God will reveal himself to
you. All I've done is approaced with questions that breed more
questions . . . the more I answer the more I get . . . all I can do is
have faith.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:35 PM
Another fun fact to toss around . . .

Look at how much matter is in the universe . . . the amount of empty
space there is. The empty space within an atom. (an atom is about
99.99 percent empty space) break it down further . . . the further you
go the less actual matter you find. Scientists have estimated that the
matter of the entire universe is would be the size of a softball if all
space was removed. And 90% of that is still unaccounted for. So how
much matter is there in the world around us . . . as much as a dream.
Our reality, our things, have no more substance than a dream you have at
night. :) an interesting thought to play with . . . we are just
figments of Gods imagination . . . God spoke us into existance . . . how
lucky we are:)

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:29 PM
I encourage everyone to keep their minds open and constantly seek
knowledge. The idea of evolution vs. creation will never be "won". But
we can find peace in the fact that God loves us so much that he sent his
son to die for us. Let us love one another, respect opinions and learn
from each other. This world is too complex for any of us to understand
all of it. It saddens me to see so many people in this world argue
concepts that they can't begin nor are meant to understand. We are made
to live today, to love those around us and to be a reflection of Christ.
Christ did not waste time in pointless, unwinnable arguments . . . he
healed the sick, cared for the poor and preached a gospel of love.
Solomon himself found the search for knowledge pointless. Jesus sums it
up best . . . our purpose . . . what we should live for . . . .
everything we do should be "fist love the Lord you God with all you
heart, soul and mind. Second, love your neighbor as yourself"

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:19 PM
Wow . . . not impressed

Before aruing evolution please tell what kind of evolution you are
arguing . . . there is microevolution (changes within a species,
adaptation, natural selection) and macroevolution (changes from species
to species). If you are using microevolution to prove macroevolution
please look up "straw man fallacy." I don't believe anyone denies
microevolution. As for me . . . I won't say that macroevolution didn't
happen. I do belive it is more likely that God created the universe in
6 literal days than used macroevolution over millions of years to do it.
But it is still possible.

There are many "theories" of macroevolution that disagree with each
other as much if not more than the age old "evolution vs. creation"

Lets clarify some more semantics. Evolution is not a theory, nor is
creation. Both are more accurately depicted as a scientific model. It
is impossible to prove either one and therefore can not be considered a
theory. If we had a method to recreate the beginning of time or a way
to go back and see it, then we could prove one or the other. A theory
is "capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified
through empirical observation"

The progression is model(a guess as to the workings of a system), theory
(a well educated and tested guess), law (a well documented, always
proven, never disproved theory) . . . . so lets take a look at a couple
of scientific laws and see how they relate to evolution. The Laws of
Nature, aka The Laws of Thermodynamics. Briefly stated the first is
that matter can neither be created nor destryed at this present time.
The second is that everything moves toward entropy (disorder) unless
acted on by an outside force. Google species extintion rate and you
will see that we are loosing species, not getting more. These fossils
we are finding . . . extinct species . . . God created a perfect world,
we ruined it with sin and it is falling into disrepair. I believe if
you truely study evolution with an open mind you will find that it takes
way more faith to believe than the 7 day creation as cited in Genesis.

moshe's photo
Thu 05/10/07 04:52 PM
In regards to the magnetic field weakening . . . yes it is . . . it is
weakening due to the slowing down of the earths rotation. This can be
seen in various sedimentry layers of stone. More evidnence that it is
slowing down is that if deprived of natural light, humans typically live
in a 23 hour cycle, not 24. We are made for faster days. I think it is
likely that in the last 6000 years we have added an hour a day. The
Second Law of Thermodynamics is that "Everything decays over time (or
moves towards entropy) unless acted on by an outside force." These laws
are sometimes called the laws of nature. (sidenote; its funny how
evolutionts can so easily substitute a theory for the few accepted Laws
in science) Spider does have many of his facts straight . . . I just
believe part of his theory about the origin of races is unbiblical.

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