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Topic: What have you done for god lately!
AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:24 PM
I see people asking god for O so many things.

A new car. A better job. Help with their love live. Help with their
relationships. Help with money. Some even ask for winning lottery

then there are people that ask for god like things... That a friend get
well from sickness or injury. That peace be brought upon the earth (I
beleive we must do that ourselves). For help to be poured out from the
heavens upon those faced with disaster.

What I am wondering is how many of us have listened to his voice when he
has asked us to do something? How many of us have done something for
god without being asked?

hosea1's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:26 PM
wow, great question.

Boomhower25's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:29 PM
This Guy is smart. I told you Guys. Great Thoughts and good Point!

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:30 PM
I try to be there for people when they need someone.

I also thank him for each day and for being there for me.

Be still and know that I am God... people only need to listen and open
their eyes... :smile:

Boomhower25's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:30 PM
I try to Live thru God In my actions . All day every day. It's the only
way for mehappy

Robbyboy's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:32 PM
John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:34 PM
I offered to be his gift to women.

He never took me up on it though.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:36 PM
After reading the 'please tell us a story abra post' I reckon you have
been a 'gift' to several women.

Perhaps you should have asked for them to be your gift.

Mystique42's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:51 PM
I decided to adopt a child with Down syndrome, coloboma and two holes in
his little heart. My husband could not have a child of his own and I
always told him there was a reason for all things and I believed there
was a BETTER plan. Thing is I was asked to travel to a place far from my
home on FAITH alone... there was no guarantee I would be given this
child, but I did so knowing IF it was meant to be I would do it. I knew
nothing about the child other than he had down syndrome. I didn't know
if he was white, black or anything at all about him other than he needed
a home NOW. It wasn't until I got to the hospital that we were told he
had two holes in his heart and coloboma in his right eye. Those things
just didn't matter. I've always felt that everyone deserves to be loved
and IF God wanted me helping others I would do all I could. I had to
refinance my home to get the money to adopt this little guy. I've used
my poetry which I have felt was a God given gift to help children.

I had met a little girl with FAS before this and spent the weekend with
her and her foster parents decided to adopt her after that... so I knew
it was a risk. HOwever I am just a person like anyone else, and what I
have chosen to do is just giving back what the Good Lord has given me.
I have four healthy teenagers from a previous marriage. I had wanted to
adopt years ago, but my first husband didn't want to take on raising
what he considered was other people's problems. I believe God put me
where he wanted me and I'm doing HIS work.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:55 PM
You keep right on doing his work sister.

Thank you.

no photo
Tue 05/08/07 08:59 PM

That's wonderful, thank you for your testamony. I have two autistic
children myself and there is a good reason that people with mental
handicaps are called special. It is sometimes challenging, but it's
worth the work.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:25 PM
I have spoken of Him to others. I have taken up for Him and the beliefs
He instilled in me. I have extended my hand in friendship to someone
that needs help. I have tried to make Him proud. I have not cussed, I
have not lied, I have not had ill will towards....uh ohhh...I can't say
that. I was kinda rude to a guy in a thread earlier on. I told him to
"bite me". Well, I try.flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:26 PM
Oh...and I called him a dipshi*, and a jackass. I was really in bad form

MikeMontana's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:28 PM
Well if someone is driving a nice new car, or have a nice new home, then
surely their prayers were answered. Or so the logic would go.

I see your point, and add to it. I dont pray to ask for anything. Just
thanks for what I got, and most importantly, thanks for what I DONT

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:44 PM
What I do for God, I offer acceptance of those who wish to believe. I
even held the hand of a freind of mine this week, as she prayed over the
casket of her husband. Maybe she thought God sent her may hand to
comfort her, and that's ok too.

no photo
Tue 05/08/07 11:01 PM

God sends rain to the good and the bad. God loves all of us, so all of
us receive his blessings, even those who we would consider evil. Anyone
who believes that every good thing is a blessing are just flattering
themselves. But when a good thing happens to me, I do thank God. 1) it
could be a blessing 2) Without God, nothing would happen to me. Good or
bad. 3) All glory goes to God, it's less about what happens to me than
what I do with it.

no photo
Wed 05/09/07 05:25 AM
I don't have to ask God for anything, because in my love for him I will
find the strength to do what ever is necessary, to give love, support
and care to others. And then I find others caring for me and loving me.

Arabella5's photo
Wed 05/09/07 08:52 AM
This probably sounds silly, but I helped a skunk bigsmile

I've been trying to catch a woodchuck in my Havaheart trap to relocate
her. Instead, I caught a skunk.

She was sleeping in the cage this morning. She woke up when I
approached. I carefully opened one side, propped it with a stick and
backed away. She left the trap about 20 minutes later.

You see, I thank God for Nature and living things. Humans are living
things too. If there is a God, the essence of that spirit is within us.
We need to treat living things well. And that is when we are at our

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:36 AM
Arabella wrote:
"If there is a God, the essence of that spirit is within us."


P.S. Skunks are beautiful creatures albeit a bit repugnant aromatically

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 05/10/07 04:09 PM
i thank God everyday for my kids,family and i try to be a kind generous
soul to others.I work in an Altzheimers unit(hosekeeper) as some know so
a hug,a kind word or just my presence when they are scared or sick gives
the residents great comfort.For a long time I thought I had lost my
compassion and empathy for others. God showed me it wasn't lost,it just
meeded the right time to return.I dont always love my job,but
I love my residents. :heart:

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