edited for brevity I think they get stuck in the "NOT ME (or NOT MY CHURCH)" mode....cherrypicking to fit and defend their own beliefs even if it defies historical fact...I could find a KKK member who'd swear he's a "True Christian" and other Christians who do not support his Klan cannot possible be "True Christians"...another example of religiosity's cryptic belief system that allows denial for their damage to humanity...denial by the numbers. Actually - let's look at history. In the first Century, christians were Jews only. Catholicism did not even exist. Saul was not yet Paul, and here were no "christians" even in Rome yet. So - how did they know what a Christian was - if Catholicism didn't even exist, and you couldn't become a Christian unless you were Jewish? Since you're intimating that I don't even know how to recognize my own beliefs outside of historical fact - provide me with some. I'd rather you educate me on this rather than ridicule me, since you're the expert. The thread is not really pecific to Chrisianity, it's about any religious extremism when it comes to the violence and ignorances that relgion embraces...and who is saying you don't know your own beliefs? If anything I assume you have some things to deny about it tho~..lol...I take it you voted for the Dippic twice and think Sarah Palin is sane...now THAT'S extreme. While your original post was about extreme religious extremism - your subsequent posts have only refered to Christianity - and not even on an extremist level. You speak of mere christianity as though it were a disease - yet you can't even define what a christian is. So - why did you bother to start this thread? Eljay, You obsessively insist with this 'trick' question of yours. It becomes clear with this insistence of yours, that you insinuate that there is a definitive 'RIGHT CHRISTIAN' !!! Characterized by (surprise of all surprises) YOUR OPINION, BELIEF, DOGMA, DEFINITION!!! Of course you're going to tell us that it isn't yours, but rather that of a number of other 'personal' individuals whom over the history of christianity have given their particular PERSONAL opinion, belief, dogma of what they consider to be 'the ultimate definition' of chrisitianity, or what it is to be the 'RIGHT KIND OF CHRISTIAN'. So here is a half answer/question to you Eljay: OF THE VAST NUMBER OF DEFINITIONS OUT THERE, WHOSE PERSONAL OPINION, BELIEF, DOGMA, INTERPRETATION, AND DEFINITION OF CHRISTIANITY HAVE YOU ADOPTED AS YOUR OWN, AND WHICH YOU INSINUATE IS 'SUPERIOR' TO ALL OTHERS??? Catholicism Western Schism East-West Schism Protestant Reformation Theology of Martin Luther Theology of Ulrich Zwingli Theology of John Calvin English Reformation (under HenryVIII, what emerged was a state church that considered itself both "Reformed" and "Catholic" but not "Roman" (and stayed away from the title "Protestant") Counter-Reformation The Council of Trent Revivalism Restorationism Modern Eastern Orthodoxy Liberal Christianity Christian Fundamentalism Ecumenism (Catholic or Protestant???) This represents just a short list of all the different 'individual' currents of ideology and dogma of the same christian family. To exclude catholics as christian, or catholicism from christianity, is a gross sign of denial, hypocracy or ignorance. It is more often than not the school of thought of christian fundamentalists. Lastly, you raise in your previous post, the point about addressing 'chrisitian fundamentalism/extrmism', as though we shouldn't, or as though it were unfair?!?!? Well Eljay, it has to do with owning up!!! Being responsible!!! Very distinct from being guilty, as some might think, being responsible of our 'own' thought/word/action paradigms is an essential part of 'INTEGRITY'. As long as we are dealing with this 'FUNAMENTALIST/EXTREMISM issue from our own North American, USA, mostly CULTURALLY christian mentality, 'CHRISTIAN fundamentalism/extremism' is the only religious fundamentalism which concerns us. It is (our) North American extremism, which most directly and organically correlates with other fundamentalist/extremisms around the globe. To keep denying that essential fact is to participate actively in the perpetuation of divisive, violent, and extreme hating of others, our so-called neighbors, whom Jesus only asked to '... love thy neighbor as you would yourself...' So which 'individual' definition of christian do you subscribe to Eljay??? The "individual" definition of Christianity that I subscribe to, is the biblical one. I find that "denominational" subscription of Christianity falls woefully short - and breads the majority of hypocrites and extremists; be they luke_warm_christians with their message of tolerance and "universal love" - or the radical cultish legalists who are more interested in keeping score of their "deeds" than they are the longevity of their membership. Though they claim adherance to christianity - they are counterfeits and should not be considered part of the community of believers in Christ that make up what is refered to as the "church". I will also add - that I consider secular definitions and "lists" of what constitutes "the population of Christainity" to be so inaccurate - that if it weren't so sad - it would be humerous. I liken it to arguing what the color of the sky is with someone born blind. Somehow, they lack the experience or credibility to even have an opinion, let alone argue from a stance of obvious ignorance. Another point - is though I can't disagree with you that there are fanatics and extremists in all religious groups - christianity not with_standing, I think it becomes a misnomer when the distinction is not made between these extremists, and the laity. In other words, do we consider Bin Laden a true Muslim? While his idea of Islam is hardly in line with mainstream Islamists - do we still consider him representative of the religion? Or a deviant? Do we even consider him a Muslim, or someone venting their hatred of the Western world under the guise of Islam? And what of the radical Atheists? Why is it that Stalin or Lenin is never brought up - or Hitchins or Satre, extreme radicals of their own "religious" movement, and the present dangers their idea's have fstered. The Columbine's and Russian Pograms and Holocosts - be they Darwinistic, such as Hitlers, or Sangers Euthanasia movement in America (which goes on till this day with full government support)... these are very rarely, if ever brought up with the freuquency of the Crusades, or the occasional abortion clinic bomber. Why is that? As a final thought here, I'm curious about what you may think about this. Is it true that a Catholic is a Christian because they attend Mass on Easter and Christmas - go to confession once every decade or so, and are Catholics because their parents were - or because, as Catholics - they believe that Christ died on the cross for their sins, and is the incarnate son of God, and creator of all that is created? Which is a better representation of a Catholic who is a Christian, or is one simply a Christain because they say they're a Catholic? |
edited for brevity I think they get stuck in the "NOT ME (or NOT MY CHURCH)" mode....cherrypicking to fit and defend their own beliefs even if it defies historical fact...I could find a KKK member who'd swear he's a "True Christian" and other Christians who do not support his Klan cannot possible be "True Christians"...another example of religiosity's cryptic belief system that allows denial for their damage to humanity...denial by the numbers. Actually - let's look at history. In the first Century, christians were Jews only. Catholicism did not even exist. Saul was not yet Paul, and here were no "christians" even in Rome yet. So - how did they know what a Christian was - if Catholicism didn't even exist, and you couldn't become a Christian unless you were Jewish? Since you're intimating that I don't even know how to recognize my own beliefs outside of historical fact - provide me with some. I'd rather you educate me on this rather than ridicule me, since you're the expert. The thread is not really pecific to Chrisianity, it's about any religious extremism when it comes to the violence and ignorances that relgion embraces...and who is saying you don't know your own beliefs? If anything I assume you have some things to deny about it tho~..lol...I take it you voted for the Dippic twice and think Sarah Palin is sane...now THAT'S extreme. While your original post was about extreme religious extremism - your subsequent posts have only refered to Christianity - and not even on an extremist level. You speak of mere christianity as though it were a disease - yet you can't even define what a christian is. So - why did you bother to start this thread? |
edited for brevity
I think they get stuck in the "NOT ME (or NOT MY CHURCH)" mode....cherrypicking to fit and defend their own beliefs even if it defies historical fact...I could find a KKK member who'd swear he's a "True Christian" and other Christians who do not support his Klan cannot possible be "True Christians"...another example of religiosity's cryptic belief system that allows denial for their damage to humanity...denial by the numbers. Actually - let's look at history. In the first Century, christians were Jews only. Catholicism did not even exist. Saul was not yet Paul, and here were no "christians" even in Rome yet. So - how did they know what a Christian was - if Catholicism didn't even exist, and you couldn't become a Christian unless you were Jewish? Since you're intimating that I don't even know how to recognize my own beliefs outside of historical fact - provide me with some. I'd rather you educate me on this rather than ridicule me, since you're the expert. |
There is no possible dialogue the moment one insinuates, suggests, question or claims outright that Catholics are not christians. Delusion and deceit is not exclusively the tar of protestant fundamentalists, but all fundamentalists are possessed by that disease. Fundamentalists don't seem to realize one bit that at the end of the day, their diseased dogma only has room for one christian standing! The ONE with the 'RIGHT TRUTH', this personal and individual interpretation of the definitive version of EVERYTHING!!! Eljay, you obviously are not bigotted, shallow and manipulative, but your question: 'what is ons's definition of a true christian?' is bigotted, shallow, and leads to a losing battle, especially when you claim that the largest body of christians, CATHOLICS, in your personal and individual opinion, are not christian unless they meet YOUR PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL FUNDAMENTALIST SOURCED INTERPRETATION of what is a christian!!! I do not defend catholics or other religious denomination, but the christian house is burning, and the pyromaniacs are christians themselves, lighting up other christian dwellings!!! Sort that one out first and then get to this 'general religious debate'. It would be tremendously inappropriate for non-christians to get involved in this millennia old christian battle for primitive and barbaric 'word of god' control. Voile; I ask the question "What is a Christain" of you Voile, because I want you to answer it - not because I'm testing you on it. You say that if one claims to be a Catholic - that makes them a Christian. That merely being born into a Cathiolic family makes one a Christian. Where do you get the information to validate this? And to take your last claim a step further - I find it odd that a non-christian would argue the point of whether or not Hitler was a christian - with a confirmed Christian, and believe they're correct. In the meantime - being unable to provide a definition of what a Christian even is. And I hardly think it shallow or manipulative to ask a non-christian to define their terms when they enter into a discussion about Christianity, and who is one and who isn't one. |
http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2007/02/02/20070202-E2-01.html http://www.anatheist.net/2009/08/does-atheism-inspire-mass-murder/ Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads. “30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.” http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0056.html More... Hitler Was a Christian The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism: "History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed." http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm ~~~~ Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....? You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian. To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot. I expect you to correct yourself on this. Not that again Eljay?!?!?! Hitler was baptized and raised in the most thorough of Christian tradition and faith. Like you Eljay, he developed his own interpretation of what a GOOD CHRISTIAN was, and devoted his whole life to it. What he ended up concluding was that the catholic church failed him and his people, protestants only deserved his utmost contempt, and JESUS counted on him to deliver the real fight!!! Hitler showed every sign of a devout christian youth, turned christian militant, turned fundamentalist, and the rest is history. Was Hiltler sane and balanced in his view of christianity, Jesus, Jews, himself, his nation, etc.??? Like all fundamentalists, he started out posting a mildly paranoid neurotiuc behavior. For just the right number of fundamentalists (the leaders), when this behavior not only goes unchecked, but is instead encouraged by a shared mass neurosis, the dormant neurosis turns rapidly into a a dangerous phychosis. So if it will make you happy Eljay, Hitler progressively became, in hte last quarter of his lifetime, a dangerously psychotic fundamentlist christian of a church of one. But a christian he sure was. Your personal meaning and interpretation of christian, however true it may for you, is totally irrelevant. The point 'middleearthing' is making, is one worth discussing and mastering: 'fundamentally :), FUNDAMENTALISM IS LATENTLY DANGEROUS, whether in the hands of religious, political, social or individual entities. Voile; How are you my friend. Please Voile - do not insult the general intelligence of those on the site, and their opinion of what you have to offer by claiming that Hitler was a Christian because he was Baptised. And further more - I think you'll have a hard time convincing me that God was unaware of the decisions that Hitler made in his life (or was going to make after his baptism) and indwelt him with the Holy Spirit anyway? Perhaps you are confusing the issue by equating Religious Fanaticism and Christainity, and defining them as mutually exclusive? If so - we have directly opposing definitions of Christainity. That would mean that Fanatics like Osama bin Laden, and Christopher Hitchens are Christains by this definition. A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. He was the poster boy for Darwinism if he was anything, and I know a great number of posters on this site who will be appalled at my calling them Christains because they believed in the Darwinian world view. Hello Eljay, and let me wish you and yours the happiest of Christmas holidays!!! Insulting people's intelligence?!?!?! Me!?!?!? Now! Now! Now! Eljay! You should know better than to go there!!! Let me use a simple example to demonstrate where the insult to intelligence, if such was made, lies. Since we are in the heart of Christmas Holidays, with all the family gatherings that we will all be plunged into, let me use the family as the perfect metaphor to clarify this 'state of belonging' with which you appear to have a serious issue. Here goes the metaphor: Two young couples meet in the local park of a new suburb where they have both recently bought their first homes. Among other things, they women discover that they are both pregnant with their first child and are both planning to have more children in the future. Time passes, life is good, and our two families are spotted at the park again, as they have been doing for years, along with backyard family barbecues, camping trips, and a variety of other activities neighborhood families share together. Paying attention to the discussion, though, all is not as well as it might have first appeared. Mother 'B', is telling couple 'A', the latest episode of their '2' child. At 17, '2' child is purging his second jail term for drug trafficking, car jacking, and 7-Eleven store hold-ups. In his early years, '2' was an exemplary young child. Without warning, somewhere in early adolescence, '2' started showing signs of minor delinquency. Escalating into full blown crime, laced with aggressive, rebellious and abusive conduct towards all. '... I just don't know what happened!!!...', Keeps repeating Mother 'B'. '... It is like I don't know him. It is as though he is not our son!!! ...' '2' no longer behaves according to the family's values and principles. '2' doesn't live up to what a 'good' family member should be. You get it Eljay?!?!?! Regardless of whether or not you live up to the 'subjective' ideal that 'family values' impose, '2' IS STILL THE SECOND CHILD OF THAT FAMILY. He still carries the name, is he's still an integral part of the fabric of that family. Be ashamed of him all you wish, talk of disowning him all day long, '2' is still the delinquent son of that family. Like it or not, that's what this family MUST OWN UP TO!!! Likewise, that is what you and your christian family MUST OWN UP TO!!! Excommunication from a family, biological, christian or otherwise, based on one's 'bad behavior', is not only cowardly and hypocritical, it is totally contrary to the most basic christian values. It is time for all of us to put down our Pharisee's 'good behavior' checklists, and not only take responsibility for, but fully embrace the black sheeps in our respective families. That is the first lesson Jesus, whom you claim to serve, taught us all!!! Now, the insult to anyone intelligence would be to keep peddling the 'good little christian morality checklist', like Mao's 'redbook', to arbitrarily judge who's 'in' the club! That is the insult to christians' intelligence IMO Eljay!!! So - given your analogy, one becomes a Christian by being born into "the family", rather than it being a choice. Could you give me a biblical reference that supports this? Or am I mis-representing your definition of Christianity.... While I tend to agree with your views on religious fantacism - as related to Msharmony, and the general destruction it has on society at large, I fail to aline myself with your examples of it, and how you over simplify your catogorization. For instance - your broad brush painting of the "christianity" religion, as it were. You tend to define Christianity by societies general views of it, rather than the biblical derivation - where the term originates. So now we loose all meaning to the term, because we're now allowing for anyone's idea of what "Christainity" even means in the first place. This being clearly demonstrated by those who believe that Hitler was a Christian. At some point in his life, he may have been a Catholic... but I defy you to cite a time in his life when he was ever a Christain. I tend to define the idea of the term "Christian" by the attributes the bible uses to describe those who claim "membership" to this family. I do not consider it valid to be a member of a denomination who claims to be "Christian" as a viable justification to be called a "Christian". My sense is that we do not share this opinion. Where does your understanding differ from this - if it indeed does? Eljay, your personal views of what constitutes a (deserving) christian, even when you use your personal 'expert' interpretive skills of the bible as some sort of subjective authority for your position, doesn't change the fact that it is your personal opinion and interpretation. Another version of the 'god on my side' perverse way of ONE deciding what is right and wrong for ALL. It is keeping a certain group locked into the old 'By choice or by birth' endless battle. Or the infamous 'MY bible scriptures interpretation is right and yours is wrong' childish battle!!! Leading to insane notion that Catholics are not christians in some bible 'experts' eyes. At that rate, the CHOSEN will be NONE!!! ... for the ONE whom might end up winning the 'I'M RIGHT, THEY'RE WRONG' ego contest, will be flushed for having judged all others!!! Hitler was a catholic. Hitler was a christian. Hitler became radical in his christian views, then fundamentalist in his christian views, and finally, outright insane in his christian views!!! Supported throughout, by heavyweights of the christian church of the time. And this bring US straight back to the heart of the topic. What is your opinion 'the god virus'? Since you and I agree on religious fundamentalism, and the general destruction it has on society at large, and surely you wouldn't be one to conveniently exclude christianity has having its own fringe of religious fundamentalists, it would be pertinent, given the topic of this thread, to hear your views on Dr. Darrel Ray's book. Catching up here... I'm unfamiliar with Mr Ray's book, but I've made a note of it, and I'll check it out. The definition of Christianity is not about a "personal view" on the subject, any more than my describing to you what a Dog is. If I told you that a dog has 4 legs and all giraffes have 4 legs - does it make a dog a Giraffe? If you tell me that you know a few Catholics who are Christains - does it make every Catholic a Christain? I don't recall there being anything said about Catholicism in the definition of what a Christian is. While Hitler may at one time been a Catholic he was never a Christian. Unless you can demonstate to me how all Catholics are Christains - I remain convinced of Hitlers not having been a Christian. If anything - he was a Darwanist. He was also an Occultist. Two other things you won't find in the definition of Christainity. Which, by the way - I'm still curiously awaiting your definition of Christianity, and where you derive it from? "I remain convinced of Hitlers not having been a Christian. If anything - he was a Darwanist. He was also an Occultist. Two other things you won't find in the definition of Christainity." STILL with the denials...and you offer no links or references...of course I've already seen the revisionist's writings on that matter. Hitler was absolutley considered a Christian and had the support of the Christians to commit murder.. .and now you say Catholics are not "Christian"??? And then it got weird... http://www.davidmacd.com/catholic/are_catholics_christian.htm But I have been amused as people scurry to defend their past afilliations with death and destruction from their religion...very amusing... You'll have to forgive me if I find it a bit suspect that to provide me with evidence that Catholics are Christians (as in mutually exclusive as you are intimating) by taking me to a Catholic based site on the internet, and then tell me I'm in denial. Tsk tsk... I go back to my request.. Can you tell me in your own words - What is a Christian? So far - it is my understanding - that you think a Christian is a Catholic. What of those who do not think Catholicism is any more representative of Christain belief than Democracy - but get their idea of Christianity from the bible - which speaks nothing of Popes, and actually says to "call no man Father...". You see - I don't believe you have any idea what a christian even is - let's start there, and convince me my belief is unfounded. |
I remain ignorant as to whether "Hitler was a Christian" during his reign. To me, to answer that question I would need access to an honest expression of his personal thoughts on such topics as the Bible, the Christian 'God', Jesus, and the idea of 'Jesus as Savior'. If even a few of the claims being made about him here are true, then its obvious that his worldview was influenced by Christianity, and that he used Christianity. A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. While I don't completely agree with Voileazur's statements - I agree with the sentiment behind his response to this statement. Portions of modern Christian religion encourages hostility towards Muslims and towards gays, which some would say is an 'un-Christian' attitude. I think V. is making a valid point. Just because the 'loving Christians' don't agree with such hostility, doesn't make that hostility any less a product of the modern Christian religion. Hostility towards Muslims and Gays? Where do you get this idea? It's totally contradictory toward Christian belief. This - if anything, is a product of secular misunderstanding of Christian belief, for this is the only place you'll find this idea. While it may be evidenced by "Pseudo-Christains" - or those who's idea's of Christainity are legalistic and Cult-like - I don't consider this "class" of people any more Christain, than an Atheist sees Stalin as representative to his belief, or a Muslim thinking Bin Ladin is a representative of what they believe. In this way - one can consider Hitler as not representing Christainity in any way. Further, since when do Christian judge whether a person is a Christian based on their actions? I thought that acceptance of Jesus as your Savior was the key criteria? Since the first century - since it is a biblical mandate. This comes directly from Jesus. For it is he who said "By their fruit you will know them" (a slight paraphrase on my part - but non_the_less - the point he was making) Making this determination based on people actions seems a bit convenient to me. Hypothetically, if some portions of Christian belief encourage such 'un-Christian' behavior - then anybody who is making this designation based on behavior would never see and acknowledge the connection - when confronted with the evidence of such a connection, they would always have the option of washing their hands of the consequences of the beliefs by disowning the person on the basis of their behavior. While your observation has some validity to it - I think your concluison is a simplistic one. It is regularly accepted that we determine the "labels" we put on people by their actions. We do it with people in sports, we do it with Performers, polititions... Try to get a raise in corporate America by merely telling your bosses that you're a great worker, and that they should ignore the actions you do to support this because it's too convienient to label you by your actions. The bottom line is - how can anyone be justified about whatever believe system they own up to when their actions contradict their claims? |
http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2007/02/02/20070202-E2-01.html http://www.anatheist.net/2009/08/does-atheism-inspire-mass-murder/ Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads. “30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.” http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0056.html More... Hitler Was a Christian The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism: "History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed." http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm ~~~~ Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....? You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian. To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot. I expect you to correct yourself on this. Not that again Eljay?!?!?! Hitler was baptized and raised in the most thorough of Christian tradition and faith. Like you Eljay, he developed his own interpretation of what a GOOD CHRISTIAN was, and devoted his whole life to it. What he ended up concluding was that the catholic church failed him and his people, protestants only deserved his utmost contempt, and JESUS counted on him to deliver the real fight!!! Hitler showed every sign of a devout christian youth, turned christian militant, turned fundamentalist, and the rest is history. Was Hiltler sane and balanced in his view of christianity, Jesus, Jews, himself, his nation, etc.??? Like all fundamentalists, he started out posting a mildly paranoid neurotiuc behavior. For just the right number of fundamentalists (the leaders), when this behavior not only goes unchecked, but is instead encouraged by a shared mass neurosis, the dormant neurosis turns rapidly into a a dangerous phychosis. So if it will make you happy Eljay, Hitler progressively became, in hte last quarter of his lifetime, a dangerously psychotic fundamentlist christian of a church of one. But a christian he sure was. Your personal meaning and interpretation of christian, however true it may for you, is totally irrelevant. The point 'middleearthing' is making, is one worth discussing and mastering: 'fundamentally :), FUNDAMENTALISM IS LATENTLY DANGEROUS, whether in the hands of religious, political, social or individual entities. Voile; How are you my friend. Please Voile - do not insult the general intelligence of those on the site, and their opinion of what you have to offer by claiming that Hitler was a Christian because he was Baptised. And further more - I think you'll have a hard time convincing me that God was unaware of the decisions that Hitler made in his life (or was going to make after his baptism) and indwelt him with the Holy Spirit anyway? Perhaps you are confusing the issue by equating Religious Fanaticism and Christainity, and defining them as mutually exclusive? If so - we have directly opposing definitions of Christainity. That would mean that Fanatics like Osama bin Laden, and Christopher Hitchens are Christains by this definition. A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. He was the poster boy for Darwinism if he was anything, and I know a great number of posters on this site who will be appalled at my calling them Christains because they believed in the Darwinian world view. Hello Eljay, and let me wish you and yours the happiest of Christmas holidays!!! Insulting people's intelligence?!?!?! Me!?!?!? Now! Now! Now! Eljay! You should know better than to go there!!! Let me use a simple example to demonstrate where the insult to intelligence, if such was made, lies. Since we are in the heart of Christmas Holidays, with all the family gatherings that we will all be plunged into, let me use the family as the perfect metaphor to clarify this 'state of belonging' with which you appear to have a serious issue. Here goes the metaphor: Two young couples meet in the local park of a new suburb where they have both recently bought their first homes. Among other things, they women discover that they are both pregnant with their first child and are both planning to have more children in the future. Time passes, life is good, and our two families are spotted at the park again, as they have been doing for years, along with backyard family barbecues, camping trips, and a variety of other activities neighborhood families share together. Paying attention to the discussion, though, all is not as well as it might have first appeared. Mother 'B', is telling couple 'A', the latest episode of their '2' child. At 17, '2' child is purging his second jail term for drug trafficking, car jacking, and 7-Eleven store hold-ups. In his early years, '2' was an exemplary young child. Without warning, somewhere in early adolescence, '2' started showing signs of minor delinquency. Escalating into full blown crime, laced with aggressive, rebellious and abusive conduct towards all. '... I just don't know what happened!!!...', Keeps repeating Mother 'B'. '... It is like I don't know him. It is as though he is not our son!!! ...' '2' no longer behaves according to the family's values and principles. '2' doesn't live up to what a 'good' family member should be. You get it Eljay?!?!?! Regardless of whether or not you live up to the 'subjective' ideal that 'family values' impose, '2' IS STILL THE SECOND CHILD OF THAT FAMILY. He still carries the name, is he's still an integral part of the fabric of that family. Be ashamed of him all you wish, talk of disowning him all day long, '2' is still the delinquent son of that family. Like it or not, that's what this family MUST OWN UP TO!!! Likewise, that is what you and your christian family MUST OWN UP TO!!! Excommunication from a family, biological, christian or otherwise, based on one's 'bad behavior', is not only cowardly and hypocritical, it is totally contrary to the most basic christian values. It is time for all of us to put down our Pharisee's 'good behavior' checklists, and not only take responsibility for, but fully embrace the black sheeps in our respective families. That is the first lesson Jesus, whom you claim to serve, taught us all!!! Now, the insult to anyone intelligence would be to keep peddling the 'good little christian morality checklist', like Mao's 'redbook', to arbitrarily judge who's 'in' the club! That is the insult to christians' intelligence IMO Eljay!!! So - given your analogy, one becomes a Christian by being born into "the family", rather than it being a choice. Could you give me a biblical reference that supports this? Or am I mis-representing your definition of Christianity.... While I tend to agree with your views on religious fantacism - as related to Msharmony, and the general destruction it has on society at large, I fail to aline myself with your examples of it, and how you over simplify your catogorization. For instance - your broad brush painting of the "christianity" religion, as it were. You tend to define Christianity by societies general views of it, rather than the biblical derivation - where the term originates. So now we loose all meaning to the term, because we're now allowing for anyone's idea of what "Christainity" even means in the first place. This being clearly demonstrated by those who believe that Hitler was a Christian. At some point in his life, he may have been a Catholic... but I defy you to cite a time in his life when he was ever a Christain. I tend to define the idea of the term "Christian" by the attributes the bible uses to describe those who claim "membership" to this family. I do not consider it valid to be a member of a denomination who claims to be "Christian" as a viable justification to be called a "Christian". My sense is that we do not share this opinion. Where does your understanding differ from this - if it indeed does? Eljay, your personal views of what constitutes a (deserving) christian, even when you use your personal 'expert' interpretive skills of the bible as some sort of subjective authority for your position, doesn't change the fact that it is your personal opinion and interpretation. Another version of the 'god on my side' perverse way of ONE deciding what is right and wrong for ALL. It is keeping a certain group locked into the old 'By choice or by birth' endless battle. Or the infamous 'MY bible scriptures interpretation is right and yours is wrong' childish battle!!! Leading to insane notion that Catholics are not christians in some bible 'experts' eyes. At that rate, the CHOSEN will be NONE!!! ... for the ONE whom might end up winning the 'I'M RIGHT, THEY'RE WRONG' ego contest, will be flushed for having judged all others!!! Hitler was a catholic. Hitler was a christian. Hitler became radical in his christian views, then fundamentalist in his christian views, and finally, outright insane in his christian views!!! Supported throughout, by heavyweights of the christian church of the time. And this bring US straight back to the heart of the topic. What is your opinion 'the god virus'? Since you and I agree on religious fundamentalism, and the general destruction it has on society at large, and surely you wouldn't be one to conveniently exclude christianity has having its own fringe of religious fundamentalists, it would be pertinent, given the topic of this thread, to hear your views on Dr. Darrel Ray's book. Catching up here... I'm unfamiliar with Mr Ray's book, but I've made a note of it, and I'll check it out. The definition of Christianity is not about a "personal view" on the subject, any more than my describing to you what a Dog is. If I told you that a dog has 4 legs and all giraffes have 4 legs - does it make a dog a Giraffe? If you tell me that you know a few Catholics who are Christains - does it make every Catholic a Christain? I don't recall there being anything said about Catholicism in the definition of what a Christian is. While Hitler may at one time been a Catholic he was never a Christian. Unless you can demonstate to me how all Catholics are Christains - I remain convinced of Hitlers not having been a Christian. If anything - he was a Darwanist. He was also an Occultist. Two other things you won't find in the definition of Christainity. Which, by the way - I'm still curiously awaiting your definition of Christianity, and where you derive it from? |
http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2007/02/02/20070202-E2-01.html http://www.anatheist.net/2009/08/does-atheism-inspire-mass-murder/ Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads. “30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.” http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0056.html More... Hitler Was a Christian The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism: "History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed." http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm ~~~~ Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....? You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian. To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot. I expect you to correct yourself on this. Not that again Eljay?!?!?! Hitler was baptized and raised in the most thorough of Christian tradition and faith. Like you Eljay, he developed his own interpretation of what a GOOD CHRISTIAN was, and devoted his whole life to it. What he ended up concluding was that the catholic church failed him and his people, protestants only deserved his utmost contempt, and JESUS counted on him to deliver the real fight!!! Hitler showed every sign of a devout christian youth, turned christian militant, turned fundamentalist, and the rest is history. Was Hiltler sane and balanced in his view of christianity, Jesus, Jews, himself, his nation, etc.??? Like all fundamentalists, he started out posting a mildly paranoid neurotiuc behavior. For just the right number of fundamentalists (the leaders), when this behavior not only goes unchecked, but is instead encouraged by a shared mass neurosis, the dormant neurosis turns rapidly into a a dangerous phychosis. So if it will make you happy Eljay, Hitler progressively became, in hte last quarter of his lifetime, a dangerously psychotic fundamentlist christian of a church of one. But a christian he sure was. Your personal meaning and interpretation of christian, however true it may for you, is totally irrelevant. The point 'middleearthing' is making, is one worth discussing and mastering: 'fundamentally :), FUNDAMENTALISM IS LATENTLY DANGEROUS, whether in the hands of religious, political, social or individual entities. Voile; How are you my friend. Please Voile - do not insult the general intelligence of those on the site, and their opinion of what you have to offer by claiming that Hitler was a Christian because he was Baptised. And further more - I think you'll have a hard time convincing me that God was unaware of the decisions that Hitler made in his life (or was going to make after his baptism) and indwelt him with the Holy Spirit anyway? Perhaps you are confusing the issue by equating Religious Fanaticism and Christainity, and defining them as mutually exclusive? If so - we have directly opposing definitions of Christainity. That would mean that Fanatics like Osama bin Laden, and Christopher Hitchens are Christains by this definition. A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. He was the poster boy for Darwinism if he was anything, and I know a great number of posters on this site who will be appalled at my calling them Christains because they believed in the Darwinian world view. Hello Eljay, and let me wish you and yours the happiest of Christmas holidays!!! Insulting people's intelligence?!?!?! Me!?!?!? Now! Now! Now! Eljay! You should know better than to go there!!! Let me use a simple example to demonstrate where the insult to intelligence, if such was made, lies. Since we are in the heart of Christmas Holidays, with all the family gatherings that we will all be plunged into, let me use the family as the perfect metaphor to clarify this 'state of belonging' with which you appear to have a serious issue. Here goes the metaphor: Two young couples meet in the local park of a new suburb where they have both recently bought their first homes. Among other things, they women discover that they are both pregnant with their first child and are both planning to have more children in the future. Time passes, life is good, and our two families are spotted at the park again, as they have been doing for years, along with backyard family barbecues, camping trips, and a variety of other activities neighborhood families share together. Paying attention to the discussion, though, all is not as well as it might have first appeared. Mother 'B', is telling couple 'A', the latest episode of their '2' child. At 17, '2' child is purging his second jail term for drug trafficking, car jacking, and 7-Eleven store hold-ups. In his early years, '2' was an exemplary young child. Without warning, somewhere in early adolescence, '2' started showing signs of minor delinquency. Escalating into full blown crime, laced with aggressive, rebellious and abusive conduct towards all. '... I just don't know what happened!!!...', Keeps repeating Mother 'B'. '... It is like I don't know him. It is as though he is not our son!!! ...' '2' no longer behaves according to the family's values and principles. '2' doesn't live up to what a 'good' family member should be. You get it Eljay?!?!?! Regardless of whether or not you live up to the 'subjective' ideal that 'family values' impose, '2' IS STILL THE SECOND CHILD OF THAT FAMILY. He still carries the name, is he's still an integral part of the fabric of that family. Be ashamed of him all you wish, talk of disowning him all day long, '2' is still the delinquent son of that family. Like it or not, that's what this family MUST OWN UP TO!!! Likewise, that is what you and your christian family MUST OWN UP TO!!! Excommunication from a family, biological, christian or otherwise, based on one's 'bad behavior', is not only cowardly and hypocritical, it is totally contrary to the most basic christian values. It is time for all of us to put down our Pharisee's 'good behavior' checklists, and not only take responsibility for, but fully embrace the black sheeps in our respective families. That is the first lesson Jesus, whom you claim to serve, taught us all!!! Now, the insult to anyone intelligence would be to keep peddling the 'good little christian morality checklist', like Mao's 'redbook', to arbitrarily judge who's 'in' the club! That is the insult to christians' intelligence IMO Eljay!!! So - given your analogy, one becomes a Christian by being born into "the family", rather than it being a choice. Could you give me a biblical reference that supports this? Or am I mis-representing your definition of Christianity.... While I tend to agree with your views on religious fantacism - as related to Msharmony, and the general destruction it has on society at large, I fail to aline myself with your examples of it, and how you over simplify your catogorization. For instance - your broad brush painting of the "christianity" religion, as it were. You tend to define Christianity by societies general views of it, rather than the biblical derivation - where the term originates. So now we loose all meaning to the term, because we're now allowing for anyone's idea of what "Christainity" even means in the first place. This being clearly demonstrated by those who believe that Hitler was a Christian. At some point in his life, he may have been a Catholic... but I defy you to cite a time in his life when he was ever a Christain. I tend to define the idea of the term "Christian" by the attributes the bible uses to describe those who claim "membership" to this family. I do not consider it valid to be a member of a denomination who claims to be "Christian" as a viable justification to be called a "Christian". My sense is that we do not share this opinion. Where does your understanding differ from this - if it indeed does? |
http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2007/02/02/20070202-E2-01.html http://www.anatheist.net/2009/08/does-atheism-inspire-mass-murder/ Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads. “30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.” http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0056.html More... Hitler Was a Christian The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism: "History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed." http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm ~~~~ Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....? You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian. To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot. I expect you to correct yourself on this. Not that again Eljay?!?!?! Hitler was baptized and raised in the most thorough of Christian tradition and faith. Like you Eljay, he developed his own interpretation of what a GOOD CHRISTIAN was, and devoted his whole life to it. What he ended up concluding was that the catholic church failed him and his people, protestants only deserved his utmost contempt, and JESUS counted on him to deliver the real fight!!! Hitler showed every sign of a devout christian youth, turned christian militant, turned fundamentalist, and the rest is history. Was Hiltler sane and balanced in his view of christianity, Jesus, Jews, himself, his nation, etc.??? Like all fundamentalists, he started out posting a mildly paranoid neurotiuc behavior. For just the right number of fundamentalists (the leaders), when this behavior not only goes unchecked, but is instead encouraged by a shared mass neurosis, the dormant neurosis turns rapidly into a a dangerous phychosis. So if it will make you happy Eljay, Hitler progressively became, in hte last quarter of his lifetime, a dangerously psychotic fundamentlist christian of a church of one. But a christian he sure was. Your personal meaning and interpretation of christian, however true it may for you, is totally irrelevant. The point 'middleearthing' is making, is one worth discussing and mastering: 'fundamentally :), FUNDAMENTALISM IS LATENTLY DANGEROUS, whether in the hands of religious, political, social or individual entities. Voile; How are you my friend. Please Voile - do not insult the general intelligence of those on the site, and their opinion of what you have to offer by claiming that Hitler was a Christian because he was Baptised. And further more - I think you'll have a hard time convincing me that God was unaware of the decisions that Hitler made in his life (or was going to make after his baptism) and indwelt him with the Holy Spirit anyway? Perhaps you are confusing the issue by equating Religious Fanaticism and Christainity, and defining them as mutually exclusive? If so - we have directly opposing definitions of Christainity. That would mean that Fanatics like Osama bin Laden, and Christopher Hitchens are Christains by this definition. A casual perusual of the bible clearly demonstrates that by Hitlers actions - he was anything BUT a Christian. He was the poster boy for Darwinism if he was anything, and I know a great number of posters on this site who will be appalled at my calling them Christains because they believed in the Darwinian world view. |
http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2007/02/02/20070202-E2-01.html http://www.anatheist.net/2009/08/does-atheism-inspire-mass-murder/ Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads. “30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.” http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0056.html More... Hitler Was a Christian The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism: "History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed." http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm ~~~~ Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....? You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian. To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot. I expect you to correct yourself on this. Sorry, but I wouldn't bring this to light if it were not true. Here are some observations from Hitler's life and reign: "Hitler’s involvement with the Church: a) Hitler was baptized as Roman Catholic during infancy in Austria. b) As Hitler approached boyhood he attended a monastery school. (On his way to school young Adolf daily observed a stone arch which was carved with the monastery’s coat of arms bearing a swastika.) c) Hitler was a communicant and an altar boy in the Catholic Church. d) As a young man he was confirmed as a “soldier of Christ.” His most ardent goal at the time was to become a priest. Hitler writes of his love for the church and clergy: “I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.” -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) e) Hitler was NEVER excommunicated nor condemned by his church. Matter of fact the Church felt he was JUST and “avenging for God” in attacking the Jews for they deemed the Semites the killers of Jesus. f) Hitler, Franco and Mussolini were given VETO power over whom the pope could appoint as a bishop in Germany, Spain and Italy. In turn they surtaxed the Catholics and gave the money to the Vatican. Hitler wrote a speech in which he talks about this alliance, this is an excerpt: “The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the National Socialist state by the Catholic Church. This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism [Nazism] is hostile to religion is a lie.” Adolf Hitler, 22 July 1933, writing to the Nazi Party g) Hitler worked CLOSELY with Pope Pius in converting Germanic society and supporting the church. The Church absorbed Nazi ideals and preached them as part of their sermons in turn Hitler placed Catholic teachings in public education. This photo depicts Hitler with Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin. It was taken On April 20, 1939, when Orsenigo celebrated Hitler’s birthday. The celebrations were initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) and became a tradition. Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send “warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany with “fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars.” (If you would like to know more about the secret dealings of Hitler and the Pope I recommend you get a book titled: Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell) h) Due to Hitler’s involvement with the Church he began enacting doctrines of the Church as law. He outlawed all abortion, raged a death war on all homosexuals, and demanded corporal punishment in schools and home. Many times Hitler addressed the church and promised that Germany would implement its teachings: “The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today.” –Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda “Providence has caused me to be Catholic, and I know therefore how to handle this Church.” -Adolf Hitler, reportedly to have said in Berlin in 1936 on the enmity of the Catholic Church to National Socialism How Christianity was the catalyst of the Holocaust: Hitler’s anti-Semitism grew out of his Christian education. Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians. The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus. Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years. The Protestant leader, Martin Luther, himself, held a livid hatred for Jews and their Jewish religion. In his book, “On the Jews and their Lies,” Luther set the standard for Jewish hatred in Protestant Germany up until World War 2. Hitler expressed a great admiration for Martin Luther constantly quoting his works and beliefs. Now, you must remember before Hitler rose to Chancellor of Germany the country was in a deep economic depression due to the Versailles treaty. The Versailles treaty demanded that Germans made financial reparations for the previous war and Germany simply was not self sufficient enough in order to pay the debt. Hitler was the leader that raised Germany out of the depression and brought them back to a world recognized power. Due to his annulment of the financial woes of the Germanic people he became their redeemer and they anointed him as the leader of the German Reich Christian Church in 1933. This placed him in power of the German Christian Socialist movement which legislates their political and religious agendas. It united all denominations, mainly the Protestant/Catholic and Lutheran people to instill faith in a national Christianity. How the Nazi Regime converted the people: a) In the 1920s, Hitler’s German Workers’ Party (pre Nazi term) adopted a “Programme” with twenty-five points (the Nazi version of a constitution). In point twenty-four, their intent clearly demonstrates, from the very beginning, their stand in favor of a “positive” Christianity: “We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession...” b) The Nazi regime started a youth movement which preached its agenda to impressionable children. Hitler backed up the notion that all people need faith and religious education: “By helping to raise man above the level of bestial vegetation, faith contributes in reality to the securing and safeguarding of his existence. Take away from present-day mankind its education-based, religious- dogmatic principles-- or, practically speaking, ethical-moral principles-- by abolishing this religious education, but without replacing it by an equivalent, and the result will be a grave shock to the foundations of their existence.” – Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) c) The Nazi regime began to control schools insisting that Christianity was taught. d) The Nazi regime included anti-Semitic Christian writings in textbooks and they were not removed from Christian doctrines until 1961. e) The Nazi regime having full blown power over the people began to forcibly convert all its military. f) The Nazi regime forced the German soldiers to wear religious symbols such as the swastika and they placed religious sayings on military gear. An example here is this German army belt buckle (I believe my Opa had one) which reads “Gott Mit Uns”. For those of you who do not speak German it is translated as “God With Us”. g) The German troops were often forced to get sprinkled with holy water and listen to a sermon by a Catholic priest before going out on a maneuver. h) The Nazis created a secret service called the “SS Reich” that would act as spies on the dealings of other citizens. If anyone was suspected of heresy (Going not only against the Socialist party but CHURCH DOCTRINE) they would be prosecuted Quotes from Hitler: More, a lot more.....at http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm In my opinion, you show a very distinct lack of understanding of what a Christian is - so, please, help me t understand how you've reached the conclusion that Hitler is a Christian. Define for me what a Christian is - so I can understand what you are attempting to claim in light of your belief that there was anything "Christian" about Hitlers world view, and the way he lived his life, and the decisions he made thereof. And just out of curiousity - what is your basis for your decisions leading to your definition of Christinity. In other words - who's the authority your attributing credit towards for your definition of "Christianity". |
I was reading Republican Gemorrah (sp?) and they discussed that Sarah Palin's church believes that Satan had sex with Eve and begat Cain (the Third Wave, I think it is called) and therefore all people with high intelligence are actually descended from Satan. Is this accurate? As to this. If by "accurate" you mean the truth. Hardly. It's extremely bad exegesis. |
although along the lines of your thread name.... There are many forms of christianity cause people can't agree most the time and they think what they think is correct no matter what proof or evidence the other has for his/her side. But i've pondered on the same question i meen there's baptist catholics 7th day adventist pentacostal church of christ and so on, but it all boils down to people's interpretations of the bible. In my eyes it's work of the devil. He blinds us to certain things causeing these different denominations. Thus resulting in us not being united together in the lord's name. It's easier for him to screw with us having us seperated like this. Cause just debation over the bible with most people causes anger and frustration and both those are sins. He does this cause he knows if we all united he then has lost. I understand the point that you are responding to, but I would tend to disagree with how you've presented it. There is only one "form" of Christianity, and the definition of which (to use the term loosely) can be found in the bible - and really - there's no other source. What I see your mentioning is the breakdown of Denominational_ Interpretation_Christianity, which is not a definition of it - but an attempt at guessing at it. In the overall ontological understanding of Christianity - it is Jesus who defines it for us, not any man's idea of what Jesus meant by it. Therefore - there can be only one Christianity - for it is Jesus who said - "No one gets to the Father but through me." Sounds like only one way to Christianity to me. Is that what you were inferring by your post? |
http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2007/02/02/20070202-E2-01.html http://www.anatheist.net/2009/08/does-atheism-inspire-mass-murder/ Revisionist writings....I posted a Harvard study earlier, find it or you can choose to believe some writer at the Columbus Dispatch revisonist's views to fit your truthiness...that write picked just from the Salem Witch Trials no the whole period...egads. “30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Midwives were not especially targeted; nor were witches liquidated as obstacles to professionalized medicine and mechanistic science.” http://catholiceducation.org/articles/history/world/wh0056.html More... Hitler Was a Christian The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism: "History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed." http://www.evilbible.com/hitler_was_christian.htm ~~~~ Msharmony...who's pressuring you to keep it private? Not me, I am only pointing out that the extremists of your religion are the problem...and have been forever a thorn in the side of humanity and a roadblock to human progress, e.g. denying evolution is absurd with what we now know.....not sure you read the OP....? You are wrong. Hitler WAS NOT a Christian. To claim he was - shows a serious lack of understanding the meaning of a Christian, in which case - anything you have to say is moot. I expect you to correct yourself on this. |
Edited by
Thu 12/17/09 08:50 PM
You decide based on what is true for you. There is no absolute truth. So - by your own words - there is absolute truth. since there are no absolutes, your statement cannot be absolutely true, and is therefore - false. Conclusion - there must be absolute truth. And that is an absolute. |
What if...
I'm still scratching my head as to why the Bible never mentioned Dinosaurs? ![]() Why would that be an issue for you - since the word "Dinosaur" wasn't defined until the middle 1800's? I would be AMAIZED if the word Dinosaur were in the bible, because that would mean the authors were using a word that wasn't "coined" until thousands of years later. |
Wow. So we, as humans, don't know how radioactive isotopes decay. I'm thinking there's a whole lotta people in trouble. People who work in nuke power plants, people who rely on atomic clocks, many on much of our navel fleet, anyone getting cancer treatments via radiation, ect. ect. Eljay, I don't really care where you got your info. With just a wee bit of thought, one can see that it's just wrong. I didn't say we don't know how radioactive isotopes decay - so what's your point? Read my post - I said there is no way to determine the amount of radioativity in the parent element. Whether it was created 6,000 or so years ago - or 4.5 billion - it is a pure educated quess as to what the decay ratin is without knowing how much radioactivity existed in the first place. And since the hslf life of these elements is measured in the billions of years - how can there even be any information on what was lost - since there would be no measurable change within the lifetime of any of the scientists who are calculating this data. And all of the examples you have cited for radioactivity is done in closed - controlled environments, and is not analogous to the information used in radiometric dating. Really bad analogy. If you're trying to prove a point - at least start wih as point to prove. Alright Eljay, calm down. Your writing belies your charged emotional state. Which makes your points difficult to discern through the typos, ect.... So, if I understand you correctly, you do agree that because of observation and mathematics, we know for a certainty the decay rates of various radioactive isotopes. What you disagree with is the ability to determine the amount of original element vs. the element it changes into after decay, in the wild, as it were. Is this correct? Because, in the wild, it isn't a closed system? uh..huh... Well, I'd say something buried in rock was a pretty closed system. And since our methods of radioactive dating corresponds to other methods of dating, such as astronomical observation, I think we've got a fairly good handle on the whole dating the world thing. To simplify this - I believe that the current observation of radio-active change in isotopes - be it uranium, strontium, any of the elements at the bottom of the periodical chart - is a real occurance. There are numerous factors involved in determining this rate (environment - location - mass - etc) so generally, an "error" factor is given - if you will - so that a range is determined. More often than not - there is a set of parameters (a priori's) that must be accepted as true - yet are impossible to "prove", as these factors have never been witnessed, and are impossible to recreate. An example of this would be "The Big Bang". No one was there to verify it - impossible to recreate it. All dating methods used in science have as a priori's - The Big Bang and No_global_flood. These "truths" depend upon the faith of anyone attempting to date any object - be it a rock - fossil - tree - you get the point, to accept these as fact. And those are just two of the obvious a priori's. There are many. Now - while I have little reason to doubt the current observation of scientists pertaining to the experiments and conclusions they come to based on their study of these isotopes - I have serious doubts as to the conclusions that are arrived at when it comes to extrapolating these observances back into time. To blindly accept these conclusitory observations (if that's even a word) one must hold to the "religion" of Uniformitarianism. But if this be the case - then that would contradict numerous conclusions that have been determined to be fact. The Ice Age alone would be enough of an example. So - in order to believe that a scientist - through determining the amount of radioactive decay in - say carbon-14, and extrapolating it's age, would necessitate one's believing that the rate of change of atmospheric and eternal influences on that object were exactly the same over the period that the object were dated back to, than it is to the time period the current object is observed in. So let me ask you this. Do you think this is true? That this phenomina has occured in order to ensure the accuracy of the extrapolation? I have my doubts. So - to claim the extrapolation as "fact", is a bit of a stretch to me. So - it isn't that I claim it to be wrong - I just want to know what the information that supports the claim of it being fact is. I ask this question all the time - and never get answers. Saying that it's understood to be true by all scientists - just doesn't cut it for me as "supportive evidence". I would say that the same holds true for you. Just because Moses claimed that God created the universe and everythng in it in 6 days - just isn't giving you the supportive evidence you need to accept this as fact. Am I right on this? But hey, you're still free to say God just made it that way. It's just a matter of what one's world view is - and what they're willing to believe thru their faith. Suffice it to say - that for me, my faith in God is not trumped by my faith in man. If I recall correctly, you made 3 points on why evolution is not correct. Let's begin by saying that I make no claim that evolution is incorrect - I claim that it's "claimed facts" are unsubstanciated. But let's continue..... 1. Noone has ever shown that life comes from lifelessness. I've told you of an experiment that's been done dozens of times that shows that self-replicating organic molecules can be created easily. Molecules that become more and more complex over time, via natural selection. Created using some very basic stuff. So let me get this straight - science can take a rock and create life out of it? When was this done? Where can I go to get the information on this? And how exactly have these molecules become more complex? What would be an obvious example of this? 2. DNA never adds information. I've told you of a fairly common and well known case that proves that's not true. Refresh my memory here. I want to look into this. 3. The world isn't old enough for evolution to have occured. We know that it is. And we know that how exactly? Give me something that supports this claim. I say that the world is no older than 10,000 years because Moses said so. Now who's saying it's 4.5 billion years old - to begin with, and what is supporting that claim? Provide me with those answers, and I'll become a major disciple of Evolution. Honestly, Eljay, if you haven't got anything else, why do you persist? Seriously, why? Because I keep seeing these claims of fact about evolution - without anything to substanciate it. "Where's the beef?" as they say. You want to believe that God did it, fine. I've got no beef w/ that belief. I don't believe it myself, but in that, I can't prove God didn't do it, either. Well - it isn't a matter of "want" - it's just what i'm left with after all of these years of asking "why". To me - it's just as easy to say that God created the world, than it is to say it happened by the big bang. Neither one can be proved - or disproved. But you can't use science to prove evolution doesn't work and the world isn't as old as it is. You just can't. It'll never work. But science has nothing to do with evolution. It is a faith based system. Science only demonstrates what is occuring now - and in many circumstances it can help predict what will occur in the furure. It can do nothing to prove anything about the past that doesn't rely on the world view interpretation of what is observed. Now - we're not discussing the evolving of organisms here - this is real time observation - and is fact. But to claim that observing virus' mutating somehow proves man and ape share a common ancestor - is nothing more than interpreting an observation through a world view - and does not in any way substanciate the claims of evolution. to say you are vebose would be an understatement... I don't think you understand the words "religion, faith, science". But hey, I'm just basing that on your usage here. I could be wrong. Doesn't really matter to this discussion. Also, before you comment that I'm wrong on something, perhaps you should actually read it first. Radioactive isotopes decay at a steady rate, regardless of the enviroment, unless that enviroment is actively inputting or releasing radiation that effects the isotope in question. This would be why it is relied upon to date things. Also, radiactive decay is by no means the only way to date very old things. The different ways correspond to a high degree. Astrological data would be another way. ![]() ![]() This experiment is easy to do. YOU can even do it. It's been done at least since the 70's. I'm sure you can find it on the internet SOMEWHERE. Try college websites. I'd look it up for you but I have a job and I have to see a woman about a vagina. I barely have the time for this. And yes, sorry Eljay but vaginas are more important to me than proving something to you. You want to look up downsydrome(sp?) for extra info in the DNA code. Laters... So what you're saying is that I don't understand the meaning of "religion, faith, and science" as you understand them. I'm sorry - but putting anything in a "closed container" is not going to provide me any additional knowledge to what happened 4.5 billion years ago. Yes - radioactive isotropes decay at a steady rate - as is understood by examining them today (something which - was not done even when you and I were youngsters with any accuracy.) I would guess that this will be a consistancy years into the future - I would say no one has a clue about what happened 6,000 years ago - let alone 4 billion years ago. If you think that someone can say they know with a certainty they do - you are as delusional as they are. They can believe what they want - they cannot "assure" you of anything that happened at a time when nothing was known about the state of the planet. And why is it you think that a scientist can look at a comet through a telescope - a million miles or so away - and associate that with anything on this planet? There's no way to verify his observation about anything. I would be more than disappointed in you were you to for_go your "womanly pursuits" to respond to a post of mine. Anyway - down syndrome - I'll check it out. |
Am I right on this?
No what you are talking about is first principles. The big bang does jive with first principles, but its completely unimportant when discussing the theory of evolution. Potassium Argon dating. http://id-archserve.ucsb.edu/anth3/courseware/Chronology/09_Potassium_Argon_Dating.html Its whats for dinner. Ah. Finally - a response. Interesting site. I went through all 13 sections - granted, quickly - to get an idea of the grand scheme of things. Though not exhaustive in its presentation - it does give more than just a "because we said so" analysis of what is involved in dating. I've had more than a casual interest in this over the past 6 months, and this site offered a couple of different perspectives. I will spend more time with it (when I have the time) in the days and weeks to come - and see where it leads. Thanks Bushi. |
Wow. So we, as humans, don't know how radioactive isotopes decay. I'm thinking there's a whole lotta people in trouble. People who work in nuke power plants, people who rely on atomic clocks, many on much of our navel fleet, anyone getting cancer treatments via radiation, ect. ect. Eljay, I don't really care where you got your info. With just a wee bit of thought, one can see that it's just wrong. I didn't say we don't know how radioactive isotopes decay - so what's your point? Read my post - I said there is no way to determine the amount of radioativity in the parent element. Whether it was created 6,000 or so years ago - or 4.5 billion - it is a pure educated quess as to what the decay ratin is without knowing how much radioactivity existed in the first place. And since the hslf life of these elements is measured in the billions of years - how can there even be any information on what was lost - since there would be no measurable change within the lifetime of any of the scientists who are calculating this data. And all of the examples you have cited for radioactivity is done in closed - controlled environments, and is not analogous to the information used in radiometric dating. Really bad analogy. If you're trying to prove a point - at least start wih as point to prove. Alright Eljay, calm down. Your writing belies your charged emotional state. Which makes your points difficult to discern through the typos, ect.... So, if I understand you correctly, you do agree that because of observation and mathematics, we know for a certainty the decay rates of various radioactive isotopes. What you disagree with is the ability to determine the amount of original element vs. the element it changes into after decay, in the wild, as it were. Is this correct? Because, in the wild, it isn't a closed system? uh..huh... Well, I'd say something buried in rock was a pretty closed system. And since our methods of radioactive dating corresponds to other methods of dating, such as astronomical observation, I think we've got a fairly good handle on the whole dating the world thing. To simplify this - I believe that the current observation of radio-active change in isotopes - be it uranium, strontium, any of the elements at the bottom of the periodical chart - is a real occurance. There are numerous factors involved in determining this rate (environment - location - mass - etc) so generally, an "error" factor is given - if you will - so that a range is determined. More often than not - there is a set of parameters (a priori's) that must be accepted as true - yet are impossible to "prove", as these factors have never been witnessed, and are impossible to recreate. An example of this would be "The Big Bang". No one was there to verify it - impossible to recreate it. All dating methods used in science have as a priori's - The Big Bang and No_global_flood. These "truths" depend upon the faith of anyone attempting to date any object - be it a rock - fossil - tree - you get the point, to accept these as fact. And those are just two of the obvious a priori's. There are many. Now - while I have little reason to doubt the current observation of scientists pertaining to the experiments and conclusions they come to based on their study of these isotopes - I have serious doubts as to the conclusions that are arrived at when it comes to extrapolating these observances back into time. To blindly accept these conclusitory observations (if that's even a word) one must hold to the "religion" of Uniformitarianism. But if this be the case - then that would contradict numerous conclusions that have been determined to be fact. The Ice Age alone would be enough of an example. So - in order to believe that a scientist - through determining the amount of radioactive decay in - say carbon-14, and extrapolating it's age, would necessitate one's believing that the rate of change of atmospheric and eternal influences on that object were exactly the same over the period that the object were dated back to, than it is to the time period the current object is observed in. So let me ask you this. Do you think this is true? That this phenomina has occured in order to ensure the accuracy of the extrapolation? I have my doubts. So - to claim the extrapolation as "fact", is a bit of a stretch to me. So - it isn't that I claim it to be wrong - I just want to know what the information that supports the claim of it being fact is. I ask this question all the time - and never get answers. Saying that it's understood to be true by all scientists - just doesn't cut it for me as "supportive evidence". I would say that the same holds true for you. Just because Moses claimed that God created the universe and everythng in it in 6 days - just isn't giving you the supportive evidence you need to accept this as fact. Am I right on this? But hey, you're still free to say God just made it that way. It's just a matter of what one's world view is - and what they're willing to believe thru their faith. Suffice it to say - that for me, my faith in God is not trumped by my faith in man. If I recall correctly, you made 3 points on why evolution is not correct. Let's begin by saying that I make no claim that evolution is incorrect - I claim that it's "claimed facts" are unsubstanciated. But let's continue..... 1. Noone has ever shown that life comes from lifelessness. I've told you of an experiment that's been done dozens of times that shows that self-replicating organic molecules can be created easily. Molecules that become more and more complex over time, via natural selection. Created using some very basic stuff. So let me get this straight - science can take a rock and create life out of it? When was this done? Where can I go to get the information on this? And how exactly have these molecules become more complex? What would be an obvious example of this? 2. DNA never adds information. I've told you of a fairly common and well known case that proves that's not true. Refresh my memory here. I want to look into this. 3. The world isn't old enough for evolution to have occured. We know that it is. And we know that how exactly? Give me something that supports this claim. I say that the world is no older than 10,000 years because Moses said so. Now who's saying it's 4.5 billion years old - to begin with, and what is supporting that claim? Provide me with those answers, and I'll become a major disciple of Evolution. Honestly, Eljay, if you haven't got anything else, why do you persist? Seriously, why? Because I keep seeing these claims of fact about evolution - without anything to substanciate it. "Where's the beef?" as they say. You want to believe that God did it, fine. I've got no beef w/ that belief. I don't believe it myself, but in that, I can't prove God didn't do it, either. Well - it isn't a matter of "want" - it's just what i'm left with after all of these years of asking "why". To me - it's just as easy to say that God created the world, than it is to say it happened by the big bang. Neither one can be proved - or disproved. But you can't use science to prove evolution doesn't work and the world isn't as old as it is. You just can't. It'll never work. But science has nothing to do with evolution. It is a faith based system. Science only demonstrates what is occuring now - and in many circumstances it can help predict what will occur in the furure. It can do nothing to prove anything about the past that doesn't rely on the world view interpretation of what is observed. Now - we're not discussing the evolving of organisms here - this is real time observation - and is fact. But to claim that observing virus' mutating somehow proves man and ape share a common ancestor - is nothing more than interpreting an observation through a world view - and does not in any way substanciate the claims of evolution. |
Evolution takes place, eljay doesn't believe it. Thats ok. indeed. This is a statement of something occuring in the present. I've never, I repeat - NEVER - said that anything is incapable of "evolving". Had the statement "Evolution of the species did not occur" - then one could say "Eljay doesn't believe it". Let's not demonstrate a lack of comprehanding posts you guys. If you can't show you can comprehand a post - how do you expect anyone to believe you can comprehend science? |
Dawkin's logic and proofs against God come from his logical fallacies of appealling to emotion - which has nothing to do with reality (from a stand point of proof) and everything to do with subjectivity. Perception may denote reality at times - but it is not a viable representation of the "truth". So while I will admit, Dawkins is quite elloquent, an excellant writer and story-teller, he is not a logician. Richard Dawkins has written a number of books. Only one discusses God. His other books are about evolution and biology. He does discuss a couple of ideas about how life may have began, but for the most part it's just the cold, hard facts. So, again I say read them and understand tham before you attempt to knock them. I got my information from researching Isometric dating, from studying chemistry and biology in my youth, and from a degree in logic. While I cannot rattle the names of the scientists who's analysis of dating methods I "plowed" through - if you were to google Isometric dating and read the definitions, and descriptions of the methods, you will see for yourself how it is determined which dating method is used for what, and how the information is determined. A little knowledge of chemistry will be enough to determine that there are just too many "presumed" assumptions, and a priori's that cannot be substanciated (like the original quantity of radioactive substance in the parent element) in order to assert that these "dates" bantied around - like the earth being 4.5 billion years old - have no support of fact, merely presumption, mathematical formulars based on unsupported premises, and a world view that, rather than support the presumptions - contradict them. I see. So, I'm supposed to take you word for it. You just declear yourself to be correct be fiat. Well, that's not good enough. How about you give a creditable sorce or two to back up your points? I didn't say I had a problem with Dawkin's books - I just don't agree with his world view, and how he interprets "facts" by it. When held to the fire - Dawkins does not claim to know how life formed on the planet - after all, he isn't an idiot - he says what he believes. Again - it is a faith based topic - no matter how one looks at it. As to the topic of dating - it's not my words - look up Isotropic dating - heck, even Wiki has it. Read it for yourself - then we'll discuss the "proof" and "fact" behind dating methods. It isn't a question of my being "correct" - but I'm questioning how it is that those who state that they can date something to be 4.5 billion years old can support their argument. I'm more than willing to accept this as fact - as soon as it can be demonstrated as such. Know anyone who can do that? Because there has yet to be a post on any of these Evolution threads where it's been demonstrated. People just say "It's a fact" - but they couldn't even begin to explain WHY! That's all I'm asking. If you claim that evolution is a "fact" - shouldn't you be able to explain WHY. I do not claim Creation to be a "fact" - how could anyone? There's no way anyone could even begin to fathom how or why it is true. It's just accepted by FAITH by those who believe it to be true. Observation and experience either supports it - or disproves it, but the truth of the matter remains subjective to the faith one has in their world view. Are you presuming that this not be the case for an evolutionist? If so - explain yourself - if not, I would assume that you agree with me - that evolution is nothing more than a "faith based religion" if you will - because I fail to see there being nything "Scientific" about it. Science would go along just fine if it were evidenced that evolution is a crock. |