Community > Posts By > pb3

pb3's photo
Thu 06/27/13 12:42 AM
Whereabouts is it?

pb3's photo
Wed 06/26/13 08:58 AM
I think people take casual sex a bit too seriously. I wouldnt call a woman slutty or dirty if I knew she was having casual sex with a guy. Wouldnt think a guy is a user or player for the same thing. Lots of people have sexual attractions and desires but just dont have the time or emotional availability to get into a serious relationship. The way people talk sometimes makes it seem like the only way to get laid is to put a ring on someones finger (exaggerating but anyway). Casual sex is perfectly fine in my books. Dishonesty isnt, so both sides need to be on the same page. Play safe tho, you never know who he or she has been with!

pb3's photo
Tue 06/25/13 09:28 PM
Edited by pb3 on Tue 06/25/13 09:28 PM
Lolwtf I post a thread and go to work, check on it at lunch and it's a johnny bravothon lmao!

Jkjk it's all good. Thanks for your input... Hopefully a few more people who haven't posted will do so because I'm trying to get as many opinions as possible from all ages and walks of life.

pb3's photo
Tue 06/25/13 06:12 AM
What do you think is a healthy amount of sex in a relationship. Say for the sake of this topic, at 3 months into a relationship, 6 months 1 year, 5 years and 10 years.

pb3's photo
Tue 06/25/13 02:44 AM
Interesting study but I think it implies that being geographically located in collectivist cultures actually physically affects these alleles or that these disproportionate allele amounts cause a culture to be collectivist. Both of which don't make sense to me. It all makes sense that it breeds or harbours depression but the implications about the alleles were oddly written. Does anyone else kind of get that implication from reading this? I could just be tired... Hour 11 of my 12 hour shift :/

pb3's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:58 PM
I was wondering if you guys could add support for embedding youtube videos. As an iframe it wouldn't take up hd space on your server/hosting package and could help generate a bit more traffic resulting in a few more 'sense clicks?

pb3's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:41 PM
Edited by pb3 on Mon 06/24/13 12:45 PM
Cheerio! Love the name!

Sorry they are so big. That is almost life size. Pretty darned close. Those were taken with my Blackberry. Not bad for a camera phone, huh?

If you ever wanted to resize, crop, filter, digitally paint, or anything your mind can imagine regarding digital pictures, you should check out this free and open source application available on windows mac and linux.

Here's a link to an unofficial gimp facebook page. Although unofficial(there is no official page) it still has close to 100 000 likes, indicating its a safe, legitimate thing to download.

pb3's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:27 PM
At this point in the conversation I can't tell if the OP is just a fool or a troll. I'm really second guessing here. How can someone spout off such nonsense and still be serious about it?

pb3's photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:22 PM
Edited by pb3 on Sun 06/23/13 07:38 PM

Is it Christians spreading AIDS?
Yes, I would think some do. Leukocytes are not affected by religious beliefs; Christians are just as susceptible to receiving and transmitting all diseases as non-Christians.

Is it Christians creating the drug and alcohol culture?
John 2:1-11

Is it Christians selling drugs on the streets to your kids?
No, they're molesting them instead.

Is it Christianity that is hiding the facts that disprove evolution?
Disprove evolution? What shows are you watching? I believe in intelligent design. IMHO there IS a Creator. This Creator created creation with the capacity to evolve. Evolution is real for the same reason we have homeostasis (which in itself is a product of evolution): to cope with dynamics. Darwin (yes, the obligatory D word in a religion thread) proved microevolution the best he could at the time and science has proven it wholly since. Macroevolution is artificially achievable by humans if albeit fallible(Liger or GMO's although GMO's are more micro) I would argue that if us lowly beings made from dust can manage to force microevolution or macroevolution, then this really smart guy who created EVERYTHING could pull it off legit.

What you got to understand that by the nature of the fall, we are inherently rebellious toward God and ultimately self seeking and full of self importance. By nature, without God we are prone to these traits.

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

To this charge I say

pb3's photo
Sun 06/23/13 06:23 PM

pb3's photo
Sun 06/23/13 06:37 AM

yep,Alcoholics go around beating the Crap out of everybody!:laughing: slaphead

There's an extremely compelling statistic somewhere that would indicate that yes, alcoholics do have an VERRRRRY SIGNIFICANTLY higher chance of trying to kick your head in. You have not seen how alcohol is a catalyst for anger and violence?

OP, very simple solution: the fitness crowd. This will filter out much of the smokers, a fair bit of the pot smokers, and probably all or almost all of the alcoholics. I've never seen an alcoholic hanging out at my local running room.

pb3's photo
Sun 06/23/13 06:18 AM
Maybe I'm biased but I think I'm a "good guy". What I can tell you from my experience is that I have the LEAST luck with women that have something like this on their profile. I generally look for profiles that don't have something accusatory to say about the gender they're trying to date. This is my way of finding where all the good girls are. Even then I still have horrible luck lol

pb3's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:52 PM
Edited by pb3 on Sat 06/22/13 08:55 PM
Haven't been playing much over the last few months but I did get my mind blown by this game on PC :)

pb3's photo
Sat 06/22/13 08:44 PM

Yes do we really deserve mr/miss right?

Self examination is important I believe.

Why do we think we deserve someone or some ideal above our own lowliness?

Maybe I deserve a crack whore?

If we truly want somebody then surely we must lower our standard.

I think we need to change our expectations to what we deserve, not what we want.

I admire your humility, but I don't think any person should be a martyr for humility's sake. If we all assumed that attitude towards ourselves in life, the reflective and humble people would not get anything and the oblivious, boasting social bullies would get everything because they're too self oblivious, proud, and chicken to admit their fallacies. Why should the nice people who have the courage to admit their fallacies let the ignorant people get everything, knowing they won't appreciate or realize their blessings in life anyway?

I say find someone who makes you happy and whom you make happy. There is nothing to gain from being a martyr. Contrarily, martyrdom is the worst type of abuse: self abuse. None is more painful.

pb3's photo
Sat 06/22/13 07:44 PM
Edited by pb3 on Sat 06/22/13 08:07 PM
changed my mind...don't have my ten-foot-pole with me atm.

pb3's photo
Sat 06/22/13 05:49 PM
Edited by pb3 on Sat 06/22/13 05:52 PM
^^ I was kind of thinking the same thing

Our posts may be sufficient to maintain her attention. At least until she's shown us who's boss. ^_^

Edit: just saw she hasn't been online in over a month. Maybe she found someone who could pffffft her attention.... Or she's still folding 6 years worth of laundry

pb3's photo
Sat 06/22/13 04:31 PM
I like Black Ops and World at War because they have zombies. Love slappin meatsacks

pb3's photo
Wed 06/19/13 02:42 AM
Phenomenal imagery and very vulnerable. Thanks for your courage :)

pb3's photo
Wed 06/19/13 02:30 AM

pb3's photo
Wed 06/19/13 02:02 AM

to pb3

You have amazing insight for such a young man.
Your first paragraph is very well said - a healthy balance of the two.

Was there something recently in the news or something personal that triggered the conversation around women's crimes and not being punished fairly compared to a man committing the same crime? I am very curious where these thoughts came from.

Excellent post pb3.

Thanks Ouizee! I rarely watch TV, read the news or any of that stuff, so no it wasn't anything specific in the media recently. It's just my general opinion based on what I've seen, heard, and experienced in my life. Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo committed their crimes close to where I live. There are details about their judicial proceedings that make it difficult to point out a blatant favoring of one gender upon prosecution, however, in retrospect with all facts laid out I think that she was babied. She's free living in Quebec while he rots in jail. They should both rot in jail, or they should both be free (I'd prefer the former for my safety), but there should not be a disparity like that. I have been pulled over in my car for routine traffic stops, and had my vehicle unjustifiably searched and my phone rummaged through on two occasions. Of course my age would play a part in this stereotyping from the police (us young chaps can be bad dudes donchaknow), but I have a strong hunch if I was a female of the same age my car would not have been searched. I don't do drugs, my car didn't smell like drugs as there had never been drugs in it, and I certainly don't present myself as a violent or criminal person. I present myself as intelligent, very well mannered, and docile. I can think of no other reason for them to be searching other than drugs or weapons. And again, if I was a female of similar age and similarly well groomed and mannered I doubt they'd be suspicious of me to the point they felt it was necessary to coerce the violation of my rights. I recall my mother getting drunk - as she did on many occasions - breaking the coffee table in an argument with her boyfriend, grabbing the broken table leg and hitting him with it about 4 times before he physically forced her to stop (i.e. he hugged her body so she couldn't swing her arms and beat him with it). The police arrived and took him to jail even though I attested to his innocence because he was a really tall and intimidating person, and he was really upset (angry) when they arrived, whereas she was crying and hysterical. I didn't really even like Paul as my mother and step-father had just divorced and he came barging in my life at a young age, but nonetheless, I thought it was complete BS and he didn't deserve to be judged like that.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I just mean to say I believe in TRUE equality. There's so much in the world that favors men and so much in the world that favors women. It sucks to hear all this whining and moaning from both sides of the table when most of the people on both sides of the table are guilty of it themselves, or only promote it as far as it benefits them. Fair should be truly fair.