Community > Posts By > pb3

pb3's photo
Wed 06/19/13 12:32 AM
It's a well known fact that women are better suited than men at certain things, and men are better suited than women at certain things. At the risk of making a poor generalization, I will go out on a limb and say I personally find the trade off to GENETICALLY be "Grace vs Strength" Both genders possess both qualities, but generally one gender is given more fortitude in one. I'm not sure how people can assume that one is more important than the other, considering almost everything in life requires a healthy balance of the two.

That said, I find feminism to be just as gender-debasing as chauvinism. Such extremes I suppose are necessary to force an equalization, but it nevertheless hurts to hear. I don't watch family sitcoms because I'm sick of the portrayal of men being stupid and inferior to their wives. Likewise, I don't watch the rest of the television shows and commercials in between them for their portrayal of what a woman is supposed to be like in order to be desirable, among other gender debasing insinuations.

I wish the law would hold women to equal accountability in the society where I personally reside (North America). For the male it hurts to feel held to a stricter standard, and for the female it only reasserts sexist values towards women; i.e. if a woman can get away with a crime that a man would not get away with, or get a lesser punishment than a man would, it sends a message that women are not independent, strong, or tough enough to handle equal punishment. It says women need to be babied and spared from the harshness of life. I guess for the female lawbreaker facing the judge with sweat-on-brow and white-knuckles this is good news, but for equal rights it is destructive.

There is one thing women will always have over men: The blessing (and curse hehe) to create and sustain new life. Even the most sexist man should realize and respect this.

With ALL of this said, I think most people that make sexist remarks do not truly believe wholeheartedly in the remarks they make; I believe most are disgruntled by experiences in life and simply adopt these remarks to get blow off steam about someone that hurt them.

pb3's photo
Tue 06/18/13 10:59 PM
In silence they violently shamed
A scattered few chatted in vain
Like so few arms outstretched to -
Oh so few arms outstretched to you.

These writhing vines rising from swine
Twisting, bending, breaking your spine
So helplessly rendered in twenty-four frames
With not a trace left to the crime.

Humanity swelling within;
Knowing, prizing, loving my kin.
These moments like water in hand over dust
Now mire it covers my skin.

My frailties left you abandoned that night
My presence so ruthlessly present.
Your audience: sluggard, so brimming with love.
Good for nothing m*****f*****.

pb3's photo
Mon 03/19/12 12:20 AM
I'm personally going through a time in my life where I'm learning truly how much being happy is important when looking for a partner. I hope u find someone ur happy with. Im not sure why age would play a factor in that tho....the only 2 things i can surmise is

1) that there would be a higher likelihood of her being more mature and level-headed having been through the gauntlet of life longer


2) you tend to just jive better with ppl from a slightly older generation

or maybe u just got a thing for older women :tongue:

Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, good luck man. With a positive demeanor like that, I think you're sure to find someone that will make u happy and vise versa :)

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