Community > Posts By > shutterbug63

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:56 PM
I think that Morena posts, then signs out and comes back 3 days later to see what we wrote in it laugh laugh laugh laugh

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:46 PM

justsayhi doesn't allow anybody within 500 miles to reply to you.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

No one within 500 miles of me has ever wanted a relationship with me. Since I am close by, and someone that they could actually meet, they feel no "challenge"

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:42 PM

I want to know.......Why are there people near you who wont give you the time of day, when there are others who are like 5,000 miles away that would give every minute of every day?

I've been trying to figure that one out for a long time. Some of my best friends are overseas. Life is not the same over there.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:35 PM

It does go 2 ways, I was talking to a guy, he was calling in the mornings before I went to work, on my lunch hour and after work...was supposed to meet on Sat. the weather turned nasty, changed meeting to Sun. and it never happened. He has not called or returned my call since we changed the plan for Sun.
It makes me feel very ugly and like I have done something wrong...he could have just told me he changed his mind instead of making me wonder. I would have not just left anyone hanging....

Now that's exactly what I fuss about all the time! I think some people have a serious problem with communication, I mean really serious.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:27 PM

Its all about the cash flow.

yeah, sad to say it, but I think you can buy just about anything these days. Some women won't even talk to you unless you are into big bucks...

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:17 PM

It just always seems to happen that way. They get scared, or they decide that there is someone that looks more like Denzel or Tom Cruise

Funk Denzel (is it just me or does every character he play end up being 'acted' the same way) and funk Tom 'I KNOW PSYCHOLOGY' Cruise. Most chicks I know would rather be with Angelina Jolie than those 2 losers any day.

Yeah, maybe they are gay...

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:13 PM
It just always seems to happen that way. They get scared, or they decide that there is someone that looks more like Denzel or Tom Cruise

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 11:09 PM
well believe it or not, I actually am more attracted to a girl who has a size C cup or smaller. Great big breasts are a turn off!

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:42 PM

I don't know why they look at a girl's chest. I, for one, would rather look at her lips and her butt :wink:

I love staring into a woman's eyes :)

Yes, OK, I also do like to stare into her eyes, but most of the time, women I meet do not like me doing that. They always look away...maybe I am too ugly or they are shy

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:37 PM
I don't know why they look at a girl's chest. I, for one, would rather look at her lips and her butt :wink:

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:15 PM

haha i need every thing in the world not to turn back an just do the same thing over an over

Just remember, there is a guy out there somewhere that will want to reciprocate your affection, and not expect you to be the only one that is giving. Anyone gets burned out when they are the only one doing the giving.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:07 PM
well I think Morena is very pretty, but she never talks to me.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:05 PM

Depends on if you lose interest before or after you sleep with them....
Maybe you just like the hunt of it all.

YEP, what she said!

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:00 PM
Welcome, new girl flowerforyou

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:52 PM
I'm watching Law and order, and getting mad about other websites I was on where no one would talk to me.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:39 PM

How is it a pathetic post?

It's not a pathetic post. The purpose of this site is to find a possible mate or relationship. If someone says that your post is pathetic, it is because they either already have a relationship and don't like it, or they don't even want one.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:02 PM

I know the feeling, all i am looking for is a good
relationship, but a lot of guys seems to want just
sex. sometimes it makes me wonder, if there are
any good men left in this our world.

Well now, you might not find "good men" and "good looking" in the same package.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:01 PM

Thats the other thing...people tell me I am beautiful all the time....on here...but in fargo...i never hear that...ever....

umm until my mid to late 30's, I was always afraid to go up to a girl and tell her how beautiful I thought she was. And a guy always takes a chance when he says that to a girl, because if she is not attracted to him, she might get angry. If a guy asks you for a phone number, then he wants to talk to you. If he can carry on a conversation without talking about sex, then you just might have found someone good. As far as what you might find here on the internet, I dare to say that most are just here for their own personal amusement, and do not take any of it seriously unless by some freak of nature you find one that is good.

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 12/30/07 08:49 PM
well there are guys like that around, just have to find them. I am one of those guys, but I don't get many women who are interested in me. I would rather get to know someone as a real, intimate, best friend than to just go and sleep with her. These guys may appear slightly "nerdy" at a distance. I think the way the mating/dating game was designed, the girls are attracted to the "bad" boys, and the "nice guys" like me never get any play.

shutterbug63's photo
Sat 12/29/07 11:58 PM
Very well said, Lex. I think the people that complain about other's complaining are those who are just here for amusement, and are not really looking to actually meet anyone. At least that is my impression. So they, therefore, cannot understand a person who is wanting to know why they have no luck.

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