Community > Posts By > wux

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:23 PM
Edited by wux on Tue 10/30/12 08:26 PM

the weather has been crazy

new york is having all the flooding

here in salem, which is normal we have just rain

but in kentucky where my uncle lives
they have snow


In British Columbia; they have had the largest earthquake in Canadian History. Talk about crazy.

yea i know i saw that
my dad was born in canada

Well, that pretty much explains the cause of the 'quake.



Did you know?

The Quakers in Pennsylvania were the descendants of the first southward wave of emigrees form Canada, the survivors of the Early Canadiana Earthquake zones.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:18 PM

Hi lovely women, i want to date a MILF hot with big body. I invite her to india for spending good great time with. Is any MILF there ?

Shouldn't this ad be on Craigslist???? laugh

Well... I thought about that, too. But I think it would look much better on a Hallmark card.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:11 PM

oh geez girl!!!!

Now I feel like I have to introduce myself as "Hi... I'm Sherrie ... and INFP on the Meyers Briggs personality scale"

while I am rummaging around in my purse for my latest portfolio assessment and credit score ...


this is a girl after my heart's design... she introduces herself and she is already thinking about the score.

It's the Tiger Cubs over the Mongoloid Chicken Sandwiches, on the top of the seventh at halftime.

You just can't top a chick like that.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:07 PM
"What percentage of your income do you spend every payday?"

This question is asked in a very ambiguous way.

Because the income period is not defined. And because it is not clear that the income is meant to be the amount of the pay after deductions, or what.

So each pay day one could spend 0.0001% of his income, and still spend all of his pay cheque, if we are to understand his income to be that over his entire lifetime.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:04 PM

How many dates do you think you would get if you asked all those questions.:wink:

At least seven, I would say. Six won't be enough to cover the entire lot.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:57 PM
Edited by wux on Tue 10/30/12 08:03 PM
Do you have regular deductions from your paycheque that go straight into a 401K account at a sperm bank or a cryogenic ovum repository?

How many generations up do you have men with exclusively gay mating habits in your lineage?

Do you play with your food, and then sit on it, then chunk-fart it out through your mouth? If you do, then our New York nouveau-siss fashion design studio would be interested in talking to you.

Do you wipe with your left hand, or with your right? (In my family we use paper, btw.)

Do you know how to operate a computer, other than using it for a footrest?

How many of your immediate relatives have life-time subscriptions to cryogenic preservation? How many have that only for a limited time, before their money runs out to support this expensive but fun habit?

If a swordfish had a knife-fight with a hammer-head Wilson whale in a tuxedo, which do you think would win the fight? After how many rounds? By a knock-out, or on decision? This question earns partial points for partially wrong answers, as judged by an impartial jury.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:47 PM
What about other important questions? Like:

If you ran over my pet, would you tell me?
Your pet and I have had a relationship behind your back as long as you and I have been dating. Would I not tell you otherwise unless it was not true?

What are you deathly allergic to?
Stupid quesions, that's what.

What are your phobias?
My greatest fear is fear itself. I have nothing else to fear but fear. So I guess I have one phobia, and it is a classic case of phobophobia.

What are your thoughts on cheating?
Are you asking me to play Monopoly, or play orgasm? Because Faking = Cheating.

Does he know where I buried the bodies?
In the bottom of the Potomac. That was a dead give-away.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:38 PM

I need more info


"Questions sixty seven and sixty eight!!" -- a great song by a seventies band, "Chicago". This song is very long, boring, and not well done, but the ending is the cry included in the quote, and that is so well done, that it saves the whole entire song.

It fits the beat well -- there is only one way of chanting this line, and it fits with the basic underlying backbeat. A miracle!!

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:29 PM
Edited by wux on Tue 10/30/12 07:32 PM

Now you talking.

Mended1, you are not made of Shoobie. I'm willing to put money on that. Because if you drop a shoobie, because nobody catchy, then it will pop, and if it pop, then noone can mend it. And if you mend it, then you can still easily bend it.

So... to make a long discussion short... I bet you're not a shoobie. Coz you seem mended, but not bended. It's in your name even.

P.s. To be completely honest, I haven't the foggiest what the heck I am talking about. I learned this from Peter Tosh in the seventies.

Apparently all that ever happened to me happened in the seventies.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:24 PM

Anything can work and anything can fail. It all depends on the people and their commitment, just like any other relationship

You right!! I had a date once with Morgan Fairchild in the seventies... and guess what... she stood me up.

That was an example how things can fail to work.

:wink: Are you sure you didnt stand her up Wux

Well, there was nothing dysfunctional about the standing of it, you're right. You coulda pitcha tent on it to house a kangaroo herd for the night in the torrential rain of Western Australian territory. Around the same latitude as Aberdeen or Didjabringsomebeer.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:17 PM

Congrats on ditching Facebook

I'm trying so hard to find peace, I hope I will find some inspiration here.


I quit facebook, too. My face is an open book, and my sandwitches are open face... my books open where I marked the place by inserting there a sandwitch.

My life circle therefore is complete... I need no more props any more to feel complete.

Buddha, eat yer heart out.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:13 PM

lol.. I always wonder if your for real. Seriously

I'm so real, that it's almost unreal.

I am on Wickedpaedia, under the entry "Inexplicable world miracles that happened by mistake, and for no apparent rhyme or reason." I'm the seventh entry from the bottom.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 07:01 PM
You don't need a Milf, man. What you need is Hilf. (*Maerz!!!)

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 06:59 PM
"No Milf Today", by the Hermann's Her Mitts.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 02:16 AM
Edited by wux on Tue 10/30/12 02:17 AM

Dude get your priorites straight!!! Many folks on here are fighting for our lives and U worry about dying with out a relationship? Maybe if U wasnt looking for an intimate encounter a LADY (which the women on this site are) and start out as friends instead would be a bit more interested in getting to know U!!!!frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

What brought this out, Mikey? Is there any logical or emotional connection between your message and the first opening post?
I think what Mikey is trying to get across, is to be grateful for what you have. If you don't have a debilitating illness, or other major life worries, then you're blessed enough to be living within your means. Am I right, Mikey?

Let's suppose you are right and Mikey is saying "be thankful for what you have." The poster has misery, pain, loneliness, and he is near suicidal.

I would not thank fate or providence for being so lucky as to have all that.

What I was trying to say is... oh, never mind. I'll never get this Mikey-thing. Never. Ever. It is abhorrable to me, if anything. It is something so far removed from my emotional world order... if someone else is suffering, that does not matter at all, and this someone else must be shamed, and ashame of himself, because he is not suffering from the same thing as Mikey. No suffering is suffering, unless it's Mikey's suffering.

I think this is more what Mikey was trying to say.

wux's photo
Tue 10/30/12 01:55 AM
I think the universe is one big yellow pill of sexual stimulation for some bigger beings.

That's what i think these days. Those days I used to think we were part of a team in an intergalactic competition, pushing for the longest and stinkiest passing of a constipated movement.

The possibilities of what to think are virtually endless.

Einstein said, I think, once, that "the boundaries of imagination are only laid where the power of imagination cannot extend any farther beyond." Very true.

wux's photo
Mon 10/29/12 09:45 PM

And sometimes there is judgement. Anyone who dares to be different is automatically regarded as a "kook!" Or labeled a "feminist" or ??...I didn't hang-out with my girlfriends all the time because I "stuck out" by saying "nice things" about my husband! They have regular "husband/men-bashing sessions." And I feel this is due to playing-out gender roles in their marriages....I'm sure their husbands probably have "women-bashing sessions" when they get together too!...My husband didn't like this kind of "stuff" either. So we didn't socialize very often and just kept to ourselves most of the time and had "peace!"

Out of curiousity... was this happening during your first or second marriage?

I am only asking because I hate it when it can be ambiguous. The whole trust of the statement can get misinterpreted if not all the pertinent facts are given.

Like every woman who had multiple sons I ever dated kept saying "but my son..." or something. I had to tell them, "Judy, you have seven sons, to me it's not obvious at all which you refer to when you say "my son". Please delineate him from the gang, separate him from the herd, as heard, because if I am to listen, I want to understand, not just hear the rumble of a lot words pronounced at random."

wux's photo
Mon 10/29/12 09:37 PM
Edited by wux on Mon 10/29/12 09:39 PM

I'm definitely the submissive one. I love a man to be dominant and aggressive!

The last time I heard a woman say that was on one of those phone-dating things, back in the last century, a few years ago, and I responded in kind, giving my telefon nummer or street address, I can't remember which, but I do remember that I had to answer an awful long list of quesions at the station, and some questions were asked several times, over and over.

So I don't buy that talk, lady, any more, than I buy Eskimo pies. (It's the same as a regular one... 3.141567356... I got ripped off big time, when I ordered 100 of those on the TV shopping channel).

Instead of this funny talk, be a man, and put your mouth where your loving is.

wux's photo
Mon 10/29/12 09:34 PM

I find the "dom" and "sub" labels or terms way out there!...The only time I've ever heard them used (before now) is in reference to porn...

Funny... for me it goes back to my childhood, back to Mammy and Daddy. To Saturday nights, when they had put me to bed and they thought I was sound asleep.

As if a child could soundly sleep whith whips cracking and chains rattling.

So... I don't know if it's appropriate to say "dom" or "sub" is pornographic. To me they are terms of loving, endearment and warmth.

The terms of a happy childhood.

wux's photo
Mon 10/29/12 09:26 PM

Gaaaah. Dominant, submissive, such role playing. It's the kind of thing that destroys relationships, at least in my experience. I refuse to be put in either of those boxes. Maybe you're too young to remember the way women had to fight to get out of those prescribed roles. If you actually like them, I suppose no harm but geez, so limiting. I can only be myself in a true partnership (which is why I'm alone, of course).

You know, you crushed me. You would look so good in one of those boxes!! A box planted full of beautiful violets or lillies of he valley. You would be the most fragrant beauty among those jewels of nature's own behest for us.

In fact, I never told you this, but now I can; I was hot on your trail because you would fit in so well with my apartment's decor. You know, when you buy a huge mirror or a magnificent Standing Harp, for your living room, and it fits there like Michelangelo's Pieta in the Basilica of St. Peter. I knew you would look good here, but you never said yes... so yes, this is a sad, sad thing, but I roll my eyes and I breethe deep, and I scratch my ankle, blink slowly, and I learn to live with it.

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