What have you done lately?
I am learning to..accept. To bring down the stresses of life. Breathe deeply often, during the day. Stop rolling my eyes :-) I stopped rolling my eyes and replaced it by staring at the source of exasperation and blinking slowly 4 or 5 times....waiting for the comprehension to kick in. It usually works after 4 or 5 blinks. I can just see how it affects the sources of your exasperation... like a kid, a mother or a lover, or a waitress or co-worker. |
What have you done lately?
Edited by
Mon 10/29/12 09:10 PM
You know why I can't shut up on this thread? because I am the only guy in the midsts of a bevvy of beauties. Beautiful ladies. And a cat of course, which makes it better, and a bird, and that's just fine because birds and cats are the feminine animals of the kingdom, and a nice dish is the feminine food, along with tomatoes. Oh, and watermelo... don't start me on that, please, I'll never shut up.
------------ Edit: Torgo and JackTrades, nothing personal, I just got a chance to browse through page 2, no insults and offence intended. |
What have you done lately?
I am enjoying doing nothing more and more. .... LOL You will accomplish more and more doing less and less, until you accomplish everything in no time, and without moving a finger. Most likely. |
What have you done lately?
Edited by
Mon 10/29/12 09:01 PM
I am learning to..accept. To bring down the stresses of life. Breathe deeply often, during the day. Stop rolling my eyes :-) Breathing alone by itself, is helpful already, never mind the deep. They say breeding does wonders for stress reducion, too. I must really try that one day. The problem is the fellow breeder -- they increase stress and bp. You can never win, truly. |
What have you done lately?
I am learning to..accept. To bring down the stresses of life. Breathe deeply often, during the day. Stop rolling my eyes :-) Yeah, that's a real time saver. Because sometimes they roll under the bed, and you are on all fours, trying to retrieve them with a ruler or a wooden spoon. If you are a primate. If you are not, then you just sit there, howling, until the master comes into the master's bedroom and fishes it out for you. |
What have you done lately?
Edited by
Mon 10/29/12 08:55 PM
Put away five old girlfriends, the place (...) of circumstances. I stopped Skyping with my mom so much. Not only am I not dead, but I am much happier. That's very good! Really, I think you are doing well. When you are becoming much cheaper, too, please do let me know without any wait. I'll pounce on you like a love-lion. I am not lion, just doing some hyperbolizing. Sorry. I won't do it again. Unless you encourage me to, of course. |
What have you done lately?
Put away five old girlfriends, the place looks much more liveable now. No girls sitting randomly on sitting moebeln randomly, no matter where I go in the house. I also got rid of my debts. It was getting to be a drag, you know, typing all those letters to answer "final notices", and stuff. Somebody at church suggested I get rid of my debt, so I did. It pays to go to church. Some people give you good advice there. Like "respect your elders to have a long life on earth." All one who wants to die young needs to know is that. Call dad an azzole, call mom a two-bit hooker, and bang, you don't have to haul a long life and drag out your miserable existence. Good advice. Oh, and I discontinued my Readers' Digest subscription. That was a huge time saver. Another thing I did, was I got rid of my back issues of Victoria's Secret catalogues. I noticed my eyesight was getting worse, so selling those catalogues on eBay was not that much of a voluntary choice, but a force of circumstances. Seriously - you crack me up!!!! Maerz, I'll be honest... I wrote that post especially for you. The word "moebeln" was the give-away tell-tale sign of that, you can look forward to more of those "key words" that say the message is for you, only for you, mainly, and somewhat for others as well. |
international love
Anything can work and anything can fail. It all depends on the people and their commitment, just like any other relationship You right!! I had a date once with Morgan Fairchild in the seventies... and guess what... she stood me up. That was an example how things can fail to work. |
international love
I like Swiss cheese! I'll bring the crackers!! Oooh, goodie! I am a cracker. And a booze-head, too. Can I bring my junkie friends? |
ego and pride
Just find happiness. Whoa. Why did not anyone give me that advice? My entire life could have been different. I could have cut out all the misery and suffering and sorrow and pain. Pixie... where were you when I needed to hear that advice. |
What have you done lately?
Put away five old girlfriends, the place looks much more liveable now. No girls sitting randomly on sitting moebeln randomly, no matter where I go in the house.
I also got rid of my debts. It was getting to be a drag, you know, typing all those letters to answer "final notices", and stuff. Somebody at church suggested I get rid of my debt, so I did. It pays to go to church. Some people give you good advice there. Like "respect your elders to have a long life on earth." All one who wants to die young needs to know is that. Call dad an azzole, call mom a two-bit hooker, and bang, you don't have to haul a long life and drag out your miserable existence. Good advice. Oh, and I discontinued my Readers' Digest subscription. That was a huge time saver. Another thing I did, was I got rid of my back issues of Victoria's Secret catalogues. I noticed my eyesight was getting worse, so selling those catalogues on eBay was not that much of a voluntary choice, but a force of circumstances. |
ego and pride
You only need to be rich and famous if you want to marry a super model. Regular women want a guy who is down to earth and can provide for himself. Do what makes you happy, if you are happy you will attract others who are happy. She's right too. Supermodel!! Yeah, man, that's the ticket. All your old goofy teachers will be slobbering and wishing they had taken your career path. Go, boy, go!! Rah, rah, rah!! You can do it!! |
ego and pride
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Mon 10/29/12 05:41 PM
. . . i feel as though i wont be happy with myself and she wouldnt be happy with me if i do not be come rich and famous.
![]() Agreed. You really think being rich and famous will make even YOU happy? Read the news more closely. All it will do is make it easier for you to get addicted to drugs and otherwise have your head turn into a pickled turnip. And any woman who is only happy with a rich and famous man isn't worth your time. Get outdoors, watch a few sunsets, build something with your own hands. Learn to cook. Then see who's around when you're doing those things. They're the worthwhile people. I think this lady got it right. very much so. But then again, you must keep your family financially sound. Which can't be done these days unless you are rich and famous and on drugs. A regular bloke could easily support a five-piece family in the nineteen fifties and sixties, and a regular bloke along with his wife also working could easily work overtime all his life to support his two children and the bank's shareholders with his mortgage, and the industrialists, in the seventies, eighties, and nineties, but this is the twenty-first century. Guys can get fired at a moment's notice, if your kid gets sick you will need to sell your house, because medical help is so bloody expensive, and people in America are actully FIGHTING tooth-and-nail to keep it that way. You can end up on the streets in a straight-dive from a suburban middle-class living in the turn of a few months. Also, the Chinese government may buy the entire city you live in, and evict you, and put in little chinese emigrees there. It is not fantasy, it's happneing. So Bravalady got it right, but for a different era of American history. Now you have to learn how to use a weapon, know the difference between crack, schnutz, snow, blitz, and meth, because they are going to be the new currencies after the US dollar goes belly up. If you want to survive and have your family along, then you have to become rich and famous, that is true. And farm yourself and your wife out as geisha man and woman to the chinese who will sit on our necks, and slave drive us like you wouln't believe was possible. |
Dying without a relationship
Wux, maybe you could accept the term sincere then? I'll see what I can do, Maerz. Let me get back to you on that, please. |
Dying without a relationship
Dude get your priorites straight!!! Many folks on here are fighting for our lives and U worry about dying with out a relationship? Maybe if U wasnt looking for an intimate encounter a LADY (which the women on this site are) and start out as friends instead would be a bit more interested in getting to know U!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What brought this out, Mikey? Is there any logical or emotional connection between your message and the first opening post? If there is, I fail to see it. You are treating, it seems to me, relationhsips, loving, caring relationships, as if they were "a fair day's wage for a fair day's work", and nothing less, nothing more. You are saying many of us are fighting for our lives. Are we? Many of us? How many of us? You are blasting a guy because s/he is letting a cry out into the great beyond about his or her loneliness. So... that's a sin, because he (let's call him a he, it's easier to type) is not fighting for his life, and he's looking for an intimate hook-up with a LADY (oh, this is so much "My **** don't smell" crap) whereas he did not say any of that, here, on the post, did he? He is afraid of death and dying alone. Why is that so offensive to you? Do you have any insight of what other's lives are worth, and how deep their emotions run? Or is it only people in your situation, whatever it is, I don't know you, that have "earned" their keep to stay alive on this globe? What is it that gives you the idea that you are so superior morally to others, that if, like the OP, one cries for help, you have the authority and the right and the might to put him down for not dying? How do you KNOW he is not dying? Are we not a bit presumptuous? I am not sure if the op is dying or not, but you seem to be. "The world is divided into two groups: the righteous and the non-righteous. And it is always the righteous who do the dividing." |
Dying without a relationship
Bravalady, Navygirl and shareahug,
well, you want an alcohol-free, honest man. I am honest as it gets, I speak my mind, I say in my profile I'm 5'4", fat, very fat, and poor. I don't drive, I don't have a job, and I'm mentally ill. You can't get any f ing more honest than that. So it is not actually honesty that you want, I call you out on that. You want honesty, AND a man who is, to your expectations, worthy of your love. Maybe have some money, be established, have a straight life, have the American dream accomplished. That's fine, I have nothing against that, your preference, it's okay with me. But please cut out the whining that you can't find an honest man. Honest man will tell the truth, and therefore he will never be a successful man. No boss, no woman, nobody likes to hear the truth. Heck, not even I like to hear the stuff that comes out of my mouth most of the time. If you want an honest man, you will get an arrogant boor who is a moody cynic. If you want an established man, with a good, steady lifestyle, you won't get honesty. Maybe you will get a pleasant life, a good life, a happy life, but honesty has nothing to do with that. Honesty and telling the truth is the pits. Stop whining about "dishonest guys", because you reject the honest AND the dishonest alike. There are totally different criteria you want in a man who can be your future partner, and that's fine, but don't call that quality "honesty". I say this because with all my bad and good qualities and attributes, I am proud of being honest. It's nothing to be so cocky about, but it is MINE, and I am a rare man in this. I got disdain and jeering all my life for being honest, and yet I stuck with it. Therefore I take honesty seriously, I don't want you to toss this word around meaninglessly. This is my sanctity. My quality that I uphold, not because it's such a hoo-hoo-hot quality, but because it's mine. I have it and I practice it. This is the reason I beg you to use a different cover-word of describing a man in one single word that you want. Say tall, rich, good, dependable, anything, I won't mind, but please, please, don't use "honest" because that is what describes ME, and ME only, vis-a-vis the men from which you want one for yourself. It is an insult to me when a woman who has rejected me a hundred times says "I want an honest man." It is ludicrous, hypocratical, phillistyne, and two-faced. So please go and find a different word, don't use "honest", please, because that's a direct insult to me, and furthermore a complete lie you are uttering. |
Dying without a relationship
I lived all my life alone. This means that I am a one-horse-cart, a one-pony-show.
If I can live alone, how hard is it going to be to die alone? I understand that it is going to make a difference on the other side. If you killed some people in this life, they will be your slaves forever on the far side of death. Or if you ate pig meat or cow meat, you may come back as a gnat. Also, this is also true, if you lived a pious life, you will go to heaven and sing hozhannas and suzannas to praise the lord, coz he's a guy who can't get enough of that. So given all that, I don't give a fish. Die alone, die while engaged in a very sexually satisfying and exciting, mind-blowing relationship, is all the same to me. "Gimme liberty or gimme Milka hazelnut milk chocolate bars." |
I've had the same problem with women. I have exactly the opposite problem. I talk to women, the going is going well, the chapters don't change in the book, and then, suddenly, I go poof!! and I disappear. I don't know what to think: I don't answer her letters, I don't answer her calls, I never call any more. So what's with me? I guess it is my loss because these women are truly nice. Only because I imagine, site unseen, that they have a larger-than-life derriere. This feeling is always purely subjective. So why do I give it so much credit? I guess because of previous meetings. |
Edited by
Mon 10/29/12 10:02 AM
Film: Scene 256:
Man: Jane, I'm going to get around the bad characters, and check them from behind. You stay here. (Editor's note: see how he controls. "You stay here." She ain't his dog, she does what she wants.) Woman: No, Jack, I want to come with you. (Woman pleades and starts to negotiate; sign of call for equality). Man: No. Just stay here. I'll be back. (Ibid.) Woman: Okay. (giving in to control.) Scenes 257 to 292 (play out, no significance to the question at hand). Scene 292 to 213, summary: woman did not stay there, she went out of the spot, into another spot, where she could shoot the person who was just about going to finish off Man for sure. Happy end, every good person survives, all bad people perish. --------------------- Reality Version one: Man: Jane, you stay here. (Notice dominance.) Woman: Okay, Jack. (Notice acceptance of submissive role.) Eventuality: their enemies first finish off Man, then finish off Woman. --------------------- Reality Version two: Man: Jane, you stay here. Woman: No. Please stop trying to push me around. Man: What do you mean, "push you around". We are in a life-and-death situation. Woman: I know. I am not convinced that your plan will work. You havn't even told me your plan. Why do you think I'll stay here just because you ordered me to? Man: Quiet, for chrissakes. We are in enemy territory. So please stay quiet, stay here, and I come back later to pick you up. Woman: Typical, Jack, typical. You think I can do nothing to save us, can't contribute, you want to come back and screw me (pick me up). You won't have that, no sir. Man: JANE!! I am telling you. If they find us, they kill us both. Woman: That's exactly what I am trying to tell you, you AZZOLE!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN I AT DEFENDING THE TWO OF US? YOU DON'T KNOW DIC% S&IT, YOU JUST WANT TO GO AHEAD WITH THIS, (even louder) because you are a blockhead!! Man: YOU SHUT UP, YOU BRAZEN HUSSIE!! YOU'LL GET US BOTH KILLED! Woman: And you? You, Mr. Saviour? You don't even know how many there are, what their weapnos are, how well trained they are in close-range firepower combat, you are a COMPLETE NINCOMPOOP!! I wish you will get killed, you egotistical narcissistic boron!! Or moron, I am sorry. I meant to say moron. Man: Might as well, because I don't ever want to see you again or talk to yo... (Might as well, as both are blown to pieces or shot into sieves by enemy fire, since enemy had a child's play locating them and surrounding them surreptitiously, going by their argumentative and loud voices alone.) |
Okay, I thought about it.
I don't mind being led, or lead, whichever way it's spelled, but I will never tolerate being controlled. If she tries to control me, I push her to the window and throw her out. No questions asked, and I wash my hands. If she wants to lead me, fine. You see, the leaders can be followed or not. It is the choice of the led (or lead). If a led person wants to follow the lead, he does. If he doesn't want to follow, then the leader can lead all that she wants, but the follower won't fallow her. So... the leader-fallower relationship is voluntary. The control-controlled relationship is involuntary. I class sub/dom rels into this latter, control category. Whether the sub/dom/control is sexual or not sexual or both or neither. To the fish with that. |