Was told once that I look like Jonathan Davis from Korn. I don't see it myself. Good look-a-like! ![]() Nicely done Jeannie! ![]() My hair was black years ago. I should post one of those pictures. By the way you [lovetorocknroll] do look like Cher. Yeah. She's a real recliner, I'm telling you. |
Jenerling --- ![]() You know that this is not fair. You could have put in the face of Bruce Lee or of Chariman Mao Tche-Tungk, and still nobody could tell the difference. |
A woman is Gods gift to man!! She is precious beautiful, gives birth to our kids and Bless Them for loving us!!!! Not me; I am just a pain in the butt to men. ![]() You can have the above as a true statement, and still be sweet, Navygirl, and don't deny it. You just have to have the pain in your butt, not cause it in ours. That's all that it would take. |
Some are easy to work out, whilst others are a bit more complicated and require a little more thought. I'm not trying to paraphrase what you said Wux...just simplifying it a little. Silly me. I should have divided both sides by (xsquared minus three x). You are right. It was dumb of me not to see that. |
My old country is in Europe. We don't treat women as such huge enigmas. Poetic, mystic, at that. In my country women are considered a system of five third-degree five-unknown differential equations, ready to be solved, that's all. Sorry to say but...we will never be solved! ![]() I agree. Sadly. Women are such precious enigmas, they shall never be undersolved. |
Women are truly a gift from god.They make life worth living.Nothing is better than when a woman you care about is in your life. Well; I sincerely hope you will find that woman that is deserving of you. ![]() Why are you being so stingy, Navygirl? I, myself, hope much better for jacktrades than just that. he is a really nice guy, you know. |
Rodney Dangerfield
Yea but pics aren't always as they appear,, i met a lady from the net, i saw her pic and she told me she was 140 lbs but she totally neglegted to tell me she also had a 100 lb butt ,,, she had the biggest butt i ever saw. Butt... butt... butt... that's not always a problem. If worn well. Like not on the neck or facing forward. |
Rodney Dangerfield
I didn't put my picture in for fear i may not get responses cause i'm really ugly. As it is i still get no responses and the one time that i did meet someone from the net it was a terrible experience. Put one up and let us see for ourselves. What's more of a turn-off is no picture. Makes us think 'scammer' - which is probably why you're not getting any response. Stop with the self-defeating attitude and put a pic up. If not of your own, then one of your pet or whatever. Just not a pic of a mutant poodle, that's just silly. That's right. Plus mutant poodle is already taken ![]() Mutant Poodle is seeing someone? OH, drat. |
Rodney Dangerfield
I have gotten responses and there is really nothing on my profile. One woman told she worked at an exotic bar and to meet her there. I went there, it had a big sign said topless/bottomless, I went in, no one was there. Next door was a gay bar, I went in and asked for a double, the bartender brought out a guy that looked like me. Later the woman called said she was home and that I should come over, that her bedroom was covered in mirrors and I should bring a bottle; I brought Windex. Exotic bar: butchery of the English language. "Sleezy" is not equivalent to "exotic". Tigers and pigs are exotic, that's why the bottoms and the tops were eaten up a long time ago there. Gay bar: butchery of the English language. "Rod" is not the same as "pub". A "double" is not twice "straight". A "negative" affect on a "negative" can be both positive and negative, or both or neither. Covered in mirrors: At my job my office is covered in mirrors. I work in a medical lab, and my job is in the section where we examine stomach fluids. I got a promotion some while ago for suggesting that we can do away with the expensive use of stomach pumps if the patients are allowed to come into my office, where I get to strip and examine them, while they can and do keep all their clothes on. (To wit, I'm 58, short, way fat, dark haired, balding, ugly and poor.) |
ive been on this site for a month now, and the problem im having is men putting up fake profile pics or pics that are years out of date, honesty goes along way in meeting someone. looks arnt essentail but if you cant even be honest about what you look like then how do people expect to find anyone? if your hiding that then it begs the question what else are you hiding and or being dishonest about? has anyone else had this problem? i have stated clearly on my profile genuion men only, but there seems to be alot of liers out there, is soooo fustrating! Bootsy, you look cute, and beautiful, and sexy and demure, all at the same time!! Well done. I am sorry you've been having such a frustrating experience. Maybe better luck next time. just keep on dating those men, I am sure there is one diamond amoung the ruffians. |
Was told once that I look like Jonathan Davis from Korn. I don't see it myself. Good look-a-like! ![]() It's the same guy. I swear. Oh, and if you learned how to scream, as a baby, you ARE the Davis guy from Korn, don't even try to deny it. You read the book, "All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned In Kindergarten", did you not. |
Was told once that I look like Jonathan Davis from Korn. I don't see it myself. Dude, you totally look like him ![]() Well that makes two so maybe I do. Now if only I could sing... You did say Korn. So why you want to be able to sing? When was that ever a requirement for singer of rock n roll? |
Its funny Jennie, you put me with Cher, A LONG TIME AGO! ![]() But now, since I posted this pic, people keep saying I look like Cher. ![]() Why? Everyone wants to sit on you? HEY, BEBY!! |
Yrs ago.......some women told me that I looked like the woman Rose on the (Titanic) I WISH!!!! Why? Are you suicidal? Or like big thrills? A whole multi-billion dollar cruise ship sinking down to several thousand feet with you on board. Yeah, I can see the excitement. |
Losing intimacy?
If he's getting booty left and right, your threat to move away will do nothing for him. Well... your threat to move away may make a little difference, though. He might start to feel releived or happier, but that's about all. In fact, if you want to use threats as a weapon in negotiations with him in your demands for more and muchly needed sex with you, then threaten him with NOT moving away. |
Losing intimacy?
Edited by
Fri 11/02/12 07:27 PM
If he's getting booty left and right, your threat to move away will do nothing for him. Well... your threat to move away may make a little difference, though. He might start to feel releived or happier, but that's about all. |
Losing intimacy?
Edited by
Fri 11/02/12 07:25 PM
Maybe he may feel he is not man enough to satisfy you in every way ? In my eyes you look like a veyr lovely looking woman, and what i can see in yoru pictiure;; seems you have such a veyr lovely sexy looking body, so i sure can not seee him turning you down for sex;; but you are right;; somehting is sure wrong with him..I know if i had a woman as lovely and as sexy as you are, i would have you in thee bed every night, and using my hands my lips and also my tongue;; whatever it takes to satisfy you in everyw ay.. maybe that is what is wrong;; You are a very hot sexy woman, and maybe he is feeling you are too much for him,, or ;;; are you sure he isn,t gay??? David David, why stop at hands, tongue, and lips? Hands, feet, heart, legs, the stoker for the fire, the candle and the canticle, the freezer molds for the popsicles. The icicles hanging off the eave, the tree branches, the sticky side of postage stamps, the handles of many hand-held small appliances, as well as carrotts, turnips, turnups, broomsticks, pens, pencils, any string you can find in the house, the bedcover rolled up tight, the ligth bulb (these newfangled energy-saving ones are even better, they are ribbed!! :-) my baby goes wild over them), slogans, articles from rolled-up newspapers, reciting love poetry you specifically wrote for her (you would not BELIEVE how effective those are), goldfish, live weasels pushed up head-first, newly discovered planets in distant solar systems, ceremonial swords, swordfish, ... and, well, the entire skit and kaboodle of creation. |
any women interested in a real ny guy I am sure there are women interested in a nice guy but one night stand; no strings? Seriously; I doubt you will get many replies. Good luck as you are going to need it. ![]() Navy girl, time for new contacts. the poster never said he was nice. He called himself a real ny guy, which to me sounds like a lawyer from the Bronx. |
one night stands are the best ![]() Each one night stand, each and every one of them, also has two ends... the beginning and the finish. Two ends... like strings. you can never get away from (dramatic, "twighlight zone" voice) "The String". This is one basic and the most true truth in the cosmic order of our universes. One string... two ends. You can get simpler than that, but not by much. This is why they named the so far most encompassing ten-dimensional view of each existing particle in the universe as tied to the "string" theory. You can't get away from the string... your life begins with the umbilical chord cut off, and your life ends with the hangman's rope. String... yeah, f. (Burp.) Wow. Heavvvy, man. |
I agree with NavyGirl. You say no strings attached, but just you wait... you will need that string, eventually. Everyone does.
You know very well, OP, that each string has two ends... much like it always takes two to tango. Think about it. |