I just can't help but wonder when our lives got so boring that we spend
so much time and media covering some little girls that have alot of growing up to do. There is so much more good and bad going on in the world that we really need to know about but so much time and energy is spent on a few. I think these girls need to take responsibility for what they've done and the rest of us should get on with the real things going on in this world. |
I loved it! That was funny!
Guess you got to be in my age group to appreciate it though. lol |
Truckers are underappreciated. Most of them are very safe drivers but
you have to remember that their vision is limited and they can only see so much. I drove a tractor trailer for awhile and loved it. What a wonderful way to see the country but it is a very hard job with long hours and alot of time away from home. We don't thank them near enough for what they do. Thanks to all the drivers out there! |
How were you Babtised?
I was baptized by total immersion when I was 11 after I had given my
life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
Beer in the dugout ?
I guess it would be according to which you like better, beer or
softball. Are there young kids at the game? That may be part of the reason. You could always save the beer til after the game. |
finially rain in FLA
I thought it was raining here in AZ this morning. It wasn't. It was
just the dirt hitting my windshield. Not kidding, sounded just like rain. |
bored, are you getting an attitude?
lol |
bored I loved your dog!
well what are your priorities? I'm sure its your child, then your
business then dating. Sounds like you need to concentrate on the 1st 2 and then who knows the 3rd just may come along. Sometimes things like that just falls into your lap. |
run run run as fast as you can. Been there, I was the most miserable
I've ever been in my life. |
Lucy was the absolute best! I also love Bob Newhart, he can say
anything with a straight face. The older ones were so awesome. I have a hard time with Seinfeld or Raymond or any of the newer comedians. I just don't think they're that funny. |
I loved old fashioned ways. I want my door to be opened and to be
treated like and lady with with respect. I would love to have long hair also though I don't deem it necessary to be a lady but it just won't grow but to a certain point. |
think before we speak
I had hear them all before but it was nice to laugh at them again.
Thanks! |
How much confusion?
Boy you are really a deep thinker. I just wish we could all get along
now. |
Do you have road rage?
Since I drive for a living I have given up road rage. You can only get
there so fast safely. I have seen so wild things and wondered if I was ever that crazy. Sad to say I probably was. |
thanks for making me laugh this morning.
a really good dark piece of chocolate, a shoulder rub, a good beer and
most anything done to my body. |
divorced or dead?
whimfish I know that is terribly hard but I do think that being totally
in love with someone and them dying would be so much harder. I am so sorry that he was so mean to you. You're much to pretty to worry about that jerk though. You'll be swept away quickly by someone else, but just take your time. |
yes and then he wouldn't walk me to the door cause he was afraid of a
collie dog. Needless to say I never did go out with him again. |