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Topic: Jealousy!
NxtThyme's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:20 AM
Is this jealousy in your opinion or over the edge behavior:
(1)Wants to spend every waking minute with me or have me on the phone
when not in my site?
(2)When traveling in separate vehicles, wants me right behind him at all
times. If I lead, he gets upset if we get separated by even one car?
(3)Has been with me ever waking moment or on the phone but still gets
upset if ONE TIME a friend calls to talk for 5 minutes?

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:21 AM

Weird, he is probably insecure! (sorry, just my POV)happy

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:22 AM
i think it is over the edge behavior brought on by jelousy and lack of
self esteem.

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:23 AM
omg sounds like my ex husband.....

thats smothering.... sorry to hear that...OCB (obsessive compulsive
behavior) is not a good thing.. could end dangerously

please becareful

adj4u's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:24 AM
jealousy is giving control of a part of
your being to another

pagrby's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:28 AM
run run run as fast as you can. Been there, I was the most miserable
I've ever been in my life.

thedoctor's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:29 AM
sure is!

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:31 AM
He would scare the HELL out of me, sounds, CONTROLING,INSECURE,
SCARED INSIDE OF what<WHERE<When<you "anything!!!
Its one thing to WANT to feel close all the time,,but "ANOTHER" to feel
You could "NEVER" have a loving LONG-TIME with a person like THAT,
because of "THEM" having to many ISSUE'S with YOUR WHERE-A-BOUTS,
I have never allowed my relathionships to HAVE "THIS" in it,,,through
If she was like YOUR SAYING HE IS,,
WE WOULD "NOT" BE "WE",,,,lol Sorry, just my views!!:heart:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:31 AM
run away!! run away !! My second husband was exactly like this man and
was mentally,physically abusive and cut me off from the outside
world.This is not jealousy,this a maniplitave controlling person who
enjoys controlling you.Tell him to go f@#$k with someone else.Please.

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:33 AM
I have to agree with the previous comments. This is a situation to get
away from as soon as possible. The longer you stay, the worse it will
get. And these scenarios can get pretty bad....

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:38 AM
Op that is beyond controlling and jealousy.....

I work in domestic violence.....

It may be time to get help or get the heck out....

of the relationship/


whispertoascream's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:39 AM
That is not jealousy, that is possessive, controlling. A situation to
RUN from. That can just lead to even worse senerios.

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:43 AM
That also might be obsessive behavior too.

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:44 AM

Rots the soul, and starves one of precious time. Any time one feels
anger (as in anxiety) this means that there is a red flag some where in
your life. It may only last an minute, it may be a pattern of minutes,
or it may be a constant on going thing. Anyway you look at it, it is a
red flag.

Your inner self is trying to tell you something. At this point we have 2

1. hide, or disguise it

2. seek out why this red flag is popping up

People say "Oh My God" I have anxiety. Anxiety is nothing more than a
personal sign to help you look toward peace, and healing.


NxtThyme's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:44 AM
What is so funny (well not funny)- I've known this person for 10 years
plus. We started dating 14 months after his wife passed from cancer and
have been dating for 6 weeks. We talked about jealousy and both agreed
that a little is aok even healthy. I don't think that he sees himself as
I do. I was in a previous relationship (married to) a guy that tracked
my ever move, call, etc. for no reason other than jealousy. Not sure
about this person, could it be because of his wife that pasted?

Caddie101's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:48 AM
Probably not... from my experience he was probably the same way with his
previous wife. Those are red flags - get out while you can... It might
start off with the signs that you have mentioned but it can get worse.
Next thing you know he will be following you to work. If you arrive
home late or early he'll think you have been doing something. He could
put tracking devices on the computer, tape recorders in the house. Even
search your purse or demand for/check your cell phone. It can become an

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:48 AM
maybe his wife went thru the same behavior.People grieve differently but
this sounds like his personality.These peeps can really turn on the
charm (as you know).distance yourself from this man.this will never be a
healthy relationship.

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 09:04 AM
When you loose a spouse to death as I have. You do go through a process
that sometimes lasts for years. It did in my case, but you have to find
the peace and love within yourself before moving forward. This person
doesn't sound like he has found his inner peace, and he will only use
you as a whipping post instead of taking 100% of the responsibility he
needs before he should move forward.

I have total peace with my wifes death now, but that has nothing to do
with missing, honoring, and moving on. He must take this responsibility
upon himself, and not pass it onto you.

If you stay in this than you are allowing the healing that he needs to
be delayed. It will also put you into a very difficult frame of guilt.

Sweetie no matter what you feel or how much you want to help him, this
can destroy both of your lives.

I'm here for you if you need me,


Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 06/03/07 09:06 AM
Please be careful. Put distance between you, the next step is getting
you to cut off all ties with friends, and family. Been there will never
go back again.

seahawks's photo
Sun 06/03/07 09:07 AM
sounds like "stalker" behaviour.

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