Community > Posts By > pagrby

pagrby's photo
Mon 06/11/07 04:48 PM
the only perk I got but being able to see who viewed me. Do you get
something else?

pagrby's photo
Mon 06/11/07 04:22 PM
Even as a Christian the pyramids have always amazed me. I use to watch
things on TV (haven't seen any in a long time) about how that were built
way back then and how there were what looked like landing sites. I am
always amazed at the intelligence that had to be from someone, something
or somewhere to get these built. I would like to believe that there is
intelligence on other planets. It is very humbling to believe that God
made this whole big universe just for one planet.

pagrby's photo
Mon 06/11/07 04:18 PM
The Ghost, I'd love to talk to that man

pagrby's photo
Mon 06/11/07 06:55 AM
I think I would. I have a good sense of humor, a nice personality and
just love to get out and do things. I think I'm a very special person
and it will take a very special person for me to love and love back.

pagrby's photo
Mon 06/11/07 06:52 AM
When I first met the last guy I dated I didn't think he was all that
attractive but the more I was around him the more I found I wanted to be
around him. As time went on he actually became more attractive to me.
I really think he did get more attractive in reality. Sometimes love
just makes a person look better because even other people noticed and
told him how good he looked. We didn't end up together but we are still
friends. He married someone else but he still is a nice looking man.

pagrby's photo
Sun 06/10/07 10:37 PM
I have been asked all sorts of questions. Mostly its always about sex
and my cup size. When it gets to those questions I pretty much figure
he has a one track mind and say goodbye.

pagrby's photo
Sun 06/10/07 10:27 PM
McAfee can say whatever they want. I know that my kids have downloaded
lots and music and listened to alot of it with no problem. My son got
into looking at porn sites and few years back and it totally shut down
the computer.

pagrby's photo
Sun 06/10/07 10:18 PM
The sin is lusting after something that does not belong to you. It
doesn't just have to be sex or a woman or man it can be anything.

pagrby's photo
Sat 06/09/07 08:46 PM
yes bored I just had to look

pagrby's photo
Sat 06/09/07 11:28 AM
I hate panty lines so I prefer commando all the way around

pagrby's photo
Sat 06/09/07 08:57 AM
gosh thats a shame. I've always gotten one no matter what floor I'm on
and I wasn't even the one in the hospital.

pagrby's photo
Sat 06/09/07 08:53 AM
Ask the nurse for a warm blanket. They should have no problem giving
you one.

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 07:41 PM
sorry guess I missed it on the first go round, It was just my opinion
and I just wanted so input.

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 07:33 PM
lol spider

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 07:32 PM
there's one at Myrtle Beach, is that the one you're talking about?

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 07:31 PM
Honestly is it just me or do most of the mens pics look older than their
ages. Just wondering.

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 03:04 PM
I don't think the movies is a good first date. That can end up being an
uncomfortable 2 to 3 hrs if its someone you just don't want to be with.
If its someone you would like to know better then I think a first date
where you can just spend time talking is so much better.

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 01:11 PM
I am so sorry that he was biten. As a surveyor of 3 black widow bites
when I was 9, I am here to tell you that it is painful and he will be
sick but he should be just fine.

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 01:08 PM
for this family. This is such a sad story.

pagrby's photo
Fri 06/08/07 12:17 PM
I know that my children and I use to live in the house. My daughter
slept in a bedroom by herself. We never closed doors to bedrooms but I
noticed that she started closing hers. I asked her why. She said that
when the door was open she had very vivid dreams of a man having sex
with her. Well of course the door stayed shut from then on. I forgot
all about it until one night for some reason I slept in her bedroom and
left the door open. I did have a very vivid dream and it scared the
crap out of me. We had always laughed that we had a ghost named George
that lived in that house because doors would open on their own and weird
things happened. Except for the dreams though nothing else bad ever
happened there.