Community > Posts By > armydoc4u

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:03 PM
ADJ I read it, I see what you're saying, I just think it is one more hit on our already chipped up country thats all.

As an agnostic I dont do the church thing, but I also appreciate the "roots" and heritage of those who did suffer and endure to give us what we have or had. to trash the way this country was founded or the reasons I should say that most of the original imigrants came to america for the sake of "not offending" someone is stupid. plain ad simpe (not a dig at you adj).

and REALLY is religion so prevalent in our country that we HAVE to immediately do away with it? is there a bible forced into your face at the police station or something?

or lets do this for the sake of the devils advocate----
non religion is forced on the religious more than religion is forced on the non (my opinion) but I give to you "society" as a whole. take a walk to your nearest grocery store- can you walk though it and not have to hear someone cussing, see some scantly clad overweight girl belly buttoned pierced, be subject to pornographicesk covers on magazines while waiting to check out?
beer signs, cigarette signs, hooters, strip joints, vegas. hell if any of these were in a country where true forced religion was who ever put them up would be stoned to death.

state run religion with loud speaker systems that sound off five times a day every day informing you that it is your mandated time to pray, are we anywhere close to that?

so I give you my first answer again, no, a foreign born person should not be allowed to run for president in my opinion. has nothing to do with religion.

would someone not born here care more than those who were and are slowly deteriorating this country yes probably, but I've drawn my line in the sand as it were- and am mule headed enough to stand that ground til I stop breathing.

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 01/27/08 03:36 PM

Been more than awhile since Ive been on here posting so let me start back with this baby step;

First the question originally was should the constitution be changed so that a foriegn born american may be allowed to run for president- my opinion is no. Do I have a well thought out reason to defend that opinion, no I dont. It just seems to me that every day we lose more of ourselves to the ideals and beliefs of what other people in other nations have. Im tired of people acting as though we should be less than the U.S.

dont know what that has to do with the answer it just seems to me that we keep chipping away at what makes us US and it is hard to see it happen, and even harder to keep going on allowing it to happen all for the sake of being PC.

religion, church and state, separation- does any of that even matter? and by the way some of you should probably go back and reread the constitution---where in it anywhere does it say that there should be a separation of church and state? I recall freedom of religion but not the other.


lightly tiptoes back to the corner.

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 01/27/08 09:58 AM

some of you were either stoned in class or skipped it altogether the day they went over civics.

dems repubs whatever they all .... oh hell with it, you've obviously put on your "I really do have a clue" but honestly don't blinders.

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 01/27/08 09:58 AM

some of you were either stoned in cass or skipped it altogether the day they went over civics.

dems repubs whatever they all .... oh hell with it, you've obviously put on your "I really do have a clue" but honestly don't blinders.

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 01/23/08 01:47 AM
Danny they tried the Island thing before called it australia, they turned their life around and now are a great member of the world. How about trying this if they are too dangerous to let out---- capital punishment that fits the crime, you know castration for rapist, cut off some hands for assault, bullet for murders etc etc you get the idea.

oh yeah- live from the mid east armydoc says hi to all the lost liberals, Im back where I belong, helping the tired sick and wounded and shooting up the little twirps that wish to make their meeting with allah so see you around the threads sometime!!!!!drinker

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:06 PM
oh the love and tolerance of a "peaceful" religion. Right....

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:02 PM
The European Command has over 116,000 service personnel living somewhere in Europe, 47,000 in Japan, 37,500 in Korea. Those are the largest groups, all told the military is in over 93 countries throughout the world (not including Iraq or Afghanistan) so why is it that it is the latter that gets you people wriled up? what is the purpose of having the troops scattered about the world any way? something about the cold war mentality of having your forces strategically deployed throughout the world in case of Mr. Inevitability rears its ugly head and we have to use those troops in a hurry. Of course there are those that would say that we shouldnt be anywhere, I understand that but isolationism never has done anything good for this country- and believe it or not some places love to have us there, and oh by the way- we help out their economies even if they say they "dont" want us there truth is they do (for the most part). Permanent bases are a bad idea? okie dokie if you say so---think you put something in the water. Where is the largest threat to the US, region wise it is the mid east. To keep troops pulled out of an area where we could have the largest tactical advantage would be like trying to solve the crack epidemic by supplying more cocaine to the drug dealers. It is the responsible thing to do, and hey what really is your complaint about any way, is it the troops or the money it cost. The troops volunteered, and if its the money then what hypocrits we are.
Glad to drop by and preach, been gone awhile so you could consider this a hit and run.



armydoc4u's photo
Sat 09/01/07 06:40 AM
wow was someone (a doctor at that) wishing i was dead? no justice can be served on those who bring justice to the wicked. no flippin the bird emocon here.

What I typed on this computer gives no justice to the sarcasm in which it was written however true I may believe it to be in my opinion.

I didnt know sheryl. All I or anyone can do is hope for the family that she left behind to find peace and solice of her memories they share with each other.

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 09/01/07 01:02 AM
i guess one could argue to the supreme court that TITLE 1 CHAPTER 1 of US code 7 is unconstitutional because it violates the 9th admendment(even tho certain rights are not defined) and that TITLE 28 PART V CHAPTER 115 of US Code 1738C should be stricten due to the conflict of law between the two codes.

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 09/01/07 12:39 AM
But this should be also kept in mind I guess.

no where in the constitution, article of confederation, or declaration of independence will you find any law about marriage, whether it be man and woman or otherwise.

so now the question is I guess that we should put it in the constitution.

can we also put english is the official language too?

are there any others we want to add to this wish list?

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 09/01/07 12:13 AM
hmmmm. what to say, i think that saying hey let them get married is supporting their right to be a legally recognized couple partnership union whatever.

enacting one simple law would guarentee the SAME rights as others.

The marraige between a gay couple whether it be man and man or woman and woman shall hence forth be considered a legal and binding commitment between the two parties involved. Prejudices of this legally binding commitment are hence forth now and forever deemed unconstitutional and punishable by the law that governs the rights of the individuals as written in the civil rights act of 1964; further amended to employees in title VII of said act, clarified for employers in Supreme Court decision Meritor Vs vinson 1986.

does that clarify it enough....sheeesh let them get married just didnt take as long or as much thought to write.

BTW fanta- their americans who are protected in some form or fashion by that little piece of paper printed over 220 years ago. the other countries I dont care as much about as I do this one.

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 08:54 PM
wow I was going to step away but you said some very good things, asked a couple of questions and so i felt compelled to not end a good conversation.

first no i wasnt the bully or the bullied- i was however the one people came to when they were.

Your assertion that we arent happy with our leaders like the Iranians arent- ending in russia implementing a new rule of law for the land is in my humble opinion not nearly the same thing. we have the right to voe them out- ours is a displeasure brought about by our own uninformed or easily influenced voting pattern. by not keeping our checks and balances in order.

we have had are beefs with iran in the past- major of them being in 79 like you said then being resolved in 80 when they knew reagan wouldnt sit idly by while they held the hostages. resolved by fear, yeah ok, im good with that. let them fear. but i think that you may have it backwards- the fearful sit in congress now- would they act upon an active agressor? think they have already answered that with not so much as a nonbinding resolution to amonish the iranians involvement in IED proliforations for the insurgency in iraq.

I dont think we will ever be the world power we think we are. to do that means to make difficult decisions. No one in DC has the integrity to do that anymore. who could drop a bomb killing thousands to save thousands more today? no one. Im not advocating dropping a bomb but it does put into context what im trying to say.

my main arguement is simple, there certain inalienable right that we as humans have. having said that when those rights are being chosen by anyone other than the people themself then it is a voilation of basic humanity.

addressing what Ive seen in Iraq and comparing it to iran-
imams and mallahs try to set the law. they preach that it is written in the holy book of theirs that it is the duty to kill the infadels in order to gain your admission to heaven. it is the same in both countries but guess what it isnt flying in iraq- the burkas, the stonings, the hate crimes which is why there is continueing strife amongst the different sects in iraq. in iraq if you travel to the north around the kurdish held areas you would even know you were in the same country, i suspect it is the same in iran- obviously i dont know that, but the northerners in iran are kurdish as well so common sense says it is the same.

i dont have the middle east solution, i wish i did. but i would start by some sort of freedom to the people then go from there. as it stands now you are free only to worship as they say you are, choice is not an option. the only reason that the kurdish are left alone is that they are many and the iranian army is fearfull of an uprising there if they try to implement their values on them.

but basically your right, it doesnt bother us any, certainly the oil(which is where i get off of your bandwagon-cause it aint about that!) SO LETS FORGET ABOUT THEM AND GO HAVE A BEER. IF THEY TRY TO ATTACK ISREAL THEN I FEEL SORRY FOR THEM- Isrealis are the strongest toughest army in the world bar none, they have to be, they would make another six day war out of them- thousands more innocent would die because we didnt get involved, but i'll sit back and smoke a cigar and drink some crown while we wait patiently by.

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:55 PM
well both of those two groups at the age of eighteen let there young go off for a year and experience the world in the US, at the end of the year they come back or they dont its up to them.

human rights violations ARE happening in Iran, you know that to be true.
i do not believe that you think that the women , little girls and boys are happy being oppressed.
teenagers rallying in the streets for freedom only to be shot at for a peaceful assembly.
stonings for speaking against anything that the mallahs claim to be right.
loppin off hands, tongues,heads, all in the name of allah.
the clerics have taken over and driven that country into less than a third world status. oh but they have nuclear capabilities so now we must trust them to be level headed? and what happens when the next time they decide that they want to punish someone in the name of allah is a bomb.
and who gets it, only the few million people in isreal. but they're subhuman anyways cause their jews or something.

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:34 PM
yeah well im for fighting them, it wouldnt be iraq II.

god bless the women of the planet for they suffer the most in the name of man.

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:24 PM
couldnt get into the first one but did the second. typical day in the life of stuff right. something that if you saw coming out of iraq you would say was propaganda.

sure you could find some ethiopians smiling during the phamon too.doesnt change anything. watch the young people, watch the streets, listen to any one of them that have found their way to the US.

not trying to change your mind. but you know that the fundamentalist run that place. dont worry, you wouldnt have to go fight ayway, thats why Im here remember.

drinker missed you bud



armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:11 PM
google radio free iran

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:07 PM
specify please many of THEM, cause brother many of them DO want that.

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 07:02 PM
you're right.

lets keep the women in burka's, kids in the madras', dont teach anything of real substance to the people. keep out technology because it causes interference with channeling mohamad.
keep stoning the people, well mosty the womenon just the word of a man, any man.
screw it your right give it to the clerics, theyve done so much good havent they.
all the while they are paying the martyrs families everytime they blow themselves up in isreal. hate to bring isreal subject up, but the war they rages there daily is financed by the iranians.
its okat for them to oppress two different groups of people?
you know me, im all about the right of humans to be humans, not sub humans, and i will fight for them that cannot rise up on there own, but this is old water under the bridge

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 06:50 PM
why would you wish to protect them glen?

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 08/31/07 06:42 PM
sweet jebus


it'll never happen, needs to but wont.

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