just wanted to add my thanks as well, you know in keeping with the theme of the original posting....
So, yeah thanks George.... Thanks for not letting the economy bottom out the way it could have after 911. For going to NY and giving a lasting speach that rallied even the hardest dem to the side of the People of the US. For saying, we arent going to take it any more, we're going to tell the hard truth, even when some would say that it isnt true. For sticking by your guns and not changing your mind based on some pole, even though changing in the wind would have been easier. For not caring about what history (written by liberals anyway) was going to say about your "legacy", hell for not caring more for your "legacy" than about real issues. For leading the tax cuts charge. For putting the checks in the hands of real Americans that helped to boost the economy despite the pundants. For not letting the politicians try to fight a war by micro managing it (even though some dems tried like hell, Harry Reid, Nancy "Balowme" Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, Kennedy and the rest of the gang) For being a leader and not letting the media dictate to you what they think policy should be. For bringing back a little integrity to washington, a place where all to often people there forget that they work for us and not the other way around (democrats) For letting me walk down the streets proud to wear a uniform that had all been tarnished by the saliva stains of the clintons For being able to look beyond today. for being a terrible public speaker, showing the rest of us that you are truly a real person and not some wanna be hollywood actor. For defending America, even when some Americans want to tear it down. Im pretty sure I could go on and list some more persuasive things, but these are the ones that matter to me. |
Rob this is about as fired up as I can ever recall seeing you....I like this side of you frankly, the wise old man as it were. And truly appreciate the manner in which you have decided to illustrate your point and whole heartedly agree with you..... this isnt about reading news articles, its about sharing points of veiw to gain knowledge and insights (to me).
Show the way! doc |
I'll have to research the ketchup thing. interesting little tid bit. but less money going to schools is not to blame for teen pregnacy. and if you give more money than the year before but it is not as much as they wanted is it giving less? is that the new math i heard about?
ok, heres a shocker from Doc.....
start pulling out troops. there i said it. out of the approximately 150000 US troops in iraq, only a small portion are actually combat troops or will ever see combat...that free people, Im giving pearls here. those troops are the support personnel. they have a mariet of jobs that range from stupid crap to important crap. pull all the stupid crap people out. that will bring hom about 50000 people. seriously. their just there pi$$ing off those of us who fight. they get uso tours, they have nice gyms and cafeterias, not to mention little PX's or stores that real combat soldiers rarely have the time or position to see. there is a lot of waste in that regard there... oh we have to make people comfortable, give them all the eminities of home... screw that, and screw the non ground pounders too. it is war, war isnt fought from a couch....but the generals are trying to eliviate all this fraudulent crap called ptsd that every tom dik and harry seem to be getting from the comfort of an air conditioned office in the middle of baghdad. i met a guy when i was going thru kuwait who was on a suicide watch because of "ptsd" he had never left kuwait.... i asked him what made him snap, this little moron said because they ran out of Xboxes at the px.... i couldnt believe my ears, i just got up and left, screw him to. so, eliminate the non essentials, then start drawing down everyone else,,,, what a lot of people fail to realize is that an iraqi will let you do all the heavy lifting as long as your willing to lift it, if you stand aside and I mean way aside and tell him your thru and it wont get done unless he does it, then the lazy little twerp will actually do something. seen it on the battlefield when we were working with the Iraqi army,,,, it was always us us us, then one day they asked if we would do something stupid, i forget what it was but at the time, the commander said hell no... would you believe they went and did it for themselves..... so yea, i think there is still a lot of work there to be done, i think they can do most of it, i dont think pulling out some soldiers will put more in jepoardy, hell the ones who fight arent around those that dont anyway. but hey what do i know, im a peeon |
so basically it is a break down of the political standings of the three major hopefuls. There is some interesting stuff in there if you read into what is being said about women and minorities in general. I find it funny that when libs bash conservatives they always bring up something about rich old white men for rich old white men, and in this story it is women for women and minorities for minorities, so there seems to be a double standard,,, which is ok i think we're used to that now days. |
McCain implodes
yeah thanks i knew it was one of those rags...
you know im not a big fan of the rino but the alternative, holy hell scare the wiz outta me. doc |
McCain implodes
you know even the paper that ran this story first said that it had failed to do any investigation, and that it was full of inuendo and suppasition with NO facts. i think it was the ny times, it mite have been the wash post tho, im not ure which, buddy your a day late and a dollar short. i know you want a dem to win this time, and i hate to say this to you, but unless mccain has a heart attack in the next couple of months then you wont see the white house again for at least another 4 more years.
but hey its not all that bad, at least we let you keep some of your money, unlike the other guys... |
As for the war being illegal. Uhh no its not. Declaring War isn't illegal lol.
There was no Declaration of War by Congress (the only body authorized to declare war) against Iraq. It is an Authorized Military Engagement which falls short of a formal Declaration of War. Iraq War, also known as Operation Iraqi Freedom (Authorization...H.J. Res. 114,October 16, 2002) (Senate vote...77-23) (House vote...296-133) The reason many consider it as illegal is that the reasons given were incorrect. They just figure that Bush wanted to finish what his father had started. Senior had the mans army crushed with stormin norman, there is many books written about it, the old "right hook" as the general himself had called, but we refrained. A lot of it due to political pressures that we ourselves sumcombed to place on us by the arab world at the time. in the end, us not following thru then was in fact the cause of thousands dying that had risen up against the man thinking we wouldnt stop at that the border like we did. The reasons were not incorrect in fact. However they were quickly debunked do to the fact that the severity of the WMDs( and yes some where found) was such that they couldnt be a considered viable. they had deteriorated over time and hence declared ineffective against us. I can attest to finding IEDs with old sarin gas canisters on them in more than one place in iraq, forced to wear the old gas mask on more than one occassion and this was in 2006. but it doesnt sell as many papers in the long run, and it wouldnt make the democrats seem large and in charge, it would credit the administration and therefore had to be spun as we are all a bunch of losers. but hey thats only from someone who has been there done that. as to a formal declaration of war, the us hasnt declared wr on anybody since world war II. but to authorize a military action like we have is still authorization for going over there as for as the american military is concerned, no one else really matters..... well to me anyway, but im sure that there are differing opinions. |
so what should be done then? How should we deal with our current situation to make it better and not let it get worse? What do you think would happen in we tucked tail and ran back home? What do you think would happen to iraqis in shot and long run? How would it affect us in the short and long run? What do you think it would do to public opinion (that is already tarnished)? How, my friends, tactically would you prevent further damage from being done? I do not buy the acceptance that we have to be there in order for them to act right. I do not buy that Iraq was ever going to be a major dent in terrorist activity. I do not buy the fact that we have a right to democricize a nation that did not ask that of us. Let them know that our job is done (even though we really had no business doing the job from get but that is another whole discussion) Begin pulling out the troops. Allowing them to resolve their disputes. It is not going to be to our standards either way. Their lifestyle and religious fervor is going to cause them to conflict anyway. We should not be a third or fourth party to it. They need to resolve it. We caused the problems they are going to have. Saddam for all his faults was the regulator there. Unless we want to take his job (which is what we are doing now, with all the killing and such)we are going to have to let the peices fall. I am sure that during our civil war other countries looked on in horror as we killed ourselves but it was our conflict. We resolved it. So will these people. you know i just thought that you were ill advised at first but this takes the cake lady !!! saddam with all his faults was the regulator there? are you for real? you know i suppose that he is credited for the killing of over two million people, not quite as much as adolph hitler but pretty flippin close, and you would say what,,,, oh he wasnt that bad, he was a regulator? you people with your pretend higher moral values make me ill. you would keep a mass murder in power allowing for more to die and you would do nothing, yet dare to preach to people in here about the legalities of WAR!!! lady you're a real gem in the rough arent you? you and saddam what a team, there is special places for people like him in hell im sure, just as there is a place for people who codone his acts and methods , who stand by and watch when all the had to do was say enough, your an evil person who deserves to die. (saddam not you) and you need to brush up a little on your history about the civil war, other countrie did in fact help and send supplies and troops, but thats what the new liberal history books want to be rewritten to say then so be it. |
US Quietly Breaks UN Treaty
nice now, behave
US Quietly Breaks UN Treaty
yeah I understand and dont take it as an attack of the military at all. Its an attack of an adminstration that she cant stand, i get that too. Is her right to have whatever opinion she wants, I disagree with her opinions tht are stated as facts and i guess Im just trying to put some common sense thinking back into what was otherwise devoid.
I do remember, although can not at this time quote for the life of me the issues with the treaty that werent ratified, I do know some of them such as the child one, would say that teenage murders from lets just say texas could not be tried and convicted and put to death like someone just a couple of years older. which in the way that the US constitution and that of the state of texas would go against the states rights as ratified by its own poeple. not that im for killing anyone senselessly, but eye for an eye is what they want,,,, furthermore, nations who have ratified i suspect still carry out capital punishments anyway and are not subject to any reprecussions, but you know that the US would be held up in contempt before the world as a way of increasing the furvor that is now know as the geat jihad, but hey i could be all wrong, the word is surely full of wonderful law abiding citizens and would never do anything that would be considered ****ey. d |
US Quietly Breaks UN Treaty
Oh hell you know me Jess, in my post traumatic fits and rages i sometimes just spout at the mouth.....
obviously beautiful, none of it was directed to you. But since im on the ptsd kick, i figured what the hell, and since we're all criminals here in the US anyway.... who knew that the UN was such an important entity in the world. |
WOW, is there anything that you would like to type yourself, or do you have some of your own opinions on this topic..... isolated incidents.. yeah it sucks, but it is isolated none the less, to think or imply or suggest that this is everywhere in the military is not true. did i want to beat my ex senseless when 1 month back from iraq she said she was seeing a lawyer because her friends had convinced her i was part of a military that was killings babies.... yeah i did, but i didnt. post traumatic? yeah its real enough i guess, but its also a freakin cop out. how many people today, just today, went home and killed someone in america? murders are in every walk of life, they work at the irs, fbi, corner grocery store, gas attendants, factory workers, preachers, you name it and someone from that community has killed someone, some even had restraining orders. life sucks sometimes doesnt it? Men who have violent jobs, such as cops and military are more stressed and tend to not know how else to release their agression. I can post information on it if you would like? It is a part of the big picture here. And these families SHOULD NOT EVEN BE GOING THROUGH THIS SINCE THE WAR IN IRAQ IS ILLEGAL. the war isnt illegal, get over it, your democratically elected congress voted for it, and , we should have been there anyway....if your so concerned with the welfare of ordinary people like you say in the afghanistan thread.... millions of people killed by your beloved saddam hussien, more brutallized and raped by him or his sons, who when they were thru with them would simply toss them in an alligator pit at one of the palaces,(seen the pit- kind of disturbing- all while we did nothing, have your cake and eat it to moments) what do you know about a violent stressful job like ours, nothing but what you read, lady i live it, im not going around doing stupid crap and blaming it on anything. and strangely enough most of the murders in this country are done by people who dont work in the military or police force. when you raise a gun, and fire it, with the hostile intent on killing someone who was trying to harm you or one of your friends then i would gladly sit down and shut up and listen to the diatribe with which you profess your intelligence. |
US Quietly Breaks UN Treaty
man i thought this was going to be some big bombshell you dropped in here but,,,, it was just a lot of hot air aboutr a bunch of crap that we americans didnt want in the first place....
how unfortunate it must be to think of ones self with such a high regard, and then have to look in the mirror to realize, nope your still you and the regard in which you held yourself was that which belonged to someone better whom you secretly wished you were. get a grip, get a life..... its been awhile hasnt it, and now your just nasty and mean about the whole thing. were you traumatized growing up, is there someone out there we can blame this on for you.... besides george, which we all know you despise. |
WOW, is there anything that you would like to type yourself, or do you have some of your own opinions on this topic.....
isolated incidents.. yeah it sucks, but it is isolated none the less, to think or imply or suggest that this is everywhere in the military is not true. did i want to beat my ex senseless when 1 month back from iraq she said she was seeing a lawyer because her friends had convinced her i was part of a military that was killings babies.... yeah i did, but i didnt. post traumatic? yeah its real enough i guess, but its also a freakin cop out. how many people today, just today, went home and killed someone in america? murders are in every walk of life, they work at the irs, fbi, corner grocery store, gas attendants, factory workers, preachers, you name it and someone from that community has killed someone, some even had restraining orders. life sucks sometimes doesnt it? |
Its a damn shame these kids are in Iraq they should be home raising families and nurturing relationships, enjoying there lives in meaningfull ways......wtf are they doing in Iraq? you can spin all the dogma all day long the reality is.we have no right to be there and never did. I wouldnt have a problem with any of your postings if you didnt write them as supposed fact,,,, in YOUR humble opinion we shouldnt be in iraq, great to know that, in MY humble opinion we should have went many years before we did. And well, Im 35 now so the kid part was many beers ago. AND being a combat medic for the 101st airborne is a very meaningful life to me just as working in a factory or whatever it is that you do has meaning for you... Im not upset by the if you could send me one comment either, I understand what you meant. doc |
silly rabbit, trix are for pro's.... mama said madmen are like outhouses. hey buddy, have another shot of whatever your on and send me some too.... you know if its so bad i hear that they are accepting applications for the job,,,, you could do better? or are you a sideline quarter back who is unable to take the field? |
okay thanks fo rthe fun and entertainment, im off to see the wizard now, he's got my brain in a basket. hahaha. see you all on the flip.
peace, pieces and tidbits, doc |
Thanks Jess- yeah I got a tuna sandwhich with pickles and tomatoes- fresh one it was nice.. hahahaha
“We don’t do body counts” General Tommy Franks Iraq Body CountDocumented civilian deaths from violence 81,525 – 88,991 only 88,000 geeze, thats not bad at all, i wonder how many we killed of that number and how many the insurgents did. And for the record as previously stated by someone unless your at every morgue (which they dont always get to) or at every cemetary to do an actual body count then those numbers are scued as well. I kept a body count by the way. Mine- my body is intact, count it, 1, 1 body. ten fingers ten toes, two operations to fix some torn and broken bones and tendons but im good still kickin. so back to the body count, how many people died today in the US by drunken drivers? probably more than you think. you can narrow it down how many were illegal aliens? narrow it down further, how many were liberal college professors having affairs with coeds? oh oh oh , i know, body count, how many people today in american died for no other reason than driving down the highway, more people will die this month in the US on the higways and byways than have died in the entire iraq war. us dept of trans. look it up, research really is key if you really want to know what is going on, and im not talking about reading a quote off an article someone wrote, im talking about hard facts. |
"sorry your wasteing your life over there bro but its not my fault" first, Im not wasting my life "bro", Im helping- believe this or not, the very people whom you would continue to see slaughter by saddam and his boys while passively sitting idley by writing a song or coloring in a book.
According to the Washington Post: To better understand the difficulty of the fighting in Iraq, consider not just the current body count but the combat intensity of previous wars. During World War II, the United States lost an average of 300 military personnel per day. The daily figure in Vietnam was about 15. Compared with two per day so far in Iraq, the daily grinds of those earlier conflicts were worse than what our forces are currently experiencing. On the other hand, improved body armor, field medical procedures and medevac capabilities are allowing wounded soldiers to survive injuries that would have killed them in earlier wars. In World War II there were 1.7 wounded for every fatality, and 2.6 in Vietnam; in Iraq the ratio of wounded to killed is 7.6. This means that if our wounded today had the same chances of survival as their fathers did in Vietnam, we would probably now have more than 3,500 deaths in the Iraq war. Moreover, we fought those wars with much larger militaries than we currently field. The United States had 12 million active-duty personnel at the end of World War II and 3.5 million at the height of the Vietnam War, compared with just 1.4 million today. Adjusted for the size of the armed forces, the average daily number of killed and wounded was 4.8 times as many in World War II than in Iraq, but it was only 0.25 times greater in Vietnam -- or one-fourth more. In other words, while the absolute numbers make it appear as though things are much better in Iraq than they were in Vietnam or WWII, the relative numbers — numbers that take into account the ways in which things have improved in terms of saving lives — tell a much different story. Yes, things are still better, but not by nearly as much as people say. Thus, the mission for soldiers in Iraq is nearly as difficult as the mission was for soldiers in Vietnam. In that earlier war, however, the enemy had "the support and patronage of a superpower such as the Soviet Union," not to mention artillery and armor. Dragon- never justed the news media in the first place, having said that- the numbers in here are scued at best and a misrepresentation of the facts, further more it is a piece that says the variables are x and y, when they are probably more along the lines of a and b. was it harder to jump into d day than doing what we are doing, yeah i would say it was. was fighting the VC harder because they were backed by the soviets and the chinese and had armor and artillary etc.... no probably not, insurgents are financed or backed by iranians and syrians and anybody else in the region you want to name... they have armor, machine guns, artillary too. one of the numbers abover said probably 3,500 killed, i think you ment to say 35,000.... in which case the numbers would still not be near the 58,000 lost during vietnam. and even at that ratio the wounded to dead figures you list are incorrect as well(or they listed) look up how many wounded we have, then look up how many KIA's we have, do your own research- maybe next time you will think twice before believing so blindly a rag like the post. better medical care and evac times, yes i agree has saved countless lives, not apologizing for not dying. what I will say about the 'this war isnt as hard as the others" comment,,,,, yeah BS! yes we do ot have major battlefields drawn out on a map- that would be easier, the whole country is a battlefield if you want to base it off of where the enemey has the potential to meet coalition forces at. There are good days, there are bad days, for the most part the stress level is always up, there is no going into town to the local bar for R and R like in the other wars you mentioned, there is no going to the local whorehouses like the other wars you mentioned, there is no unit conhesion like in the past either, units are thrown together for a year then basically disbanded, you never go to war with the same group of guys as before- thats harder sweetheart, but it takes someone who lives it to understand it- keep reading your papers tho, it gives me something to write about! |