Edited by
Wed 03/12/08 04:07 AM
Well, so this is what introversion into ones self looks like....hmmm...
\ Well I , dig the things i like- writing, reading, playing a little guitar when I have the chance. I get ticked off by people who drive slow in the passing lane, like the color of deep red. dogs make me smile, cats make me grumpy. I cry during sentimental parts of a movie more than the sad parts. would rather watch a "chic flick" with good acting than a shootem up movie with bad acting. the telephone voice, you know the customer service voice, makes me cringe- why cant people just talk like normal people? I am the guy who would not think twice about running into a burning house after someone, or jumping into the water to help pull someone out...im not a gloryhound and the credit always would go to someone else over me(the way I like it to be). anyway, thats me, without the weird quirks that we all have. doc |
well adj,,, wouldnt be very smart of me to give a turkey a gun, or would it?
hike- let me get this straight, if i say its byob your voting for the other guy/girl? here man- take my drink then. hell take the whole sixpack |
Immigration Reform
Immigration Reform
adj4u..... First armydoc attacks and insults me. Now, I take it from the above that you are threatening to have me banned from the site? All I did was post an incorrect response. What's the big deal? Am I the first person on this dating site since its inception to post something not factually correct? wwwwwwwhhhhaaaaattttt????????????? leah, I wasnt talking to you, about you, or saying anything to do with you. The SHE in my statement was dragoon, she had left for the night... the preaching to the chior was a comment about me posting in this thread at a time when the only ones who were reading it would be people who agreed with it. so for the record, you need to say you stand corrected. there werent any insults thrown your way, until this one....are you on medication? did you forget to take it tonite? just checking, im here for you. doc |
Immigration Reform
Edited by
Wed 03/12/08 02:36 AM
well any way you slice it ,it was sick to forget a human being you were responsible for.if this was a cat ,people would be all up in the responsible party's kool aid. that's EXACTLY my point. first and foremost, this is a WOMAN, a human being...who was treated like freaking crap by our system. not disagreeing with this but breaking the law should not lead to any kind of financial gain she is in the country illegally and selling pirated cds sorry she had a bad few days but what would happen if a us citizen did this in her country you'd be issued a passport and asked to stay. |
The Undecided Room!
my only regret is that i have but one life to give
I love that quote.... as far as other favorites, franlin was probably the smartest man ever to have lived. and the young tike that learned much from his writings to go on and try to immulate him tommy paine (a legal immigrant) is probably my second fav. of course there is no time like the present, so beside young george Id have to say that my favorite for now would be this medic cat i know tht will someday rule the world much like alexanderhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha |
well dang guess i am not invited we're all inclusive, of course your welcome...... ummm need a gun for the turkey shoot? |
Immigration Reform
adj you wise old coot, whats the deal with bringing out the actual law to support your opinion, dont you know thats not fair to peoples feelings?
one remark about hopitals, public or private, they are in the public domain and therefore trust, and CAN NOT turn away anyone who is in need of life saving care. Its not only unethical but also illegal. party!!!!! but she left now so we're just preaching to the choir. |
and chickenist...
if you grind them up and put them in cookies, they taste just like frog legs. |
well Im not a big fan of using stats to support a point since everyone can agree that you can twist numbers around to fit any agenda. But certainly the more people you have in one place the more of a burden they are going to be and the less resources available overall for everyone else, which is why you can get more services in Wyoming than you can in California. However if you are an undocumented alien you cant get jack $hit anywhere. well actually, since you left the country and havent been here for awhile, let me clue you in to something.... they can get jack and they do get jack even if some of it comes with $hit!!!! I dont like numbers either, but when you face a crowd who thinks that just because they believe a certian way it is a fact, sometimes you just have to slap them around a little until the fairy tales jar lose. |
come in, stand over there... indy's have to byob tho.
wow. A ten page thread because a democrat got caught cheating on his wife, and now its the minions to the rescue?
When ever a republican screws up, even a little bit, dems come out of the wood work screaming for the head and claiming that all republicans are the same as him/she- so can i have his head? I DO NOT CARE THAT HE GOT LAID BY A PROSTITUTE!!!! I do care that he jailed people(imprisoned, took away their freedom) who were doing the same thing as him. He is a hypocrit and a liar, and if his wife doesnt leave him standing out in the cold then she is a fool. IM TIRED OF THE DUDLEY DO RIGHT CAN DO NO WRONG POLITICIANS saying one thing and doing another, hell if anything he should go to jail just for that, make room for others as well. it is illegal in both the state of new york and the district of columbia, therefore, it is illegal. dont do it. keep your pants on and wait until you get home. anyone defending him or his actions is a moronical idiot!! |
screw'em Im here as a bouncer. Someone in the party needs to have a backbone.
ssshhhh, be very very quiet, im huntin' communist, socialist, terrorist, ventrilequist, nudist, and oh yeah DEMOCRATS! |
Immigration Reform
No federal monies can be used for illegals, that has been in the laws for a long long time. oh dragoon dragoon dragoon..... tsk tsk tsk. you need to be more accurate, and hopefully honest while posting. However, let me say that I do appreciate where your eart is, even if it must bend and distort the truth. Do you understand how state funded programs are actually ran. How they are actually funded? it isnt rocket science. The tax burden on the citizen whether it be from the federal side the state side, the county side or the local majestrate side, it is still funded by public means ie. TAXES. Illegal immigrants add a burden to the health care system, as many of them do not carry health insurance and rely on emergency rooms — which are legally required to treat them — as a principal source of care. In Colorado, for example, an estimated 80% of illegal immigrants do not have health insurance. wikipedia. Undocumented adults account for about $6.4 billion a year in national health care expenses, $1.1 billion of which is paid from public funds. workpermit.com (a left leaning publication that encourages immigration) Illegal aliens are a source of strain on the welfare system, the criminal justice system, and the education system. And while the costs are amplified, tax collection from illegal aliens is miniscule: "The Los Angeles Times reports that 950,000 illegals live in the five counties comprising the greater Los Angeles area. Their economic activity is mostly underground, which means the employers pay low cash wages, no overtime, no benefits and no taxes. ... John Chiang of the State Board of Equalization, California's tax oversight agency, estimates that the state loses $7 billion a year in unpaid taxes because of the underground sector." And while the tax collections are miniscule, the payments to immigrant groups overall is large: "The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 30.6 percent of Hispanics receive means-tested government benefits compared to 9 percent of whites." http://www.chronwatch.com/content/contentDisplay.asp?aid=4170&catcode=11 Education also takes a hit due to illegal immigration. The same source notes: "Even though California spends $2.2 billion to educate children who are illegally in this country, nearly half of Hispanic adults have not graduated from high school." The total cost nationwide to teach children of illegal aliens is $7.4 billion nationwide. The cost extends into the area of crime and law enforcement. "Almost 25 percent of all inmates in California prisons are from Mexico." begging the question, why arent they deported? Which would only beg the response, if they are deported, how can you stop them from coming back? These costs get In the latest Medicare bill, the Federal Government is picking up the tab for illegal alien health care: U.S. hospitals in border states provide at least $200 million a year in uncompensated emergency care to illegal aliens. "Mr Borjas, an economist at the University of California, San Diego, and Stephen Trejo, another economist at that university's Santa Barbara campus, completed a research paper in 1990 looking at immigrant population in the welfare system. Its findings dispel the myth widely propagated that only economic benefits arise from rising immigration. The two confirm the "widespread perception that unskilled immigrants are particularly prone to enter the welfare system, and that entry of large numbers of immigrants in the past decades has increased taxpayer expenditures on income transfer programs"-that is, welfare and other government programs.... The two also found that immigrant households receive a higher level of welfare payments than do native households." http://www.libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/race04.html Thus, many costs are offloaded from low-wage employers of illegal aliens as well as immigrants generally to the rest of the society. Immigrants come to benefit themselves and not necessarily our country's benefit. Those that immigrate illegally harm our country, but ignore the laws because it benefits them. The market for cheap labor is one that some employers welcome, as cheap, unregulated, compliant labor is easier to manage. So low-wage employers have an interest in preferring a system of immigration looseness over tightness, and non-enforcement of laws are even better to shed even worker protections. Many illegal alien employees are escaping more extreme poverty and so accept their situation. While the benefits are privatized - cheap compliant labor for employers, and job opportunities and Government aid for the immigrants - the costs of illegal immigration are socialized: healthcare, crime, public services costs, the various costs of displacing American workers. we could go on and on and on about this topic, i welcome the conversation, BUT the TRUTH to the whole thing is that YES THEY DO PUT ADDED STRAIN ON TAX PAYERS BY USING UP PUBLIC FUNDS. PERIOD! |
Immigration Reform
According to the 2000 census (which is the last one on the books until 2010) about 1 in 5 adults in America are living with a disability of some kind- that does not make them indigent and puts a percentage of about 20% of people fall into this catagory. with the unemployment rate what it is (5.6 i think) you could argue that those people are indigent as well, which is defined as the unemployed. If you are referring to the homeless people as indigent then the US estimates that there are 754,000 homeless people in America which is a far cry from the estimated 20,000,000 illegal immigrants. Luckily, "indigent's" makes up only 6% of the unpaid healthcare cost in America. Granted many probably do not seek it unless they're on their death beds, which says a lot about the general character of this group, they are hard core people, who dont seek out medical care for the snivels. It is also estimated that hospitals write off over 2 BILLION dollars annually in cost for illegal immagrant healthcare. According to the New York Times health section dated today. the biggest concern for me is the health concerns that are coming into the country carried by illegal immigrants. "Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis or "kissing bug disease," is transmitted by the reduviid bug, which prefers to bite the lips and face. The protozoan parasite that it carries, Trypanosoma cruzi, infects 18 million people annually in Latin America and causes 50,000 deaths. The disease also infiltrates America's blood supply. Chagas affects blood transfusions and transplanted organs. No cure exists. Hundreds of blood recipients may be silently infected. Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, was so rare in America that in 40 years only 900 people were afflicted. Suddenly, in the past three years America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy. Leprosy now is endemic to northeastern states because illegal aliens and other immigrants brought leprosy from India, Brazil, the Caribbean and Mexico. Dengue fever is exceptionally rare in America, though common in Ecuador, Peru, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Mexico. Recently, according to the report, there was a virulent outbreak of dengue fever in Webb County, Texas, which borders Mexico. Though dengue is usually not a fatal disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever routinely kills. Polio was eradicated from America, but now reappears in illegal immigrants as do intestinal parasites, says the report. Malaria was obliterated, but now is re-emerging in Texas." anyway, guess it really doesnt matter, there coming and it seems no one really is taking the drain and strain on the US Tax Payer seriously. It is bad enough we fund all these give away welfare programs of one sort or another, but we have been funding illegal immigration as well. One step closer to the socialist utopian experiment that went bad known the world over as Russia. Thank you democrats. Your really not the devil, you are just not as smart as you think you are. This is not accurate at all, but thanks for the effort. been gone for awhile or else i would have answered this already...IT IS ACCURATE but thanks for the try on discrediting it. Will go further than this, you claim that we NEVER EVER give healthcare and medicare and welfare to illegals....while your statement is true on the federal level it is nt true on the state level which currently hold the burden of these individuals, additionally, states themselves can write of the expenses to the federal government and receive monetary aid to compensate, thus actually leaving the burden back on the tax payers of america,,,,when will you realize that the money in the cofers that goes to pay for these and other "feel good" programs isnt free money, hard working people put that money in there and THEY not the government should decide how it is spent. take your free love hippy ideals that work on paper and not in the real world and go back to reading alice in wonderland. |
Immigration Reform
this is not a matter you can blame solely on the democrats I will actually, they have fought against every illegal immigration bill put forth in congress, they have not allocated the funding for the gates and walls promised by the last bill enacted. they decry anyone who says that welfare isnt for illegals, and illegals arent entitled to use our school systems which we the tax payer pays for. Yes I truly believe that democrats have out lived their usefulness in America and should go the way of the old soviet union. putting border guards on trial for shooting a known drug trafficer, who didnt die by the way. unarming the national guard who is just there now as witnesses not a deterent. tell me one damn good thing, policy, act, thought process or the like that a damn democrat has had in the last fifty years and I'll get off this computer and go blow my head off!!!! |
Immigration Reform
According to the 2000 census (which is the last one on the books until 2010) about 1 in 5 adults in America are living with a disability of some kind- that does not make them indigent and puts a percentage of about 20% of people fall into this catagory.
with the unemployment rate what it is (5.6 i think) you could argue that those people are indigent as well, which is defined as the unemployed. If you are referring to the homeless people as indigent then the US estimates that there are 754,000 homeless people in America which is a far cry from the estimated 20,000,000 illegal immigrants. Luckily, "indigent's" makes up only 6% of the unpaid healthcare cost in America. Granted many probably do not seek it unless they're on their death beds, which says a lot about the general character of this group, they are hard core people, who dont seek out medical care for the snivels. It is also estimated that hospitals write off over 2 BILLION dollars annually in cost for illegal immagrant healthcare. According to the New York Times health section dated today. the biggest concern for me is the health concerns that are coming into the country carried by illegal immigrants. "Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis or "kissing bug disease," is transmitted by the reduviid bug, which prefers to bite the lips and face. The protozoan parasite that it carries, Trypanosoma cruzi, infects 18 million people annually in Latin America and causes 50,000 deaths. The disease also infiltrates America's blood supply. Chagas affects blood transfusions and transplanted organs. No cure exists. Hundreds of blood recipients may be silently infected. Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, was so rare in America that in 40 years only 900 people were afflicted. Suddenly, in the past three years America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy. Leprosy now is endemic to northeastern states because illegal aliens and other immigrants brought leprosy from India, Brazil, the Caribbean and Mexico. Dengue fever is exceptionally rare in America, though common in Ecuador, Peru, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Mexico. Recently, according to the report, there was a virulent outbreak of dengue fever in Webb County, Texas, which borders Mexico. Though dengue is usually not a fatal disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever routinely kills. Polio was eradicated from America, but now reappears in illegal immigrants as do intestinal parasites, says the report. Malaria was obliterated, but now is re-emerging in Texas." anyway, guess it really doesnt matter, there coming and it seems no one really is taking the drain and strain on the US Tax Payer seriously. It is bad enough we fund all these give away welfare programs of one sort or another, but we have been funding illegal immigration as well. One step closer to the socialist utopian experiment that went bad known the world over as Russia. Thank you democrats. Your really not the devil, you are just not as smart as you think you are. |
question: did this happen BECAUSE she's illegal? or was it just an honest mistake? would the same mistake have ever happened to a citizen? what type of restitution should she receive? Illegal or not, like previousy stated, shes a humanbeing, It sucks, and I would be pissed as hell. But what can she really do about it, NOTHING. Accept their 'ooops, we're sorry' half hearted apology and leave as quickly as she can, if she's lucky she will 'get' to stay here without INS knocking on her door and shipping her back to her more perfect and wonderful country. restitution? not everybody is entitled to money in this country, for the most part you have to work for it. only criminals, like this lady, would consider making some quick doe for doing something illegal in the first place. just my thought, and maybe Im all jacked up. |