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smo's photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:40 PM
By the way that Quote I had made was from the CONTACT news paper. Volume 49 ,NUMBER 13 date October 31 ,2007 3 dollars per copy comes out every 2 weeks or so depending on circumstances ,I 800-800-5565 Supposedly read by all the BIG BOYS .Only us Americans seem to be in the dark, the rest of the world seems to know about this 800-800-5565 There is a lot more in there on that subject . I think it is the only true newspaper on earth today. You ought to check it out, it will tell you what to do to get through these times, who the trouble makers are even by names,etc, what opportunities we have to set things straight.

smo's photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:23 PM
I do not believe that we are destined to be the world's big brother BECAUSE: Quote: Russia Still Holds All The Cards. Do not be fooled by what you have been told about Russia these long decades past.The Kremlin was a mighty nation under the Czar( Caesar) , and FROM 1917 ONWARD THEY HAVE BECOME THE MOST POWERFUL NATION THAT has ever been on the face of your globe. The Zionist "Jews"of Khazarian (Ashkenazim) lineage have lied about the capabilities of Russia , and they have NEVER allowed you-the-people to know the true strength and ferocity of the "Bear" . Your own prophets told you that America is "at the feet of the bear" and that Russia will play a major role in the destruction of such as New York.
What you ones also do not know ---you who are still new to the writings---is that the two top combatants of your world who will engage each other in mortal, earth-shaking conflict are both Russian.For more than 900 years, the Christians of Russia have been at war with their atheistic kin who lived to the south of the vast Russian/Soviet empire.If you will recall. such evil creatures as Kissinger, the Hollywood "Moguls" (Mongols or Mongolians is where the term originated--remember the nomadic raiders who terrorized all of Asia) who own the "entertainment" industry , and the ruling elite of Israel all came from Poland--by way of Russia. No two deadlier enemies have ever walked your planet.
That is why the Soviet Union was always so motivated for war. The people of that nation have suffered more than any other in that respect and have always been at war with themselves. The "Soviet" is trying to wipe out the "Russian". One was founded under the principles of Christ, like your country; the other follows only Lucifer. The Soviets are communist ("Jews pretending to be Judeans/Hebrews) barbarians who cause all wars by secretly and openly pitting one side against another. Since there is no bigger way to glean the wealth of nations than to have a nice, little war ( especially when you control the governments of both sides) , the money crazy Jews took full advantage of this new gold mine.
As time went by , the Khazar Jews had bankers in all the nations of your world lending to kings , queens, AND PRESIDENTS large sums of money to do battle with enemies they did not have. In case it has not dawned on you as to WHY there must be "wars and rumors of wars" ,now you have a suspect and the motive.
The Soviet warlords (Zionists, Bolsheviks,Khazars, "Jews"--all of the above), under the Rothchild Jewish plan to take the world and all its gold -- ran across one huge stumbling block:the will of the Russian Christians. And ever since , the battle between these two titans has steadily grown , both in scope and military capability.! Throughout these last three decades , mankind has witnessed tit for tat as the Russians clash with the Bolsheviks--only now it is the age of Super Star Wars, and the citizens of the world are totally in the dark.
When the Bolshevik controlled British government expelled those Russian diplomats over the spy controversy during the summer, the Kremlin warned there would be "serious consequences". And immediately England and the rest of Europe were hit with never-before-seen floods, killer heat waves, and devastating fires. Russian"space Shuttle" fleets can do vastly more than your outdated OBSOLETE shuttle orbiters. When your president gets out of line , notice how Texas always gets a direct hit from modified weather strikes--of one form or another--courtesy of the Russian Space Command. End of Quote

smo's photo
Tue 12/11/07 03:57 PM
Yes, the not federal; no reserve system has done us in folks, it is a criminal system, and totally unconstitutional. The sky is not falling, it already fell, I think. Check out who the private owners are and there are the real criminals and those who support it and back it are also guilty as accomplices. I wonder if some of the principal owners are in England by any chance?

smo's photo
Mon 12/10/07 04:09 PM
I hope ,I read it right, but ,I understand that Jay Rockefeller of all people has the intelligence capabilities and the right ties(maybe Russian intelligence records and other evidence needed) and the right attitude now to set things right and if we the people back him and let him know that we are ready to stop the Bull in this country and set things straight, he also is willing and also does not like seeing this country going down the tubes. Strange sounding, I know, But who else are we going to get to do this, that would have all the scoop on these criminals, that he supposedly has and is supposedly willing to help us. I have changed my mind about things during my life and I figure Jay Rockefeller has too. I hear that He wants to help get our country back. Lets help him ,to help us, for the good of our country and for our children too. I guess he has children too, and that is one of the things he too was worried about. So lets give him a hand, let him know we are behind him on getting our country back.

smo's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:23 PM
My son is a Dallas Cowboys fan through good times and bad, and of course he is happy right now,but ,I remember those in between years too, when they did not do so good. He also knows how good the Patriots are and also the Indianapolis Colts too.and all the others too. He finally got me into it ,some, I guess. Every now and then ,I try to remind him that it is one bunch of millionaires playing another bunch of millionaires, not that that is a bad thing either. But ,I do have to admit those games can be real interesting. And it is all in good fun and sportsmanship in most cases, and like some say, they love to hate Dallas and it is true. And of course some can't wait for the Patriots to lose or for Dallas to lose,But this is AMERICA (land of heaven) (smiles)

smo's photo
Mon 12/10/07 02:47 PM
If Hillary gets in, I too would consider moving out too, because I would hate to live here with people of the kind that would put her in as President. The only other option would be to wait for her to come collect up your guns. and when she and her buddies came, THEN GIVE THEM the BULLETS FIRST OUT THROUGH THE BARREL OF THE GUN!!!! Actually I think that the TRUTH be known ,only about 5% of the people would actually vote for her, because there may only be 5 % or less truth left in the main stream media. All filler now days as it appears to me. I figure Obama will be the next President. But Ron Paul or Dennis Kuccinich should play important parts in our next election and in the next govt. for this country and Colin Powell, too, and get Jay Rockefeller from west Virginia on the intelligence committee to help put all our govt criminals in prison after a fair trial of course!!!I figure the trial should include all those in the White House, the JUST US Department and most of the Congress and other accomplices. Happy HUNTING and FISHING and MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU ALL.

smo's photo
Mon 12/10/07 07:42 AM
Yes, How about them Cowboys??? Yes, I saw that!! What an ending!!

smo's photo
Sun 12/09/07 05:57 PM
I have some suggestions where to get the real news: and or subscription to CONTACT magazine, Where I suspect that all the big guys get their news : CONTACT ph 800-800-5565 , 3 dollars a copy ,I think, I pay. I usually pay for it a year or more ahead. No BS in these places.

smo's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:48 PM
Have you ever heard of the word: COSMOSPHERES? I read that there are 1000's of them around this planet owned by Russia. They are supposed to be manned space stations(also weapons) They supposedly collect all our intelligence , all our phone calls, all our everything ,and nothing we can do about it. Its my guess ,that,that is why Russia seems to know everything about everything on the planet. I hear that the US sometimes tries to shoot them down, and everytime that we try that trick, they teach us a harsh lesson to remind us that the US does not control space, but that Russia does. Why do you suppose we use drones in war, ARE WE FRESH OUT of SPY Sattelites? I think that might be the case. No wonder our leaders hate Russia, that is the impression , that I get . You see ,it seems that Iran has a very able BIG BROTHER to help protect them. Put China on that list too. Russia and China seem to believe in LIVE AND LET LIVE!! Why can't we be peaceful, Why do we want these WARS??

smo's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:22 PM
I read that the cold war never was cold, that the big guys were always pulling little tricks on each other, one might knock off a sub or an oil rig or a ship or a plane or what ever and then they would laugh about it in their offices, and then return the favor on another occasion and both sides would even laugh about it, I guess it was just like a game to them. Even the challenger shuttle was supposed to be included in that game, and other shuttles as well. I guess that is one of the reasons we have not attacked Iran yet, it seems that we might be fresh out of spy sattelites, to guide the cruise missles because ,I heard that Russia or even on occasion maybe even China likes to shoot them down for target practice. Why do you suppose those 6 nuclear things were put on an airplane in North Dakota ,I think it was a month or so ago? And ended up in Louisiana or somewhere. Could it be they were intended for Iran, to be delivered by plane, since I hear that cruise missles need sattelites to guide them, but somebody spilled the beans and told on them on the internet before it was to take place , so ,I figure likely Russia and Iran and others were already waiting for them in advance. Sounds like the BIG BOYS are failing fast in this country with their dirty plans. By the way, now I hear that one of those 6 warheads are missing now. Do you suppose it could end up on a city near you, maybe another 911? Good Question, I wish I could give you the answer? I think the cold(hot) (secret War) is still going on ?

smo's photo
Sun 12/09/07 03:48 PM
Folks, I hear that in the real poles , that 90 or more % of the people in this country want nothing to do with Hillary clinton. Also I believe that Bush lost both of the last 2 elections. Also ,I think that the democrats and the republicans are same bunch , not a hairs difference between them, ,I think both are against the common people and do not represent them, which alone is treason by itself, and reason to be fired or recalled plus the war crimes . Put somebody in there that believes in the Constitution and your rights, like Ron Paul, or Kuccinich, or even , Obama if you really feel you need to vote for the main parties ,I hope if Obama does get in there that he would use Ron Paul, and Kuccinich in his cabinet or as advisors , also Colin Powell.

smo's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:08 PM
I agree that everyone should do his small part to make things better. But, there are bigger things coming than the green house gases, The govt or people that knows have FORGOT to tell you , or neglected to tell you, that we are entering into a regular cycle , some call, the PHOTON BELT, which is some type of radiation belt,which is a bigger problem than the other problems, and even the poles may change and the rotation of the earth may change. Think about this , if that happens (poles reverse) then the sun will rise in the west and set in the east , like some say has happened in times before us.(nothing new) It is just that you and I have not seen it before. Supposedly, very unusual weather is ahead of us before long. By the way, where did you think that the glaciers came from that you heard about in history? What about the idea ,that it could start snowing one day and not quit until you had 20,000 feet of snow. I heard it has happened several times, not just once? Keep smiling, We have interesting times and things coming, I don't think it will be boring. Hey ,we are in this together, let's make the best of it,and enjoy it. Might be a good idea to build some small underground shelters , like the BIG BOYS ARE DOING. I figure they KNOW WHAT IS COMING, also like China and Russia do for their people. I hear that China has an under ground tunnel system . The Great Wall of China is supposed to be one of the SEVEN WONDERS of the WORLD, but,I hear that their tunnel system is even greater. Who said China does not take care of its people at least a little bit? And Russia is said to have underground shelters for ALL THEIR PEOPLE. And you thought we were a first rate country. How many shelters do we have here?It is not too late yet to do something about this problem. Hey, I love you all.

smo's photo
Sun 12/09/07 11:30 AM
I would like to know when the war crimes trials are going to start for the war criminals in our govt? I hope it is real soon.

smo's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:47 PM
I believe that Ron Paul should be in our next Govt Administration, as President ,or Treasury secretary or any other high office or as advisor to Barack Obama, Also Dennis Kuccinich should be high up in our next administration in some position or also as an important advisor,too. We need all these Constitutional type folks, instead of these present day type Zionists. Yes, and get rid of the Private federal reserve system forever and this country could start healing over night. This is my dream, I hope it comes true very soon.

smo's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:30 PM
Yes, I agree, I think NAFTA is a scam against the people of this country and was meant to ruin this Country so that the Zionist one world govt by Zionists could take over easier , when people lose hope, and then they might allow the Communistic United Nations organization under Zionist to take over the World? I think that the People behind NAFTA knew that NAFTA would ruin our economy, by moving business to other countries. I suggest we totally get rid of NAFTA, the PATRIOT ACT, the WAR POWERS ACT and the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, restore the 13TH Amendment to our Constitution, and support our soldiers, by bringing them ALL HOME NOW!!!!

smo's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:03 PM
Sorry folks, I don't buy the stories told on the NON NEWS channels on TV . Consider this REPORT: US Secret Service Gun Battle 'Omaha' Leaves 9 Dead. Sounds like the Serpent eating his own tail to me, What does it sound like to you? Please check this web site: Sounds to me like one part of our govt killing off other parts of our govt. Tell me, was the President going to go shopping in there or what really was happening, there? When someone really finds out, I would like to know, wouldn't you? Hey, I think the BIG GUYS (GOVT)are killing each other. I think the Serpent is eating his own tail. I think It is time to put our govt on trial for War Crimes, Treason, Murder,etc. I hear that Russia has all the evidence needed ,since they supposedly have all those manned Cosmospheres floating above us collecting data on most everthing we do or say.(including info at the mall shooting)

smo's photo
Tue 11/20/07 08:00 PM
Hi Guys , read all your comments, enjoyed them, keep up the good work

smo's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:03 AM
Davinci is right Ron Paul has a terrific voting record and is strong for the Constitution and our Rights, Yes, I would dearly love to have him for president, But the problem is that the media won't give him any coverage so that the people would know all that. But Obama who is widely known and liked by about 90 percent of Americans is for the people and could easily beat Hillary if we had an honest election by the people. I hope and pray that Ron Paul can be a big player in the coming govt,(Obama's cabinet) He could steer this govt in the right direction, if we really want to go in the right direction???? Sometimes , I wonder: A government can not be any better than the people ARE!!! We just need to start being better people ourselves, then we will be happy to have a real patriot like Ron Paul, He is one of those better kind of people, like we all should be!! I am not trying to take sides, I am trying to tell it like it really IS!!! And I want you all to do the same for me. Thanks, you are all a pretty nice group.

smo's photo
Thu 10/04/07 09:29 AM
Hey folks , I believe all the other holocausts happened, but I don't believe the 6 million Jew ONE ever happened, I believe approximately 2or 3 hundred thousand Jews died at tops, and that was not done by Hitler, Because those Jews were workers in Hitlers gun and amunition, etc factories, and then the allies cut Hitler's food supply off and then everyone started starving including the jews working in those factories(not death camps)I don't believe there ever were any specific death camps, only factories. I understand the jews refused to go in the military and so Hitler put them to work in the war factories. Please check this out real close folks and have a great day, the truth will finally come out, Hang in there, keep digging.

smo's photo
Wed 10/03/07 09:31 AM
Hey, I don't believe in the holocaust either(fraud), I don't believe in the frauds in our govt today ., I don't believe we should be having the war(STOP IT NOW),I don't believe in the fraudulent(not) federal (no) reserves (non) banks either ,time to dump them,(THEY ARE STEALING OUR COUNTRY) and have our own CONSTITUTIONAL money again backed by gold. Time to put congress and the white house on trial for treason and war crimes,etc.Time to quit having SECRET BALLOTS(designed for cheating) HAVE SIGNED PAPER BALLOTS,(I think it used to be that way) the crooks will have a harder time changing your vote, Your neighbors already know ,who you want for president ,it is probably on your bumper sticker, signs on you lawn,etc , why not sign the ballot?? I would be willing to sign mine!!Stop the CROOKS!!!