Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Wed 10/03/07 09:10 AM
Who are the false Jews of Revelation 2: 9 in the bible. I heard that it is the Zionist, Khazar Jews.

smo's photo
Wed 10/03/07 09:03 AM
Signed paper ballots ,the crooks will have a hard time changing who you voted for!!

smo's photo
Wed 10/03/07 09:00 AM
Save America(land of heaven) BY having NO MORE SECRET BALLOTS, and have everyone sign his ballot , be proud to tell your neighbors who you voted for. That a good way to SAVE AMERICA!!!

smo's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:55 AM
I guess that should have been 850 thousand, sorry about that.

smo's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:48 AM
If you really want to straighten things out ,Quit having secret ballots, I understand It did not used to be that way, because secret ballots are designed for cheating. Most people don't mind telling you who they plan to vote for . when you campaign for some one or put their signs on your lawn or bumper sticker, that is not secret is it??Who you plan to vote for??WHY not have your ballot signed with your signature? I would be happy to do that. Then the votes can be checked and no crookery, only the crooks will be against this idea!!!Obama is so far ahead of hillary , Probably 90 % per cent of the people in this country are for him now. You surely do not want to believe the media on these polls, Hillary's boss's own the media.When you listen to the NO news ,think of what is exactly opposite and you will be very close to the truth.If the truth was known ,about hillaries polls, she would be the laughing stock of this whole country, I think it is that bad already , that she is losing by, and it is getting to be common knowledge of the shady characters backing her, I think they have to keep one or more of them in prison now, to keep them from exposing her even worse. Let that guy who supposedly contributed the 850 million to her campaign out of jail, I betcha he has some nice juicy tales to tell, I have been wondering if he might catch a disease or a heart attack or commit suicide ,like lots of people around the CLINTON'S SEEM TO DIE AWFULLY EASY , LIKE vINCE fOSTER COMMITTED suicide by shooting himself twice in the base of his skull. Hey, I love you all, we will work on these projects and get the job done friends

smo's photo
Tue 07/17/07 08:21 PM
Is 2012 supposed to be when the game is finished for good or for bad on this planet? Or even sooner? The end of the Mayan Calendar.

smo's photo
Tue 07/17/07 07:28 PM
First stop the war and get the troops home, it will be a little harder , for the Zionist One world order to put concentration camps to work while the soldiers are home. And hang on to your guns, you might need them to stop the enemy.

smo's photo
Tue 07/17/07 07:19 AM
I was wondering if time life has the photos of the actual shooting??? Ask DAN (RATHER???) who might have them?? Did he have the gun in his left hand?? Did you ever wonder why Jackie climbed out on the trunk of the car? Could it be one of the shooters was inside the car with her?? Like maybe the driver??( William Greer????) And of course ,(E Howard Hunt???) on the grassy knoll??Do you suppose Bush, Reagan, Nixon, Johnson,etc were acessories?? What were they really looking for in the watergate break in??( REALLY??) But, then ,why was Nixon pardoned?? Would he had spilled the beans on the rest of the crew ,if he had not been pardoned?? I have heard that within a two year period the dead witnesses could be about two hundred people, including policemen. But, I hear there is plenty of evidence left to clear the matter up.. I hear that Dan got promoted soon after this???Anchor??

smo's photo
Sun 07/15/07 02:53 PM
Why is this money system such a mystery, it should be totally in the open, some one should claim responsibility, a chain of command , etc. Why ,I understand that even the irs has its main office in Puerto Rico, and is a private collection agency for the International Monetary Fund , and that none of your income tax money goes for govt expenses, but goes straight to the fund??? More good stuff to check on!!!How come UNITED STATES of AMERICA, instead of: united States in America ???? We have been HAD, all part of a bigger picture!!! But we will get it all figured out ,if we keep working together, and don't get too mad at each other.we are brothers and sisters and are in this together. Let us keep digging, I am working on it too.

smo's photo
Sun 07/15/07 02:27 PM
I heard that the federal reserve headquarters are in London, but I have never been to London, But the Federal reserve headquarters do not seem to be in this country, if anyone has seen them, please inform to me exactly where they are, it seems they should be in this country. I am not even sure if they are incorporated any where on this PLANET????(totally PRIVATE)(PROBABLY NONINCORPORATED???) MORE REASON that the (not)federal (NO ) reserves ( NON) bank is private. Where is the headquarters( some back room in London??)( Queen's Palace??) I am serious as a heart attack, if you know the answer to these questions, I want to KNOW!!! I think guys like Greenspan are just some of the PLANTED FOXES watching the HEN HOUSE!!!

smo's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:22 AM
I hear this money thing is solvable real quick, but first a group, of people have to be put on trial. Let's arrest them and get the real trials started. It maybe that this whole Congress has to resign, and go on trials, too. But the gold is available.

smo's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:14 AM
I heard that the federal reserve is between a rock and a hard place , owe a large debt payable in gold , but do not have the gold to pay it with, and it is PAST DUE??? ASK old George Bush if he knows anything about that?? I heard our problem could have been settled already, but some one said: NOT AT THIS TIME!!! WHY NOT???GEORGE???

smo's photo
Sat 07/14/07 10:55 AM
Yes, the (not) federal (no) reserves (non) bank is the BIGGEST FRAUD against MANKIND in the HISTORY of this PLANET.!!!!!! I heard that the best way to stop this monster is for everyone to Quit paying: JUST WHO would put the citizenry in jail?? The citizens are not doing the frauding,,they are being frauded. davinci is right on target, others on here have been laughing at him, but ,I would suggest you wake up before it is too late, your house could be gone next. This is not a joking matter. They are stealing your kids inheritance with monopoly money. They admitted on one of the non-news shows that there is no backing for your money , just your trust in the system. I sure do not trust the system.

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 04:02 PM
A democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what we are going to have for dinner. A republic is by rule of law ,where one man can be a fortress standing up for what is right.

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 03:57 PM
I think the democrats and republicans are no different, they both want war

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:46 PM
Bush sends your kids to fight Hussein, but not his own kids!

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:44 PM
Did not Hussein tell Dan Rather that he would be willing to face Bush in a duel, just the two of them and leave every one else out of it? I really, personally believe Bush is a coward!

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:29 PM
Is it executive privilege or KING George, or is he Sir George (knighted)or may be his daddy is Sir George. But breaking the law is pushing the executive privilege thing a little. I could see where executive privilege might be all right if he is deciding whether to have chocolate or vanilla ice cream at the white house.

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 09:52 AM
Hey, I do not know what all is wrong with society, But is there any possibility that ELF Waves(EXTRA LOW FREQUENCY) would have any thing to do with why people are not acting normal(depressed , sickly, erratic) I heard that this is being experimented on us. I would like to hear some conmments on it, pro or con. thanks.

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 09:40 AM
Hey, the cold war was never cold. Behind the scenes, it has been a game of chess with the big guys. Why do you think we seem to be fresh out of spy sattelites? and are using drones? And just how do you suppose the weather has been so weird lately? Hey, you did not think that those space shuttles just fell out of the sky? this thing is bigger than it looks like It is my understanding that they even laugh about it as one takes a jab at the other one, just a game to them. Hilarious even!! But behind all the sides , this snake has a head, about five people.( not all men) Time to put them on trial. they are not invisible, one might even be a celebrity of sorts. When enough of us wake up , they will be running for cover.