Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:33 PM
I think that all members of Congress who voted for the war should be put on trial as accomplices in War Crimes, and probably a couple more charges, like treason, murder, and torture . So that would leave Ron Paul and Obama , and Dennis Kuccinich , and a couple others that could be considered useful.

smo's photo
Mon 12/24/07 09:05 AM
Might just as well add the :CONTACT newspaper too, 1-800-800-5565 might be the last real newspaper left on this planet, I hear all the BIG BOYS read this one, comes out once or twice per month

smo's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:50 AM
Might just as well add the :CONTACT newspaper too, 1-800-800-5565 might be the last real newspaper left on this planet, I hear all the BIG BOYS read this one, comes out once or twice per month

smo's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:46 AM
Add this to your info list-- and in order to get some of the real news out there

smo's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:38 AM
I think the past few elections have been total scams, not elections at all. I don't think they had secret ballots always. At least that is what I read. Secret ballots were designed for scams. It would be hard to scam, if you signed your name by your vote, something to think about, I would be willing to vote for Ron Paul and then sign my ballot.

smo's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:30 AM
Yes, Ron Paul for President !! doesn't matter what Party he runs as. We need to get back to the Constitution regardless of what it takes to get there. I like Davinci's door to door idea,if that is what it get the job done. Does anyone know where to send the money to Ron Paul?

smo's photo
Wed 12/19/07 05:05 PM
I think hillary's poll reports are fictional, make believe , I don't think any one really wants her and her programs. I think the Bush election was fictional as well.(fuzzy math, Did bush say that out of his own mouth?)(smiles) I think he likes fuzzy math. I sure hope you all want your Constitution back, and consider Ron Paul . I think Hillary is more of the Same-O!!!

smo's photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:50 PM
If Hillary was president ,I would consider going to Mexico, too. Please put Ron Paul in So we can get our country back, I think it was overthrown the very day that President Kennedy was assasinated, and that the bad guys have had it since then. Time to get it back. I don't really want to go to Mexico.

smo's photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:34 PM
Sometimes it looks like there is lots of hope for America, Some have said that the snake is eating his own tail. Also tonight there is an interesting report out on (white house attack leaves Cheny's office in flames) It is a totally different report than the one I just heard on one of those non news channels. I think the big guys are fighting among themselves.What do you suppose ? Are they making room for Ron Paul, then America will get better?

smo's photo
Tue 12/18/07 09:03 PM
I think we should pull out of the war right now. I read an article that said the roadside bombs don't really exist , but are Israeli missiles that kill troops on both sides: LETS YOU AND HIM FIGHT!!!You can't find those roadside bombs if they do not exist they say. The missile is faster than sound, you don't know where it came from they say. So americans blame it on Iraqis as a roadside bomb and Iraqis seem to know that it came from Israel, Lets you and him fight!! Does that make any sense???

smo's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:38 PM
Oh those 73,846 dead American troops , I believe is quite accurate. Also I believe from several things that I read is that the roadside bomb theory is mostly lies, the report was that a large number of the dead on both sides is caused by Israeli missles in order to keep the war going . LET"S YOU AND HIM FIGHT!!!! You can't find those roadside bombs , if they do not exist,can you? So the missile gets there before the sound does and our troops on the ground think it is one of those invisible roadside bombs. Does that make any sense??

smo's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:07 PM
Ron Paul sure sounds like the right man to me voting against the war and standing up for our Constitution like he does. And in favor of keeping our guns too.

smo's photo
Tue 12/18/07 07:56 PM
Yes, we need to Buy AMERICAN made, We need to start little back yard projects, a little bartering, more gardening , becoming more self sufficient, learn to be more handy about fixing things,growing things, quit using genetically altered seeds in our farming, do more organic backyard farming, get rid of the NAFTA free trade rules, AND OF COURSE MAKE RON PAUL the next PRESIDENT< he will help us do these things .

smo's photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:50 PM
I wonder where the federal reserve board is incorporated?

smo's photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:36 PM
I Heard that the private irs is incorporated in Delaware,too. Incorporated means it is a corporation ,RIGHT" (private RIGHT?)

smo's photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:31 PM
Thank you.

smo's photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:24 PM
Oh yes, put Ron Paul in there if you can ,He would be willing to get rid of this beast( not ) federal (no) reserves system). Because it is criminal and unConstitutional. We need to work together on this and save these united states in AMERICA( land of heaven , it means) And the irs is a private collection agency and needs to be gone too.

smo's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:57 PM
Hey , that (non) federal (n0)reserves (Not) banks ,,thing needs to be solved out once and for all, I have been wondering where the headquarters to that place is myself, many times. I don't think it is in this country, I would guess that it is in London. Let me know when you find out for sure where it is. I don't think any of us knows where their headquarters is and by design(intended to be hidden) They will not tell you who the owners are either. This is not something they want to brag about. But I really believe it might be a true underground economy, owned by about 5 families, I have my doubts that it is even incorporated, just a wild guess, hows that for speculation? when you find out the truth to that question, anybody, I want to know about it. Then ,I want to tell the whole world about it ,to get us all woke up to how they robbed us of our everything ,including our sustenance(daily bread, and our homes and families, and even our health.)These federal reserve people are probably the worst criminals that have ever been on this planet with the private federal reserve ponzi scheme. OH , but I do believe that the private collection agency(irs)for the private federal reserve resides in Puerto Rico. Surely they must know and WOULD BE WILLING TO TELL US?(probably not) Check that out WHO and WHERE the bosses are? WOULDN"T THEY???? I WONDER IF THEY WOULD TELL??? (probably not) You might want to check on the private for profit socialistic insecurity system too. Oh ,and while you are doing that one , How about the Private for profit postal service. Are you getting scared yet? Maybe ,I am just crazy, but, then again, I just may be wide awake on these ponzi games , that is what I think , Any of you smart people that like to ridicule when you don't know the answers , I recommend you start taking this stuff deadly serious, like you would a heart attack. I have been spending years working on untangling these things and I still don't have it all figured out, but ,I want your help to get this matter settled forever without any question of what the truth is on these things. The BIG BOYS don't want you to know what they have been doing to us with their private for profit(supposed non profit) corporations . Also you might want to check a lot of the non profit corporations too.(see what they really are up to) I recommend seeing what Bill Gates and his non profit bunch are up to. Could it possibly have something to do with your food supply. He is helping us save seeds too, right,millions of varieties of seeds right,He is helping us ,RIGHT??? RIGHT!!!!NON PROFIT and NO SELFISH MOTIVE ,RIGHT??? RIGHT!!!

smo's photo
Fri 12/14/07 05:08 PM
Well. I enjoyed everybody's comments, and I do not know either,but I have some ideas: Do you suppose it is kind of like baking a cake in the oven and you set the timer for the specified time for it to be done.At the end of that time you take it out no matter what happened in between.(not done or burned , or whatever.) Could that be the time for God to take back the earth no matter whether which side wins?(good or evil) COULD THAT BE THE START OF A NEW AGE?If there is anything left worth saving , He will take over and put in new govt under him, but if it gets blown to pieces, before then ,maybe he will just toss the earth in the trash can,(like the burnt cake) and build a new one again(new cake)(start over) Don't you figure ,God is like us , if he don't like how it turned out, start over try something else.And that might be the date to account for how things turned out. Also, I think it might be the start of a new earth cycle, possibly every 25,000 years the earth switches poles, and then the rotation will reverse, then the sun will start rising in the west and setting in the east for the next 25,000 years after that ,and after it makes its next rotation through all the galaxies, and comes to this point again , and then the poles switch back again . Maybe they switch every 12,500 years(instead of 25,000 years) when the earth is 1/2 way through all the galaxies, the poles switch, and then half way and they switch again. I have a feeling that the BIG BOYS know the right answer to this puzzle , I think that was one of the reasons the BIG BOYS bombed BAGHDAD. I hear that the first place the bomber planes went was to destroy all those ancient records that explained all the answers to this stuff. I hear that THE BIG BOYS HAVE got underground bunkers stocked with food, Where is your bunkers? Russia is supposed to have underground bunkers for all their population, China is supposed to have an underground tunnel system for all their population,. It is said that the great WALL of China is one of the seven wonders of the WORLD, But that their underground tunnel system is even much greater. Now ,you tell me they are third world countries and don't care about their people . Where is our underground shelters? I think it is not too late to do something about that if you plan to make it up to 2012. But, I doubt if you will get there without your shelters, we have severe weather coming, we are headed into the PHOTON BELT. I think the BIG BOYS forgot to tell us about that, but they have nice shelters in the southern hemisphere that I hear tell about in the central mountains of Australia. New Zealand, South America and other places. IS your name on one of them?

smo's photo
Tue 12/11/07 06:41 PM
Hey we are a Just US system, not a justice system, in this country now since our Constitution has been tampered with and Lawyers and crooks have taken over our country, time to take it back, they have also removed the 13 th Amendment from the Constitution, when is the last time you saw it in there? According to our 13th Amendment no Lawyers can hold public office, I would take that to mean , not even the position of dog catcher.