Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:40 PM
The private folks who own the not federal, no reserves, non bank ,would be a real GOOD place to start looking for these non patriots.

smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:33 PM
A dual citizen would have allegiance and citizenship to two countries, which is truly probably not possible in reality(oxymoron). But a person could be openly a citizen of Russia on paper (outwardly), but his allegiance and real citizenship might be to the US and he secretly uses Russia to help the US. But What if one is openly a citizen of the US, and he is secretly a citizen of another Country? If he gets in trouble in the US ,he will immediately if he can flee to the other country. Russia has some like that that have escaped here, and we have them here that escape from here to other countries when someone gets hot on their trail. But I am specifically concerned with ones in our govt, that don't belong in there because of their obvious allegiance to other countries besides ours, and who will be escaping there soon,if they can, when enough people wake up to what they are doing. We have lots of outsiders taking our Country over, Start by keeping record of who is paying off our congress (corrupting )with bribes and goodies and who blackmails them with women and parties. It would not be hard at all to see who these people are , they are hiding in plain sight.Some even bold enough to appear on TV from time to time. They wear grey suits and pretend they are your friends.

smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:38 PM
Yes, I suppose if Hillary got in there and you supported her you might be a MATRIOT (Smiles)

smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:34 PM
What it is the Counstitution is a good thing , But we have enough Dual Citizens(Flies in the oinment) in govt to make it stink like it was spoiled, like what happens when you get a few stinking flies in a good oinment, just ruins the whole batch of oinment.

smo's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:26 PM
Yes, Term limits , so that there could NEVER be such a thing as a career politician. Career politicians are not really :WE THE PEOPLE, They seem to be something else. The More often the elections the better, One year terms might even be better, it would remind them that they are temporary and are the servants , not the Masters. We The People are supposed to be the BOSS over them!!.They are supposed to be working for us, not the other way around.

smo's photo
Tue 01/15/08 12:23 PM
After giving it some very serious thought, I would say that number #1 issue should be get all dual citizenship people and their influence out of our govt and get our Constitution back, since ,I am convinced that they have no use at all for our Constitution, because it is a hindrance to them and their designs. Then EVERYTHING would start falling back into place on its own. Very simple solution to ALL, Yes ALL, our problems, They are the PROBLEM!!!!DUAL CITIZENSHIP PEOPLE INFLUENCING OUR GOVT!!!And running it behind the scenes. Something else to think about?? WHO is HENRY KISSINGER?? WHAT DOES HE DO?? HOW OLD IS HE?? IS HE THE ORIGINAL COPY?? What is his influence in our govt?? WE NEED TO START SOMEWHERE??? Who does he work for? Are you SURE ABOUT THAT??

smo's photo
Tue 01/15/08 11:59 AM
We need to get back to Constitution type money , gold and silver(no inflation) and we need to make sure that the money is controlled by our govt and not by private dual citizenship people who have been stripping us bare, they are just nothing but parasites on us, regulating our paper worthless money up and down in value until you have nothing left. There should never be any inflation, it is caused by the parasite dual citizens regulating your money. They have been laughing at us stupid people. We are stupid for letting them do that to us.(unconstitutional money system) We do have all the Aces on our side, but we need play them. the federal reserve is broke and need to be called to account. We the people have a large gold reserve waiting for us, because not all Israelite people are bad , just some of them are. But ,it is up to us to do our part, and get those dual citizens and a few of their buddies, out of where they don't belong controlling our money system. They are CRIMINALS .(unconstitutional practices)

smo's photo
Tue 01/15/08 11:32 AM
I figure that when all this free corn(programs) runs out ,their will be a rude awakening for a lot of people .Worse yet even than that: Will there be any corn(real) period , even if you were wanting to pay for it?? It looks like some pretty rough hoeing up ahead. Hey, We don't even have any real corn or wheat surplus anymore like we used to have. We are running on close to empty.But no one seems to notice that till its gone or even talks about it. Is it because they just do not know how close things are operating to the empty mark? It is not just the gasoline. You have been stripped of nearly everything!!!It is not a coincidence that it is like this.Somebody is driving the BOAT, just like in 1929.(federal reserve folks) It is the(not) federal (no) reserve doing this to you dear FOLKS. I am not kidding !!This is for REAL!!YOU BEEN HAD!!!

smo's photo
Tue 01/15/08 11:06 AM
Peace in the Middle east??? If , If, If, I were a gambler, I would gamble that Israel and Company, are going to do something Stupid like attacking Iran, and then Russia and Company, will remove Israel off the map and us too, if we help Israel in their foolishness. So we should leave the Arabs alone , not steal their oil or their land, keep our nose out of where it don't belong ,and let Israel do Stupid things on their own without our help. And get the dual Citizenship people out of our govt to make sure that nothing stupid happens.They should be no dual Citizens in our govt, they will not have our best interests at heart, they will favor Israel above us who are the real Americans. And they will try try to send our children to fight for oil, money , and power. I don't think they care about protecting this Country.If they did, they would keep our soldiers home where we need them most.

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 08:10 PM
I want to put the White house and Congress on trial , for murder, War Crimes, and Treason, and I want to do away with the death penalty , so that all the murderers and their accomplices, etc. can be put in work gangs and do meaningful work to benefit society for at least once in their life and have a reason to feel good about themselves because of it. Let's help those poor souls out, they have been begging for justice for a long time and we are denying them this opportunity!!! LET"S let the Constitutionally innocent ones out of jail soon,and we can close most all these private for hire(for profit) jails that we have in this country these days owned by CORPORATIONs????AM I dreaming this stuff up, do you suppose it is just my imagination???

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 08:07 PM
I want to put the White house and Congress on trial , for murder, War Crimes, and Treason, and I want to do away with the death penalty , so that all the murderers and their accomplices, etc. can be put in work gangs and do meaningful work to benefit society for at least once in their life and have a reason to feel good about themselves because of it. Let's help those poor souls out, they have been begging for justice for a long time and we are denying them this opportunity!!! LET"S let the Constitutionally innocent ones out of jail soon,and we can close most all these private for hire(for profit) jails that we have in this country these days owned by CORPORATION????

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 07:50 PM
I think the stem cell research is working (Smiles)

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 07:48 PM
I think we have some real live programmed robots running around in our govt, that have no soul and no conscience , did not come from space either, more like dolly the sheep variety.(Smiles) No, I did not read it in the funny papers.

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 07:29 PM
EX-ItalianPresident:Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job . Man Who Blew The Whistle on Gladio Tells Italy's Largest Newspaper Attacks Were Run by CIA,Mossad .by Paul Joseph Watson, Dec 4 ,2007 ""and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies"

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:58 PM
I figure lots of innocents have died because of our injustice system not following the Constitution(Common Law ). Our Contitution is based on Common Law, Which means that if there is no victim ,then there is no crime.FOR EXAMPLE: If someone gets drunk , but does not harm anyone then no crime has been committed. You are not allowed to punish him unless he harms someone or damages them in some way.(Constitution) These are today called victimless crimes, which are not actually crimes. The jails are full of people who have not actually committed any crimes. This govt is guilty of putting innocent people in jail everyday for victimless crimes. Now they are damaging lots of people for no Constitutional reason.(no crime) Under Constitution even speeding would not be a crime until you were careless and damaged someone. Then you could be legitimately punished.There are lots and lots of this unconstitutional stuff going on. And these are crimes.

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:22 PM
In the Pledge of Allegiance, this country is referred to as a Republic. So Ron Paul is on the right track

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:19 PM
We are straying far from our Constitution, and Ron Paul Is definitely in favor of the Constitution as the Rightful ,law of our Republic. Democracies seem to end up in communism. Democracies are mob Rule.(2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner) Whereas a Republic is ruled by LAW( Constitution is that LAW)

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:04 PM
Don't be discouraged Tobias, I am rooting for Ron Paul too, because He wants our Country back ,with its Constitutional Republic govt. We got to quit baby sitting Israel, and take care of our citizens here. If we stick with Israel , they are going to get us in trouble with lots of other countries, where we do not belong! In everyones business instead of our own.

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:54 PM
Yes, I figure the gate is going to slam shut soon,

smo's photo
Mon 01/14/08 05:41 PM
Amen, Tobias,

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