Topic: join the movement to save america | |
straw poll results: Ron Paul's Head-to-Head Records (Win-Lose-Tie): Rudy Giuliani 23-3-0 Mitt Romney 15-11-0 Fred Thompson 13-12-0 John McCain 22-3-0 Mike Huckabee 21-3-1 Sam Brownback 22-2-1 Tom Tancredo 23-1-0 Duncan Hunter 22-2-0 raising money a dollar at a time from average americans.. no pac's here folks: |
why he should be elected 6min.... |
we deffinatly need a people person
and to work on ousting both parties i know hw is a repub but he is more people than anyone else running and the repubs do not like him good enough for me |
it's the constitution that has sold one either party is
talking about it... |
![]() I have always greatly enjoyed your Writings,Your Wisdome and Your Wit,you also have a Great sence of Humor. ![]() Of late,it takes everything we have to just stay alive and now they would like us o choose a New Clown to Lead us. ![]() Well I say, pick one, any one, Because they are all the same, Just more yes men and women that do the bidding of The Secret Govrnment. ![]() |
very interesting hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jonny jonny jonny |
?????? ok then ?????
No chance here folks
wouldnt expect you to say anything surprize
![]() ![]() No Loyalty to The Republic That Birthed you and gave you the FREEDOME to grow up to be the man you are today. ![]() Many more will die on american soil, so this man can have his boat and do as he pleases. But when will He GET IT ? that it takes all of us working together to make and keep America Great !!! ![]() |
barack obama barak obama barak obama barack obama barack obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Question: How many Presidential candidates
will it take to save America? Answer: None. America must save itself! |
BUSH SHOULD BE IMPEACHED!!!!!!!!! he's as dumb as a bunch of bricks and so are all of the republican candidates
Similarities and differences
between the Presidential race and a beauty pageant. Similarity: Who is perceived to be the best candidate wins. Difference: Presidential candidates don't have to sing or dance. Similarity: They both have to be for specific social causes. Difference: We don't have to endure a beauty pageant queen for 4 years. Similarity: Rudy can wear a dress and tiara. Difference: Rudy makes a very ugly woman. Similarity: It takes a lot of money. Difference: Presidential candidates don't have to get boob jobs or starve themselves, but they need to get botox injections. Similarity: It's a competition. Difference: In a Presidential race, it's a competition where the candidate who gets the most money from special interests and PACs, wins. Except for if they get the most electoral votes or have the Supreme Court say they won. ![]() |
I will be so happy when obama wins! yippee
well read your other thread
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![]() ![]() It takes allot more then any of them running for office have. ![]() For any new President to fix what bushco and his Illuminatti Friends have done would take Gonads cast of Solid GOLD and The will to save Our Nation come hell and highwater.......:smoken: This man would also be needing 9 lives,as many would be out to kill him, yet he still need to change the way America is Governed into a Tribal Counsel where No One man has the say, as there is much wisdome in numbers....... ![]() |
i concur
If you really want to straighten things out ,Quit having secret ballots, I understand It did not used to be that way, because secret ballots are designed for cheating. Most people don't mind telling you who they plan to vote for . when you campaign for some one or put their signs on your lawn or bumper sticker, that is not secret is it??Who you plan to vote for??WHY not have your ballot signed with your signature? I would be happy to do that. Then the votes can be checked and no crookery, only the crooks will be against this idea!!!Obama is so far ahead of hillary , Probably 90 % per cent of the people in this country are for him now. You surely do not want to believe the media on these polls, Hillary's boss's own the media.When you listen to the NO news ,think of what is exactly opposite and you will be very close to the truth.If the truth was known ,about hillaries polls, she would be the laughing stock of this whole country, I think it is that bad already , that she is losing by, and it is getting to be common knowledge of the shady characters backing her, I think they have to keep one or more of them in prison now, to keep them from exposing her even worse. Let that guy who supposedly contributed the 850 million to her campaign out of jail, I betcha he has some nice juicy tales to tell, I have been wondering if he might catch a disease or a heart attack or commit suicide ,like lots of people around the CLINTON'S SEEM TO DIE AWFULLY EASY , LIKE vINCE fOSTER COMMITTED suicide by shooting himself twice in the base of his skull. Hey, I love you all, we will work on these projects and get the job done friends
I guess that should have been 850 thousand, sorry about that.