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Topic: AP Poll: Exiting Iraq would boost economy more than stimulus
madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:50 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — The heck with Congress' big stimulus bill. The way to get the country out of recession — and most people think we're in one — is to get the country out of Iraq, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll.
Pulling out of the war ranked first among proposed remedies in the survey, followed by spending more on domestic programs, cutting taxes and, at the bottom end, giving rebates to poor people in hopes they'll spend the economy into recovery.

soxfan94's photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:59 AM you really put a lot of stock in a random sampling of 1,006 average citizens when it comes to their proposals for things such as the effects of ending a war on the national economy? I'm quite skeptical.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:00 AM
well it seems perfectly logical that if you cut the funds to this illegal war you will save some money.

soxfan94's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:02 AM
Yes it does, but I'm not sure that because the survey of random people said so, I'm any more inclined to believe it than I was based on intuition alone...

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:05 AM you really put a lot of stock in a random sampling of 1,006 average citizens when it comes to their proposals for things such as the effects of ending a war on the national economy? I'm quite skeptical.
seriously though it seems the average citizens are makeing more sence than those empowerd to make our decisions for us.

soxfan94's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:07 AM you really put a lot of stock in a random sampling of 1,006 average citizens when it comes to their proposals for things such as the effects of ending a war on the national economy? I'm quite skeptical.
seriously though it seems the average citizens are makeing more sence than those empowerd to make our decisions for us.

While I certainly don't have a ringing endorsement for those in power, I disagree that the average citizens are any better at solving the problems. The complicated nature of things such as the economy (even most economists dunno wtf is going on) and the astoundingly simple nature of the "average" citizen leads me to believe that any solution proffered by the public at large (through an extremely small sample in a survey) which winds up being correct is far more attributable to luck than insight.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:25 AM you really put a lot of stock in a random sampling of 1,006 average citizens when it comes to their proposals for things such as the effects of ending a war on the national economy? I'm quite skeptical.
seriously though it seems the average citizens are makeing more sence than those empowerd to make our decisions for us.

While I certainly don't have a ringing endorsement for those in power, I disagree that the average citizens are any better at solving the problems. The complicated nature of things such as the economy (even most economists dunno wtf is going on) and the astoundingly simple nature of the "average" citizen leads me to believe that any solution proffered by the public at large (through an extremely small sample in a survey) which winds up being correct is far more attributable to luck than insight.
wouldnt it be great if our government actualy got lucky once in a while?

soxfan94's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:27 AM
I'd rather see our government fail based on hard data, thorough analysis, and well thought out decision making than stumble into a lucky decision.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 05:32 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Sun 02/10/08 05:38 AM

I'd rather see our government fail based on hard data, thorough analysis, and well thought out decision making than stumble into a lucky decision.

Thank you for actually putting logical thought into your replies. This AP poll is a joke. It shows how uninformed and uneducated the general population is on economic issues.

The rest of the article is a joke, pointing fingers everywhere but where it is deserved the most, right back at the consumers themselves.

The article has barely anything to do with Iraq, the great majority is directed to everything but Iraq. USA Today obviously put it in their heading simply to draw attention to the article.

Worse yet "Some 43% said increasing government spending on health care, education and housing programs would help a great deal". Ridiculous. Spending on education would help the economy? What the heck? Sounds like a whole bunch of socialist leaners and teacher union advocates were polled.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:29 AM
Its too bad you have so little faith in your fellow americans. I think the only hope this country has is if the "average folks" get off there butts and pay attention to the crimes being commited in there names.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:46 AM

Its too bad you have so little faith in your fellow americans. I think the only hope this country has is if the "average folks" get off there butts and pay attention to the crimes being commited in there names.

Dealing with economics yes.

People don't seem to know how to manage money and credit anymore. Why would I have faith in their economic intelligence? lol

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:19 AM
I cant help but wonder starsailor what type of work you do for a liveing? I just get the feeling your either a born rich or a student or part time student liveing with parents. I am not being insulting to you, but it seems you arent in touch with what is going on in the country

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:08 PM

I cant help but wonder starsailor what type of work you do for a liveing? I just get the feeling your either a born rich or a student or part time student liveing with parents. I am not being insulting to you, but it seems you arent in touch with what is going on in the country

I am back in college, paying my own way the second time thanks to all the money I saved working over the years. I am a real estate agent, which requires only a high school education. I have never not paid off my credit card at the end of a month.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:13 PM

I cant help but wonder starsailor what type of work you do for a liveing? I just get the feeling your either a born rich or a student or part time student liveing with parents. I am not being insulting to you, but it seems you arent in touch with what is going on in the country

I am back in college, paying my own way the second time thanks to all the money I saved working over the years. I am a real estate agent, which requires only a high school education. I have never not paid off my credit card at the end of a month.
selling much realestate lately?

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:15 PM

I cant help but wonder starsailor what type of work you do for a liveing? I just get the feeling your either a born rich or a student or part time student liveing with parents. I am not being insulting to you, but it seems you arent in touch with what is going on in the country

I am back in college, paying my own way the second time thanks to all the money I saved working over the years. I am a real estate agent, which requires only a high school education. I have never not paid off my credit card at the end of a month.
selling much realestate lately?

I haven't been in the business that long, but its alright, it is always slow during the winter. I sold more in '07 then I did in '06 though, much more, hence why I came back to school. The real estate market is only really bad in Florida, California, and places like that.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:17 PM
If you can't buy the results of the liberal bias in the media you can't take this poll as being true as well.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:31 PM

If you can't buy the results of the liberal bias in the media you can't take this poll as being true as well.
The Ap though being part of the corperate rat media does have a good reputation for conducting polls unlike the catholick university you used as a source, however I am open to honest argument that the poll is inacurate

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:31 PM

If you can't buy the results of the liberal bias in the media you can't take this poll as being true as well.
The Ap though being part of the corperate rat media does have a good reputation for conducting polls unlike the catholick university you used as a source, however I am open to honest argument that the poll is inacurate

noblenan's photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:46 PM
First, sorry about jumping in here! But, you say you are in real estate, which has been a quite lucrative business in recent history. However, because people are finally waking up to lure of easy credit, your industry is in jeopardy either because people are just not buyin it anymore, or, because they have been dis-enfranchized by the lure already! You should be commended for being able to pay your credit cards off every month! But, for many Americans it is not that simple. Try not having a credit card at all. Try not owning a car, or not being able to afford the rent...and daycare!
Now about polls, somehow I got on the polling list! I get calls and written questionaires a couple of times a year. But,I've come to realize that everyone I get seem to be pertinent to what is important to me. Do you all really think that is random? It is our responsibility to pay attention to what is happening with our country and to express our displeasure or opposition. You don't have to be a rocket scientist know when you are being lied to or taken advantage of, especially when it has happened time and time again! We cannot continue to blindly trust that those in power have our best interest in mind!
Sorry for the rant! I feel better now! ...oh, and sorry I couldn't figure out spellcheck?

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:00 PM

First, sorry about jumping in here! But, you say you are in real estate, which has been a quite lucrative business in recent history. However, because people are finally waking up to lure of easy credit, your industry is in jeopardy either because people are just not buyin it anymore, or, because they have been dis-enfranchized by the lure already! You should be commended for being able to pay your credit cards off every month! But, for many Americans it is not that simple. Try not having a credit card at all. Try not owning a car, or not being able to afford the rent...and daycare!
Now about polls, somehow I got on the polling list! I get calls and written questionaires a couple of times a year. But,I've come to realize that everyone I get seem to be pertinent to what is important to me. Do you all really think that is random? It is our responsibility to pay attention to what is happening with our country and to express our displeasure or opposition. You don't have to be a rocket scientist know when you are being lied to or taken advantage of, especially when it has happened time and time again! We cannot continue to blindly trust that those in power have our best interest in mind!
Sorry for the rant! I feel better now! ...oh, and sorry I couldn't figure out spellcheck?
feel free to jump in anytime, not to many of us have won a spelling bee or use spellcheckdrinker

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