Topic: government b.s.
Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 02/16/08 05:48 AM
Why do we have a party system in our government? I was told originally these parties didn't exist. Don't parties make it more difficult to represent the people? What was wrong with the way our forefathers (Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, Tom Paine, etc.) had set things up? The more i read about the original way of government, and the original constitution, the more respect for it i have. The document is just about flawless. (originally)

wildsideof35's photo
Sat 02/16/08 05:51 AM
Amen!!! Well said....

peachiegirl28's photo
Sat 02/16/08 05:53 AM
hiya driveflowerforyou i agree

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 02/16/08 05:54 AM
flowerforyou howdy peachieflowerforyou thank youflowerforyou

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 09:48 AM
It beats me why any one would want any of these parties. They only divide the people ,instead of uniting them. that is what parties do: DIVIDE and CONQUER!! that is what the Zionist (favors Israel above the US) govt does to us ,divide us up against each other, and conquer us and take our rights away ,one right by one at a time, so you won't notice it so easily. they ram a stick up your butt, then they watch and see how you are taking it,and if you don't complain too bad , they ram the stick further up your butt!! These Zionists are BAD PEOPLE, they don't believe like Jesus taught us to believe. IN fact they favor ISRAEL who does not believe in Jesus at all, not at ALL!!!(ZERO) The Zionists are the cause of the World's Problems Today!!All your World Problems. They are against everything that Jesus Stands For. LOVE your neighbor, LOVE GOD,and Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

This situation in the world today actually boils down to SATAN"S bunch against God's Bunch, It is that SIMPLE!!