Community > Posts By > JaneStar1

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Wed 05/05/10 08:30 PM

The government serves us as it always has and always will.

????? In that case, what's all this dissatisfaction is about ? ? ? ?

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Wed 05/05/10 08:09 PM
I can hardly remember any/as many complaints as now!!!

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Wed 05/05/10 07:54 PM
That leaves an itchy stinky butt!!!

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Tue 05/04/10 11:31 PM
Size does matter,

But deception is paramount!

no photo
Tue 05/04/10 11:15 PM
why does no one want to shave my ***?

why does no one want to shave my ***?

Oh, please, somebody, shave his *** OFF!!! laugh

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Tue 05/04/10 10:41 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Tue 05/04/10 10:52 PM
But of course, none of the modern day scientists have been influenced by religion! Nevertheless, the ones you mentioned -- Albert Einstein, Pierre Simon de Laplace, Charles Darwin -- all were synagogue/church going individuals (for spiritual needs)!

I never argued the fact of "the desire to learn and discover new things and how things work did not exist before--or outside of--organized religion"!!! BUT in the Middle Ahes, religion was the major facility for conducting expensive research!!!

However, your DEAD WRONG about "what birthed religion" (i.e. the need to explain the How/Why of things) !!!
* * * Religion is DOGMA passed down from the times immemorial. The only interest it might have vested was reinforcing the faith in a supreme being! Every contradictiion had to be masterfully comouflaged (i.e. iterpretted) to fit the doctrine !

P.S. Once again, your knowledge of the famous scientists' Names (and, possibly, their works) doesn't mean you know anything about those Individuals!!!

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Tue 05/04/10 09:37 PM
Thanks for your valuable input.
However, the reason I posted the article, which I've run into accidentally, is because I was dumbstruc with the undeniable facts (i.e. the dates)!!!

As for the next Hitler, he would not be the exact carbon copy of the previous one -- just as the original one had nothing in common with Napoleon. Do not interpret everything literally!!!
However, inspite of the different socio-political forces which gave us Hitler, you never know how the future circustances might turn out: if not The Versaille Treaty, it might be something else, and NOT necessarily Germany!!! The cycle is not tied to the geographical location * * *

I am aware of the cyclical nature of the Humanity's development.But I never thought the cyclicity also concerns the specific individuals (and their impact upon the Humanity)!

After all, as you mentioned, "History is cyclical in some ways, but not in others. Cycles set up INFLUENCES...NOT REQUIREMENTS".
However, some historical coincidences seem to resemble the latter much more than the former!

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Mon 05/03/10 11:35 PM
I am worth it!

Are you? ? ?

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Mon 05/03/10 10:46 PM


Certainly, religious dogmatizm cannot compare to flexability of Science. But what I was really trying to get accross was the point that our notions of "nature" are so incomplete, that our current beliefs aren't relatively far from the religious ones!!! (i.e. compared to the Complete/Total knowledge)
Besides, the power of religion -- as with any philosophycal doctrine -- is in Interpretattion! Thus, I suspect, the farther we advance our scientific knowledge, the less difference there would be between Science and religion! (after all, science has sprung out from religion)


Erm, no. Science sprung from a desire to learn and understand how and why things work and not settle for the explanations of uninformed, unmotivated people

I'm sorry, but this pseudo-logical answer indicates that it's author doesn't know much, especially History!!!
One of the main pre-occupations of religion has always been maintaining and enlarging the flock of faithfuls (i.e their donations). And that could be accomplished only through reinforcing the faith with the help of various "Mirracles"! Creating those mirracles necessitated Employing Expensive Learned people who could perform experiments and create "MIRRACLES".
A desire to learn and understand is a side effect which religion has underestimated: those same "Learned people" continued the research on their own (at the expense of religion) -- satisfying their "desire to learn and understand how and why things work". And, sometimes, some of the "Learned people" had to be panished for disclosing the "secrets" to the general public -- the heretics have been burned at the stake (like Jordano Bruno, who dared suggesting the Earth isn't the center of the universe!)

Eventually, the "desease of learning and understanding" the Physical world has acquired the mass appeal, and religion has been displaced into the realm of Spiritual world!

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 09:58 PM
Yeah, the president is guilty of all the ills, even those he's no power over!!!

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 09:07 PM
The possibilities are endless

You better stop looking at the mirrors,
after all, things in the mirror may appear
bigger then they really are...

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 08:13 PM
You mean you were scared SHIITLESS, weren't you???

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:49 PM
I'm puzzled:
WHEN FOOLISH BUSHITO WAS AT THE HELM, NOBODY COMPLAINED! (probably cuz he was rich, so obviously it was assumed he knew what he was doing) -- regardless of his "bushizms"!!!

And now, when finally a bright educated person became "a captain", everybody are against him -- cuz he's of the wrong colour!

Get over it!!!

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:33 PM

_____________More power to you/her, if you/she can pull it off!!!

The world is full of gullible people -- one is born every minute!
______________________ biggrin __________________

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:20 PM
Dating sites are something those (happy) people never become involved with

Certainly, "those" people might have no need for it!
Nevertheless, I bet they often wonder what the single life is like!!

Besides, the 40's -50's generations had completely different morals and values. But even among them a "one-mate-for-life" was more of an exclusion than a rule!

Most of young people nowadays maintain the philosophy,
Variety is the spice of life!
Thus breakups are rampunt!!!

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 06:51 PM
both are of excellent value --
I Never Leave Home w/out Them

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 06:30 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sun 05/02/10 06:30 PM


___________________________ BESIDES___________________
At the "10th International Conference on Science and Paranormal Phenomena" that took place 2 days ago at the Moscow Technical University , it was concluded that Quantum Mechanics -- developed in 1925/6 -- is incapable of explaining much of the paradoxes and phenomena, the existance of which requires the overhaul of the whole doctrine!!! (adding a temporal componnent, non-local interaction between the matterial objects -- the info-bio-energetic interaction between the objects)

Another good point to science. They at least have and use that ability to overhaul everything if need be.

Religion tends to close its eyes, stick fingers in ears and scream no, no, no! And then insert entire head in sand.

*** Certainly, religious dogmatizm cannot compare to flexability of Science. But what I was really trying to get accross was the point that our notions of "nature" are so incomplete, that our current beliefs aren't relatively far from the religious ones!!! (i.e. compared to the Complete/Total knowledge)

Besides, the power of religion -- as with any philosophycal doctrine -- is in Interpretattion! Thus, I suspect, the farther we advance our scientific knowledge, the less difference there would be between Science and religion! (after all, science has sprung out from religion)

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 05:49 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sun 05/02/10 05:54 PM
Very funny, guys -- Jeannie and Abra!!! :laughing:
However, you seem to be overlooking the fact of Not everybody had an upbringing similar to your's:
most of the falks are aimlessly wundering through life without any purpose... Those are the ones the Alana's preying upon!!!

Actually, she's quite an enterprising person! She's figured the world is full of fools who will gladly pay for setting them straight! Those whose parents haven't taken care of directing their kids in a right direction, and have nobody to rely upon, are better off paying her! laugh

_________________More power to her, if she can pull it off!!!

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 05:12 PM
I hate sounding patronising, but Welcome to "Rude Awakening" of the real world!

The first heartbreak is always the hardest! That's an unavoidable fact of life! Eventually, you get used to it. And -- although you become coutious about getting involved with the next candidate -- you (i.e. most of people) tend to throw caution away at the fisrt opportunity. (such is the human nature)

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 04:40 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sun 05/02/10 04:41 PM
(** penalty -- 5 cents **)

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