Community > Posts By > JaneStar1

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Sun 04/18/10 07:22 PM
Inellectual purls are are better be verified for the intellectual content -- before posting!!!

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Sun 04/18/10 06:43 PM
Big changes coming in November...

______________ DO NOT BET ON IT !!!
Where were you, guys, during the last election??? Apparantly, your vote didn't count for much!

I bet you did Not even vote for Bush Jr. either, (although he was much better than Obama!!!(?)) what
(I still remember a few of the "bushizms" -- George's misexpressions!)

By the same token, your opinion isn't worth much today either!!!

***Fortunately, the world of high politics DOES NOT depend upon the vote of insignificant people who suffer from the "delusion grander"!

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Sat 04/17/10 11:28 PM
Regarding Obama:

if you enjoyed the Clinton times,

your sure are in luck, cuz they're back!!!

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Sat 04/17/10 11:09 PM
That's OK -- I comprehend your EMBARRASSMENT!!! :laughing:

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Sat 04/17/10 10:58 PM

But seriously, the true part of the "Stareing at Goats" was that he was right in remote viewing enough to defy statistics.

But of course, humanity's too slow to absorb the brilliant ideas!!!

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Sat 04/17/10 10:51 PM
First of all, its not a war, but a friendly competition!
(the war was with the Soviet Union that is no more, thanx god);

Second of all, its a temporary set back, a single battle, if you wish -- not the whole war!!!

And finally, MUCH MORE can be achieved with the friendly co-operation than with the foe-ish suspicion.

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Sat 04/17/10 10:32 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 04/17/10 10:40 PM
___________________STRANGE SUSPICION___________________
Remember the mythological story about the Tower of Babylon? How God panished people for trying to build a tower to the skies -- by dispersing them and taking away their ability of understand each other... Not only that, seems like they have also been deprived of the ability to co-operate -- by depriving them of a certain mental power:

As confirmed by scientists, consciousness is missing the link that allows quantum links to be maintained over time and transfer information (i.e. the telepathic ability).

The fact some people possess the ESP capabilities, indicates that at one time such an ability must 've been quite wide spread. but now only hapens on a singular basis.

I believe we will regain that capability again, at some point in time...
The question is HOW SOON? ? ?

P.S. When somebody's mentioned "the lack of co-operation among people" as the reason for our misfortunes, I disregarded the comment as a socialistic delirium! But in view of ther former idea, the latter one may not be so delirious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sat 04/17/10 09:24 PM
What are you talking about? Its just a general comment about a post I've seen.
If you take it personally, that's your own business -- I guess, you have a guilty conscience!!! LOL (If you find it necessary to resort to the "rules"!!!)

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Sat 04/17/10 07:49 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 04/17/10 08:15 PM
Are running an Anti-Obama campaign?
So many words!!!

You could phrase it much nore eloquently:


And don't forget, none of his decisions will fly, unless the Congess spproves them!!! (especially regarding the National Security)

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Sat 04/17/10 07:19 PM
Judging from the responses, Random thoughts is not a good topig for an Intelligent Conversation!!!

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Sat 04/17/10 07:09 PM
Absolutely AGREED!

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Sat 04/17/10 07:01 PM
Thax, Sky, though the exact technical name of an insult doesn't make any less frustrating! Yet, I'm amazed at the audacity of some miserable people who dare assuming they understand anything!
________________________ :laughing: _____________________

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Sat 04/17/10 05:37 PM
Seems like anyone remotely connected to the field of Quantum Physics tends to pride him/er-self as somebody who knows "Everything"! But,even according to the world's leading scientists, the field is much too complex for the ordinary person to undestand. No wonder, those same world-renown scientists cannot explain many mysterious phenomena that the field is "overcrowded" with -- that's why they've come up with such labels "Quantum Uncertainty", or "Quantum fuzziness", or EVEN "Quantum Weirdness"!!!

In other words, people, who pride themselve as knowing everything, operate with such values as ucertainty and fuzziness. Yet, most of them dare claiming to know everything!!! Boy, those falks are really weird -- in the quantum sence, of course!

Thus, I'd suggest they better ZIP IT before criticizing others from the scientific point of view!!! (because everything they know is either long outdated or quite Uncertain!)

_______________________ BESIDES_______________________
At the "10th International Conference on Science and Paranormal Phenomena" that took place 2 days ago at the Technical University in Moscow, it was concluded that Quantum Mechanics -- developed in 1925/6 -- is incapable of explaining much of the paradoxes and phenomena, the existanceof which requires the overhaul of the whole doctrine!!! (adding a temporal componnent, non-local interaction between the matterial objects, the info-bio-energetic interaction between the objects)

no photo
Sat 04/17/10 05:29 PM
You got it right, MT -- the 2nd paragraph!!!

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Sat 04/17/10 05:07 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 04/17/10 05:12 PM
Seems like anyone remotely connected to the field of Quantum Physics tends to pride him/er-self as somebody who knows "Everything"! But,even according to the world's leading scientists, the field is much too complex for the ordinary person to undestand. No wonder, those same world-reknown scientists cannot explain many mysterious phenomena that the field is "overcrowded" with -- that's why they've come up with such labels "Quantum Uncertainty", or "Quantum fuzziness", or EVEN "Quantum Weirdness"!!!

In other words, people, who pride themselve as knowing everything, operate with such values as ucertainty and fuzziness. Yet, most of them dare claiming to know everything!!! Boy, those falks are really weird -- in the quantum sence, of course!

Thus, I'd suggest they better ZIP IT before criticizing others from the scientific point of view!!! (because everything they know is either long outdated or quite Uncertain and Fuzzy, not to mention Weird!)

___________________________ BESIDES___________________
At the "10th International Conference on Science and Paranormal Phenomena" that took place 2 days ago at the Moscow Technical University , it was concluded that Quantum Mechanics -- developed in 1925/6 -- is incapable of explaining much of the paradoxes and phenomena, the existance of which requires the overhaul of the whole doctrine!!! (adding a temporal componnent, non-local interaction between the matterial objects -- the info-bio-energetic interaction between the objects)

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Sat 04/17/10 01:43 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 04/17/10 01:50 AM
I'm well aware of the fact that "working class" people hate the expression "Master/Servant". However, it's taken out of the intended context. I urge you go back and verify:
". After all, all of the advances the modern humanity's accomplished on its own (i.e. without an "outside help", like our ancestors that must've been bestowed with the ability). Its just that they have been more powerful in the realm of "selective spirituality" -- a gift passed on from generation to generation only among the "selected" few" (i.e. "gifted"} families of "Masters", while the rest of the population has been subservant to those "Masters" (and their "close associates").

As you can see, "Master" has nothing to do with the distribution of the material wealth (i.e. poor/rich), but with possession of the intellectual capacity!!! explode frustrated frustrated frustrated

My referrence to the "collective consciousness" is a pure coincidence, for I have't heard of the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon"! I used the term to describe a strictly Mental Power Phenomenon !!! slaphead
Apparently, you seem to be suffering from TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE LOL!!! Thus, you automatically assumed my plagiarizm, since I used the terms familiar to you.
Well, to my shame, I have to admite, I've never even heard of philosopher Ron Amundson's expose of the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon", (a claim about "collective consciousness"). Tharefore, you've erroneously assumed my post is about that "topic".

Thanx for the compliment, though!!!

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Sat 04/17/10 12:11 AM
Hey, mister, as right as you are, do you really have to destroy my illusion with your materialistic BS? laugh

After all, everything we're aware of is just the phisical stuff, but not the spiritual! (even though the latter is also a product of our phisical minds). Yet, no one has ever been to the other side...(although a Belgium scientist -- through the magnetic tamography -- has established the communication with people in coma!)

no photo
Fri 04/16/10 11:43 PM
You know, the distinquishing trait of Stupid people is their over-reliance upon the racial belonging:
it (putting others down) helps them overcome their own insignificance!!! (i.e. " as miserable as I am, I still belong to the "MASTER" race, thus I must be a Master also" -- or something similar to this convoluted logic, which enables them assuming their superiority! ..because they've nothing else to distinquish themselves with).

So, please, treat them with utmost compassion -- God knows, they're the deprived ones!!!

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Fri 04/16/10 04:25 PM
Oh, I see, you must be right -- that's the real reason:
No body takes losing elections well.

However, I doubt the 1st qualification of the following quote refers to any patron of this site:
Especially rich white men.

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Fri 04/16/10 03:27 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 04/16/10 03:29 PM
I can't stand this boredom anymore!!! I'm going totally insane!!!

Of course, that's an easy way out... But, you know, it takes courage pulling yourself out of the hum-drum:
________________TAKE ACTION!!!



Though I realize, INACTION is much cheeper and safer!

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