Life as I see it...
Onward and upward.
In other words, be ready for many more heart-breaks!!! (unless you're careful) On the contrary that is NOT what I meant by onward and upward. But of course, I comprehend what you meant. I was just trying to translate that into the sarcastic language that's more comrehensible to a young fellow who's suffered the first heartbreak (i.e. "Don't worry, the worst is yet to come!") ![]() |
Thank you very much, dear! Yet, the mystery remains the mystery... However, there's a real danger lurking in space: NASA is watching for Apophis asteroid -- the rock is about three footbal fields in size -- that might collide with our planet in 2029, or in 2036 -- depending upon whether it will pass through a certain 600 meter-wide "gravitational keyhole" that may alter it's orbit. The first close approach is expected in late 2012! * * * Russia's space agency has called for a massive planetary effort to deflect a massive asteroid away from the Earth! (and invited NASA, the European and the Chinese space agencies to join in. According to scientists, it won't likely be a doomsday rock -- probably not the end of life as we know it. But a very bad day! (only hundreds of thousands of people are expected to parish!) Here's the video: Ref: P.S. Its not too late for becomming religious!!! ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 05/15/10 09:24 PM
* * * Perhaps they have always been here!!! * * *
After all, our civilization -- from the Neanderthal times to the present -- is NOT the 1st and only one that has ever existed on this planet! According to some scientists, our's is the 6th! As for aliens, I wonder why would any highly developed civilization be interested in some god forsaken planet -- located near the very edge of the galaxy? ? ? Seems like it has something to do with the Earth's approaching the narrow part of the gallaxy, where the cosmic trafic is quite volatile... Unfortunately, we have to rely upon the official sources for knowledge, and they won't tell us anything -- Why worry about the inevitable?!! As Jeanniebean has mentioned in another thread, WHAT'S THE USE OF GETTING UPSET? JUST ACCEPT IT!!! _____ ![]() |
I'm trying very hard to resist speculating about "the shift, changes that are coming"... because nobody knows What & When will happen!!! (Though bracing yourself in advance prolly won't help) Especially since whatever is comming might not necessarily be "bad", but on the contrary, quite good!
Yet, that's exactly what I mean: If enough peope would expect something BAD, even the positive outcome might turn into the Negative!!! (or, at least, not as good as could have been) |
Life as I see it...
Onward and upward.
In other words, be ready for many more heart-breaks!!! (unless you're careful) |
Not sure about everybody (i.e. "us"), but certainly a downfall of those who wear blinders!!!
By not telling that I have a college degree or 15yrs of job experience. It seems like they like people who are inexperienced and doesn't hold a college degree. I kid you not, I got more responses after "lying" about my school and jobs. Put yourself into employer's shoes, so to speak: A highly qualified person would not be happy at some job that doesn't match the person's qualifications, and would quit at the 1st opportunity -- forcing the employer once again into unnecessary expense of the hiring process. Thus, they shy away from hiring the overqualified personnel!!! P.S. And now that I'm aware of your tricky tactics of securing employment, don't even bother applying for a job at my company!!! ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 05/15/10 01:28 AM
For those wearing blinders, here's a hint (i.e. "2*2=4" you need to alter your mediocre thinking):
In 1980, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab began studying how focused group intention and attention – or “field consciousness"-- influence events! Research about collective consciousness suggests that we influence each other in many subtle, yet powerful ways, and that our collective wisdom and creativity can be harnessed for the common good much more than we do presently.
On the other hand, nobody is required uppdating their initial credentials. So, in 3 years, anybody could accquire new credentials for that the perfect job opening!
Given the right programing, a computer would just accept the situation and attempt to remedy it.
See? Even the machine is instructed to attempt to remedy the situation. How can people be expected of anything less? Certainly, in most of the recoverable cases (i.e. not terminal, like death), "seeking remedy" might involve some suffering while struggling to reinstate the former condition -- because accepting the situation might result in even more intense suffering! For example, Would you just accept the situation, if you were wrongly accused in legal or family affair??? (-- for the sake of saving yourself from suffering?) Certainly not! You'd resist and fight "tooth and nail" to redeem yourself. The same refers to the relationships: everyone is trying to accomodate the other -- often overlooking various deficiencies, but only up to a certain degree. At some point, I'd rather take a flight than stay and fight (i.e. resist) -- as much as I may not want to accept change! At the same time, how can I be true to myself and "accept people for who they are in the moment", if they're trying their best to live up to my expectations (or vice-versa)? |
Edited by
Fri 05/14/10 10:27 PM
Well, as you can see, some people do comprehend what the Collective Consciousness is about!!! While some others pretend to be in violent opposition to the idea! [I would not call them names -- Eistein described them precisely (as noted previously)!]
The reason I say they pretend to be is cuz deep inside they know I'm right, but are too shy (or short-sighted and unimaginable) for dirrect support! That's perfectly fine. If some people prefer wearing blinders (like the horses -- to prevent them from being scared), who's preventing them? But I'm surprised at their lack of shame -- posting discreditary comments, thereby publicly discrediting themselves!!! ![]() Though even according to Einstein, "Imagination is more important than the reality", but those falks prefer waiting for the scietific community to open their eyes and realize that "2*2=4"!!! Well, to each his own! (i.e. light to those who can see, and darkness to the blind) P.S. Thank you, Jeannie! |
Yeah, the unfortunate sign of the times!!!
But why would anybody want for work in the company which you have to dumb yourself down for the sake of getting in
![]() |
Seeking Mr. Goodbar!
uh,,, does anyone remember how poorly that ended for the woman? yep, sure do... I stopped picking guys up in bars because of that movie That's why I date the friends of my friends only!!! |
Edited by
Thu 05/13/10 09:42 PM
Everybody has an opinion, but nobody has any proof.
On the contrary: I think 2000 years of faith is a proof enough! It proves the fact of the story has been preserved -- mainly VERBALLY -- for hundreds of years (until the invention of the printing press) since all of the Jesus' followers have been (just as he, before proclaiming himself a son of God) poor illiterate Hebrew peasants and fishermen. Therefore, I doubt very much that either Paul or Peter have enrolled in a night course of literacy for the purpose of recording the transpired events (although 30-40 years would be enough for that). Unfortunately, by then both of them would have turned into the frail old men barely capable of taking care of themselves (not to mention writing anything, especially a book!!!) Nuh, that seems as the work of the very clever ruller (or his supporters) who've been bent on institutionalizing the OBEDIENCE as the way of life! Therefore, most probably, they simply plagiarized the Old testament and altered it to fit their needs... Its not that I'm a die-hard atheist! Just looking at things objectively, that's all! |
Don't blame me:
you started it with the claim of having Only two cheeks! ![]() |
Eistein once said:
Creative ideas have always encountered violant opposition from the mediocre minds!
Why? Because the latter ones are too lazy to verify the unorthodox validity of the former ones! |
Actually, if you count the bottom ones, everybody have 4 cheecks!
What's your random thought?
Edited by
Thu 05/13/10 02:19 PM
Nothing's wrong with the occasional training -- while waiting for the Optimus Prime (i.e. a real Man)!
I guess, men don't suffer from the same when the use the inflatables ![]() |
Seeking Mr. Goodbar!
I'm hope the one whose leg you humped did notice for sure ,LOL!!!