Community > Posts By > LewisW123

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 07:53 PM

there is a ball dance on the 14th and it's not like i didn't have the courage to ask someone but this is how it went
Me: hi , i heard about the ball dance are you going ?
She: ugh no, hey i didn't you say you don't know how to dance
Me: yeah i don't but how hard can it be..( i know i should have stopped here ) just follow a series of body movement's corresponding to the beat's of the music in some complex mathematical function.
* uncomfortable laughter by her *
She: hey i have to go for my materials of science lecture ( thankfully it was true)
Later when i called her on her mobile phone
Me: so you going to the dance ?
She: No actually i'm going back home for the weekend
Irrelevant conversation about studies..The End

so i see what the problem is but i just don't know how to react in a "non-nerd" way spontaneously, any suggestion's ?

I would have just said "Who said anything about dancing? I was just going to spike the punch."

Your answer wasn't half bad. I wouldn't say it was a total loss. She's going home for the weekend, so if you're still interested in her, then ask her out on a date, when she gets back.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 07:44 PM
I suggest your first date be flowers, dinner, then back to your place to polish off that bottle of Johnny Walker...

...THEN the cuddling.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 07:29 PM


Giving head... massages the jaw....while burning 32 calories.

Swallowing foreign body juices is actually like taking vitamins and
it whitens your teeth

The American Dental Association says that semen cuts plaque better
than mouth wash, so suck a Dick and save a smile.

Having nice sex burns 358 calories.

Having rough sex [make it hurt] burns 543 calories.

Take off her clothes
with her consent.........................12 cal
without......................187 cal

Take off her Bra
With two hands..........................8 cal
With one hand.........................12 cal
With mouth.............................85 cal

Put on Protection
hard .......................... 6 cal
soft..........................315 cal

Looking for target...................8 cal
Finding G spot ......................92 cal
I don't Fu* king care.....................0 cal

Holding her..................12 cal
On the floor.................8 cal

With Different Position
Missionary..........................358 cal
Doggy...........................316 cal
69 lying...............................286 cal
69 standing.............................512 cal
Italian hanger.........................912 cal

Real................................112 cal
Faking................................315 cal

After sex
Lying in Bed............................18 cal
Hop off the bed............................36 cal
Wondering why she left pissed off...........816 cal

Get dressed
Quiet and calm...........................32 cal
Rushing.........................98 cal
Heard her friend opening the door.............1218 cal
Heard her dad at the door.............1942 cal
Her mom walking in..............................Priceless!!!

You forgot...

....wanking off, after the woman has left you high and dry....350 cal

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 07:27 PM

Giving head... massages the jaw....while burning 32 calories.

Semen contains creatine, citric acid, nitrogen, vitamins C, B12 and E, calcium, potassium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, protein and zinc. All of which are extremely healthy!

He's a little known fact that I learned when I was a semi-pro body builder. The pros (the schwarzenegger types) regularly (on a daily basis) masturbate and digest their own semen. No they're not gay, and no they're not crazy. They do this because of the extremely high level of creatine and protein that's in semen. More than eating a thick juicy steak. Creatine and protein are two of the most used body building supplements, and they both help you to build muscle (which means it helps you to burn fat and be thinner). The more semen you digest, the quicker you lose that unsightly weight. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine showed that creatine helps you to burn extra calories when taken. And we all know that muscles are made up of protein (and are the opposite of fat). I'm sure one of these days we'll all be hearing about the semen diet... :wink:

Wouldn't it just be more pleasant to go down to GNC and buy some creatine powder and protein powder and whip up a nice shake in the blender?

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 07:11 PM
I'm trying some of these.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 05:18 PM

Mystic River.
Most boring movie ever!

The Mystic River that got nominated for 6 Academy Awards?

I admit, I haven't seen it, but how bad could it be?

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 09:05 AM

Wings are a must, whether people like them or not haha. Its just the american way lol.

I agree. Wings are awesome.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:31 AM
The birth of my kids. I remember feeling tears running down my face, but I wasn't "crying." I was the happiest I had ever been. It was just such a rush of emotion - it is an autonomic nerve response. I can honestly say, it is the only two times in my adult life I have ever experienced that.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:26 AM
So what are you making?

What's your specialty?

I'm the dork that brings the salad, this year.

But I'm also bringing cold shrimp and my fake cheesecake, so it's not all bad.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:25 AM


I rented it last night. It dragged a little, but it was an interesting concept. Definitely not action-packed, but worth a look.

Great one-man performance, by the lead actor, who I did not recognize.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:22 AM

Hey if ya love really bad. Crazy bad type movies

try to get your hands on "Baby". If ya can find it

About a family of women who keep the adult male of the home in diapers and a crib!!

It's not only bad. But disturbing. It's either. Baby. or The Baby

And no before ya ask. It's not porn. I found it at the video store when I went through their book of movies they had and just fell across it.

I even offered to buy it from them but they said no!!

That doesn't just sound awful, it sounds disturbing.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:21 AM
I could be a real drunken a-hole, at times, when I was in college.

I can think of a few people I would like to apologize to.

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:17 AM

I am all for women's rights and love to beat up on men when the opportunity arises, however, when hired (men/women) they are asked and offered a starting salary. Those that accept it, great, those that negotiate better pay, great.

Why should (men/women alike) not know their own worth and because another is making more money than they are expect to be paid the same???



As I stated above. I've experienced both sides to this. Negotiated a starting wage and learned later I got screwed, compared to other employees (ALL women).

Let's just say, the next time I negotiated a starting wage, I had learned my lesson.

That is life. I didn't piss and moan about my situation, the first time. I did something about it. (left the company)

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:10 AM
They tend to die young, in that sport.

I got to know "The Sheik" late in his life. He and his wife were the nicest people, but the Sheik was a wreck, physically, at the end.

Here's some info. on him

LewisW123's photo
Fri 02/05/10 08:00 AM

Besides, what other day can you get laid for just a couple flowers and a $2.00 box o' chocolates??pitchfork smokin

That is a good way of looking at it.laugh

You can argue about it all you want, rationalize it away, but it may just be a lot easier to seize the opportunity. Even if you are with a girl that thinks the concept of Valentine's day is ridiculous, she will still, no doubt, appreciate the effort.

LewisW123's photo
Wed 02/03/10 02:17 PM
Edited by LewisW123 on Wed 02/03/10 02:17 PM

JAG, they had went beneath the locks:thumbsup:

Has that one aired yet, or did they just film it?

That would be interesting. Must be a mess, under there.

LewisW123's photo
Wed 02/03/10 01:53 PM

Even women doing the same work as men, or work that's as valuable to employers as that of their male counterparts, almost always are paid less. It's as bad for women in the professions as for others. For instance, female nurses, physicians, surgeons, professors, schoolteachers and lawyers earn as much as 30 percent less than men in their fields.

I don't know about physicians, surgeons, professors, and lawyers. But aren't nurses and school teachers under union contracts? So I would think their pay is equal to men in the same field.

Yeah, I wonder where the writer pulled that stat from.

I can only speak from experience. It would be impossible to pay men and women differently, if the wage is determined by the union.

However, a starting wage can be negotiated, individually, like any profession. If a man or woman negotiates a better STARTING wage for themselves, that does not mean the employer is obligated to offer the next person a comparable wage, male or female.

Future wage increases, set by the union, would be equal, across the board.

I have experienced both sides to this.

LewisW123's photo
Wed 02/03/10 01:40 PM
Reminds me of the time I put a cigarette load in a friend's cig, back when I was in the military.

I worked with a group of guys that were real practical jokers, but I never got involved, so nobody suspected me.

It was like something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon. It blew up the entire cigarette and he got tobacco in his eyes. All that was missing were the singed eyebrows. It must have been a double load, or something. I can laugh about it, cuz he wasn't seriously hurt, but I never pulled that one, again.

Our platoon sergeant went nuts, threatening to court-marital whoever was responsible, etc.

Well, at least the practical jokes stopped.

LewisW123's photo
Wed 02/03/10 01:29 PM
I didn't understand the lecture on spending on things you can't afford, then turning around in the same breath and telling us how he is going to spend more money. (to cheers, even)

LewisW123's photo
Wed 02/03/10 10:18 AM

Act annoyed, just don't go over the top.

You know, the whole "...protest too much," thing.

Is that speaking from experience, Louis?bigsmile

Gotta learn from your mistakes, right?