Community > Posts By > greeneyes148

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Mon 10/08/18 04:00 PM
I my guest

The FBI " report" is nothing more then interviews with people based on their memory of 35 years ago...that's it
Otherwise known as unsubstantiated.. hearsay
And what is really surprising is that the Dems were not smart enough to figure out that was all they were ever going to get from a FBI report .
That is why this whole escapade will hurt them in the poles

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Mon 10/08/18 03:45 PM

Where some of his followers get their delusions.

Trump predicts Democrats will vote for Republicans because of Kavanaugh stance

Another Trump delusion.

Trump blasts 'terrible' Chicago crime, but figures are down

"ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump says he's directed his attorney general to "help straighten out the terrible shooting wave" in Chicago.

Trump told officers at the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Orlando on Monday that "the crime spree is a terrible blight" and "there's no reason for what's going on there."

He's encouraging the city to use the controversial "stop and frisk" policing strategy.

Trump says politicians who spread "dangerous anti-police sentiment make life easier for criminals and more dangerous for law-abiding citizens and police." Trump says, "it must stop now."

Chicago police said last week that there have been 102 fewer homicides and nearly 500 fewer shooting victims in the city this year, compared to the first nine months of 2017 "

This may be where some of his supporters get there way of being? Ignore facts and statistics. Just blurt out whatever you think. It doesn't matter how ignorant, stupid and uninformed you sound to others.

Chicago police said last week that there have been 102 fewer homicides and nearly 500 fewer shooting victims in the city this year, compared to the first nine months of 2017 "


Which is STILL leaps and bounds higher then ANY other metro area. Can you guarantee crime will go down there?

And stop and frisk is a bad thing in the 4 out of control gangster riddled areas?.. when it is these gangsters doing it?

Black Gangster Disciples gang Charles, 70,000 strong... look them up.

Civil liberties?... you have to be kidding

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Mon 10/08/18 03:32 PM

Seems the Limo owner is quite a character and the limo failed a recent inspection and it appears it should never been on the road in the first place.

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Mon 10/08/18 02:42 PM

It has now been learned that when Donald Trump was 7 years old sold lemonade 5 cents cheaper then the kid down the street!

You Dems just can't get over the fact that things are going well. Lol

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Mon 10/08/18 02:31 PM

i am new to this online thing and just giving it a try to see how it works

Define... forever.. like we die ... that long?.. you know by the ages I would go first.. is that fair?

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Mon 10/08/18 02:22 PM
In one of Trumps campaigns he mentioned how deplorable our airports are compared to other countries.. and I have flown into many foreign airports.. they make most of ours look like a clip from 1950.

Trump said he would address this.. build new ones, bring others to the same level as the best foreign airports


70 Billion dollars of airport construction by 2021

Don't worry.. you Dems can use them too ;)

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Mon 10/08/18 02:10 PM
I.S.I.S. destroyed.. fat guy in NK is being good...economy is great..NFTA being coming home.. huge infra structure projects moving forward.. Illegal Alien problem being address. Thug gangs being taken on, counties made to pay their fair share in the U.N...ect, ect, ect


Here in the NYC area... 3 huge new bridges are going up AND they are building new airports for JFK, then LaGuardia. These projects will take years to complete and trickle down effect will be felt by 10's of 1,000's. These type of projects are going on ALL over the nation

Not bad for a bumbling stupid president heh. ;)

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Mon 10/08/18 01:56 PM

First, I didnt have a rich powerful daddy to make sure I could go to Wharton. So I went where I could afford, the university in my town, and at 16 having graduated in the eleventh grade. But this is not about me as I have never have and will never run for POTUS or make wild claims about how big my brain is or how smart I am.

Second, I dont know how smart he might have been ONCE, but evidence NOW, to me, indicates he is about as bright as a third grader on a playground.

Third, He doesnt have an MBA either, but a bachelor of science in economics.

His father didn't attend the school MS., Nor did he take the test or pass the grades.

He did

As for your evidence of his current third grade education.. what would that evidence be?

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Mon 10/08/18 01:50 PM
It is all over the news here in the NYC area. Absolutely terrible. I really can't comprehend all of them being killed. It appears that this particular intersection has seen its share of bad accidents. It is at the bottom of a hill.

But everyone dead?.. and two bystanders?.. everyone!!!. Just a terrible terrible thing. My heart goes out to the families and to the first responders who had to see such a horrible site.

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Mon 10/08/18 01:44 PM

I say old bean, as we say in England, you are a charmer sir. Look here old boy, one must present oneself to the ladies as if meeting the Queen of England sir. You must present oneself in top hat and tails good sir, and one must be prepared to spend the Queen's Shilling for a meal and the finest champagne sir. One must be ready to humble oneself old chap, bow one's head and swallow one's pride if one is rejected good sir.

Tally ho, good man!!

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Mon 10/08/18 01:41 PM

Am a boy lives in delhi i never had sex with anyone :disappointed::disappointed: so i have make id on this site to make myself satisfy but here also i didn't get any type of help :unamused::unamused::unamused:if anyone is instrusted contact me plzz

seems to be a problem in India...

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Mon 10/08/18 05:01 AM
There is work for those who want to work. The unemployment numbers will never get down below a certain % because of the number of people who are unemployable and if I am not mistaken I think that number is around 3%

So you deduct that number from the published unemployment number. And that is the true number

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Mon 10/08/18 04:50 AM

I'm told that it's not nice to say I am looking for a white man but if that's my preference, why can't I say that?

Had to be specific about smokers since some don't think pot means they are a smoker. To me, it does.

I might regret this but go ahead, tell me what you think.

Well, being a black man who owns a medical marijuana dispensing outlet store...I am appalled !

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Mon 10/08/18 04:42 AM

I would just like to know why its so hard to find a woman that is not messing around

I am sorry you had to deal with women like that. Ones who mess around.

You Don't deserve that

Can you forward their contact info to me?

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Mon 10/08/18 04:38 AM

hey so what are other thoughts on an open marriage relationship.?:thinking:

Nah...something about me being out working and some guy in my house drilling my wife that rubs me the wrong way

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Mon 10/08/18 04:10 AM

who cares what he 'strives' for in social status.

with intelligence, maybe he should 'strive' to pick up a book or two or three, and READ.

Hmmm..and you graduated from Wharton in what year?

You did. Right. ...No? college? MBA

But you and others mock someone who did .
Mocking someone who did is fine. As long as you yourself have reached that educational level. Because if you haven't then you really have no idea of the intelligence it takes. How could you
Isn't that right, Chuck?

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Mon 10/08/18 03:46 AM

Check my profile out. Will it turn off real people? Get back to me!

Yes..your looking to get screwed ..behind your wife's back. And you are disabled

Come on...what gal is going to jump at that ?

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Mon 10/08/18 03:31 AM
Thanks for the update , I'm going to try to avoid them

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Mon 10/08/18 03:17 AM

hmm, so from the violent democrats, to Hilary wanting to take guns away, to who is responsible for Benghazi? Can we pick a topic?

I dont know who was 'responsible' for the attack in Benghazi besides the attackers, nor do I know whose 'job' the protection was. The ball may have been dropped or it may have been business as usual, nothing but partisan theories to really depend upon.

I am glad people are protected, regardless of status. I am glad that no one is trying to 'take peoples guns away' and that people are trying to make sure the regulations for gun ownership are regulations that aim to keep people safer, whether they own guns or not.

Now you Don't know......
You Don't remember Benghazi?.. did you sleep thru the hearings?
selective memory?
Hillary Clinton was responsible for the security . She was sent over 200 e mails begging her for more protection prior to the attack. She ignored those requests. She could have sent in help to fight off the attack once it started. She had the resources . Including Jet fighters which were at the ready. As we're commando's... just sitting there waiting for the o.K. to go in.. begging to go in. she didn't
Americans that depended on her..we're abandoned. The Americans in that compound were not trained fighters, they were office workers..some were killed. It was only because some American commando hero's disobeyed orders and went to there defense that more did not die.
Everyone who survived that attack resigned because they were abandoned by Clinton

Business as usual you say?. ..

Who else would she serve up on a platter as "expendable"

What she did was despicable..but all of a sudden you Don"t "know" know most every detail of every republican issue but you draw a blank with Benghazi

Now that is hard to believe

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Sun 10/07/18 05:52 PM
Thank you :)

And start a tread on Watergate and we can talk about that ;)