Community > Posts By > greeneyes148
Rarely are administrations doing 'nothing' about threats ICE does not track gang removals by specific gang, but the agency does specifically target MS-13 members for arrest and removal on the basis of their immigration violations, said Matthew Bourke, a spokesman for the agency. Bourke said 5,396 gang members were removed in fiscal year 2017 (which includes about four months of the Obama administration, running from Oct. 1, 2016 through Sept. 30, 2017). From Oct. 1, 2017 through Dec. 16, 2017 (the latest data available), 1,082 gang members were removed. the only debate is around subjective perceptions of what is too little, enough, or too much. Obama made little ..or no mention...of MS-13 all while they built their ranks thru out his tenor. Left unchecked by our government. Not only illegals.. but killers to boot. MS-13 had become public enemy number one, behind the crips, bloods and the black gangster disciples. With no plan to rid our streets of these gangs during Obama's administration. They deported.. after the fact.. after the crimes were committed and they were caught by the cops... key word...after. That is the major flaw in the lefts logic.. or lack of it.. deport them... after.. the crime has been committed as opposed to not letting them in , in the first place And now we have president who is taking them head who is calling it the way it is.. and doing something solid about it. and you want to give Obama credit.. Problem is, people with intelligence don't buy that...left..or right these 20,000 aliens marching thru Mexico right now.. coming here.. do you rally think they are all good people... are you and the left that naïve? But you hold your arms open and welcome... then state " well, its just normal crime, its o.k to arrest and deport them now"" when they kill, rape, deal drugs and gang bang Like I said in another post.. invite them all to live in your town.. see how long it takes for you to be too afraid to walk your own streets. how are they 'unchecked' if they were being removed? how are they public enemy number one? Who decided it and when and why was it decided? the flaw is the implication that deportation previoiusly skipped gang members and only deported others. That is the only flaw. want to remove them before a crime (membership with a group is not a crime, by the way)? The only grounds is being illegal, and they wERE BEING REMOVED already. its alot of smoke screen and ado about next to nothing. Do you actually get out? Do you know what is going on out there on the street with MS-13?..Bloods, Crips, Black gangster disciples? Or is it just data you read? I do get out and I know what is going on out there... they are here.. in the greater N.Y. area... and in many many other parts of the U.S. So I see their handy work most every night on the local news. And it is going down because they at being rounded up in droves here. 10-20 at a time by FEDERAL agents.. mostly ICE & ATF. and by looking at some of the other jackets.. FBI. That was not happening here during the last administration.. when MS-13 was swelling their ranks.. UNCHECKED BY Obama. And they are real.. and Illegal.. and deadly Trump has been all over MS-13.. Cleaning up the mess left by Obama. _____________________________________________________________________ Frustrated MS-13 gang leaders feeling the pressure from the Trump administration’s crackdown are looking to send “younger, more violent offenders” to the United States to take over the role of being enforcers, officials say. The revelations were made Thursday during a House Committee on Homeland Security meeting on fighting international criminal organizations, where officials discussed the arrests and imprisonment of MS-13 members and leadership over the last year. “They’re very much interested in sending younger, more violent offenders up through their channels into this country in order to be enforcers for the gang,” said Stephen Richardson, assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division, according to VOA News. Peter King, R-N.Y., the committee’s chairman, said his staff recently visited El Salvador and was told by law enforcement there that the gang — which mostly operates out of prisons in the Central American country — is “frustrated that MS-13 members in [the U.S.] are not violent enough.” |
who loves cheating
.... On my tax's?... no not me.. never... I believe Uncle Sam deserves every penny!!.. matter of fact I love the I.R.S... I think they do a fantastic job. No,,, I would never do something as dastardly a cheat on my taxes... never... no.. not me. |
Rarely are administrations doing 'nothing' about threats ICE does not track gang removals by specific gang, but the agency does specifically target MS-13 members for arrest and removal on the basis of their immigration violations, said Matthew Bourke, a spokesman for the agency. Bourke said 5,396 gang members were removed in fiscal year 2017 (which includes about four months of the Obama administration, running from Oct. 1, 2016 through Sept. 30, 2017). From Oct. 1, 2017 through Dec. 16, 2017 (the latest data available), 1,082 gang members were removed. the only debate is around subjective perceptions of what is too little, enough, or too much. Obama made little ..or no mention...of MS-13 all while they built their ranks thru out his tenor. Left unchecked by our government. Not only illegals.. but killers to boot. MS-13 had become public enemy number one, behind the crips, bloods and the black gangster disciples. With no plan to rid our streets of these gangs during Obama's administration. They deported.. after the fact.. after the crimes were committed and they were caught by the cops... key word...after. That is the major flaw in the lefts logic.. or lack of it.. deport them... after.. the crime has been committed as opposed to not letting them in , in the first place And now we have president who is taking them head who is calling it the way it is.. and doing something solid about it. and you want to give Obama credit.. Problem is, people with intelligence don't buy that...left..or right these 20,000 aliens marching thru Mexico right now.. coming here.. do you rally think they are all good people... are you and the left that naïve? But you hold your arms open and welcome... then state " well, its just normal crime, its o.k to arrest and deport them now"" when they kill, rape, deal drugs and gang bang Like I said in another post.. invite them all to live in your town.. see how long it takes for you to be too afraid to walk your own streets. |
single I hate to do it , but I have to give you a 63.. next time study harder! Professor Greeneyes What should we give you? Oh, I know 9.5 for originality. Just for that you get a 100 and I'll give you the answers to the next test I may be smart..but I also cheat ;) Prof. Greeneyes |
They are a "good ole boys" club
They did not want change. They wanted things the way they were. they were fine with illegals coming in ( and us paying for it), fine with us getting reamed by NFTA, fine with jobs staying off shore, fine with gangs such as MS-13 murdering in our streets, fine with other countries not paying their fair share in the U.N. fine with slapping I.S.I.S. on he hand, fine with out of control spending. good ole boys club. You see... when you don't doing anything about something.. then you are fine with it. And the last administration... did nothing about the above. They had no huge infrastructure projects going to rebuild OUR country.. but we do now :) 2 years ago MS-13 walked the streets with no fear, did whatever they wanted to..99% of them illegal they are afraid to come out of their holes.. because this administration has that red laser beam pointed at their heads :) |
Name some enjoysble things for people over 50 ! Be creative! Sex.. with the aroma of Ben-Gay in the air |
You Dems like to take in illegals... ?... bleeding hearts... open door policy
well there are 20,000 of them marching this way right now where ya gonna put them?...who's going to pay for them? in your neighborhood?. Out of your pocket?.. nah.. that ain't happening. Next week another caravan, then another, and another... get it now? |
single I hate to do it , but I have to give you a 63.. next time study harder! Professor Greeneyes |
I take a bacon suppository once a week. I find that it takes care of my bacon deficiency
Does anyone stop to think that what we read from anyone is PRINTED somewhere? What makes what one person decides to 'print' any more or less credible than the next? research for yourselves, oh wait, that requires reading something someone printed .. so perhaps we should all just go on our own limited experiences and observations instead ...smh and nothing in the world is 'free'. things dont materialize. but to look out for the WELFARE of citizens we have a budget (Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States.") and people can nitpick about it all day long, but its necessary and there is no bookkeeping that keeps one to one record of who donated what or for how long. So as long as citizens care about the future and understand how things work together, yes, taxes will partially contribute to the WELFARE that is involved in taking care of the most helpless amongst us , the kids., who will become the future. Not all taxpayers drive, but taxes go to roads. Not all taxpayers support war or have anyone in the military, but taxes go to military. Not all taxpayers are seniors, not all taxpayers will get sick, but taxes go to healthcare. its not all about 'me' and only what impacts 'me', but what may someday be needed for some of 'us'. yes, taxes will partially contribute to the WELFARE that is involved in taking care of the most helpless amongst us , the kids., who will become the future. Not all taxpayers drive, but taxes go to roads. Not all taxpayers support war or have anyone in the military, but taxes go to military. ____________________________________________________________________ And lets not forget those illegal aliens...our taxpayer dollars support them... don't they?.. its not just the helpless kids.. is it. And taxes go to the military? they should... try not having one and see what happens. |
What her husband doesnt know wont hurt him.. Right? Lol Things have changed alot in relationships nowadays ..some couples are open to these kind of sexual desires.. she gets what she wants on the side and He gets what he wants on the side. Back to reality they are happy together and allow this to happen. Ys,, then he gets VD, she gets crabs and trips to the doctors office starts. reality... sucks ;) |
no perves
hi new to this app Dear new member As the union representative of the pervs I would like to inform you that we reserve the right to perv at our discretion per our collective bargaining agreement. Greeneyes ( international brotherhood of pervs) Local 69 |
California is a large state. and like ANY other state it has beautiful places and run down places, good grief. yes, and it has L.A. County. a huge sprawling county. with the highest concentration of thug gangs short of Chicago. MS-13.. Latin Kings, Crips and Bloods. (Same on Oakland and S.F) I spent a lot of time out in those areas working. I built a distribution center in L.A. county, when hiring workers,99% Mexican, (not my choice.. my customers). I asked One iron worker candidate for his legal docs, he gave me a few and a social security card. And then he told me " if that one doesn't work.. I have another"............... Ahhh. yes, Ca.... the state that gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens......... |
I am receiving a multitude of messages from men who are not in my age group. Most have very little information on their profile and want either email, phone call, or want me to interact off-site. I have tried to say no thanks nicely. Should I just delete them and move on? I too get 20-30 messages every day from beautiful 1/2 dressed woman. I am tired of being just a sex object.. a chick magnet But what can I do?.. beat them back with a stick? |
The sky..the ground.. who cares where they come from.. its not like they are chasing people around.
fun buddy
your not talking about that other " thing".. are you?.. cause there is millions of those already.
sex workors
Never been on a site with so many pretty women in th 20 to write to me like i would be brad pitt lol lot of sex workers and its not what i am looking ... I too am a sex worker. I moved to NYC because the minimum wage is now $15.00 a hour here and I make more :) |
Black... black... black
Is that the only " color" of skin that counts? How about whites who love.. whites, Asian, Latino's. or Asians who love Asians, Latinos, whites, or Latinos who love Latinos, Asians, whites. Why is loving blacks such a big deal compared to other colors? |
fun buddy
Is it black paint? I need to paint my mailbox.
fun buddy
Your big black what??..glasses?