holy mountain -- axiom ambient
i never realised there was any trust in the government in the first place
There is a fundamental point that is being overlooked here. When the attacks took place on 9/11 they were carried out by terrorists, not an army from any one country but a collective of civilians acting upon a religious belief. This then negates the use of any military court as they were not part of any army. They should be tried in a federal court as they are law breakers who have commited a terible crime, over 3,000 counts of murder.
As for them being tried in New York, yes this is where the crimes where commited but i think America will play right into the hands of the terrorists by holding it there. These people want to become martyrs for their cause and lets be honest, whats the chances of there being a fair trial there ? Now iam not suggesting that these people should be given a fair trial, personally i would prefer that they just be shot and forgotten about but as we are in a war for 'hearts and minds', we have to be seen to be just and show that democracy is fair. Lets not forget the physcological trauma that this event caused New York to feel and also that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I believe this trial will cause more damage than good. |
America and Religion
As a non-American i find it fascinating why religion, especially among the whites is growing throughout America. Is it a direct link to the Usa's aggresiveness to other countries, especially the muslim oil rich ones? i don't buy your primise that religion is growing in america among whites. we continue to become a more racialy diverse nation and if you are refering to the christian religion, it's adherants are in steady decline in america. and of course your association with religion and america's "aggressivness" is simply absurd. as is the notion that the country is in fact agressive. |
I have wrote this after reading some blogs about how disenchanted some people are over Barrack Obama. I Live in England and believe me, at this moment if you asked anyone on the street what political figures they liked you would get one resounding answer 'none as they are all corrupt'. We are and have been in the middle of a massive expensive scandal which has seen our politicians claiming for things from a bath plug to porn films to thousands of pounds for their 2nd homes. Now at a time when during a recession families are being evicted from their only home we have found this outrageous. With record low turnouts for elections i always find myself asking the same questions, 'how do these people keep getting into power'? To be a senior politician in this country you have to of been a member of some boys club or have gone to oxford or cambridge universities. Our country at the moment is being run by people who are inept and who have no clue what they are doing. They dont listen to what the people want and they have burdened this country with a massive debt that will still be being payed long after i pop my clogs.
I watched Obama when he gave some speeches and i will say he is a brilliant orator, if that means he will make a good president, only time will tell. I will say one thing about him though, love him or hate him, at least he has got people interested in politics again, especially after Bush. |
America and Religion
i would like to thank everyone for their input so far, to be honest i was worried the question would be taken the wrong way but iam happy to say i was wrong and the majority of replies gave me an interesting incite into religion in America. As seems to be the concensus, if Religion is in fact in decline in America, would it then be fair to say that those who still have religious beliefs are voicing their beliefs even louder now, so as to be heard ?
America and Religion
As a non-American i find it fascinating why religion, especially among the whites is growing throughout America. Is it a direct link to the Usa's aggresiveness to other countries, especially the muslim oil rich ones? ![]() ![]() |
America and Religion
As a non-American i find it fascinating why religion, especially among the whites is growing throughout America. Is it a direct link to the Usa's aggresiveness to other countries, especially the muslim oil rich ones?
i say non believers because usually thats what the fight in this forum is about non believers vs. believers you have them both battling each other on who is right. evolution is not a proven theory if it was a proven theory it wouldn't be a theory would it. i'm sorry but you can't say they didn't understand it God inspired man to write the bible and evolution is not included in it. At no time is there a story about the apes evolving that is why the bible cann not support evolution the bible says GOD created the world through creationism. I don't care what anyone believes the best to you I know what i believe... and the bible does not support evolution.. i'm sorry you can't simply say oh well they couldn't cognitively handle that so that's why it isn't there. ... if you say that we could probably write anything into the bible. Genesis says how the world was created and if you are of a religious faith and by this i mean Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran etc... then you do not believe that evolution is how the world was created.. if you do believe that God created through evolution that's fine but people of the Christian faith believe what the bible says and Jewish faith believes in the old testament where genesis is... and i throw my piece about non believers because i've been a member here since 2007 this isn't the first post on evolution it wont be the last. thats the point.. you don't belive in the bible which is wht this thread is talking about. religion doesnt' cloud my eyes its a pretty black and white subject on can the bible and evolution go together. no it does not if you can pull a bible verse that does then please put it here if not then you are merely sitting here to argue about what you believe this thraed is on the bible and evolution When those who don't believe in the bible come into the forums they either do 1 of 2 things in order to protect themselve 1 they go on different websites find things to post and then copy from websites into their post to try to show how philosophical and intelligent they are 2 they say non believers are lead blindedly by their faith.. I haven't once said something rude to you and yet you sit here and talk about how religion clouds my mind this was never on my religion what this topic was on is does the bible support it and NO IT DOESNT if you think there is a passage that does please post it otherwise stick to the topic of the thread or start a new one where what your saying makes sense in response to that thread.. have a blessed day. btw please look up the definitions to fact and theory and you will see that if in "fact" evolution could be proven then it would not be a theory. If you read my thread again i think you will see i never said your religion has clouded your mind. I said your mind has been clouded by what religion is. If you took offence to this then i apologise but i stand by what i said. |
i say non believers because usually thats what the fight in this forum is about non believers vs. believers you have them both battling each other on who is right. evolution is not a proven theory if it was a proven theory it wouldn't be a theory would it. i'm sorry but you can't say they didn't understand it God inspired man to write the bible and evolution is not included in it. At no time is there a story about the apes evolving that is why the bible cann not support evolution the bible says GOD created the world through creationism. I don't care what anyone believes the best to you I know what i believe... and the bible does not support evolution.. i'm sorry you can't simply say oh well they couldn't cognitively handle that so that's why it isn't there. ... if you say that we could probably write anything into the bible. Genesis says how the world was created and if you are of a religious faith and by this i mean Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran etc... then you do not believe that evolution is how the world was created.. if you do believe that God created through evolution that's fine but people of the Christian faith believe what the bible says and Jewish faith believes in the old testament where genesis is... and i throw my piece about non believers because i've been a member here since 2007 this isn't the first post on evolution it wont be the last. thats the point.. you don't belive in the bible which is wht this thread is talking about. religion doesnt' cloud my eyes its a pretty black and white subject on can the bible and evolution go together. no it does not if you can pull a bible verse that does then please put it here if not then you are merely sitting here to argue about what you believe this thraed is on the bible and evolution When those who don't believe in the bible come into the forums they either do 1 of 2 things in order to protect themselve 1 they go on different websites find things to post and then copy from websites into their post to try to show how philosophical and intelligent they are 2 they say non believers are lead blindedly by their faith.. I haven't once said something rude to you and yet you sit here and talk about how religion clouds my mind this was never on my religion what this topic was on is does the bible support it and NO IT DOESNT if you think there is a passage that does please post it otherwise stick to the topic of the thread or start a new one where what your saying makes sense in response to that thread.. have a blessed day. btw please look up the definitions to fact and theory and you will see that if in "fact" evolution could be proven then it would not be a theory. If you read my thread again i think you will see i never said your religion has clouded your mind. I said your mind has been clouded by what religion is. If you took offence to this then i apologise but i stand by what i said. |
I don't think our being hated in the middle east is due to us supporting Israel, I think its deeper than that. Our government has a real problem with going to foreign lands and pushing our beliefs and our democracy on them and that will tend to piss people off. |
No we should not sever ties with Israel. They are the only common sense in that region. |
Israel seems to act like they do because of the backing from America and sometimes it appears that this is were some of the hatred for the west comes from when dealing with the middle east. I cant believe that a country can show such disdain to another then cry foul if someone speaks up. In England we protested for the palestinian blockade to stop and the israel spokesman said we didnt know the facts.
Speaking totally neutrally but with an interest in the subject, should America think about cutting its ties with Israel, especially in light of the recent conflict with Palestine where several crimes against humanity were commited. I know each story has two sides and many say it is tit for tat with these two states but would Israel be as forceful if America withdrew its support ?
i say non believers because usually thats what the fight in this forum is about non believers vs. believers you have them both battling each other on who is right. evolution is not a proven theory if it was a proven theory it wouldn't be a theory would it. i'm sorry but you can't say they didn't understand it God inspired man to write the bible and evolution is not included in it. At no time is there a story about the apes evolving that is why the bible cann not support evolution the bible says GOD created the world through creationism. I don't care what anyone believes the best to you I know what i believe... and the bible does not support evolution.. i'm sorry you can't simply say oh well they couldn't cognitively handle that so that's why it isn't there. ... if you say that we could probably write anything into the bible. Genesis says how the world was created and if you are of a religious faith and by this i mean Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran etc... then you do not believe that evolution is how the world was created.. if you do believe that God created through evolution that's fine but people of the Christian faith believe what the bible says and Jewish faith believes in the old testament where genesis is... and i throw my piece about non believers because i've been a member here since 2007 this isn't the first post on evolution it wont be the last. |
this is really a terrible question to ask as I believe you already know the answer No, according to the bible evolution and genesis/ are not compatable otherwise the bible would have said that. Non believers can sit here until they are blue in the face to try to say how horrid or off topic the bible is and show how it is wrong.. however the simple answer is no they are not that is from the faith perspective. let's also remember that evolution is but a theory as well. All in all to all the non believers who sit here and posts and browse web sources... i'm sorry but you simply can't expect for a person of faith to believe you over the bible or the background they've grown up in. It is fine to wonder and have questions and try to pose answers but just be yourselves if you don't believe in it you don't believe in it just say i have a different way of thinking and i believe this... you don't have to throw rhetoric and passages into your posts because trust me they don't change the answer. No matter what the bible teaches creationism not evolution. End of concept. The second is your use of the term non-believers. Iam a graduate of Zoology and in my time is studied both evolution and theology. I chose to believe that evolution is how it happened and just because i dont believe what you believe why am i a non-believer ? Now you are right, evolution is a theory but you fail to say that it is a proven theory. Now if so many people have had a religious experiences and in this age of everyone owning either a camcorder or camera why have these experiences ever been proven. Now i respect and at times tolerate everyones belief i just wish that most religious people could do the same |
My point is that some people INSIST that God is a humanoid supreme being and that is where they drop the ball. They just expect you to believe it. They offer no proof at all and they have no answers to practical logical questions that I have presented about this being. Where does he live? How did he create the world? What does he look like? If he is a man, does he have male organs? If he does, what does he do with them? Does he eat food? Does he go to the bathroom? Does he have a wife or Mate or does he just like virgins? Don't tell me that God is a male supreme being who looks like a human if you can't think of him in that respect and answer a few questions. (and saying "I don't know" does not cut it.) Of course you "don't know"...but have you ever even thought about these things? If not, why not? Why don't people ask questions? Aren't you curious? Or are you just too terrified to question the awesome authority that spins these stories? People are always saying "God said this and God said that, and God demands this or that..." How the hell do they know? And who do they think they are kidding? In my view, people are not "insisting" that God is a "male humanoid"... I simply think that people use the "male humanoid" image to help wrap their minds around something that is quite overwhelming to understand... eh? People who are very 'religious' is what I am talking about. They speak about God as if they know "him" personally, and talk to him. They say "God says this...blah blah blah etc..." and they state what God wants if they know. They refer to "him" as male etc. Yes, they "insist" on these things. Try referring to God as IT or as SHE and see how they react. We have to belive that there is something else, something more than just our inevitable deaths. Christianity as with just about every other religion in the world is a branch off from a former religion, just making it more accesible for that generation. I have studied biology extensively and nowhere in the human body is a soul. It is just a state of mind. As are peoples beliefs, why do you think that so many people are so intolerant if a bad word is said about their belief. Now when i studied zoology i also studied theology, to give me a more in depth view of evolution. I respect everyone and their beliefs and i believe that jesus did exist as a prophet. We get thousands of people these days who say they speak to god and mainly they are labelled as cranks. If jesus was born today he would be labelled the same. Now back to why God is portrayed as a male figure, it is simple, religions are created by men, usually to keep the populace in check. There is hardly any mention ,to note, of females in the bible, it is all males |
out of luck
Well, a 3 front war? Hitler lost his, because he was fighting a 2 front war, so historically, having enough troops isn't the question, the question would be: Are our leaders smarter than Hitler and his assistants? Or are they just the same... there but I remember. Well, lets call a spade a spade, by the time the U.S. invested her young men and women and extensive warmachine, that war had already been going on for awhile. What I mean by Hitlers 2 fronts, were his battles in U.K. and Russia. The simple act of not sharing any borders with any of the Axis made taking the battle to more than one front a necessity, but by that point, not only was Hitlers allies in trouble, but he himself was trying to manage a multi-state occupation. |