Community > Posts By > supermike48

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 10:10 PM
i,m not saying the president of Iran is not nuts because he is. in that part of the world. logic donut matter which way the USA turns its going to lose this fight. we got enough problems in Iraq and afghanistan.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 10:04 PM
see here is where we disagree. for this suppose to be the best country in the world. we don't take care of the sick. if not for my job i would be like it USA to be. i had a heart attack 6 years ago. i could not even afford my medicine. we have people sleeping on the streets. some of our fellow brothers we fought beside. we have to share the wealth. i no as a nation. we can not be that col hearted. yes will cost a lot. but we must help our fellow man.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:58 PM
as much as i,m an American. i was not born in the USA. i will always be a Russian at heart. i no Iran has said they will wipe israel out. before i say this, no i don't hate Jews. i just have no use for israeli government.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:53 PM
wow sir you seem like a man with class. i really don't like either party. i,m a Democrat, but don't believe in illegal aliens coming to this country and stealing our jobs.i think i red you served. i was in army 22 years, but did not turn out the way i had plan. i had to do 6 years in prison for disobeying a order in gulf war. but was my choice, i,m out now i,m free to do what i like. so what do i do i go get a job back in Iraq. never claim to be a genius.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:45 PM
i no before anyone says this, if you don't like America go home. but the us is my home now. has the USA every through of minding there own business. they got to stick there nose in everybody's business. USA has nukes. so its alright for Iran to have them. no one die and left USA the boss.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:41 PM
well i was raised in Alabama. i no they are still full of racist people. yes i found one republican. but if republicans are not racist. why do people of color vote democrat.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:37 PM
well first we closed down guantanamo bay. then we stop attacking innocent countries, we stop supporting the murder government of israel.that will save enough to pay for health care.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 06:51 PM
newt is wrong. you could pay for health care easy. stop dropping bombs on innocent people. think how much money we could save then.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 12:44 PM
i heard something funny one day. i was listen to john boy and billy radio show. Peta said fish hurts the fish. no kidding there food.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 12:25 PM
when i,m home from Iraq, i live in greenville s.c people from Peta protest at kfc some funny.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 12:08 PM
oh its cool. we may not agree on much. but no since in beingg mean to each other.drinker

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 12:00 PM
its all cool. we just don't agree. but we all have our own opinion. but still your right. i,m right.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 11:52 AM
you said to prove it i did, i was raised in Alabama. of course i was not born there. i was raised not to judge people buy the color of your skin.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 11:49 AM
you ask for proof. so now that i showed you proof. now you want to change it around. why i,m i not surprised.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 11:47 AM
when i heard the news. it was like i lost a family member. when i moved to USA in 1965. i use to watch a show called. you were there. i loved it, Walter was in a class buy himself. i will be among many to miss you. goodbye my friend r i p

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 11:40 AM
Washington (Ucs News) While Sonia Sotomayor stood for questioning in her Confirmation hearings it is was Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions that took the heat. After making several clearly racist remarks during the hearing, Sessions came under fire from observers from the left and right. Most notably right wing radio personality Rush Limbaugh spent several hours castigating Sessions during his Wednesday broadcast.

During the hearing, Sessions demanded that Sotomayor pretend to be a white Catholic male while she answered his questions. Sessions went on to ask Sotomayor if she thought "Latino women were more qualified to be hair dressers or house keepers?"

"Sessions went over the top." said Rush. "While it's understood that Republicans are generally white men and tend to be racist, Jeff knows we keep this on the down low so we can still get elected." Limbaugh then demanded that Sessions Apologize.

Jeff Sessions, a former prosecutor and attorney general in his home state, was nominated to serve as a federal judge by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. According to Limbaugh "He's just bitter that he was denied a seat on the federal bench by the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 9-9 vote which deemed him "grossly insensitive" on racial issues. During his own hearings, Sessions admitted to "frequently joking in an off-color sort of way."

"Jeff Sessions is just not qualified to vote on Supreme Court nominations." intoned Limbaugh. "In fact I would not trust that guy to walk my dog

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 11:33 AM
well for me i have no respect for the republican party. they talk about how bad democrats are. republican party are nothing but racists.

supermike48's photo
Sat 07/18/09 10:49 AM
fox news spends all day bashing bush.pushing there ring wing Buddy's. or if you want to no when last time Sarah palin took a dumb watch fox news, they have people like sen hannity. another who like war, but was to chicken to serve. then we have billoreilly. a hypocrite someone who thinks he nos everything.

supermike48's photo
Wed 07/15/09 10:32 PM
you probably see the same as the oil companies making sure bush and cheney won.i might be the oil one but its awful funny that oil prices go way uo when two oil men are in the white house, i say hum.

supermike48's photo
Wed 07/15/09 10:25 PM
in odessa ukraine.

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