Community > Posts By > hopefulhoffman

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:30 AM
it had been years since he allowed himself to think of her.
he had almost forgotten how she made him feel.
and just when he wasnt exspecting it there she was.
as beautiful as ever,her hair flowing like a feather on the wind.her eyes sparkled like gems.
bright green gems rare and true.
and her soft tanned skin glistening in the light of the room.
in an instant he was brought back,to the days when he would wait on her hand and foot.
when every moment of the day was consumed by the thoughts of her.
how the very sound of her voice would make him smile,his herat would fluter.his knees would become week.
when she touched him it was like being touched by an angle.soft gentle and caring.
he was at a loss for words not sure what to say to her.after letting her go for fear of not being good enough for her.
she noticed him as soon as she walked in stern strong,well groomed.
his kind face and warm character had always made him stand out above all.she was ober taken by memories of how they would laugh and cry she knew she could always count on him.and that no mater what he would love her reguardless of what she they would make love for hours on end.and he would always make sure she was content before he was done.she had forgotten about that till that moment.and wondered where did that love like that go.
as thay walked toward each other he was nervous,she was trembling.he said hello she replied in turn.they talked for about what seemed like for ever.but when they noticed the time only an hour had passed.
after they got relaxed she asked why did you leave.
he said in truth i didnt think i could be man enough for you.
she smiled and as she walked away saying im married now.she stopped and looked at him and said you have been and will always be the man who was man enough you should have told me.
as she left the room he thought i will not ever have a love like that

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:15 AM

not to dout you but i know i have read this somewhere before.can you be kind and confirm not kidding i have seen this very same stroy word for word in newyork about 12 years ago.all the same its beautiful.well done but yet its striking a memory of old.

She read Josephine’s letters and cried

She wanted a love like that

I guess the closest thing she could remember was the time one of her boyfriends wrote her a poem. It wasn’t very good and like most times with her men it was too late. They had already broken up.
In fact, she recalls the night he told her he was leaving. How those words like briers tugged at her skin. From her heart moving outward, slowly scraping at her and not stopping until it reached the tips of all her extremities.

So clear he was that night; so matter-of- fact and oh, so, damn arrogant. She hated him for lying to her though the lie was her realization that he was not leaving that day at that moment no, he had been gone for months.

We could have been lovers…Her and I

If not, for the timing of life getting in the way. We’ve spent most of the days we have known each other, either falling or healing but, always at separate stages and never with one-an-other. We have never discussed it, never acted upon it, though it does seem to lurk just below the surface with us. You can see it in the hugs that sometimes last longer than a friends` should. It is evident in the jealous glare of her latest auditioner. It shows up in the late night calls and the unannounced visits she is so famous for.

We double dated one time and spent the entire evening talking to each other. Sat next to each other at dinner and pretty much lost track of the two unlucky people we were supposed to be out with. It was sad for them yet, she and I often laugh about it, even now.

It’s kind of strange the way she never notices it, the way I look at her. The way I am always there for her. How I just seem to never have plans when she calls. How I take care of her when she is sick or as too often the case, the way I hold her hair when she has too much to drink.

I remember last winter; she stopped by one very cold night. I remember this night for two reasons, not because of the freezing temperature but, because when she walked through my door the crisp, cold, clean winter air didn’t really follow her in, it attached itself to her. It was like every follicle of her hair breathed in the freshness and held on to it only to discharge it slowly throughout the night. Like little time release scent capsules of awakening and affirmation. (To this day it still lingers in my mind) As I removed her coat and she walked away I just stood there and soaked it all in.

Secondly because, we sat on the couch, shared two bottles of wine and just talked all night. We watched a movie but, couldn’t tell you what it was. Somewhere between yawning and first light she fell asleep on me. And I do mean “on me” her head was on my chest, her elbow was digging into me and most of her weight was over my left leg. Cutting off the circulation and sending it into a slow and numbing sleep.

It was quite possibly the most uncomfortable night of my life but, I didn’t wake her. I managed to get the blanket over both of us and just enjoyed having her close. I must have run my fingers through her hair a thousand times (it was all I could do to keep from burring my face in it) the scent was still there and she looked so beautiful, peaceful.

At one point she raised her head, looked at me and simply smiled. That was when I knew I was not going to move a muscle the rest of the night or the rest of the next day for that matter.

I dosed off for a while and woke from the sun shining brightly through the room. She had moved her arm from trying to penetrate my ribs and had it under me. The other arm was resting across my chest with her hand on my shoulder. Mine? Well, one was hanging off of the couch and the other, in spite of me falling asleep never left her curls. Hell, I’m not sure I ever stopped passing my hand through them.

We’ve had many nights like this over the years. I have watched her search and toil, get used and use, I’ve held her when she’s cried, laughed at and with her, I miss her when she is away and I’ve rescued her several times. And through all of this I can tell you, she is amazing. Except for the fact that she can’t see she already has a love like that.


Oh god. This is really beautiful. Well worded, simplistic, painting a visual of a memory we've all had at one more or another in our lives. I love this Kev. It's just gorgeous~

thank you A i so appreciate you and your comments too...
but, you know this....right?

blushing :heart:

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:09 AM

Hey everyone! Good Morin! What's up?
so ill ask whats up with you?

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:08 AM
hello to all at home with the misses son day off from school she wanted to hello feom us both

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:01 AM

There was a murder in one of my favorite bars the other night. How long should I wait before I go back? be seeing you
you shouldnt wait at waiting you let the person who comitted the murder win.the best thing to do is to move on mourn the lose by having a bunch of drinks in there honor.keep there momory alive

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:59 AM
i love to dine out

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:58 AM
i love desert

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:57 AM

I love Beerdrinks
cheersdrinker drinker drinks

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:57 AM

i love balloonslove bigsmile pitchfork
and not the floating kind lol

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:56 AM
i love my couch

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:55 AM
i love balloonslove bigsmile pitchfork

hopefulhoffman's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:55 PM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

no that means it is infected with something

Kind of hard to believe since I never hooked it up to the internet unless it gets a virus from a software program you buy at a store?

Not enough RAM?
thats what my last girlfriend said

hopefulhoffman's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:53 PM
wait you mean there not there yet???

hopefulhoffman's photo
Tue 01/06/09 04:04 AM
it really goes by the size of house and the brand of window your gonna use.also it may be cheaper to by the windows and have a contractor install them.a friend to all george.

hopefulhoffman's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:18 AM
as i look ahead of me
i am shocked at what i see
not to sure what to think
not to sure if i should have a drink

as i look and ponder what before me.
not so sure what is in store for me
i take a moment and turn around

to see someone else laying on the ground
a person that i use to know
a friend companion and at a foe

i know this has happened ive seen it before
every time the years end is at mt door
some say it just a review of what youve done
others a reflection of whats to come.

but yet i cant help but be scared you see
for what im seeing are images of me
so i turn back to look ahead
thoughts of fear are what i dread

knowing that this year i plan to do it right
doesnt mean that it will work in my life
as i hope to share a new love
theres always a chance it will disolve

but this time im moving away from two of the things i love more and more every day
but i know that its my time
to move ahead to love to shine
so to all that i consider friends
be safe this year and make a difference till the years end

a friend to all george

hopefulhoffman's photo
Sun 12/28/08 01:06 PM

SEXY is all in the attitude?

I think it is a combination of things....and attitude is part of the combo for sure...

I agree. It also includes the way that they treat me.
if you base sexy on how your treated then you are letting others dictate when you feel sexy.think about it.

I don't see that at all. If my man (and I like him a lot) is attentive to me and kisses me often you better believe that he is sexy to me.
my woman is and shall always be sexy to me.thats why i love her.trully love her,she doesnt have to do things for me to see her as sexy.i love her so much that she is always sexy to me thats real love.if a person has to do things to keep your attention then your not trully in love in my oppion again thats my oppion but it is also true in many places ive lived in life.

hopefulhoffman's photo
Sun 12/28/08 01:03 PM
take my self to start off iwth dont care how anyone sees me i like me and every one who doesnt.doesnt have to look.if i wanna get sexy and wild i do.if they dont like then leave i can have fun with or with out that person.i know woman are the same if a woman tries to argue then your lieing or just dont know how to,please your!

hopefulhoffman's photo
Sun 12/28/08 12:59 PM

SEXY is all in the attitude?

I think it is a combination of things....and attitude is part of the combo for sure...

I agree. It also includes the way that they treat me.
if you base sexy on how your treated then you are letting others dictate when you feel sexy.think about it.

hopefulhoffman's photo
Sun 12/28/08 12:58 PM
acctually sexy is all about self esteem.thats where the attitude comes ever they are far and few who can be sexy because they love them selves abd wont ever care what others think.

hopefulhoffman's photo
Fri 12/26/08 09:52 PM

You know what they say,

Beauty is the eye of the beholder,flowerforyou

or should i say the beerholder,

drinker drinks drinker drinks
nice that was funny

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