Edited by
Wed 09/11/19 12:19 PM
I don't 'defy god' I just don't think there is such a thing. The imagined existence of this being passes by me, like water off the proverbial duck's back. It is meaningless to me and my life is all the better for not having to be concerned about the 'correct interpretation' of all those ancient texts that religious scolars spend so much time arguing about!
Believe if you will, or not. I cant see that it matters. How you conduct yourself is much more important. That is the nub of the matter, as I see it. For me, scientific proof of something exists in peer-reviewed journals, not in long texts written by a small handful of people a couple of thousand years ago. That is not rigorous by a million miles. Or to put it another way, there is no proof whatsoever for any of this 'belief'. Indeed, that 'belief' implies something that some people 'think' is true, or likely, but the word does not mean the same as fact. Best not to mix actual facts with belief opinions. That way you will certainly be ridiculed by those who disagree and 'believe' something else. I totally agree that how you conduct yourself is far more important than anything that might or might have happened a long time ago. Humanists believe that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you. That simple statement includes all of the 'Ten Commandments' but Humanists also believe that you should not live your life with any expectation of reward or punishment, based on your lifestyle. There is no need for any religious myths or fairly tales in the life of a Humanist (like me, obviously!) |
guys vs girls - part 222
2 1 down is always better! ↓ ↓ ↓ |
meanwhile, back in the UK........
Boris has been telling schoolkids that we will be leaving the EU on his chosen date "with a deal". On being asked, "What deal?" he said, "We can find one, don't worry". I can't help wondering how he is going to do that since the EU has said many times there is only one deal and that is the one out parliament has already rejected three times. Corbyn has jumped on the 'our deal' bandwagon and is promising that he will get a 'Labour deal' which will of course give him future credibility for succeeding where May failed. He's living in dreamland again, making promises he cannot possibly keep. Almost, but not quite, as bad as the Trump! |
guys vs girls - part 222
1 5 ↓ ↓ ↓ Down is much more exciting than up. I can recommend you try it sometimes |
I think some people are very scared and feel threatened by others who do not share their beliefs.
Suppose they are wrong? I think they are very worried that they *might* be wrong. Maybe that's why curses and threatening language are sometimes used against those of us who are at peace with the world and very happy in our lives? |
guys vs girls - part 222
1 4 You could try going down, just for a change? |
guys vs girls - part 222
6 1 2 It is important that at some of the gentlemen make this game take just a little longer before the ladies finish it. Surely no fun just to count up with no men taking part? So here I am, the thorn in your side! |
nope, it's me. Perhaps River will post next?
guys vs girls - part 222
Edited by
Tue 09/10/19 06:07 AM
1 2 It is important that at some of the gentlemen make this game take just a little longer before the ladies finish it. Surely no fun just to count up with no men taking part? So here I am, the thorn in your side! |
guys vs girls - part 222
6 ↓
0 ↓ 2 ↓ |
When I said that I was happy to join the EEC in the '70s I forgot to add that there were only six countries at that time and all were economically similar to the UK. Since then, as you say, many poorer countries have joined the EU and naturally their workforce would love to earn 'vast' sums of money to do work they could do at home for far less. Yet another reason why I voted to leave - the nature of Europe has changed and we no longer need to be part of it (IMHO).
English people reading this should visit a pub in the Wetherspoons group. Their owner Tim is an ardent leaver and publishes a magazine he leaves on the tables. It makes for very interesting reading. |
Even if all you say is fact, it seems to me to be an impossibly large jump to say that these facts are 'proof' that there is some supernatural being that created the entire universe billions of years before the events of 2000 years ago.
I mentioned visiting aliens in a previous post. Suppose some of them arrived here, obviously with very advanced science and medicine, and did things that were impossible for the people of that time to even understand? I'm not seriously suggesting that, just pointing out that as an explanation for the events of 2000 years ago, it is equally valid, but leaves out any mention of a divine being capable of creating the universe billions of years ago. Just why these aliens would do that is unknowable, just as trying to explain a nuclear bomb to William Shakespeare would be impossible. I lead a simple life. If I don't understand something I'm happy to admit I just don't know. I'm not one of those people who has to have an answer for everything, even when it requires the invention of myths and fairy tales. |
Back in the '70s, I voted to join the EEC (European Economic Community). It was a plan to help European businesses trade with each other. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Since then the anonymous people in Brussels have been planning 'Ever Closer Union' and 'free movement' across the countries in Europe. We now have a European court, which was never part of the original plan. The EU wants to continue this policy of Ever Closer Union until we have the United States of Europe, very similar to the United States of America, which has very little difference between the States, one US army and navy and no borders between the states (free movement).
That is most definitely NOT what I voted for in the 1970s and the main reason why when I was given the chance to vote again I voted No, that is not what I voted for in the '70s. I'm not against immigration, but I like the Australian system. It's not based on quotas as that could keep the best people out. Better to have a system where you need to have a good reason to live here. If we leave the EU we can make our own rules. The last thing I want is to be told continually that "we can't do that, there's an EU law against it". We should not be subject to laws made outside our own country for us to obey! It looks like we will be forced to ask for another extension - yet again! People seem to forget that last time we did that the EU said, "This is your last extension - there will be no more!" If Boris asks fo another one, May might as well have not resigned. Boris was chosen in preference to Hunt, who promised to request a further extension if he was elected as PM. Of course the EU might say, "No you can't have another extension, we have already told you that". Then Boris can return without breaking any laws and wait for the default position to arrive and then we're out. One can only hope. |
guys vs girls - part 222
5 7 4 ↓ |
guys vs girls - part 222
5 7 4 ↓ |