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Sat 12/12/09 12:45 PM
it doesnt really matter now the public now has the perception that data was manipulated and faked. rightly or wrongly they believe that now and its gonna be tough to overcome that now I seriously question the methods, or 'convenient' polls that would support YOUR PERSONAL PERCEPTION of the public perception you propose above. What is founded however about public perception, is that it is filtered through high cynicism and skepticism about anything communities of 'experts', 'businessmen' or 'politicians' present it with. But let's take YOUR PERSONAL PERCEPTION of public opinion for argument sake's. If the public perception were to fall for the 'convenient' and unfounded dogma of denialists, and go against scientific 'most probable' proposition, then the public perception is not only irresponsibly 'unfounded', but it is accelerating humanity's walk towards self-destruction. This is no longer about global warming. This about humanity as whole being responsible for distinguishing 'most probable' and acting on it collectively, as opposed to defending individual 'delusional obsessions', and doing nothing. |
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Sat 12/12/09 11:38 AM
The science was faked. Your topic headline is a complete lie. Just look in to Professor Lindzen, of MIT , foremost expert on climate to give you the truth on AGW. Might I start you off on your investigation with this 30 min presentation by him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmGiiNQ0yHQ Science is not religion. The TRUTH HAS nothing to do with science. Lindzen as a scientist, and avowed denier of global warming, which is his science given right, has no business peddling his 'work' as THE THRUTH, and people aware of and/or endorsing his work have no business miss-packaging it as THE TRUTH. Science questions, validates, and PROPOSES what it can demonstrate as MOST PROBABLE!!! Truth has nothing to do with MOST PROBABLE. Science keeps questioning, through a healthy spirit of applied skepticism, any statistically accepted 'MOST PROBABLE'. The scientific means of establishing that which is 'most probable' at any given moment, is the volume of 'scientific consensus' vs 'counter scientific consensus' on any issue. Personal opinions, public surveys and individual biases, subjective convictions and dogmatic beliefs are of absolutely no relevance in the scientific discourse. As for the global warming question, there is no more debate within the scientific community. There is an overwhelming number of 'eligible' scientific candidates whom have presented and defended their findings amongst peers, pointing to global warming as 'MOST PROBALBE', measuring up against an insignificant proportion of equally eligible scientists, presenting and defending their opposition or downright denial. That simple! Overwhelming eligible members of the scientific community presenting and defending successfully a converging number of varied SCIENTIFIC perspectives, ELECTS THAT WHICH IS PROBABLE. Given the permanent probing, questioning and skeptical nature of science, it always welcomes and encourages 'expert dissension'. Unlike religion that would excommunicate any questioning and dissension against dogma. Like it or not, agree with it or not, believe it or not, does not enter into this equation. Statistical 'scientific support' establishes that which is 'MOST PROBABLE', in spite of the 'welcomed' and on-going small proportion of dissenting positions, or downright 'dirty tricks' from questionable foes (e-mail fabricated scandal)! |
Obama voters
1.) Spite and embarrassment; that all their faith and rhetoric in defending Bush, when everyone else recognized him to be what he was, A liar, a failure, and a dictator, were the blind faith of only 22% of the population. Mad that even when coupled with another 20% of the pop who still harbor racism were not enough to defeat Obama. 2.) Racism. 3.) The understandable few who are afraid of change. Understandable because change does scare many, but these people are also susceptible to the 7 techniques of propaganda I mentioned above. As such these are the targets of the well versed Republican Propaganda machine. Fortunately, the few buying into this propaganda will come back to Obama as his accomplishments ease their fears. 11 months is a very short time! 4.) Republicans for life. There are some out there who still hope their Party will recover from their devestating defeat. Some of this group are cooperative and do understand 11 months is not a fair amount of time to judge a Presidency. There are four groups. Crisp follow-through Fanta!!! Love it! |
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Sat 12/12/09 10:29 AM
Does it give you a problem, he bowed to the Saudi King and to a Jap Emporer? Damned if does, and damned if he doesn't!!! You people are so funny in a perversely obstinate 'one track mind' kind of way!!! |
Obama voters
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Thu 12/10/09 09:24 PM
who's the bigger idiot, Bush2, Palin, or Michelle Bachman? And..how is Obama a baby killer exactly? That would be part of the 'subtle' and most 'unchristian' vocabulary the fanatic religious right, ... from which the republican party is desperately trying to distance itself, ... is vomiting in the face of the large majority of reasonable people in society, whom are faced with dealing lucidly with one of life's true tragedy. It speaks volume about the poster, and simply never applies to the person for whom the epithet is intended. |
Another Failed Presidency
From The American Thinker. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/08/another_failed_presidency.html Barack Obama is on track to have the most spectacularly failed presidency since Woodrow Wilson.
In the modern era, we've seen several failed presidencies--led by Jimmy Carter and LBJ. Failed presidents have one strong common trait-- they are repudiated, in the vernacular, spat out. Of course, LBJ wisely took the exit ramp early, avoiding a shove into oncoming traffic by his own party. Richard Nixon indeed resigned in disgrace, yet his reputation as a statesman has been partially restored by his triumphant overture to China. George Bush Jr didn't fail so much as he was perceived to have been too much of a patrician while being uncomfortable with his more conservative allies. Yet George Bush Sr is still perceived as a man of uncommon decency, loyal to the enduring American character of rugged self-determination, free markets, and generosity. George W will eventually be treated more kindly by historians as one whose potential was squashed by his own compromise of conservative principles, in some ways repeating the mistakes of his father, while ignoring many lessons in executive leadership he should have learned at Harvard Business School. Of course George W could never quite overcome being dogged from the outset by half of the nation convinced he was electorally illegitimate -- thus aiding the resurgence of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. But, Barack Obama is failing. Failing big. Failing fast. And failing everywhere: foreign policy, domestic initiatives, and most importantly, in forging connections with the American people. The incomparable Dorothy Rabinowitz in the Wall Street Journal put her finger on it: He is failing because he has no understanding of the American people, and may indeed loathe them. Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard says he is failing because he has lost control of his message, and is overexposed. Clarice Feldman of American Thinker produced a dispositive commentary showing that Obama is failing because fundamentally he is neither smart nor articulate; his intellectual dishonesty is conspicuous by its audacity and lack of shame. But, there is something more seriously wrong: How could a new president riding in on a wave of unprecedented promise and goodwill have forfeited his tenure and become a lame duck in six months? His poll ratings are in free fall. In generic balloting, the Republicans have now seized a five point advantage. This truly is unbelievable. What's going on? No narrative. Obama doesn't have a narrative. No, not a narrative about himself. He has a self-narrative, much of it fabricated, cleverly disguised or written by someone else. But this self-narrative is isolated and doesn't connect with us. He doesn't have an American narrative that draws upon the rest of us. All successful presidents have a narrative about the American character that intersects with their own where they display a command of history and reveal an authenticity at the core of their personality that resonates in a positive endearing way with the majority of Americans. We admire those presidents whose narratives not only touch our own, but who seem stronger, wiser, and smarter than we are. Presidents we admire are aspirational peers, even those whose politics don't align exactly with our own: Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman, Ike, Reagan. But not this president. It's not so much that he's a phony, knows nothing about economics, is historically illiterate, and woefully small minded for the size of the task-- all contributory of course. It's that he's not one of us. And whatever he is, his profile is fuzzy and devoid of content, like a cardboard cutout made from delaminated corrugated paper. Moreover, he doesn't command our respect and is unable to appeal to our own common sense. His notions of right and wrong are repugnant and how things work just don't add up. They are not existential. His descriptions of the world we live in don't make sense and don't correspond with our experience. In the meantime, while we've been struggling to take a measurement of this man, he's dissed just about every one of us--financiers, energy producers, banks, insurance executives, police officers, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, post office workers, and anybody else who has a non-green job. Expect Obama to lament at his last press conference in 2012: "For those of you I offended, I apologize. For those of you who were not offended, you just didn't give me enough time; if only I'd had a second term, I could have offended you too." Mercifully, the Founders at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 devised a useful remedy for such a desperate state--staggered terms for both houses of the legislature and the executive. An equally abominable Congress can get voted out next year. With a new Congress, there's always hope of legislative gridlock until we vote for president again two short years after that. Yes, small presidents do fail, Barack Obama among them. The coyotes howl but the wagon train keeps rolling along. [editor's note: The author is not the not the same person as Geoffrey P Hunt, who works at the Institute for Scientific Analysis as a senior research scientist.] Thomas Lifson, founder and editor of 'American Thinker' is the ultimate right wing PROPAGANDA MACHINE. He and his delusionally ideological 'A-T' are Rush Limbaugh's, Sean Hannity's and Glen Beck's, main source of 'invented here' BS, sort of the 'Mao's China marching word fabricators'. Feed off it, and agree with it all you wish, it won't change the fact that 'A-T' and most of the 'editorial' swings on FOX are DELUSIONAL AND OBSESSIONAL OVER THE TOP PROPAGANDISH BS. Freedom of speech allows for all of it, but whether you decorate a pig with a LIPSTICK, or dress it up in a TUX, IT IS STILL A PIG!!! Say hi to Mr Lifson for me. :) |
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Fri 12/04/09 07:19 PM
i hope i'm alive to see this....U S homeland security will call Jesus a terrorist and lock him away. i dont think HE would be coming for sacrifice the next time...those in opposition to him will be,,,vanished. Looks like he will end-up going back 'up there', 'empty ended' !!! Even christians couldn't agree on WHO he is, never mind WHAT he preached!!! Note: read 'advednture's post (a few posts above) several times, and then some. That's all there is: SPIRIT and NOW. If YOU WANT 'JESUS' OR 'CHRIST' to 'come back' into 'YOUR NOW', rekindle the spirit in your own 'being', and leave the rest to faith. |
6 Fast Growing Career's
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Wed 12/02/09 05:00 PM
In a competitive job market, maximizing the potential of your education could hinge on a question of numbers: How many workers might be hired in a given field come 2016? Anything Knowledge based research and development, and its first cycle production or implementation stages. Engineenring (Environmental sectors): - Energy Optimization - Alternative 'green' energy technologies - Recycling technologies (all consumer fields including automotive, consumer electronics, general consumer goods) - Carbon emission reduction strategy consulting for top-end industrial and institutional emitters Bio-medical engineering Bio-pharmaceutical World-wide water redistribution technologies Telecommunications (engineering) Infrastructure 'PREVENTIVE' of any type Teaching Mandarin, Cantonese Commercial ambassadors to the HUGE Indian, and Chinese commercial/trade opportunities (not a walk in the park, but can't walk away from it either) ... for starters ... |
Tiger taking Husseins advice
Leave it to willing to make a connection between this and Obama. ROFLMAO Agree Fanta. And after close scrutiny and examination of 'willing2's REPETITIOUSLY SLANTED 'narrative' throw-ought his numerous threads, the only connection between the two men, is the colour of their skin. And I wish I could just laugh it off (and knowing you Fanta, I believe your own 'ROFLMAO' sign-off above, can only be straight sarcasm!), ... but I find the whole string of threads from this poster, way too OBNOXIOUS (to be polite), and way outside of what I consider to be humorous, ... much less factual, pertinent, helpful, or forwarding ..., ... to laugh it off. Now don't get me wrong I unconditionally defend any person's right of 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH', ... right along anyone's unalienable right to waste it on such insipid topics. |
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Thu 11/26/09 10:54 AM
Obama should come out with his well thought out decision on Afghanistan this week. A well thought out decision. I'll bet his numbers will reflect a change then. Of course when every Republican left in America votes against everything he does it will always be hard to reflect a real high approval rating. The Republican Party seems to be more anti-Obama these days than Pro-America. The more Anti-Hussein ya' are, the more Pro-America you'll be. The news is stating the same. The question isn't about how many, it's about what they will tax to pay for the extra troops. The estimated cost is about 1 million a year for each troop. Why not just tax the middle class Americans and richer a flat 65% of their gross income and any investments they have, investment properties, retirement funds, Christmas savings accts, etc. A lot of Dems are going Pro-America now they see some of the real demon, Hussein. His popularity dives, every time a job is lost, someone looses their home, every time they hear how Illegals are put as a higher priority than they, for every business closed, every soda tax paid, every time a devoted Muslim is appointed a position in our Government. There are 2 new ones advising how to keep America safe. How ironic. Muslims want to see the death of America and they are put into prime positions to see it get done. They are advisers working at Homeland Security. I say, send Obummer back to Kenya and put a real American in the Whitehouse. The only Repub. I trust is Ron Paul. If he's not an option, let's look for someone outside the Repub/Dem marriage. Both of them have been shafting us for years. While we're at it, let's flush the shiite out of Congress as well. It's been stanky for a long time. 'Willing2', you're writing skills are such, that the subtlety and nuances of your incredibly valuable message might get lost on people. For the benefit of those whom might have a hard time deciphering your wisdom, and timely teachings, I figured I would summarize the key (secret code) of your semantics, such that no one would left in the 'dark'. Here it is: 1) 'HUSSEIN', usually accompanied by the famously subtle prefix 'ANTI', also qualified as 'THE DEMON HUSSEIN' and subliminally opposed to 'PRO-AMERICA-AMERICANS' 2) 'DEVOTED MUSLIM APPOINTED TO GOVERNMENT' hardly needs translation 3) 'MUSLIMS (ALL) WANT TO SEE THE DEATH OF AMERICA', as in all christians are good, all muslims are bad. The enemy is here, and it is US!!! 4) 'OBUMMER(synonym of 'HUSSEIN' in 'willing2's fantasy style), as in ...send (him) BACK TO KENYA'. Masterfully dancing between a religious hyperbole based on a fable, to an anatomical play on word revealing 'willing2's control of the prosaic form. 5) 'FLUSH THE SHIITE OUT OF CONGRESS' again, willing2 amazingly transforms one of his favorite anatomical pastime into a powerful hyperbolic, metaphoric allegory, pointing again to the serious dangers invading and taking over, not only willing2's mind, but AMERICA'S VERY CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATION!!! While I truly get a kick out of willing2's wonderfully creative, caricatural, and incredibly fablelistic and allegorical style, ... I wanted to make sure that the essence of his message wasn't lost on style!!! |
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Tue 11/24/09 12:48 PM
There's definitely a problem when every bill that comes up to vote is rejected by every Republican in Congress! I have never in my life seen either psrty vote as one so many times. Roadmap to a new breed of fascism. Under the masks of (false) fight for freedom and ethno-centric nationalism, the Republican party is fast loosing its credible and democratic privileges. It would appear that the GOP has been naively tempted, and has let the 'GENIE' of the diabolical and dogmatic 'religious right' kind, ... OUT of the LAMP', and have no idea how to get the 'devil-back-in'. Left-right balance is fundamental to any democratic society. As the 2 party reality that it is, the USA is threatened, IMO by something far more debilitating than any black or white president. When everything MUST BE ONE COLOR, ONE IDEOLOGY, ONE BELIEF AND CREED, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS 'EVIL', there is NO FREEDOM LEFT, AND NO POSSIBLE DEMOCRACY!!! Bush son said something to that effect recently, and I paraphrase: '... the future political success of the GOP rests essentially on the party claiming back control from the out of control fanatic religious right activists and their dogmatic ideology ...'. Nothing wrong with the 'old' GOP. Everything wrong with dogmatic neo-fascism, hypocritically invading an otherwise legitimate political movement, even when that movement is the Good Old Republican Party. |
What's up my friend? Lovin' to see you on the 'front' again, callin' the 'delusional bluff', and keepin' things straight! Cheers to you Fanta! |
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Tue 11/24/09 11:23 AM
nice try...he's at 46% in Rasmussen and Zogby...like the Mobfather says..." he's immature...inexperienced...and...in over his head ! "...he's been a complete failure...he's made everything worse... '... immature, ... inexperienced, and in over his head! ...he's been a complete failure. ..he's made everything worse...' 'Giocamo', Please stay on topic. This post is not about BUSH!!! Your failed hero has retired from the presidency nearly a year ago! I realize change is a difficult thing to accept for some of us, but there is this limit beyond which DELUSION takes over, and leaves one with no credibility whatsoever. Sort of that 'fool on the hill' of the famous 'Strawberry field', FOREVER!!! AMERICA have spoken!!! Obama is the USA's leader and president. There is only one way to be PRO-AMERICAN: '... critique constructively as much as you see fit, but stand unconditionally behind the leader that the US of A has DEMOCRATICALLY AND MOST UNEQUIVOCALLY CHOSEN as President'. Anything short of that, can be is nothing other than ANTI-AMERICAN. |
I despise christianity...
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Thu 11/12/09 10:33 AM
You know why anti Christian groups never win lawsuits(such as removing "in God we trust"on the coins and the removal of "One nation under God"?It is because they fail to understand what separation of church and state really means. 'thomas3474', while it is true that the Federal Court has upheld the 'In god we trust' on american coins and paper money, you'll be very disappointed to hear that the official Federal Court verdict itself contradicts everything you state in your post above. In his June 12, 2006 verdict, U.S. District Judge Frank C. Damrell Jr. rejected a lawsuit brought by California atheist Michael Newdow. Damrell said use of the phrase has "nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion." Damrell, citing previous cases that have upheld use of the motto, observed in his opinion in Newdow v. Congress of the United States , "The national motto is excluded from First Amendment significance because the motto 'has NO THEOLOGICAL or RITUALISTIC impact' and is of a PURELY SECULAR, 'PATRIOTIC' and 'CEREMONIAL CHARACTER.'" In other words, and contrary to everything you state in your post, it is precisely because the motto is considered NON RELIGIOUS, NON-CHRISTIAN, NON-DOGMATIC, and PURELY SECULAR that it is being upheld in this particular case, AS NOT INFRINGING THE ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE. If you keep insisting on your personal notion that the US is a christian nation and not a secualr one, and that 'in god we trust' were clearly, as you personally believe, a religious and christian exclusive motto, you will force the very judge who upheld the motto as a strictly SECULAR and CEREMONIAL MOTTO, to strike it down as a religious and christian motto, and thus ANTI CONSTITUTIONAL. The separation of church and state was never meant to BAN religion from entering the Government or prohibiting the Government to get involved with Christian associations. Please read the 'establishment clause of the 1st amendment of your Constitution. Contrary to what you state: '... religion entering State affairs', or the 'State 'involving' itself with 'christians', ... IS EXACTLY WHAT THE CONSTITUTION, AND ITS FIRST AMENDMENT PROHIBITS!!! It was written because if for some reason the Government wanted the official religion of the country to be(insert religion here)the people would not have to follow it or listen to it.It also allowed the people to choose what religion they wanted without the Government getting involved.It was never written to prevent Christians from mingling with the Government or for the Government to mingle with Christians.I believe that our founding fathers wrote the separation of church and state for protecting Christianity in this nation.They probably knew that one day Americans in their haste would elect some Liberal dictator who would not be Christian and pass laws banning it.If the separation of church and state was not written it would be a reality. Again 'thomas3474', you've got it all wrong. The Founding Fathers were not afraid of a liberal dictator. YOU ARE!!! On the contrary, the Founding Fathers WERE AFRAID OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ... afraid that the christian Church of England would 'dictate' as you put it, and preside over the affairs of the SECULAR and FREE emerging USA. As far as those who claim this is not a Christian country.I say despite what you believe or not believe concerning our founding fathers it does little to change the fact that a at least 80% of Americans consider themselves Christians.It has always been at least 80% and much higher in years past.So this is,was,and will always be a Christian nation. On this one, you should present your personal opinions, beliefs and convictions to the people quoted below, and see if you have any success in changing the course of the US Constitution. Here are your opponents: "WHEN PEOPLE TELL ME THAT WE ARE, OR HAVE BEEN A CHRISTIAN NATION, I WANT TO ASK, ‘WHEN?’. " Brian McLaren, MA, leader of the 'Emergent Church' movement, wrote the following statements in his Apr. 16, 2009 article "A Christian Nation Wouldn't Act This Way," published on Washington Post's 'On Faith' blog: "... Was it in the colonial era or during westward expansion, when we began stealing the lands of the Native Americans, making and breaking treaties, killing wantonly, and justifying our actions by the Bible? Was it in the era of slavery or segregation, when again, we used the Bible to justify the unjustifiable? Was it in more recent history, when we dropped the first nuclear bomb and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, when we overthrew democratically elected governments in the Cold War era, when we plundered the environment without concern for the birds of the air or flowers of the field, or when we sanctioned or turned a blind eye to torture earlier this decade? Was it earlier this week, when I turned on the TV or radio and heard people scapegoating immigrants and gay people and Muslims?... I would say that the more we claim America is a Christian nation, the less we uphold the highest ideals of both authentic Christian faith and authentic American democracy." "THE USA IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION" Steve Benen, former spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, wrote the following comments in his Apr. 7, 2009 article , published by TheWashingtonMonthly.com: "The US Constitution is, of course, an entirely secular document, but for years, the religious right movement and its allies have been anxious to declare the US a 'Christian Nation...' We have a secular constitution that established a secular government. Our laws separate church from state. No religious tradition enjoys official sanction over any other. Of course we're not a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation... The usual argument is that most of the US population is Christian. That's true, but irrelevant. Most of the US population is white - does that make the United States a 'white nation'? We also hear arguments that most of the Founding Fathers were Christians. That's also true, but also irrelevant. Most of the framers were also men - does that make our country a 'man's nation'? It's time to retire this old conservative canard." "WE ARE A NOT CHRISTIAN NATION, AND OUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT A CHRISTIAN. " Susan Jacoby, best-selling author, wrote the following statements in her Apr. 13, 2009 article published on Washington Post's 'On Faith' blog: "US citizens understood the distinction between a Christian nation, or government, and a majority Christian population in the 18th century, and the fact that many do not understand this today - in a multiethnic and multireligious society that the revolutionary generation could not possibly have imagined - attests to the poor teaching of American history in schools throughout the nation... The majority of Americans are still Christians, but our government is secular and our nation is now composed of nonbelievers and believers of numerous religious denominations - some of which did not even exist at the time of the nation's founding... We are not a Christian nation, and our government is not a Christian government. That's a simple fact, and one of the glories of our history - as the founders understood." "IN FACT, THE GOVERNEMENT, AS A LEGAL ORGANIZATION, IS SECULAR, AND INDEPENDENT OF ALL RELIGIONS. " David J. Brewer, JD, former US Supreme Court Justice, in his 1905 lecture series "The United States, A Christian Nation," stated: "This Republic is classified among the Christian nations of the world... Nevertheless, in what sense can the United States be called a Christian nation? Not in the sense that Christianity is the established religion, or that the people are in any manner compelled to support it. On the contrary, the Constitution specifically provides that 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.' Neither is it Christian in the sense that all its citizens are either in fact or in name Christians. On the contrary, all religions have free scope within our borders. Nor is it Christian in the sense that a profession of Christianity is public serve, or essential to recognition either politically of socially. In fact, the Government as a legal organization is independent of all religions." As long as it is strictly a SECULAR AND CEREMONIAL motto, as stated by the courts, I say to you 'thomas3474', 'IN GOD WE TRUST', and long live to a SECULAR nation, where all citizens are FREE to practice any or no religion. |
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Sat 11/07/09 11:40 AM
PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail JCT Confirms Failure to Comply with Democrats’ Mandate Can Lead to 5 Years in Jail Friday, November 06, 2009 Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years. In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.” Key excerpts from the JCT letter appear below: “H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1] - - - - - - - - - - “If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply…” [page 2] - - - - - - - - - - “Criminal penalties Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual: • Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year. • Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3] When confronted with this same issue during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine and five years in jail. “The Senate Finance Committee had the good sense to eliminate the extreme penalty of incarceration. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to leave in the jail time provision is a threat to every family who cannot afford the $15,000 premium her plan creates. Fortunately, Republicans have an alternative that will lower health insurance costs without raising taxes or cutting Medicare,” said Camp. According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016. ### http://republicans.waysandmeans.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=153583 Way too many sensationalist inaccuracies, erroneous associations and leading arguments to deserve investing in a direct reply. You provided a link to the most dogmatic and propagandish '... Committee on Ways & Means Republicans...' website, when the only factual references, which help clarify all the confusion of this post, are stated black and white in a reply letter from 'Douglas W. Elmendorfis', Director of the Congressional Budget Office, to questions presented by Charles B. Rangel, of the Committee on Ways and Means. Here is the link to the actual source document: http://republicans.waysandmeans.house.gov/webreturn/?url=http://cbo.gov/ftpdocs/106xx/doc10691/hr3962SubsidiesRangelLtr.pdf To those whom prefer using facts rather than outlandish proaganda to form their opinions, simply read the letter of the above link, string the facts together, and like I, you will most likely come out of it with a completely opposite understanding than that of the highly biased propaganda of the 'Committee on Ways and Means', and carried over (IMO) by raiderfan. While there is room for a serious and responsible debate to take place on the question of the health care reform proposition from the current administration, grossly unfounded and erroneous propaganda will never help forward such a debate. |
Conservative christians
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Thu 11/05/09 12:02 PM
Wow. I think the best way to lead a Christian life is not by ignoring Gods laws or condemning others but by carrying yourself as Christ did. I dont think Christ was hateful or divisive, I think the whole point of why God is so great is because of forgiveness of the FACT that we all are sinners. It serves no purpose for a Christian to beat other sinners into the ground. I dont believe homosexuality is right, but that is an action. I do not judge the person just because I have a belief about their action. Only God knows us completely enough to do that. As far as what type of judgment the bible speaks of,, I dont think anyone can PROVE for sure. But it makes no sense to me that it would only apply to snap judgment. Instead, judging applied to judging souls and people because that is Gods position and not ours. We must have judgement about actions and words to choose for ourselves what to do and what to say. Judge not lest ye be judged , to me, means that I should be conscious of right and wrong behavior but not foolish enough to think I know anyones soul or heart enough to judge the person. As long as Christians do not try to change the homosexual and make them live an untrue to themselves life in accordance with others judgements everything is alright. Don't spout off about how their lives are wrong and they are sinners and all will be great. Letting them live judgement free is all that is required for the hoopla to end. I wouldnt try to CHANGE anyones sexual behavior, I can only try to live by the best example I can. I would never tell anyone their life was wrong, but if asked, I would be honest about whethere their actions or words are wrong. IN this forum, I am posting my opinion in the context of a thread. In life, I know and love many people and ALL of us are sinners. Its what we all have in common. Our words and actions are never without judgment or consequence and I hope that doesnt offend anyone. I treat everyone with respect and I love imperfect people, but I dont feel a need to hide or lie about what sin is when I am asked,,,if I am asked. msharmony, with all due respect to you and to your beliefs, I find the above post very confusing. I am not a homosexual as I gather you. When I put myself in your shoes and test drive the 'conduct' you seem to abide by, as you state in your post, there are several contradictions with which I simply could not reconcile my ethical values and principles, and figure I would share those with you. For example, when you state on the one hand, '... I would never tell anyone their life was wrong ...', and then go on to state, '... I would be honest about whether their actions or words are wrong ...', while I understand the infamous 'hate the sin love the sinner', and see your words here as a variation on that theme, the sinning judgment simply doesn't hold the road. Allow me to propose that in order to make your claim that homosexuality is a sin, you must hold the dogma based belief that one is NEVER 'born', so to speak', homosexual, but 'becomes', or is influenced to adopt 'the lifestyle'; a perversion numerous christians have a bad habit of repeating with impunity. In other words, this line of thinking 'allows with impunity', way too many people to judge and condemn their fellow human being, based on a belief!!! I have beliefs too msharmony, and they are without doubt the foundation of MY life. They allow me to make sense FOR MYSELF, of what would otherwise be a life of total confusion. But you see msharmony, those beliefs of mine, based on what is considered to be a solid and time tested ethical and moral foundation, CATEGORICALY cannot be imposed on anything, or anyone else then myself. I live by those principles, and part of those principles, is the principle to refrain from IMPOSING my beliefs on others. While I stand for my beliefs for myself, I grant you msharmony the same privilege, and respect that you may very well have beliefs as you do, and that may very well be DIFFERENT from mine. Now back to the 'homosexual (vs) sin (vs) christian dogma' situation. My (personal) beliefs say that homosexuals are 100% human beings, just as heterosexuals are. I was born heterosexual, and some of my fellow human beings were born homosexuals. NOTHING WRONG!!! NOTHING SINFUL!!! As I, they are just as much part, no separation, of OUR human experience. We are all 100%, hetero and homo, legitimate and deserving full fledge human beings. No separate class, or degree of sin, or any other perverted sophism. That is my belief: NO SIN, NOTHING WRONG, and moreover, nothing to change, or manage, or segregate. That is my belief, and it is founded on solid ethical and moral principles. Obviously, your beliefs and mine do not coincide. Should that be a problem??? Not necessarily! If you don't impose that belief on anyone else than yourself, we have no problem. You have the right to any and all the PERSONAL beliefs that you hold. You do not wish to engage in same sex exchanges, that is good, and it is something you and I share, and are in full agreement upon. But that is where it ends. My beliefs, or your beliefs, and their corresponding 'lifestyles' cannot be imposed on someone else's legitimate and perfectly 'life-given' ways. We have a system of 'law and order' to handle those of us whom transgress what which we collectively and categorically consider to be moral or ethical transgressions. HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TRANSGRESSIONS PROSECUTABLE BY LAW. There is a sound moral and ethical foundation for such premise. Church dogma cannot any longer obstinately disregard the higher moral and ethical ground of our day, just because it wants to hold on to a 2000 year old version of what was trying to install itself as the ethical and moral high ground of the time. HOMOSEXUALS (AS HETERO) ARE TOGETHER 100% HUMAN BEINGS. The 'sin vs sinner' sophism doesn't hold. There is nothing wrong with the natural condition of homosexuality. ... nothing to prosecute, ... nothing perfect, ... nothing to change. You see msharmony, this is my belief, and it has the same value as yours. And if there were 100, 1 000, or 1 000 000 of us sharing the same belief, we still couldn't impose it on you. Homosexuality and heterosexuality have been a full fledge part of humanity since inception. They will keep co-existing naturally as long as our human experience lasts. Homosexuality has not affected the proliferation of the human race in the past and there are no signs to suggest that it will in the future. Let's move our focus and energy to the real battles!!! 'God' knows there is no shortage of those. |
Conservative christians
Edited by
Tue 11/03/09 12:18 PM
The real question that you didn't ask is, "Why do Conservative Christians hate homosexuals", right? And by hatred, I mean that whenever someone disagrees with a person over the rightness or wrongness of this "life" style, we're labeled as being bigoted & hateful. A REAL Christian doesn't hate homosexuals or any other sinner including themselves (as sinners I mean). The problem comes from those misguided individuals who call themselves "Christians" but really have no clue about how to deal with people & their situations. Because same-sex couples can not propagate without extraordinary measures, the survival of the "species" relies on recruiting from without, despite the common misconception that someone is "born" into the life style not "shaped" into the life style. If the homosexual community real believed this, then why the aggressive marketing in the public schools of "Questioning Your Sexuality" & the like. I disagree with the "life" style but I do not hate the person. I disagree with them just as much as I do the liar, adulterer, murderer, gossip, cheater, thief & etc. The major difference is that the homosexual "life" style is often fraught with misery & early death. Suicide, drug abuse & domestic violence are leading causes of death, not AIDS, as many believe. Why does someone argue so strongly to freely practice such a destructive "life" style? tf73 The op said nothing about homosexuality....and who are you to judge why one would be self destructive? Have you lived their life, have you walked in their shoes, do you know their heart...I think not. That is why your God has said judge not... It's typically what most mean when they ask that question. There is no other hot button issue that will cause someone to ask that question, that way. I've been in enough of these discussions to know. Thanks for the info 'tribefan'. I was unaware that the following 'hot button' issues had been settled overnight!!! - 'Israelo-Palestinian, - 'Pro-choice vs Pro-life', - 'Separation of Chruch and State in America', - 'Evolution science vs Creationism fable', - 'The bible: man written vs god inspired', - 'not enough time to list other religious-right 'hot buttons' Can't wait for the news hour tonight!!! And to answer your questions, no, I haven't lived the life, but I can read the facts. I hear can the testimonies of former homosexuals that prove it was a matter of choice not of birth. Check the facts & see if I'm right. FORMER HOMOSEXUALS!!! You're serious?!?!? You mean from the 'good church' conversion programs which welcomes 'REPENTANT HOMOSEXUALS' under the sine qua none promise to convert to 'heterosexualism'?!?!?! Those FORMER HOMOSEXUALS??? I'm not sure whether that is the epitomy of naïvity or perversity?!?! Lastly, the oft misused & abused verse you mentioned of Jesus saying judge not. He didn't say never judge, he said just be aware that the standards by which YOU hold others to, will be applied to YOU as well. So if YOU measure up fine, if not then YOU will be held accountable. tf73 And of course, YOU of all quidam sinners, are the ultimate judge of 'measuring-up' just fine!!! WOW!!! You truly are hitting the 'BULL'S EYE' of this post!!! |
voil...a little generalizing isn't it? Well, if you're game 'Yellowreose', I'm willing to argue the 'con' side of that statement with you. You suggest I'm generalizing. Fair enough, make your case and I'll happily debate against that premise with you. ... all in good fun, ... and in good faith!!! |
Edited by
Fri 04/10/09 05:38 PM
Christian doctrine, as the other 'big club' religions, are 'exclusive' and 'divisive' by nature, in the deepest part of their primitive 'DNA'.
From the 'christian' paradigm, whether we practice according to cult or not, we all swim in these 'divisive' cultural waters where the notion of human rights only applies to 'US', whatever the 'US' turns out to be. Christians ONLY understand 'christian rights', and so on and so forth. Christians are trained to fight and defend those rights 'to death'. It's a basic 'bigotry from DNA 101' training. HUMANS RIGHTS is what they perversely 'use' to deny other humans the rights that conflict with their dogmatic doctrine. '... women shouldn't be given the right to vote, ... because it's always been an exclusive right exercised by men...' (past injustice for perspective) Yeah right!!! That one sure hit a brick wall! Just as the 'marriage exclusive' argument, claimed for the good christians, will hit the same wall. Eventhough it may take time, history has shown us that 'human wisdom' prevails for humans over the long run, ... not christians or any other divisive mentality or sectarian dogma. If there were no dogmatic and judging religious cults, feeding the barbaric compulsions of fear in people, there would NO GAY/STRAIGHT, NO BLACK/WHITE, NO BELIEVER/NON-BELIEVER, divisive walls. JUST EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL HUMANS!!! |
A movie just came on the television. Preceding this movie was a message giving the rating of the movie, and this rating was "G" for general audiences including children. This movie is a religious movie about the ten commandments containing violence, gore, slavery, death, cruelty, murder etc etc. My questions is: Why is it ok for children to watch a movie which would be otherwise unsuitable for their eyes, just because it has religious content? Other questions: Is it that religion needs to be indoctrinated in small children by any means necessary, even if it means scaring them half to death before they are fully ready for such gore, so that it sticks with them for the rest of their life? Is this advisable for any other type of knowledge? Does anyone else find this harmful? And if not, why not allow children to watch other such secular movies without parental supervision? Why, if religious knowledge is "the truth", does it need to go through so many hoops and elaborate indoctrination techniques to be believed? Any thoughts? It would seem, IMO, that you are pointing to the well established 'hypocritical double standards' of the 'the one and only truth' of all those self appointed perverse 'christan churches', or delusional paper popes. They all give christianity a bad name. As for the movies you are referring to, they are more often than not, squarely pornographic and indecent. Furthermore, my wife and I have never needed a 'rating', to overule our own responsiblities. If it were up to me, all those bible movies, produced by cheap opportunists, or delusional 'crusading' and hate filled christian funamentalists, would all be rated 'D & H, f.p.o.a.a', that is : ' '... Dangerous and Harmful for people of all ages'. |