Community > Posts By > ClayFace2009

ClayFace2009's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:11 PM

agree with clay face

Thank you, Jurtule :)

ClayFace2009's photo
Sun 07/12/09 08:45 PM
Wow, I think 74Drew is the only one who actually read my post and replied to my question/s. Drew, yes I see your point about it being creepy to be our age and have little to no experience. But what you stated about not sleeping with a busload of women is something to be proud of...especially if you haven't gotten an STD. I sure don't want that stuff in my body.

By the way folks, some mentioned being superficial about looks. I think it's foolish to lower one's standards just to "be" with somebody if they are not pleasant to look upon, or if they refuse to take care of their health, i.e. losing weight if that is the known issue. A majority of the time since grade school, being a "nice guy" as some of us had negatively spoke of has gotten me attention from the unattractive girls all the time because I've given them the time of day that they are noticed. Sucks to be me in that I don't find them attractive, because then I'd be happy with someone. Therefore, physical attraction is a MUST to be happy. If I can't see myself waking up every day to see the face of that woman I'm with, I can't be with her. Same thing goes for you ladies. Admit it, you think all the way to wedding bells ringing when you see someone as a potential partner.

I've raved enough for now.

P.S. Me being a nice guy only makes me a rarity, not a whiner.

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 04:58 PM
By the way, why does girls seem to think it strange that a guy my age has little to no experience in the dating world? It seems that I'm automatically disqualified from gaining any experience in getting to know a lady because of my lack of past experience. Pretty flaky according to what lots of women say they want.

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 04:53 PM

so I've been looking but girls are too
:smile: If you are a Nice Guy then the world owes you something:smile:

Really?? Then the world has been holding out on me for a LONG time! ;)

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 04:53 PM

so I've been looking but girls are too

We aren't picky. We just know what we want.

Most of the time, girls 18-30 don't know what they want.

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 04:51 PM
In response to IndnPrncs:

Are you saying I should lower my standards?

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 04:50 PM
Edited by ClayFace2009 on Sat 07/11/09 04:52 PM

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 04:49 PM
Edited by ClayFace2009 on Sat 07/11/09 04:51 PM

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 07/11/09 02:39 PM
Great question to the original poster. I've asked that same question to myself more times than I can count. There are so many odds against us in the race. For instance, women are picky, but for good reason for the fact that there are plenty of buttholes out there that have ruined it for us outstanding guys. We outstanding guys don't come around often because the cocky jerks steal women like pieces of meat (Ladies, I'm not implying that you are pieces of meat, so please don't take it that way). Another thing is that of preference, whether it be skin color, personality, body type, etc. I admit that a lot lately I've been setting my sights on Latinas because of their general personality, faithfulness, and skin color, but it's driving me crazy when I see all these other guys catching them first, especially because of they are darker. Frankly, it pisses me off. I know that a woman will be happy with me once she gets to know me...but what is it that I don't have that other guys do?? Don't answer confidence, because I have confidence. I hear alot of women say they want a nice guy, but I'm starting to not believe that, because they seem to go for buttholes that beat them, talk to them like garbage, get them pregnant and run out on them, etc. etc.

This is really how I feel right now...I'm pissed, frustrated in many ways, lonely as hell and feel like I get the cold shoulder way too much. AND I'm not an ugly guy. I'm handsome, loyal, funny and a helluva lotta fun. Hell, I get to see and talk to a whole lot of extremely nice ladies that come to shop where I work, but because of the "professional environment" I have no shot with them. Tell me, would it not create awkwardness or pressure? Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

Furthermore, I have been picky before, but it narrows down my search so much that I've started to realize that I may pass by my future love entirely if I don't see deeper than I have been. However, I still get this feeling like when I get so excited that a woman notices me that I have this thought in the back of my mind that I don't need to do or say anything that would seem overbearing or desperate, because like every guy, I want a fair shot.

Ok, I've raved enough and maybe this post should get posted in another forum, too. But I really feel like at least bringing this out in the open makes me feel a little better and hopefully understood. Thanks for reading.

~Clay W.

ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:20 PM
At this time in my life, I'd love both. However, if I had to make a choice would be the money so that I can get through college, buy a car and a house of my own, THEN I can find the love of my life. Unfortunately, money matters are a bit tight right now.

ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:18 PM

I will take the money! Unfortunately, I have found that the love of my life is already living with me-he is battery operated and doesn't talk back. LOL! oops :banana: :banana: :banana:

Wow, and what did you name him? :P

ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:15 PM
Edited by ClayFace2009 on Mon 05/18/09 10:18 PM
Sorry, tried to delete this post. Please disregard

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 05/16/09 04:53 PM
Do you mean loving someone else in general terms, or someone other than you? I just need to know specifically, please. Thanks.

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 05/16/09 04:52 PM
I think red, black, and mocha look absolutely great on a woman. As for birthday suit is just fine :D

ClayFace2009's photo
Sat 05/16/09 04:51 PM
Not only so, but also some people may feel too scared to post a pic of themselves because they don't want so many creeps they live near or work with to come up to them and say, "Hey, I saw you on the internet. So, ya wanna have sex? or some other uncalled for crap like that. Being someone in that situation before, I can understand. Being a guy it can be as frustrating and frightening.