Community > Posts By > DeadEnd

DeadEnd's photo
Wed 07/02/14 10:12 PM
Im not really sure what to call me. Im a pure gentleman. i cannot mistreat a woman. So much so that i cant even touch anyone anymore for fear they wont like it.

DeadEnd's photo
Wed 07/02/14 04:59 PM
I have been on mingle before but it failed miserably. I am coming back though for the possibility of some advice. Im looking for a group of people who are extremely passive, but this is a challenge as this type of person rarely reaches out. I am one of these people and i am not sure who else i can ask for help. Mind you i am not passive aggressive just passive.

DeadEnd's photo
Sun 05/27/12 09:23 AM
i did learn from my mistakes... falling in love was the mistake. and im not punishing anyone by not havin sex. i dont want it anymore. its not worth all the hassle and money to get it. and it ALWAYS comes with drama.

DeadEnd's photo
Sat 05/26/12 10:12 PM

patience has led to 5 years without sex...

Yeah well...if it's all about sex, then strap yourself in for another 5 years :wink:

i could care less. i havent wanted sex in a long time. my last relationship ruined that for everyone else

DeadEnd's photo
Sat 05/26/12 05:01 PM
patience has led to 5 years without sex...

DeadEnd's photo
Sat 05/26/12 12:42 PM
to me "faith" is believing/trusting something because someone else tells you to. said person may be telling the truth or may be lying. you dont know. but faith says you believe it anyways.

the best example i have is this

do you have faith that the chair you are sitting in will hold you? yes? why? because someone told you it will hold you or because you can see PHYSICALLY how its built and you know from previous experience that the materials are capable of holding you.

however if you already know what its made of and that its capable of holding your weight then it becomes knowledge and "faith" is no longer possible. therefore you can only have "faith" in something that hasnt been proven.

now if i sit in the same chair and it breaks then "faith" let you down. "Knowledge" would explain that the crack in the leg caused the chair to be weak. but until knowledge is brought to your attention you cannot complete the equation to know what will happen.

DeadEnd's photo
Sat 05/26/12 12:29 PM

Howdy! Living here in the "Heart of Dixie" sure comes with its challenges, especially for the more broad-minded folks. Most of the time, a logical debate is not possible because the religious & conservative folks are so ingrained by their familial & societal influences, they just cannot grasp any other mindset. I was raised in a Southern Baptist environment in Texas; I have a depth of knowledge about the precepts of Christianity. I live in Columbus, GA, a city of 200,000 folks & what is most frustrating is that many people will proclaim their love of Jesus, will get downright angry when confronted with opposing views, & then it comes to light that I have much more historical & literary knowledge of the religion they're defending. I don't hate anyone who claims to be deeply Christian - it just annoys me.

dude i am so in the same boat with you. i grew up southern baptist in central oklahoma and i moved to columbus ga about 5 years ago. i was forced to go to church 3-5 times a week for 18 years till i was old enough to tell my parents no. i dont disbelieve but until someone can physically prove that god exists (or something supernatural happens to me personally) i choose not to pick a side.
everything i know and believe has physical evidence to back up how and why it is so.

if your still around columbus you should hit me up. i would love to have someone with my same point of view to converse with.

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 10:17 PM
where do i go to get that kind of warrant?

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 10:15 PM
some people that may be the case. and its not a bad thing. but i will tell you from experience, an empty bed at night sucks. the greatest feeling in the world to me is havin someone sleep by you.

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:59 PM
what if i do want to know?

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:58 PM
im not getting therapy anymore. apparently i no longer qualify for free assistance and they refuse to see me again without 79.95 per visit

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:52 PM

Now I understand why you chose your screen name.

You have a negative answer or hypothesis for every single comment, piece of advice or attempt at help given.

Here is an idea.

No --> Yes

I can't --> I can

I don't --> I do

I won't --> I will

What If? --> No worries!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that jazz. Seriously, if you put aside all the negative feelings and thoughts it would help enormously. As it stands now, a lot of people are offering advice and you are just throwing back excuses. I am sure you a great person and all, but all the talk in the world is not going to prove that to anyone.

i know im negative. thats what im trying to fix. but my negativity all has PHYSICAL evidence to back it up. if i said i cant do something its because i have already tried to do it and either failed or found that it cant work to begin with.

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:47 PM
im not happy with my life no but that comes from 25 years of negative input. ive been dealing with the exact same problem since i can remember. something about "me" is what people dont like. not my hair. not my name. not how i dress or talk or act. just "me". all of it.

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:41 PM
nope. i install car stereos when they come around and thats a little help but i have been looking for a job every day for 5 years now and i havent had a single interview yet. i have already been to classes on how to get a job and they dont work. i do everything right and i still cannot get a job

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:22 PM
that is where my understanding is blown out of the water. i have never been mean to a girl and i have always been polite in my approach. if one of you were to watch you would see nothing wrong with the situation until she looks at me and her first impression is "what the hell do you want?" and she gives me the snobby ***** look like im bothering her.

but its not just girls that do that to me. people ive known for years and people i just meet all look at me like im interrupting their life by being present.

i dont know how to combat that kind of hatred

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 08:52 PM
i dont drink at bars because you have no choice but to drive home after and i will NOT drink and drive to any extent.

and as far as just saying hi. i have been slapped 2 times and kicked in the nutz once "just saying hi". so "it cant hurt to say hi" is false

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 08:45 PM

nobody is worthless, cheer up. I hate seeing people get down on themselves.

Me im still single cause i cant find a woman who loves me for who i am. I get plenty of action but i havent found the rigth girl to settle down with. Women sleep with the bad boys but marry the nice guys. Im not a nice guy >_<

not quite. the nice guys dont ever get as far as marriage cause the bad boys keep **** blockin and every girl would rather have a bad boy that beats her than a polite guy that takes care of her. they may not admit this but deep down it has to be true

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 08:44 PM

No one is worthless

i beg to differ. people have values on their lives. eg bill gates is worth alot lol

however if you add together the value of all of my possessions and all of my skills my total value is about $400. and $300 of that is my tv and ps3

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 08:40 PM
offline is not an option anymore. you cant go hang out somewhere without someone to hang out with. besides... how many single girls will go out to a bar or the movies WITHOUT taking at least 1 person with them. same with guys.

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 05/25/12 08:15 PM
ok so yeah... i tried eHarmony.... they have a form you fill out and it matches you with people. I just recieved an email back in about 30 minutes explaining that there were 0 matches found and my account was being refunded..... im hopeless