Community > Posts By > DeadEnd

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 07/04/14 02:02 PM
Anyone near columbus wanna ride. Dont have any plans tonight. Looking for something to do.

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 07/04/14 10:21 AM
Now that its daytime anyone around?

DeadEnd's photo
Fri 07/04/14 07:43 AM
Another beautiful day. I could still use someone to chill with. Hit me up.

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 11:18 PM

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 11:00 PM

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 10:56 PM

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 10:39 PM

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 10:35 PM
I wish I could lay in the bed next to someone that cares for me.

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 10:26 PM
the stars

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 09:14 PM
Well its officially the 4th. Anyone still awake?

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 11:51 AM
I forgot to mention this is near columbus ga.

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 08:55 AM
I wrote alot of that using anger because its the only way i can make a point and people listen. If i write it like i feel it would be short and pointless and not explain anything lol. And im not smokin to get messed up. I smoke very little. Just enough to cope with emotions and help me think

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 08:24 AM
Yes it probably would be a sexless relationship. Sex is painful beyond description. Tough **** for me there. I dont get hostile at women i just dont continue to converse with people who lie to me. And i dont smoke dope.... i smoke weed and there is nothing wrong with it. Granted for the right reasons i would give it up. But i havent found a reason worth stopping the only thing that opens me up socially.

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 08:08 AM
Morning ladies. Its a beautiful day for a bike ride. I find im lacking one thing though. Someone to share it with. So if you like to ride motorcycles hit me up. We can ride around and maybe get something to eat.

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 07:30 AM
Im not going to be a jerk. The only time i display any aggressive tendencies is when im pissed off so bad i cant see straight lol. Other than that i dont know how to be a jerk. Im always polite even to people i hate. I dont have a mean side. Maybe a little kinky in the right setting but still afraid the whole time.

DeadEnd's photo
Thu 07/03/14 07:24 AM
Ha ha ha.. i love the idea of a passive community but unfortunately you must have a leader. And that means you need someone who is aggressive to lead. Lol

Im not a leader. Even when i try to be, people will be told by authority (bossman at work) to listen to me and as soon as that authority is gone, what i say is ignored. People have gotten hurt before because when i tried to tell them that what they were doing is unsafe they blew me off cause my opinion doesnt matter. Now this is not a once in a while occurance. This is a daily struggle with every person i come in contact with. I radiate passivity and everyone can see it. Before i even speak.

DeadEnd's photo
Wed 07/02/14 11:29 PM
While i cant change who i am. I need to learn more about myself so that i can adjust to live with it.

DeadEnd's photo
Wed 07/02/14 11:23 PM
Ive dealt with the same issues growing up. Always being left behind cause i never had the balls to start somethin. It took getting older to finally start to understand why. Ive always taken the passive way out since i can remember.

DeadEnd's photo
Wed 07/02/14 10:27 PM
Touching :)

DeadEnd's photo
Wed 07/02/14 10:12 PM
Edited by DeadEnd on Wed 07/02/14 10:14 PM

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