Community > Posts By > Euphoric_Dissonance
where's all the nice guys
Ouch! Never done that with a closet door, but I've done it twice with a car door. Once the kind that opens and once a sliding van door. Van door is much more painful, lol. |
banana vs stop lights
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Call or text?
text. I am often too busy to talk on the phone but I can almost always spare a few seconds to send a text. Even if all we do is arrange a time to call, lol. |
The question is not what
what's inside within behind?
well maybe he's got a thing for getting kicked in the butt. |
Stumble Upon. Greatest web application ever. Found all kinds of cool things using it. You have to sign up, but its free. |
What would make you
good friends, good food, and good music. Get enough people there, maybe even jam for a bit. But the last time I did that we still got bored and ended up going bowling, lol. |
What Should I Do?
I think you've pretty much gotten your answer at this point but just in case you're not convinced, yes, you should run. Cut him off completely, don't worry about hurting his feelings. |
Wow man. Really great write. |
This is something I wrote a few years back, definitely think its relevant. The American Dream America. Land of opportunity. A country so rich that the streets are paved with gold. A world where anyone can achieve greatness. Does any of this sound familiar? Our ancestors came here with the hopes of discovering a better life. Regardless of why they came or whether they succeeded, they were all willing to travel hundreds, thousands of miles to pursue the opportunity for a better life. Not a guarantee. Not a promise. An opportunity. This means that they wanted to work for their dreams. This means that they were not solely pursuing financial gain, but career and family possibilities that were not available to them in their respective homelands. You know what the American dream is now? Winning the lottery. Inheritance. High yield stocks. Getting the most amount of profit for the least amount of work. Crime is as commonplace in high society as it is on the streets. Our politicians sell their influence to the highest bidder. Our popular artists are determined as much by good marketing as by any actual talent. Quite simply, the American Dream is to make as much profit as possible with the least effort. And if you can take advantage of someone along the road to riches, by all means, do so. Now I am admittedly young, cynical, and have a limited scope of the world we live in. I have little to no direct experience with the symptoms I feel are plauging this country. But I have enormous exposure to the best reflection of our society you could ever have. It's children. Think about it: Children do not learn from the words and intentions of the world around them, only it's actions. It's safe to say that just about everyone a small boy or girl meets will have an effect on their development, no matter how marginal that effect may be. So when I see the way my friends and peers act, I see a window into the heart of this country, and I am very concerned by what I see. The fact is that the ambition of our youth to better themselves is waning. There are more dropouts, despite educational standards being lowered to prevent this. There are more teenage pregnancies regardless of safe sex campaigns impressed upon us from well before puberty. There are more drug users, although we're warned against drug use even before the repercussions of unsafe sex. And the teen suicide rates continue to increase, as well, for any number of reasons. You want to know why this is? Because my generation looks at it's elders and sees nothing worth living for. Much of our people have given up on what they could have been in favor of what they have to be. While a lot of us could have continued to pursue our wants, most of us have decided that it is too difficult to achieve these goals while attaining our needs. So instead, we become career slaves. Working however many hours it takes to buy that new car, or house, or game, etc.. But that doesn't work. If it did, we wouldn't be needing new versions of the same basic products all the time. The reason why we can never have enough stuff or be happy at our menial jobs is that to deny your passions is to deny who you are. Instead of trying to be happy, we're trying to make money. In case you forgot, the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independance says that all people have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Not wealth. Happiness. This is an ideal that our forefathers were willing to die for. This is the reason why so many people immigrated here from foreign lands. Not to get rich quick, but to be happy! And thus I come to the heart of the problem. We have forgotten what it means to be American. Instead of trying to achieve a better life, we're trying to achieve greater wealth. People that might have been artists or shop owners or inventors simply release their aspirations to the winds, to pursue jobs as telemarketers, secretaries, or whatever else they can do to make ends meet. The worst part of it is, while many of these people lead happy lives, they are viewed as failures because of the absence of an extra zero at the end of their paychecks. We need to rekindle the spark of life that once raged through our people. We need to reclaim our dreams and ambitions, to save ourselves from lives of mediocrity.We need to revive the spirit that once defined our very way of life, and made us the best country in the world. We need to start thinking with our hearts from time to time, instead of always thinking with our wallets. And we need to believe that happiness is worth whatever cost comes with it. Otherwise, what's the point of living at all? |
I had a teacher that refused to wear lipstick. Apparently she had a fire in her first car and the flames completely destroyed everything in the vehicle... EXCEPT for the lipstick. The tube was destroyed but the actual lipstick looked exactly the same. She quit makeup completely after that. |
Kirk Hammett
got beat up a lot in high school ![]() more below |
Music game - part 5
Music game - part 5
Tenacious D |
Can Death Be Funny?
I would rather look at death than with humor than with fear. I don't remember who said this, but its a great quote all the same. "Death smiles at us all... all a man can do is smile back"
Are you hungry for love?
Mmm... love sweet love... marinate for an hour in your favorite sauces, fill with stuffing and cook. A meal for any occasion |
Be totally honest
ohhh, you are so cute & sweet ![]() i didn't know you were so young ![]() cougar here ![]() usually the young guys come flocking to me ![]() & i always try to discourage them ![]() but you are soo handsome anyway ![]() Hey, I'm young but I'm very old for my age |
Be totally honest
My main profile pic is about three years old, but I've got two others up that are no more than a month. So yes I've cut my hair, and yes I still look pretty much the same, lol. oooooooooo ![]() yes, he is very handsome isn't he? ![]() i got first dibs ![]() well thank you both. And I was plenty happy with one smiley. |
How can you tell
I don't know about that fish in particular, but my father has been an aquarium enthusiast for my whole life, salt water and fresh water both. The general rule is that all fish will eat pretty much until they can't any more, and its very easy to kill a fish from overfeeding. Probably still worth spending a few minutes on google to figure out exactly what your specific fish's eating habits are.