Community > Posts By > RustyKitty
June Bug/Beetle
I have no problem going out and about on my own, or being seen alone at a bar or restaurant. I take a book with me and my phone.. that's entertainment and avoids awkward looking around, looking like I'm 'looking'.. My stops are usually on my way home after work, or on a Saturday afternoon (music jam).. At the bar, (its usually one with a pool table), and I will shoot the balls around a couple times, while enjoying a beer. I guess I look like I'm busy.. so not often approached.
Block Chain..
Where would be the best place to read up on this "new to me" technology?
Cole's notes.. |
Is it ok.....
To use Anzac poppies to decorate my bikini with .. I had to buy more than one What do you do with your Anzac poppyy/s after Anzac Day In Canada, the poppy is worn on the left lapel.. After the events of the day, one could leave the poppy at a cenotaph, add it to another wreath there; leave it at the base of a flagpole.. I've got dozens of poppies on a wall, as I buy a couple each year and stick them to the wall at the end of the day.. My dad was a Veteran. I made a remembrance shadow box of him, and used momentos and put poppies in the corners.. I think wearing them on a bikini would not be a good idea. |
Interesting statement
maybe they are more like a 'support staff'..
When it's over, it's over. Just do some things that will benefit the child if you're co-parenting. But never for the ex what she said ^^^^^^^^^ |
Love Does Have Boundaries
I guess that's where the phrase came from: 'Like stays with Like'..
Love does not conquer all.. |
What are you doing?
Watching golf, the Texas open. Isn't that like watching grass grow? lol enjoy |
Work Vs Relationship
the hustles and the long hours of work are so that both of you can have a comfortable life in future. not a sign of ignoring her and her contributions Long hours vary within industries... welders may start their day at 6AM, where a lawyer may not start until 10AM, but work until 8PM, then there are the shift workers... so many different and varying schedules out there in the work world... For a relationship, there should be a balance of work/play(relax); co-operation to attain goals, sharing of responsibilities... In my world, work comes before play... Ya gotta pay to play - no money, no funny... It definitely helps to have two incomes in a family, as money (the lack of it), is a major factor in a marriage breakdown. Don't forget the play part .. |
Emotional outbursts ...
watching the reactions to various situations is a telling personality indicator.. how they handle their anger, their frustration... a telling indicator if that type of 'behaviour' is so unattractive...NEXT.
auschwitz -jews
Krakow also had a concentration camp..
I'm sure you will be emotionally moved as you stroll through the area... pay your respects I've read many books on the camps... some I could only read pages at a time - just so unbelievable what the 'doctors of death' had done. People should never forget. Have a safe trip |
So what about your photo?
expectations of compliments?
If I am only looking for a friend, I would not care if there was a picture..would not care if I got a comment on a picture. Isn't the picture supposed to show your interests? He found yours through your pics and referenced them by asking about the spiritual thing. If I was looking for a f**k buddy, a picture would be a must, see if there is an attraction. call me shallow, but if there is no physical attraction, if I don't find them attractive, then they are relegated to friend status. |
snow yesterday, sunny today
The real thing 😍
I don't think that a man who really really really isn't willing to travel would even approach a woman who lives far away? After all, your profile will make that clear right away. Like my ex, he didn't want someone who lived further away because he had been there before. But what I exuded inspired and intrigued him so much that he went for it regardless. He was thinking solutions. I really think if a man feels that spark for you, feel there's something that could potentially be what he's looking for, he will move heaven and earth to get to meeting. And sure, that may mean it takes a month or maybe 2 depending what the obstacle is. Thanks Crystal. So the dreamy looking single man I met at work (he was a guest who came to breakfast 4 days in a row) who kept striking up conversation with me, gave me a hug goodbye and said hope to see you next year... Left and 20 minutes later came in to give me his email....I guess that's considered a man who's really into you? How soon should I email him? Well, if you're interested in him, I wouldn't wait too long. Send him a nice playful message, not a question but a statement, then see what he comes up with. And mind your boundaries, by which I mean that if there is going to be contact between you and it becomes clear he has no intention of seeing you before that next year, you are likely better off cutting it off so you can focus on men who are available, and closer to you :) so... he said 'see you next year'...Sounds like he's a salesman or businessman type.. did you notice a band on his finger? I agree with CrysalFairy |
LaserDisc Player and movies
Thank You
LaserDisc Player and movies
Do people collect this type of thing? Nostalgia? I've looked online and I don't see hardly any for sale, well, any SONY ones anyways.
I'm looking because I have one to get rid of... along with 59 Laserdisc movies... and I'm wondering what to price it at. It is a SONY MDP-800 It was used about 59 times... I've heard vinyl is coming back.. I sold mine to a record store... now where is that record player? gonna sell that too. |
tit for tat.. get your own conversations going with other men.. you might even find a better one.
The Anchor
In a way, I too have an urge for a change of lifestyle.. I feel the need to de-clutter and downsize... but I would want to have a home base and it would probably be near my children. It could certainly be a down-sized abode from what I have now.
As for wandering lifestyle - might get old after a while, but until then.. its a good way to see the Country and meet people. If you have no ties to the area you are in now.. (a renter, and have no children and your possessions are in storage), you could meet someone on your travels and end up staying and making their place/town your new permanent anchor spot. How to meet someone when wandering is another topic... have to ponder that part. As for getting rid of your 'stuff'.. Have a yard sale; put it online for sale; tell your neighbors/friend; Keep your good stuff/special items, box them up and store them. If you are a homeowner, you could rent it out while you are travelling.. Happy Trails! |
There's lots of fish out there. Throw this one back. You can do better.
or in other words.. No, do not go. |
Mexico Pacific Side..
Pondering a vacation to Puerto Vallarta... but so much violence in the news regarding the area.. travel advisory warnings... Other parts as well having bandito issues.. I guess just as well to stay at the resort and beach and forget touring around..