Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND

Tue 06/23/15 06:02 AM

Tue 06/23/15 05:43 AM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Tue 06/23/15 05:55 AM
mightymoe stated >>>

that makes sense, but it seems like the public bases a candidate on how much money they have.. maybe it's just me though...

Some poignant info about the donations and SUPERPAC money trail >>>

We often joke that the GOP field is like a clown car, but with 28 candidates and growing, even the best clownery won’t fit all the mostly white men into one car.

Why would so many people who hate the government run for President? Don'��t they know that most don’t stand even a remote chance? Sure they do. Running for President these days has little to do with wanting to win the highest office in the United States – it’s about making money or getting publicity while pretending to run to serve the country.

When you or I donate to a presidential campaign, we have strict limits. We can donate $2,700 (as individuals) to a primary campaign and the same amount to a general election campaign. We can also donate up to $33,400 a year to a national party. For most people struggling to scrape by, this is a lot of money, but it’s still dwarfed by what can be donated to PACs (political action committees) and SuperPACs, much of which can be kept by the candidate, win or lose.

November 8, 2016 will be the last day anyone will run for the next presidential term, but that doesn’t mean candidates have to stop running, nor does it mean that money has to be returned to donors or even spent. A candidate can run in perpetuity and their PAC can stay alive just as long.

If they do decide to shut down their campaign and their PAC, there are somewhat strict limits on how the money can be spent. They can’t spend the money on personal use, but they can payoff campaign debts, transfer the money to another candidate, or give it to a political party.

That'��s just the tip of the iceberg. There is another level of PAC called a leadership PAC. As Open Secrets says about Leadership PACs:

'��A leadership PAC is a political action committee that can be established by current and former members of Congress as well as other prominent political figures. Leadership PACs are designed for two things: to make money and to make friends. In the rough and tumble political game, elected officials know that money and friends in high places are very important to winning elections and leadership positions.'��

Leadership PACs, like standard donations, have limits of $5,000 per year. The money can'��t go toward formal campaigns but they can pay for less direct things like travel, fundraising, polling, consulting, etc. They can also spend it just to support a lavish lifestyle for the candidate, the candidate’s family and whomever, while campaigning or even after.

Mon 06/22/15 07:02 PM
Well...that was exciting; that 6'6" young man named Jon who was the best time...and his dear dad competed but couldn't finish --- he's awesome for his first time competing!

Ok, it's over and onto Philadelphia next...waving

Mon 06/22/15 06:59 PM

Calling it officially 'DONE' going to bed.

Mon 06/22/15 05:52 PM
21 yr old HUNTER...only the 2nd one to complete this event tonight!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: drinker

Mon 06/22/15 05:48 PM
high hot winds~~but our WHEAT harvest is behind because of all the rains and the wheat hasn't had those conditions - hot arid winds to dry the heads out!

But today was perfect for that - wind speeds 25 - 40mph and 107�...I got out early and my chores done and then stayed inside!
2 dam hot 4 me!

Mon 06/22/15 05:10 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Mon 06/22/15 05:30 PM
Where are all the 'FAN CLUB' at?

You gals out there watching our ANW's on right now!

'��American Ninja Warrior'�� Episode Guide (June 22):
Competitors Tackle Orlando Obstacle Course = TONIGHT

That dreaded rolling log; tossing quite a few excellent humans off into the water! scared

Mon 06/22/15 05:04 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Mon 06/22/15 05:05 PM
I grew up in a rural farming area {central KS}; and the number of children maimed/killed by farm equipment is just appalling and what gets me on my are these 'LOVING - SHOULD KNOW BETTER PARENTS' that will place their little people up on the side of an auger feeder and walk away and then when the little one falls inside to be chewed up by the grinder ---

rant :angry: makes me so horribly angry; I just want to shake the holy **** out of them!!!

Mon 06/22/15 04:01 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Mon 06/22/15 04:03 PM

Harriet Tubman Set to Be Honored with Face on $10 Bill
June 19, 2015 | By Manny Otiko

Americans may soon be pulling stacks of Tubmans out of their wallets at the gas station. The Huffington Post reported abolitionist Harriet Tubman is going to be featured on the newly redesigned $10 bill. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is expected to officially announce the new bill redesign on Friday.

'��America'��s currency is a way for our nation to make a statement about who we are and what we stand for. Our paper bills -�� and the images of great American leaders and symbols they depict' ��have long been a way for us to honor our past and express our values,'�� Lew said in a statement. '��We have only made changes to the faces on our currency a few times since bills were first put into circulation, and I’m proud that the new 10 will be the first bill in more than a century to feature the portrait of a woman.'��

'There are many options for continuing to honor Hamilton. While one option is producing two bills, we are exploring a variety of possibilities,'�� Lew said.

The Huffington Post stated the new bills will be released in 2020, a century after the 19th Amendment guaranteed women the right to vote. Tubman had also been suggested to replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

The twenty-20-dollar-bill Jackson is a controversial figure with some people calling for him to removed from the $20 bill because of his background which includes racism and genocide. They argue a man who was responsible for the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears should not be on our national currency.

According to Slate writer Jillian Keenan, '��Even in historical context, our seventh president falls short. His racist policies were controversial even in his own time. After the Indian Removal Act only narrowly passed Congress, an 1832 Supreme Court ruling declared it unconstitutional.'


Ok, there we go - the new face on our $10. and I've been emailing my states elected humans to place a Native American on the $20. --- high time to acknowledge their existence with something besides a defunked 'Bison Nickel' or the other coin that is rarely used but still in circulation! IMHO

Mon 06/22/15 03:48 PM
delboy40 stated >>>
surely if the n word is ok for black people to say, then ina equal society it should also be ok for white people to say,, or is racism only a one way street, white against black,

"Racism, we are not cured of it," Obama said. "And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say ****** in public.

GOOD GRIEF - let us all go hyper-hysteria over our POTUS making a valid point about his RACE and the 'HOT BUTTON TOPCI' about racism in the United States!!!

Sweet Jesus --- this is burning up the media outlets/FB and the radio too!!! DUH...we still have discrimination - alive and well and it's breeding more 'LIKE MINDED HUMANS' = Dylnn Foot as we speak! frustrated

Mon 06/22/15 03:01 PM
Debbie stated >>> I was okay with the dentist, until I was a dental nurse, and then with what I saw, and the big balls up they made, I was petrified.
noway noway scared scared

Ok...I'll need a translation for and the big balls up they made; is that like a foul up / flub / huge mistake?

Mon 06/22/15 02:51 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Mon 06/22/15 02:53 PM
GypsySister asked >>>
I am serious, why is that?!!

If you are in a relationship, then you have to start sitting down, or buy your own toilet, and start cleaning up your mess!!!

The women's public bathroom is always clean, as for the men it's disgusting, they don't flush the urinals or the toilets, and pee is all over the floor it's so gross.

Remember, in CSI episodes, or other shows of this kind, each time they use their ultra violet lights, in public bathrooms, there is traces of fluids, up to the ceiling!
OMG so disgusting!!!

Hmmmm, because it was never treated like a 'CONTEST/SPORT' event that they had to 'WIN' what

And I'm thinking like 'TxGall'; I cleaned our 4-H Hall Co-Ed bathrooms in college {helped with my room costs} ---

OMG, it was a 50-50 toss up for who left the showers/bathrooms the worst!!! sick
Kansas State - called our Dorm - 'HOG HALL' and believe me --- those farm boys weren't to tidy about hitting that white circle or remembering what the silver colored handle thingy was for!

But on my female lament...leaving feminine products in those toilets to CLOG up the drains was DISGUSTING!!! Seriously - did they still have outhouses out on their FARMS???

Mon 06/22/15 02:17 PM
NP --- I figured you were; sarcasm I appreciate --- I'm well versed in 'Smart A$$' too :wink: flowerforyou

Mon 06/22/15 02:14 PM
CrystalFairy posted >>>
@ Debbie thank you for the feedback!
flowerforyou flowerforyou

@ 2Old2, yes, but she wasn't allowed to rinse today, she has to start tomorrow.

Not entirely sure, but I believe I still have one wisdom tooth myself. They aren't pulled over here unless there's something wrong with them or if they're in the way of other teeth.

Anyway, last I heard of her, she was okayish, watching a series.
Thank you all for your advice, info and sympathy!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Well, great...I'm relieved that she's feeling better and yes - I remember those god-awful gauze packs - Debbie and my warm salt water rinses {sans the gargling}...odd how I recall the way my jaw kept popping so loudly on my L-side afterwards!
Felt like my jaw had been dislocated - that tooth was the worst to chisel out of my jaw bone.
Back then I had some excellent dental insurance coverage and a small jaw for the way those teeth were dropping down --- believe me I probably would never have returned to have each pulled out 1 at a time if they hadn't done all 3 of them at once! I don't do repeat visits to the dentist!!! UGH

Mon 06/22/15 02:00 PM
Mikeyspace replied >>>
Sounds like you need to learn how to do all those things properly.

:banana: Working around equine & cattle---expect the unexpected; IOW, **** is likely to happen - rapidly! drinker

Mon 06/22/15 01:54 PM
crystalfairy stated >>>
Yeah, I figured this was an American style thing, I am almost certain it would never ever be done like that over here.
She has an 8-10 hr flight coming up in 9 days, so I hope she's going to be okay, no infections etc. Dental w@nker told her she'd be fine, but that's just best case scenario. Fingers crossed...

And yes, she was awake Debbie ... local aneasthetic, and the gas. I am seriously not happy. But the dental surgeon had assured her it was normal, and best to do it that way. My @$$. If I'd been there, I would've stopped it. 1 by 1, maybe 2, is best, that way you can at least still eat normally. Her face is all swollen, her chin, tongue etc still numb from the anaesthetic. Totally irresponsible healthcare I say. grumble

Debbie posted >>>
well in that case they must have gave her 2 id la blocks, one each side, which can be really dangerous, like I said you can swallow your tongue.

nitrous oxide is just a relaxing gas, its not a general.

im not impressed either. grumble grumble grumble

I was totally put under - and the contraption that they had shoved in my orifice to keep my mouth open had a pressure plate that depressed the tongue --- there was no way the patient could swallow; Well, I believed them and I'm the biggest scary-cat for anything dental. :wink:

But Crystal I'm wondering about her follow up oral care: didn't they prescribe warm mouth diluted salt water rinses and some ice packs for her cheeks to aide with that swelling??? Granted oral surgery keeps changing over the years and mine was way back in 1988 but I followed their guidelines and never had much problem!

Mon 06/22/15 01:43 PM
moms333 posted >>>
Walks them and there other siblings in front of a bus. A car coming down the road smashed into them. The driver has been arrested. I think the mother of the kids should be arrested too if she pulls through. It's not that I'm being unsympathetic it's just well what was she doing walking in front of a bloody bus with little n's?

mrjallenbrown stated >>>
I'm assuming the bus stopped to let ppl on or off, while traffic was still moving? She must have been j-walking while the light was green for drivers

moms333 replied >>>
yeah that's what you call it there. The bus was letting people on and of but yes the traffic was still moving.

OMG - I don't know Mom's; I've seen some humans do things {elderly/young/middle age} and it just makes me shudder and SMH about WTH were they thinking --- and that often is the #1 problem ---They've got too much STUFF on they're minds and step off into moving traffic and *BAM* someone gets creamed/maimed/dies!

Mon 06/22/15 12:51 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Mon 06/22/15 12:57 PM
LTme asked >>>
I don't know the protocol.
But I gather, any candidate that stays in the race long enough has to disclose financial details.
I'm guessing if Trump isn't already out by then, that will bump him out.

Finding out what monetary savings/ready cash {piggy bank} our elected officials have on hand to finance their own elections process vs how much their party affiliation will be out of the necessary evil about the technique and methods that our lobbyist and foreign money have made a mockery of our election process! IMHO

Disclose Act
The Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act, commonly known as the DISCLOSE Act and also known as H.R. 5175 (S.3628-Senate), was a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) on April 29, 2010 and in the U.S. Senate by Charles Schumer (D-New York) on July 21, 2010.

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit foreign influence in Federal elections, to prohibit government contractors from making expenditures with respect to such elections, and to establish additional disclosure requirements with respect to spending in such elections, and for other purposes.

After a cloture vote failed 59–39 on September 23, 2010, the bill was essentially defeated.

On March 29, 2012, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) introduced the "Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2012" (S.3369).[2] It was referred to the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.[3] This bill has been called the "DISCLOSE Act 2.0" by Democratic sponsors

In response to the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, members of both chambers of Congress introduced the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections Act of 2010 (DISCLOSE Act).

The bill, as introduced, included banning U.S. corporations with 20 percent or more foreign ownership from influencing election outcomes through the use of campaign contributions; preventing Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) recipients from making political contributions; giving shareholders, organization members, and the general public access to information regarding corporate and interest group campaign expenditures; and requiring disclosure of membership information by organizations with more than 500,000 members that made political ads.

Mon 06/22/15 12:32 PM
LTme stated >>>
I don't know the protocol.
But I gather, any candidate that stays in the race long enough has to disclose financial details.
I'm guessing if Trump isn't already out by then, that will bump him out.

This tidbit was in one of LpDon's first post {back up ^^^ pg#2}

Instead, he'll flaunt his wealth and success in business as a centerpiece of his presidential platform. And on Tuesday he will disclose his financial assets, trumpeting a whopping $9 billion net worth, according to the Washington Post. Trump's net worth was previously estimated at roughly $4 billion.

The proof {or lack thereof} will be in his financials; if he really follows through with full disclosure of them! Guess that's just one of those precious moments for his TRUTH METER; will he or won't he actually release them as he stated ?

Mon 06/22/15 12:25 PM
Well, I'm going to sound like a complete klutzes here but it's the life I've lead while working around horses and roping! blushing :wink:

Broken bones:
Both my wrists in 5th grade - horse accident
L-knee - busted up team roping pile up
Both Legs - Barbed wire scars around {hole marked} - trying to free a horse from entrapment/tangled up in that barbed wire
L-foot - most of those bones broken by a pile up with a roped heifer
R-knee - scars from bicycle pile up on gravel road...speeding down steep hill and didn't see the boulder that the road grader had left behind --- that one loosened up a few teeth too
L-Hand broke 3 fingers working the team rope chute - steer horn
R-Hand busted up pretty badly - team roping event where my partners horse shied and got us all tangled up in ropes and steer
3 broken ribs in that event as well - rebroke my R-wrist and they put a pen in it
Snow Skiing - pile up busted up my L-knee and broke my L-ankle...met the cutest ski patrol/recuse dude love

Auto wrecks:
Spinal injury - 4th grade; mother hit a parked car and I was pinned behind the back of the front seat and the back of the station wagon seat slid forward trapping me with my neck squished --- we were hauling heavy lumber for dad's barn project! No one called for an ambulance - things weren't done that way back in the early 60's.

Emergency Appendectomy 1972 - college
Complete Hysterectomy 1981 - my son was 5 - Endometrial cancer - had 2 series of chemo treatment and I've been cancer free since then. Just unable to have any more children!
Joining the WWE was most defiantly out of my future for career placement---noway just joking but that movie scene from Jaw's where those ole drunks were down below comparing their battle scars; my group of college team ropers we used to do that too; now we just FB each other and B&M about our joint pain! :cry:

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