Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND
single parents of teens!@#$%
moms333 stated >>>
nah nothing is happening at the school I've checked and he has actually made friends and is learning social etiquette. He doesn't want to get into the taxi because he wants to go back to bed. Lol. LMAO - Oh, being the 'TYPICAL TEENAGER'; how normal is that ??? bless his heart. There is a huge surge in the 'later starting' time here in the States...they've found that pubescent young humans biological clock is geared for a later start time; and instead of pushing/punishing that age group they are allowing the middle school thru high schools to start 1 - 1� hrs later then the grade school. Seems to be working quite well; tardiness is decreased and so is absentee's as well. WHO KNEW WE OLDER HUMANS COULD ACTUALLY LEARN SOME NEW TRICKS |
All 13 of my mothers siblings were breast fed babies & supplemented with goats milk!
My mother tried to breast feed all 6 of us; but her breast milk was weak & she didn't supply enough so we too were on supplemental goats milk. They had no idea about proper diet and maintaining the milk flow back in those days! Diet and certain foods will taint the breast milk and speed up the drying of the milk sacs. I breast fed my son and could've fed 3 other little ones; so I was able to pump and put my product to use at the local hospitals for preemie babies {circa 1976}... I don't know if they still have the L� Leche Breast Milk Clubs for special need babies or not? Some of us froze our breast milk and sent it off via 'dry-ice' to other Children's Hospitals for their preemie babies! |
single parents of teens!@#$%
Tmommy stated >>>
Give him an incentive instead of battle of wills? For each day he gets up and into taxi without you hollering and being late he earns time on his phone or playing videogames moms333 replied >>>
I am going to do this on Monday morning, but if he doesn't get in the taxi and refuses then he will loose his place in the school and we will be back at square one. This time though i don't have the energy to get him into another school like this and the council will put him in a mainstream school. :( Jog my short-term memory problem; isn't this the young man with special needs? Perhaps something has made him afraid - upset him - made him fearful but he's lacking the verbal skills to explain it all to you! Could you leave just early enough to ride with him {with his schools permission} to drop him off earlier then normal so you aren't stressed and your other 2 children won't be penalized/late for their own school? Just a suggestion, because I had to do this with one of my 'Special Needs' young boys; he'd started off the school year happy/content to get onto the bus and then suddenly it was a horrible struggle/battle for his grandmother {who was left to raise him on her own} to coax/bribe - try to get him back onto the morning bus! Found out that her grand son was getting bullied and the bus driver was ignoring what was going on behind him --- he was one vile - ugly human being too! |
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Sun 07/05/15 09:09 AM
Jesusprincessmt Sun 07/05/15 10:51 AM
Good morning! My morning started out with my 13 year old boy singing happy birthday to me! He was at his dad's house and had a slumber party. I felt so loved that he remembered! flowerforyou smile happy You share a birthday with my dearly departed father {not the same year}... hope you are able to celebrate your special day in your most FAVORITE WAY~~~ |
Trump is to the GOP, what Perot was in '92 and '96. Nothing but a vote siphoner. Trump's goal, just like Perot's, is to put another lib in the Whitehouse. If one were to take the advice of deadbeat dirty dead hippy, John Lennon... and FOLLOW THE MONEY. The lion's share of political contributions that Trump has made, have gone to the democrats. mightym posted >>>
i agree with this, since the rich people get richer sucking money from the scams the libs are into... global warming, green energy, the housing bailout scam... rich people love the libs... READING THE ENTIRE THREAD NEVER WAS A STRONG SUIT OF YOURS! I've asked that this duplicate thread be deleted: so please don't dribble your posts on here - take them on over to Binky's That's where I moved mine too! GOOD GRIEF TY |
Good Morning !!
SassyEuro posted >>>
Good Mingle2 Morning, Pass the coffee & asprin, very little sleep Dang It; when I prayed that the rain/thunderstorms would roll in last night --- NOPE, had huge fireworks blowing around my neighborhood until almost midnight! UGHHHHH So I sat up in my 'Granny's Rocker' with my bedroom TV blaring trying to distract my poor scared little poopers - sometimes I blew my 'KAZOO' just to let them 'HOWL' and get the stress out of their system! LOL Thunder storms rolled in this morning and now that's got them upset yet 'AGAIN' |
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Sun 07/05/15 08:29 AM
2old2 posted >>>
Hopefully this will insight more finite input beside the couple of members that can't do anything but plaster LAME comments about 'LIBERALS' Here is a image that seems to be the consistent facial projected from Ted Cruz >>> lost puppy dog look or pathetically pleading for help? BTW --- POLLS DON'T EQUAL VOTES...never have never will. Ras asked >>>
Do you think Trump is deliberately hamstringing the republican party? No - not intentionally; but he's just sooooo 'self-inflicted stupid' he cant' see the harm that he's doing and he frankly DOES NOT CARE! ******************* Some rather interesting and very telling quotations from his pompous arsed self >>> the insight to this blow hard! Obama and his attack dogs have nothing but hate and anger in their hearts and spew it whenever possible. - Donald Trump And yet this buffoon has verbally spewed racial/gender verbiage at: women/blacks/Jews/Asian's/Arabic's/and most recently against the Latino/Mexican population! His mouth has zero boundaries! But I believe in fair trade, and I will tell you, I have many, many friends heading up corporations, and people that do just business in China, they say it's virtually impossible. It's very, very hard to come into China. And yet, we welcome them with open arms. - Donald Trump And he's just the gift that keeps on giving when his latest verbal spewing rants have been directed at CHINA; he seems to have selective memory issues about how much DEBT WE OWE THAT NATION! Well, I am a Republican, and I would run as a Republican. And I have a lot of confidence in the Republican Party. I don't have a lot of confidence in the president. I think what's happening to this country is unbelievably bad. We're no longer a respected country. - Donald Trump My big focus is China and OPEC and all of these countries that are just absolutely destroying the United States. - Donald Trump And his latest mental midget dumps have attacked the countries of: China - Israel - OPEC - and all Latino nations! Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive. - Donald Trump Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. - Donald Trump LMAO - such wise bloviating from a man that has been baled out of his huge financial pit falls; not just 1 time, not just 2 times, but OH - YESSSS...4 times his financial choices have caused him to ask for a BALE OUT - Bankruptcy!!! Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. And some followers believe his wise financial rhetoric is sound and just! HOLY CRAP You know the funny thing, I don't get along with rich people. I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with the rich people. - Donald Trump One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government. - Donald Trump Not quite so 'FUNNY' to my POV; seems 'ole comb over' has little respect for anyone & everyone because he's such a narcissistic blow hard and just does not care what - or who he insults! |
I've asked that this duplicate thread be deleted: so please don't dribble your posts on here -
take them on over to Binky's That's where I moved mine too! TY |
Hopefully this will insight more finite input beside the couple of members that can't do anything but plaster LAME comments about 'LIBERALS'
Here is a image that seems to be the consistent facial projected from Ted Cruz >>> lost puppy dog look or pathetically pleading for help? BTW --- POLLS DON'T EQUAL VOTES...never have never will. |
Well, it's obvious to me; Ted Cruz is nothing more than an 'A$$ KISSER' so perhaps he's thinking that those 'Ole Comb Over' voters will like his rhetoric But on the whole...this can't bode well for a party that has struggled for many years to woo the minority voters!
Or are the announced GOP waiting/biding their time for that first DEBATE --- ammunition and talking points will be fired at will What do you think '?' Chump-Trump driving a wider wedge among the minorities and the GOP - OR - is he helping get voters to the polls? Polls look impressive but they can't be counted at the ballot box GOP is not slamming Donald Trump's views fast enough:
Latino advocates BY Celeste Katz / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Friday, July 3, 2015 Motormouth Donald Trump isn'��t doing the Republican Party any favors - and his fellow GOP candidates are adding to the damage by being slow to condemn him, Latino advocates said Friday. 'Trump'��s comments are causing irreparable harm to the brand. It-��s going to be very hard to come back from it,'�� said Felix Sanchez, chairman of the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts. The billionaire candidate sent the debate over border control into overdrive -�� and cost himself business deals -�� by saying Mexico exports '��rapists'�� and drug dealers to the U.S. 'This senseless and totally preventable act of violence committed by an illegal immigrant is yet another example of why we must secure our border immediately,'�� said Trump. 'This is an absolutely disgraceful situation and I am the only one that can fix it.'�� Hispanics Across America Chairman Fernando Mateo said a failure to slam Trump may end up backfiring on the GOP. 'Anyone that has not denounced Trump’s position is weak and does not deserve Hispanic support come election time,'�� Mateo said, calling Trump a '��frustrated' attention-seeker. Trump, for his part, basked in his success in early surveys. Trump has still not backed down from his racially charged comments about Mexican immigrants, and now other candidates are speaking out against him. Trump came in with an average of 13.6% support in opinion polls, which leads all GOP candidates.. Trump has still not backed down from his racially charged comments about Mexican immigrants, and now other candidates are speaking out against him.. 'Wow, Huffington Post just stated that I am number 1 in the polls of Republican candidates,' the real estate mogul tweeted earlier Friday. 'Thank you, but the work has just begun!'�� Trump was touting his first-place finish in an average of 105 opinion polls tracked by the news outlet: He came in with an average of 13.6% support to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush'��s 13.3%. While Trump has gained traction, Latino groups and some of his fellow candidates who are mindful of GOP efforts to appeal to Latino voters have told him to back off. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio — the son of Cuban immigrants -�� on Thursday called Trump'��s comments '��not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive.'�� Ted Cruz however stuck up for Trump, and instead went after NBC Universal for folding to political pressure. Marco Rubio came out against Trump'��s comments, saying the next President needs to bring Americans together, '��not someone who continues to divide.' But another senator of Latino heritage, Ted Cruz of Texas, stuck up for Trump. He'��s accused NBC Universal - which has broken ties with Trump - of folding to political correctness. Others have yet to comment on Trump's remarks, although Bush, whose wife was born in Mexico, has called them '��wrong,'�� and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has said Trump’s comments don'��t reflect the GOP. Former Gov. George Pataki on Friday launched an online 'Stand Up to Trump'�� petition. |
Edited by
Sun 07/05/15 07:40 AM
relocated to Binky's thread >>>
Edited by
Sun 07/05/15 07:39 AM
moving my topic to Binky's thread about the same subject matter!
Note to self
joethebricky stated >>>
NTS You're banned from the political forums Well, that's not going to be any 'FUN'; dang it...I enjoyed reading your input! NTS - get a petition going to 'BAN' the 9 days worth of fireworks that seems to be the habitual habit in this little BERG! |
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Sun 07/05/15 06:02 AM
Something striking and a telling trait: being able to discern the unique difference between a true Mexican and a Arabic Terrorist = facial hair! The 'Mexican' culture that was mixed with the native Americans {Indian} can't grow facial hair {actually very little body hair: chest/back/legs/underarms}---not so with the Arabic blood lines!
Just say'n; we've got thousands of miles of a lackadaisical border left wide open and spent far to many billions building a half hazard worthless fence that the ranchers are mending and seeing crossing over/around/through --- WHERE'S THE BORDER PATROL? There isn't one!!! And then the places that there are the 'PAID BORDER PATROL'...well here's what PBS Frontline found: bribes and too many methods of getting by paid border agents that just don't give-a-crap! PBS - Frontline - 'It's Not JUST About Illegals - It's About A UNSECURED BORDER' In a cemetery in the border town of Tijuana, there is a shrine to a young soldier, Juan Soldado, who is the patron saint for migrants trying to cross illegally into the United States. It'��s the place where FRONTLINE/World reporter Lowell Bergman arranges to meet a smuggler, or pollero, who has agreed to talk about the business of human smuggling on condition that we not reveal his identity. We call him '��Rafael.'�� He'��s been a smuggler for ten years and he tells Bergman how he got started in the business. 'I had this friend who had a lot of money and he was like 16 and I was like 18 at the time and I was like, dude, how did you make all that money?'�� recalls Rafael. '��He didn'��t want to tell me at first, and then when he told me, I didn'��t believe him. So he took me to the people and they offered me a job too.' To show how the smuggling business works, Rafael drives Bergman around Tijuana, which, though peaceful during the day, has turned into one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico due to the drug trade and human trafficking. Rafael says danger is part of the allure of the business - '��an adrenaline rush' when he sneaks people across the border. Since 9/11, Rafael says that the U.S. has tightened security along the border, but he says the smugglers have learned to adjust, finding more sophisticated hiding places in their vehicles for the migrants they are transporting, creating false documents to show border guards, and charging their clients more for their services. '��Now more than ever,' says Bergman, '��most migrants need the help of a smuggler to get across the border - making them indispensable. As a result the smugglers say they’re making more money than ever.' In the past, illegal migrants crossed the border at spots where they were less likely to be spotted -�� sometimes risking long treks through the desert. But the U.S. government is spending billions to build up a border fence, fortified by surveillance cameras, bright lights and many more border guards. So an increasing number of people who enter the U.S. illegally do so through the regular Ports of Entry with the help of professional smugglers. At the San Ysidro Port of Entry – between Tijuana and San Diego – over 100,000 people cross every day. It’s the busiest land border crossing in the world. The sheer volume of traffic makes it impossible for U.S. border guards to check every vehicle and every document. If they did, the border would shut down. And if the inspectors do spot a fake ID or uncover migrants hidden in car trunks, the repercussions are minimal, even for the smugglers, because the courts cannot possibly handle the number of cases. Buses carry the illegal migrants who are caught back across the border, where they usually turn around and try again. That goes for the smugglers, too. Rafael says he was caught smuggling once, but was quickly released. There is one guaranteed way for migrants to get across on their first try, says Rafael - if a smuggling operation is able to bribe a U.S. border official. 'I have known inspectors that are crooked,'�� asserts Rafael. '��But you would never talk about them and you will never say you have one, because it'��s your golden meal ticket because those are like very, very hard to catch. They would make a lot of money because it’s failsafe, it'��s secure.' Terry Reed, an FBI agent in San Diego, is part of a Border Corruption Task Force and he acknowledges that the problem of corrupt border guards is growing. He recounts one of the most important cases, which started with a tip from an informant who alleged that a guard at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry known as El Guero -�� '��the white guy'�� or 'the blond'�� -�� was working with a smuggling operation. It wasn'��t much to go on. Then, a year later, another tip led to a woman named Aurora Torres, who was a suspected smuggler. Reed set-up a sting operation. At a meeting in a McDonald'��s in San Diego, which was secretly videotaped, Torres agreed to transport a client across the border, saying it was a sure thing because she was working with an officer at the Otay Mesa port. What she didn’t know was that the client was an undercover FBI operative. When he was driven to the border, the operative says a blond Customs Inspector quickly waved their car through. Reed'��s undercover operation tracked Torres as she took her group of illegal immigrants, and the FBI plant, to a San Diego suburb, to what is known in the trade as a '��load house,'�� a place where smugglers hold the migrants until a relative or friend arrives to pay the required smuggling fee. A member of Reed’s team, posing as a relative, showed up to pay $3,500 to pick up their operative. Later, the operative told his FBI handlers that he'��d read the name on the badge of the guard who waved them through: It was '��Gilliland.'�� At the time, Michael Gilliland, a former Marine, was a decorated Customs and Border Protection inspector with 16 years experience. Investigators began to follow him and wiretap his phone calls, including calls from Aurora Torres, the leader of the smuggling group. 'From these wiretaps, obtained by FRONTLINE/World, it appears the two [Torres and Gilliland] were having an intimate relationship,' says Bergman. “The FBI told me that it'��s a well-known tactic that smugglers use sex to entice border agents into compromising relationships.'�� Still, the FBI needed proof that Gilliland was taking bribes. They managed to record surveillance video of Gilliland entering Torres’ residence, then leaving carrying a plastic bag. 'He was coming to pick up his money,'�� says Reed. A month later the FBI videotaped Gilliland waving cars through his lane at the Port of Entry, not looking at identification, not asking questions, not searching cars. One of the vehicles caught on the tape -- a black GMC Yukon -- was driven by Torres with 11 illegal immigrants inside. The FBI finally had all the evidence they needed. They arrested Gilliland and Torres. 'Rafael,'�� the smuggler, tells Bergman that a lot of different families are involved in the smuggling trade these days, like Torres. He says the small operations pay off organized crime in Tijuana to allow them to operate. '��These smuggling groups can afford it,'�� reports Bergman. '��When Torres was arrested, the FBI found nearly half a million dollars in a safe in her bedroom. She pled guilty to smuggling and was sentenced to three and a half years in federal prison.'�� Gilliland also pled guilty to accepting approximately $100,000 in bribe money. He was sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay a $200,000 fine. But no one knows how many illegal migrants he let into the country or how much money he made. And Gilliland is only one of many such cases. Federal officials say there have been over a hundred similar busts in the last five years. Just this month a guard was arrested at the same Otay Mesa Port of Entry where Gilliland worked. There are now nearly 200 open investigations of corruption along the U.S. border with Mexico. '��There'��s more pressure on the other side of the border from the smuggling organizations to elicit the help of a corrupt border official,” says FBI agent Andy Black. '��The pool of individuals who are susceptible to corruption has grown.' FRONTLINE/World made numerous requests to interview the man in charge of all border issues, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, but he declined. At a press conference, where Bergman finally catches up with him, Chertoff says the bigger the police force on the border, the more corruption cases there will be. San Diego Congressman Duncan Hunter, an advocate of building an 800-mile fence along the Mexican border, says it'��s '��tragic'�� that some border guards succumb to corruption, but that the government should continue to fortify the border. But University of California at San Diego immigration expert Wayne Cornelius suggests this is futile. His study indicates that 97% of the people who try to cross the border eventually succeed, despite all the obstacles. 'If they don'��t succeed on the first try, they almost certainly will succeed on the second or the third try,'�� says Cornelius. Back In Tijuana, 'Rafael,'�� the smuggler, tells Bergman he'��s not worried about going out of business any time soon, due to a U.S. clampdown on the border. '��The smuggling people business, the pollero business, will stop only when there are no borders,' he argues. '��Unless you can stop poverty or hunger, it will never stop, because people will always want to help their families. Doesn’t matter how tall the wall is, they will just dig a hole then. So you will never stop people getting across [into] the United States.'�� |
Further, Immigration and Customs Enforcement says San Francisco had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released. "DHS records indicate ICE lodged an immigration detainer on the subject at that time, requesting notification prior to his release so ICE officers could make arrangements to take custody. The detainer was not honored," ICE said in a statement Friday afternoon. If this is indeed the facts for what happened; and I'm really curious especially when California's '3 Strikes Your Out' guidelines... that this illegal human was able to fall through the 'cracks'? To many aliases - too many states ignoring the ICE mandate to 'notify' --- WOW, so many screw ups by so many different agencies and another victim pages the price! And 'ole comb over' spews his rhetoric, that he'd be able to change this---look to your own construction sights before you throw any stones; one call to any of your mega buildings about - 'immigration's on the way' and work is shut down for the day - and all the illegals disappear...IN MASS! |
pinkbunny posted >>>
Thank you....I try ya, I caught my goof up |
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Sat 07/04/15 07:12 PM
PinkBunny stated >>>
Here's your gift!! Happy Birthday Dave!! OH - MY -MY ...this is just the best appropriate images for dear DODO_DAVID!!! 2 COOL. Well Done, PinkBunny!!! |
I've read your not so subtle hints on 2 different threads...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY...4th OF JULY BIRTHDAY GUY Did your birthday cakes always have SPARkLERS on them? |
Hmmmmm - several issues with this idea;
1) IUD's sometimes cause emergency medical issues - not a great idea to by pass parental consent IMHO 2) as much as I'm all about proper sex education for those of that age group...leaving the parents out of the loop & subject matter just isn't right on any level How do you feel about this Sassy...I didn't see your thoughts about your topic? |