Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND
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Wed 06/24/15 05:39 PM
metalwing posted >>>
You cannot negotiate with someone who cannot be trusted. And yet for some obscure reason there is a 'warm fuzzy blanket' of feeling about how successful we've been in our 'COLD WAR' negotiations with Russia! Why is that, I wonder; sheeple-people blindly thinking that all those previous POTUS were just so brilliant at they're plans and staff that Russia just fell in line and always followed through with their signed agreement? Not hardly and yet I still hear how successful America was/is about all those years. Here's the last pages of this document from 2006...interesting reading and very lengthy so I've just inserted the last summary >>> *************************** International Security Negotiations: Lessons Learned from Negotiating with the Russians on Nuclear Arms by Michael Wheeler edited down to the last pages - summation: What did we learn from the negotiating experience with the Russians? A number of micro-lessons emerge from reviewing the memoirs of Presidents, National Security Advisers, Secretaries of State and Defense, chief negotiators, and the like.128 The following is a distillation of such lessons, ranging from the obvious to the counterintuitive and from the trivial to the serious. The list is divided into three categories: general observations on negotiations; observations on American negotiating behavior; and observations on Russian negotiating behavior. General Observations A key to success in arms control negotiations is preparation, hard work, and understanding the opponent'�s position (how they see the issues, what constraints they face, where they are going, how far they are ready to go, what they are after). - Seek to persuasively make the case that your proposals are reasonable, not hostile to the opponent'�s purposes nor contrary to the opponent'�s interests. - Never waste a meeting, even when without instructions. - Human relations are an integral part of diplomacy. A great deal of successful negotiation depends on the comfort level people have with one another. A good negotiator must be prepared to decide at what point marginal gains are outweighed by the loss of confidence caused by trivial haggling. - Pay attention to detail. This is especially important in highly technical negotiations. - Keep a careful and complete record of what is said. - Seek a common understanding of complicated technical concepts. Wheeler International Security Negotiations - It is difficult to anticipate the twists and turns that future technologies may take, that will impact on the specifics of the arms control agreement. - Reach-back to Washington is an essential part of arms control negotiations. - Don'�t be afraid of tabling maximalist objectives at the start of a negotiation, but be prepared to pursue them over what may be a long period of time to achieve results. - Negotiation often involves attempts to bridge real differences. When difficult issues are involved, agreement may not be possible in the short run, although circumstances may change that can lead to agreement; it is important in such cases to clearly communicate existing concerns and firm goals. - Agreement comes when both nation's� interests appear to be served and/or not harmed. - Negotiations involve a learning process for both sides �and sometimes serve the purpose of bridging different degrees of understanding and knowledge on the opponent's delegation. - Plenary sessions, although formal and repetitious, serve an important purpose in allowing complex positions to be delivered in formal statements. - Informal sessions are important for finding new directions for the negotiation. The right to probe �to discuss and explore without binding the nation is an important element of arms control negotiations. - Repetition is important. If an issue is vital, it should be raised over and over again �patiently, persistently, consistently, persuasively. - Negotiations can be intense without being angry and confrontational. - Negotiations in the interagency and with Congress are at least as demanding as arms control negotiations with the Russians. - In dealing with the Russians bilaterally on the margins of multilateral negotiations, make sure to retain the confidence of your allies �keep them informed, solicit their ideas, understand their interests and concerns. Wheeler �International Security Negotiations - Different agencies in the NSC system represent different institutional points of view on the substance, strategy, and tactics of arms control negotiations. - Ambiguity may allow closure on a treaty, but also tends to invite activities that raise compliance concerns. - Multiple channels for negotiations are useful if used skillfully with good coordination and integration. -Negotiations by delegations at the ambassadorial level can refine options and polish conclusions, to turn over to ministers for reconciliation of differences, with summits reserved primarily to finalize agreements and to build consensus for ratification. - Back channel negotiations can be useful: fewer people are involved, sensitive information can be protected more easily, exchanges can be informal and candid, barriers can be overcome. But back channels also are a mixed blessing: they can lead to confusion in negotiations and can produce compromises that, when reviewed more fully with more people involved, are seen to be counterproductive. - Negotiations at summits also are a mixed blessing: decisions may be reached more quickly but it is difficult to extract the country from a bad negotiating position taken at a summit. - Negotiations can be for propaganda purposes over and above any hope of substantive agreement. Media attention can be intense. A good public diplomacy strategy must be a part of any successful arms control negotiation. - Democratic debate can complicate negotiations by exaggerating and dramatizing issues, sometimes to the point of distortion. - Beware of negotiations at the eleventh hour. - Don'�t confuse form with substance. American Negotiating Behavior - Extensive use of back channels gives the Russians a tactical advantage, allowing them to manipulate negotiations with the delegations when they see that the delegation's proposals are not backed at the top. - Lack of continuity in delegation and backstopping expertise can be exploited by the Russians to tactical advantage. Wheeler - �International Security Negotiations - Patience is a virtue in negotiations but also may be hard for the United States to attain, especially since negotiations frequently must match the cycles and rhythms of presidential politics. America'�s opponents understand this and will try to wait for the pressure of democratic processes to produce US concessions. Russian Negotiating Behavior - When the opponent stalls, take it in stride. Russian negotiators like Dobrynin, when instructed to stall, could do it masterfully. - For negotiators like Gromyko, it often appeared that there were no trivial issues. Every point was argued with tenacity. - Negotiators like Gromyko mastered their briefs, knew the issue histories, and were sensitive to nuances. - Negotiators like Gromyko could link every detail of a negotiation to every other detail, offering concessions conditionally, depending on movement on other issues. - The Russians often began negotiations by demanding concessions as a price for sitting down at the bargaining table. - The Russians would seek to wear their opponents down by haggling over general principles. Once those were agreed, haggling over implementation could be used to erode the opponent's positions on an issue. Be wary of how Russians use agreement in principle. BROADER LESSONS What can be said about the experience of negotiating arms control agreements with the Russians from 1945 through 2002 that is relevant to today'�s world? Obviously much has changed. During the Cold War, the United States was dealing with a closed society where a small group of men controlled Soviet policy, and the Soviet policy and decision process was heavily veiled. There was considerable debate in the West about what Soviet objectives actually were for much of the Cold War. The United States also was involved in a military confrontation that threatened its most vital national interests, where nuclear weapons were at the center of the confrontation, where the opponent was Wheeler �International Security Negotiations perceived to have superior conventional military power in the most important theater (central Europe), and where the threat of civilization ending nuclear holocaust hung over the entire endeavor. The environment for American policymaking also was different in important respects, e.g., much of the Cold War was not conducted under the glare of today'�s 24/7 media extravaganzas, enabled by modern information technology. Finally, the arms control priorities of the American government focused for good reasons more on its bilateral relationship with Russia and less on the more diffuse multilateral regimes involving a number of centers of power. Multilateral negotiations took place and were treated seriously, but they did not ascend to the importance then of the USSR bilateral talks. The list of differences could go on. Enough has been noted, however, to suggest that even with all the differences from the Cold War to today, some macroscopic lessons are in order for a world in which arm control continues to be important but has less emphasis in national strategy, in which the threats are significantly different, and in which multilateral regimes are more important than ever, especially for addressing terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Lesson 1: Keep priorities straight when engaging in arms control. Arms control is an element of national strategy, not an activity to be pursued for its own sake or valued more highly than other tools. The major question is whether national security is protected and the national interest served, not whether arms control - succeeds' at any particular point in time. Wheeler - �International Security Negotiations Lesson 2: Arms control can reduce uncertainty and enhance predictability. This arguably was the most important contribution of the USSR Cold War arms control experience for the United States. Today, the Russians appear to value bilateral nuclear arms control more than the United States for exactly this reason. Lesson3: Expect surprises during arms control negotiations. Arms control negotiations cannot be insulated from external events in global politics. The gardening analogy that George Kennan and many others have used to describe foreign policy is also true for arms control. An unexpected hail storm can upset months of carefully laid plans. Be prepared to recover and persevere. Lesson 4: After detection, what? From the Baruch Plan onward, the premier question about verification was not whether cheating had happened, but what should be done about it. The arms control experience suggests that diplomacy to build the international consensus needed to enforce compliance is likely to be harder than the arms control negotiation itself. Lesson 5: Good people and good practices are more important than specific forms of government organization, for devising arms control policy and for conducting negotiations. The quality of negotiators and skill in conducting and supporting negotiation and the willingness to see arms control as a team effort are more important to success than how the United States organizes itself internally to address arms control policy. 'PRINCIPLES OF NEGOTIATIONS' - Closing Remarks The US-Russian negotiating experience was a collaborative affair, often enhanced by the working relationships that the negotiators on both sides established with one another over time. That negotiations Wheeler �International Security Negotiations could be conducted in a serious, professional way, but also could be extended to a lighter touch is exemplified in the remarks that Edward M. Ifft, a long-time American diplomatic participant in the process, made at the Soviet mission in Geneva on November 16, 1989, at a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the strategic arms negotiations. The five '�principles of negotiations' that Ifft proposed, reportedly well received by both the US and the Russian delegations present, are: - The Perverse Principle. The two sides have the same positions, but never at the same time. - The Principle of the Conservation of Issues. Whenever an issue is resolved, another issue will spontaneously appear to take its place. - The Comfort Principle. Progress is inversely proportional to the comfort of the negotiators. - The Timing Principle. The negotiations take far too long. - The Painful Principle. Every four years, the Soviet Union promotes its negotiators, while the United States purges its negotiators. ********************************* We seem to either selectively chose to remember that our #1 nemeses has broken/ignored/and lied repetitively about their nuclear weapons and military prowess! And yet, when our great nation {regardless of the 'I HATE OBAMA CROWD} makes any attempt to repeat this nuclear negotiation with other 'PROBLEM NATIONS'...the naysayers cry foul at our POTUS attempts and think that ignoring the threat will just magically disappear or better yet - we need to get aggressive with that terrorist threat and strong arm them! The good ole' fashioned way of dealing with our 'PROBLEM NATIONS'...LMAO Body count my fellow members; those numerous dead & walking wounded just can't be wasted anymore! "Know Your Enemy and Keep Them Close" only obtained through continued discussions! |
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CyrstalFairy stated >>>
Ah, thank you! I can try the rose shears, otherwise I may get myself heavy duty scissors. Always handy. Thanks for the tip! I use the heck out of those type of shears...I'm always mending a piece of hose around here and that shear is handy! You very welcome; Master Gardeners have shared their knowledge with me...I'm just paying it forward! |
| - no - hell nooooo ![]() |
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Wed 06/24/15 03:28 PM
Mikeyspace posted >>>
Just another s*** stirring thread.. This place will be another DH before long.. Couldn't be troubled to join in the adult discussion; drop your 2� worth...but call it a S&*T STIRRING' thread...indeed? ![]() |
Ya...I appreciate them - from a far; and as I was reading up on their progressive migration into this area...I was unaware of the 'hunting season' in Oklahoma for bears!
We've been seeing the steady increase in those highly nasty 'Armadillos' coming up from down that way due to the amount of drought these past 4-6 years and now 'BEARS'...UGH |
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Wed 06/24/15 03:20 PM
Oh, wat a great idea! I got a couple of old garden hoses, as one of my cats chews holes in it all the bloody time, lol. Problem is I'd have to cut the garden hose open then, and that won't be easy. I can't get the cord in otherwise, if I cut off the plug and put it back on, it ain't waterproof anymore, and the warranty will lapse, expire (What's the right word here ![]() I did intend to put it in something though, to protect it. EDIT just read that you did split it. How? Just a really sharp Stanley knife? THat must be hard work??? No - Nooo Knife; I'd have amputated a finger that way --- do you have a sharp utility shears --- heavy duty type of scissors that will cut through metal/vinyl/carpet??? Even rose shears; short stubby nosed clippers will work too. Something similar to this >>> ![]() |
datwasntme stated >>>
just go give them a big hug : ) i heard they love it when you do it just don't yell at me if you find one that don't Well, my radio in my chicken coup works great on opossums & raccoons but I doubt that ole' scary bear would even pause if he/she/it was hungry and smelled my chickens therein! ![]() And 'NO' ![]() ![]() |
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Wed 06/24/15 03:11 PM
We've had several cougar sightings and now young black bears!
![]() Well, we've been complaining about the over population of our they're just following the food chain --- but OMG seeing one in your backyard in broad daylight would be FREAKY! Good thing, bad thing
Berringer and Hemphill said most people in their states' bear country like having the animals around. Many like knowing a once-native species has returned. In both states, many landowners like seeing bears on their properties. Oklahoma had its second bear hunting season last fall to help control the growing population. The season was to end the day that hunters killed the 20th bear, but 32 were killed on opening day. Some people get a bit of a thrill knowing a large predator is about. The Missouri Department of Conservation is educating residents on how to avoid confrontations with those predators, both in the wilds and in populated areas. Bears are omnivores and eat other animals, berries, crops and nuts. They'll gladly go for easier meals. "We get quite a few calls from people with bears getting into their dog's food," Hemphill said, "and it seems like everybody in southeast Oklahoma dumps out some food for some kind of dog. Bears love that free food." Bear in the yard The bear in McKinley's yard seemed set on staying for a spell. As well as alternating between napping and sitting in the wagon, it found a covered trash can filled with dog food. A grain elevator next door could have provided a ready supply of food, too. Kansas wildlife officials were called and failed to chase the young male bear away from the house. Read more here: |
CrystalFairy stated >>>
FOr instance, if I had the choice to live an a white neighbourhood or a black/purple/grey/green one, I go for white. Not because I'm a racist, but with white ppl I know what I can expect. I know how they react, live, talk, walk, think etc. In general of course. Meaning I choose that because it's familiar and what is familiar feels safe. 2old2 replied >>>
You bring up a segment from the article that the IAT was centered around; 'How Humans Are Herd' typical in the way we think & live! Yes, as much as we love to think that we're all so noble in our 'LOVE ALL THOSE OTHER COLORED HUMANS'...the reality is we are NOT so comfortable about relocating to within their midst! Regardless of what nationality/color of our skin. It's an interesting read and Mooney did a excellent job; but one would have to OPEN THE MIND and read the article and attachments to learn --- HUH, Conrad_73 ![]() crystalfairy stated >>>
I try to be realistic about it. I've lived in Jakarta for a year and a half. Being a part of a minority as a white young woman, as most of course are Indonesian. So I've experienced that, lot of harassment, visual rape, groping etc etc.. Never being able to go anywhere unnoticed. I've lived in an Aboriginal community for half a year, also a minority, few white ppl, most Aboriginal. I would have stayed there for the rest of my life, given the chance. But still fully aware that I could NEVER really be one of them, because my culture, my roots are totally different. And you cannot ever deny your roots. Nor do I want to. I did when I was younger. Now I know you just can't. You live and learn. Like my girl won't ever be an American, not even if she lives there for the rest of her life. Her roots are Dutch and always will be. There will be adjustment of course, but she'll still remain Dutch. Over here we got a lot of fellow coloured human beings as well. But not like what you got in the States. That situation is really unique. There is no other country in the world where neither black or white is native to the country, got there around the same time, and had to build up the country together. In an unbalanced situation due to slavery. There is no other country in the world with that same scenario that I can think of. So the entire issue in The States, and how the heck to solve it, is unique. So you cannot really look to another country to see how they done it. ANd from what I've learnt since being here, movies, stories and experiences from my daughter, the problems are quite substantial. The problems over here in my country have mostly to do with cultural differences, which are mostly based on religion. But I believe I am digressing (not sure anymore now, lol) NP...that was fascinating reading; I've no great longevity here and learning about your/others dynamic backgrounds and global living scenarios is...well greatly appreciated. Your life and times has given you such a panorama view of the world that we all live on --- that's says a lot! TY for sharing...that's never boring and suits this thread perfectly! |
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Wed 06/24/15 02:22 PM
pancho posted >>>
Here's what I know for sure about her condition. Broken femur, 3 or 4 inches above knee. Tib/fib fracture..same leg. Amount of damage to knee not determined yet. Radius ulna fracture, bone ends protruding..left arm. Various lacerations needing stitches. The accident was caused by two dogs attacking her horse. The horse had to be put down. Thanks again everyone. OMG...she's lucky to have survived and I'm ![]() ![]() There's not one human that has come in contact with a horse that hasn't felt or left some of their own heart with that loyal steed - loved the aroma of a haired up horse in the winter time - felt that muzzle with the prickly hair stubble - breathed deeply into they're nostril - mimicked their nicker - looked deeply into those huge moist eyes and fallen deeply in love with those mighty noble equine creatures! Prayers said for you dear SitkaRains and gods speed for your recovery! |
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Today I got the waterfall in my garden running. It's not finished yet, lots of rocks to hump round still, and basically just finish it off, make it look nice. The idea is to get some plants around it too. But at least it's running. And I LOVE the sound! It's wonderful! If I hadn't bashed my knee really hard just now, I would be perfectly happy. SO I prolly won't be working on it any time soon ![]() ![]() I added a little tableau that I've had for years, never finished that off either, lol. But it seemed to sort of fit there. Not sure if it'll stay there though. And I put two tiny lighthouses around the left area. Can't help myself, I like that sort of thing, haha ![]() SUPER --- love that sound of bubbling water! Outstanding job there and all that hard back breaking labor --- UGH Just a question &/or suggestion; do you have any old water hose left over that you could split and use as a guard for the electrical cord for the fountain? It's what I've always used as a recycle product to bury my outside speaker lines and fountain electrical supply line to the outlet --- that way I can place the dirt/rocks and hide it under my hardscape area and mark it with a couple of wood/metal tent stakes so I don't forget exactly where I buried it. LOL |
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crystalfairy stated >>>
Thank you both! @ Debbie, the statue isn't concrete, but plastic and hollow... you can fill it with water to stabilize it. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to move her around at all! @Tmommy, yes, I do indeed ![]() Not much is flowering yet though ... everything is about 3 weeks later than normal, We had a really bad, cold spring this year :( The broom has flowered abundantly though! @ Pancho, cute visitor! ![]() GOB SMACKED...your doing such lovely - work back there! TY for showing me where to come to see your divine endeavors! U ROCK WOMAN~~~ ![]() |
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Wed 06/24/15 01:21 PM
LTme posted >>>
A little past noon a New York State Police spokesman, and a captain from the Forest Rangers had a news conference in Cadyville, NY. Not much news except: it was suggested the search is 24/7 to prevent one or both from sleeping (it's not known whether they split up or not). They found a bloody sock, but State Police say that could just be a blister. There may be one or more firearms missing from one or more of the buildings in the manhunt. 2old2 stated >>>
![]() ![]() Perhaps the 'limping one' will get a nice staff infection/gang-green will set in and he'll die from that blood infectious problem and they'll find his rotting corpse and be able to identify him! #1 down and 1 left to discover! Prayers being said~~~ SassyEuro stated >>>
2OLD2MESSAROUND , I did find the latest CNN link, which states, that the cabin was broken into. I don't see any LEGAL or MORAL culpabilities , against the cabin owner, whom ever they may be. This is what I heard on NPR: and there wasn't any comment made about 'breaking into' the cabin ??? So that may or may not have been accurate on the report that I heard. Terry Bellinger, owner of nearby Belly's Mountain View Inn, said the hunter told him he saw a man run into the woods as he approached the camp Saturday on an ATV. When the hunter went into the cabin, he noticed two things out of place: a jug of water and an open jar of peanut butter on a table. Bellinger said the hunter went to his restaurant, where he talked to police for several hours. "He was visibly shaken. He wanted a glass of water," Bellinger said. But as a gun owner and my 'GUN SAFE'...I've always had issues with the lackadaisical way that others leave their weapons out of a 'GUN SAFE'; I didn't say that they {the cabin owners} were doing anything immoral or illegal!!! Just posting my frustration about the criminal element obtaining access to weapons and now the danger is lifted up considerably for all those living in that region. UGHHHHH |
crystalfairy posted >>>
Thinking "OUUUCCCH!!!" Just got in, closed the curtain, turned around, walked into my coffee table, bashed my knee on the corner full speed. Hot dang it, that hurt! Defrosting green beens on my knee, I believe it's going to be nice and swollen grrrrrrrrrr. My knuckle joint hasn't even healed 100% yet, that happened end of March. I guess I won't be working in the garden any time soon . . Sorry for that painful boo-boo; much like the HEEL/ELBOW and that knee --- nothing funny about those painful bumps; OMG...that hurts! BTW - I've been meaning to ask about your fountain project; did you get it installed and all set up and it's working? |
LTme posted >>>
A little past noon a New York State Police spokesman, and a captain from the Forest Rangers had a news conference in Cadyville, NY. Not much news except: it was suggested the search is 24/7 to prevent one or both from sleeping (it's not known whether they split up or not). They found a bloody sock, but State Police say that could just be a blister. There may be one or more firearms missing from one or more of the buildings in the manhunt. ![]() ![]() Perhaps the 'limping one' will get a nice staff infection/gang-green will set in and he'll die from that blood infectious problem and they'll find his rotting corpse and be able to identify him! #1 down and 1 left to discover! Prayers being said~~~ |
pancho stated >>>
She was at her son's place near Fairbanks, when she got hurt. He was able to take her home with him. Hard casts can't be put on until swelling goes down. Thank's to everyone. Well, poop; here I was thinking that she'd driven over to stay with U...but perhaps it's better that she's still in her state of AK. WOW...that's going hurt for a long time! |
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Wed 06/24/15 09:02 AM
CrystalFairy stated >>>
FOr instance, if I had the choice to live an a white neighbourhood or a black/purple/grey/green one, I go for white. Not because I'm a racist, but with white ppl I know what I can expect. I know how they react, live, talk, walk, think etc. In general of course. Meaning I choose that because it's familiar and what is familiar feels safe. You bring up a segment from the article that the IAT was centered around; 'How Humans Are Herd' typical in the way we think & live! Yes, as much as we love to think that we're all so noble in our 'LOVE ALL THOSE OTHER COLORED HUMANS'...the reality is we are NOT so comfortable about relocating to within their midst! Regardless of what nationality/color of our skin. It's an interesting read and Mooney did a excellent job; but one would have to OPEN THE MIND and read the article and attachments to learn --- HUH, Conrad_73 ![]() |
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Wed 06/24/15 08:51 AM
PTP and the TPP moving forward...
Pacific trade pact moves step nearer after Senate vote Reuters By Krista Hughes and Richard Cowan 23 hrs ago On the procedural vote, 13 of the chamber's 44 Democrats supported the legislation. They were joined 47 of the Senate's 54 Republicans, giving supporters of the legislation the 60 votes needed to proceed in the 100-member chamber. The bill itself now needs 51 votes to pass. If all goes according to Republican leaders' plans, Congress also would send Obama this week a bill renewing an aid program for workers who lose their jobs as a result of trade deals. The president wants both bills and he has left open the possibility of waiting for Congress to send him both before signing fast track into law. Fast-track legislation would let lawmakers set negotiating objectives for trade deals, including the TPP, but it would restrict them to yes-or-no votes on final agreements. |
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Wed 06/24/15 08:44 AM
IN MY OWN BACKYARD - my county seat, middle school {population 4,500} and this --- this 'WOMAN' does this to 3 minors!!!
Married Mother - 25yr old Kourtnie Sanchez trial
Preliminary hearing held for teacher charged with unlawful sex crimes June 22, 2015 Emporia Gazette Newspaper The preliminary hearing was held June 12 for Kourtnie Sanchez, who is charged with six counts of sex crimes with high school students while she was a student teacher at Marshall Elementary School in Eureka. Three teenage boys, ranging in ages from 15 to 17 at the time of the alleged crimes, took the stand, one at a time, while the rest of the witnesses, including one parent, were sequestered in the hallway. They each testified that Sanchez, 25, communicated solely through Snapchat, a popular photo and video texting application. It was disclosed in court that there were over 500 Snapchat records between Sanchez and one victim. Their stories were all similar, with the communication beginning innocently with small talk, but the case was the same with all three, that it gradually escalated to Sanchez sending nude pictures and then requests by Sanchez for sex. One boy testified that Sanchez invited him over to her house, where they had sexual relations. One teen testified that he had plans to and the third said he stopped communications before anything else happened because he felt it was wrong. Sanchez’s husband, John Sanchez and Eureka JR/SR High Principal Stacy Coulter, also took the stand to answer questions. The crimes are alleged to have taken place during an eight month period from May to December, 2014 where Sanchez also coached junior high girls basketball and volleyball as a Rule 10 coach for the past two years. Sanchez was discharged from the district on December 12, 2014. Coulter testified that Sanchez denied all allegations when she was terminated. Charges include three felony counts; unlawful sexual relations, solicitation of unlawful sexual relations and electronic solicitation. Sanchez is also charged with three misdemeanor counts of promoting obscenity to a minor. If found guilty, the felonies could result in sentences ranging from 11 to 247 months each, or over 20 years. The misdemeanor crimes could be subject to probation or up to 12 months in the county jail. District Magistrate Judge Ross McIlvain presided over the hearing and found that there was enough evidence to bind it over for jury trial. Arraignment is scheduled for August 13 in front of Chief District Judge David Ricke. Sanchez is currently out on a $50,000 bond. Guess, I'm going to be continually flummoxed by the insane urges of humans that will willfully do this to minor children and THINK THAT THEY'LL GET AWAY WITH IT ![]() |
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Wed 06/24/15 07:55 AM
I've posted my OPINION on a couple of other topic about my "Love for My Country - but my Fear Of My Government" and as with so many things that colleges and THINK TANKS get grant money for this IAT method is rather oddly skewed and I'd love to see the 'HIDDEN' formula for the data collection process!
Meanwhile things like this >>> Army tested mustard gas on WWII soldiers grouped by race and compared results against '��normal'�� whites Raw Story � 1 day ago The Pentagon admitted decades ago to using American troops to conduct experiments with mustard gas, but a recent Keep popping up over & over again into our daily lives; and the VA has still denied access to hundreds of those 'guinea pig' patients that were unknowingly tested with this Mustard Gas! The VA's Broken Promise To Thousands Of Vets Exposed To Mustard Gas
NPR News � 1 day ago To date, these policies have not been applied to World War II vets who were exposed to mustard gas. Officials at the Pentagon tell NPR it's |