Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND
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WOW...those images of the spiral path made with stones is so AWESOME...I've painted a few after the concrete was poured & cured but that is just gorgeous!
Leigh stated >>>
Also replacing mulch with beige and pink tone quarry gravel...I'm going to use newspaper in place of landscape fabric because it is biodegradable!...Got the idea from someone who posted it on FB While I agree that this 'IDEA' sounds great the sad fact is that 'NEWSPAPER' is what worms love and that will disappear within a few weeks/months and then you'll have weeds/grass growing where you didn't want it too! Unless you don't have might last a wee-little longer! I've been shredding my newspapers up and putting them in my huge 6'x 4' compost pile --- it attracts the earthworms into that pile and they do all the mixing of the soil/straw/old potting soil for me! |
Good Morning !!
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Fri 06/26/15 07:39 AM
Overcast - storms - barometric pressures; feeling pretty cruddy and sore in lots of joints this morning! Maybe a cozy day on the lounge/sofa and my 3 little dogs all snuggled down with my tablet and movies! First a 'PAIN PILL' to take care of those screaming joints! |
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Fri 06/26/15 06:54 AM
CrystalFairy stated >>>
So you have a problem with a kiss, an arm around your shoulders, walking hand in hand etc??? If my partner has a problem showing affection in public, he's not the right one for me. I'm very physical, touchy, cuddly. And sure nothing in public that would offend other people. But I've been with a partner who never wanted to touch, hold hands, etc. I think it was part of his old-fashioned English upbringing. NO public affection, ever. Like we were two strangers that happened to walk next to each other. Doesn't work for me. What I posted was >>> 2old2 stated >>>
I've always felt that watching humans be warm and affectionate with one another was just real nice---but that butt grabbing - suck face - overly aggressive way that some people go after each other...take it home or go get a ROOM AT THE HOTEL!!! I've enjoy watching couples of all ages walking & talking & holding hands! But there's respectful affection shown to your SPEICAL HUMAN and then there's disrespectful attention: groping/clutching/suck face-deep throat kissing/unseemly public displays of pure lust that needs an XXX rating and should be done in private! But that's my opinion! And sadly I've had to cover my young sons eyes while at the Swope Park Zoo/Worlds of Fun/Water Park/local pool when he was in grade school...from people that were just to absorbed in their lust to think clearly about what they were showing to the world. |
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Fri 06/26/15 06:39 AM
Interesting reading...and this in particular caught my attention quickly>>> clipped from Tomato's post ^^^
Let's all keep in mind that our enemy, the "Criminal Conspirators", own and control the mainstream media, which is their "big gun" in the "info war". If it'��s on mainstream TV, you can bet that its propaganda, which attempts to brainwash the masses into accepting their insidious agenda to form an "Authoritarian Global Government", under the cloak of the U.N. They use "psychological incrementalism", a.k.a. "gradualism", because psychologists say that you can get people to do and think most anything if it is introduced gradually enough.
If anyone can't imagine that this method is even plausible then they haven't been paying attention to the hate rhetoric - lies - and out right intentional skewing of the 'TRUTH' by media outlets like 'FAUX NEWS'! When they support such vitriolic hate mongers like: Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck/Bill O'Reilly and those ever present talking heads that pretend to be 'FACTUAL NEWS PEOPLE'...and some consistent 'BIRTHERS' only ignite that continual BONFIRE by being so F'n gullible... And if our current POTUS wasn't bi-racial --- there'd be zero issues with most of this media driven hate and skewed truth! And yet - yet the very fact and historic writings about how Empires were built - countries were over thrown - the Christian Crusades - Pharaohs invaded other border nations - Missionaries were sent out into new worlds; was all driven by GREED and LUST FOR POWER! The lowly grunts have always been expendable-collateral and we just seem to fall into lock step with the directive from those 'upper echelon' that tell us what to think - do - eat - live! Not much has changed from those ancient writings - except the technology and media's ability to spread the word to the masses in such a more expedient way! This has been a good read --- quite refreshing from the many regurgitated BS threads about 'BIRTHERS/members ranting about Liberals/the Rebel Flag'...TY |
AWWWWWWW...I always regretted not having a daughter!!!
I've always felt that watching humans be warm and affectionate with one another was just real nice---but that butt grabbing - suck face - overly aggressive way that some people go after each other...take it home or go get a ROOM AT THE HOTEL!!!
I've enjoy watching couples of all ages walking & talking & holding hands |
Out & About photos
Oooh...I saw that fire pit idea too...want one soooo bad! Just don't think that I have it in me to manage all those 4x4 posts setting them in concrete...UGH
I did do that leaf mold project though; I used my elephant ear calcium leaves as my mold...they were huge...and grow in several sizes. But all of those ideas would look super in Crystals magic garden! |
say goodnight . Gracie.
**WALLY WORLD** = Sam Walton's way to make people work for chump change - packaging up junk CRAP to sell to those same humans - made by foreign slave labor - so he could build an empire - and spread his concrete jungle over every small berg in America and beyond - while putting many a mom & pop small business 'OUT OF BUSINESS' - then telling the local chamber of commerce "I've got the plan to put your town on the map, create jobs, bring in area people to shop, and it's ALL GOOD! It's the WAL-MART WAY!!!
To THESE UNION FLAGS >>> ************************************** I always wonder 'WHY' the Confederate Flag was 'ALLOWED' to become such a legend when it represented something that just should have been left to flutter or lay in state in all those 'Civil War Museums'! Find it rather ODD and TELLING that the North did not push and send up a hue & cry about all of their battle flags having importance above and beyond what our 'NATIONAL FLAG' is shown? IMHO |
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Thu 06/25/15 06:10 PM
SassyEuro posted >>>
4 hrs , ago- Washington Times --------------------------------------------------------- Maricopa County Sheriff Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Mike Zullo announces Tuesday, July 17, 2012, in Phoenix that President Obama's birth certificate, as presented by the White House in April 2011, is a forgery based on an investigation by the Sheriff office... more > * see link * SERIOULSY --- For one of the most corrupt - highly sued - over the top - bloviating - self-absorbed - narcissistic - Sheriff Depts. in our last 20 years the award would go to >>>>> Top Ten Reasons to recall Joe The staff at has polled citizens and employees of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and has complied this Top Ten Reasons NOT to vote for Arpaio. ***1:With Arpaio, real law enforcement takes a backseat to publicity stunts. As an example in one of Arpaio's latest stunts, and at a time when there were 12 unsolved execution-style murders in the county, he staged a massive prostitution round-up publicity stunt. This two month "sting operation" involved over 350 deputies that were pulled off other investigative details and patrol that resulted in 80 cases that have all been declined for prosecution by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office. Nicholas Hentoff of Phoenix wrote in a letter to the Editor of the Arizona Republic" If Joe Arpaio continues to spend the county's scarce law enforcement dollars on chasing consenting adults engaged in private sexual activity, while child murders and sexual assaults remain unsolved, he should be the one to explain to the next grieving mother why her child's killer has not been caught, prosecuted and put in prison. And the taxpayers should send him a message by electing a new sheriff who doesn't treat public funds as his private public relations piggybank." 2: He lives in a fantasy world of self-importance. His claims of arresting Elvis Presley, breaking the French Connection, and being in weekly shoot-outs suggest a serious mental problem. Some of his other claims include: Arpaio: Invented the idea of housing inmates in tents. Truth: This is untrue, the Arizona Department of Correction has used tents for decades. Facilities in other states also used tents before Arpaio. Arpaio: Claims credit for feeding green bologna (surplus food) to inmates Truth: Jails and prisons here in Arizona and all over the country feed surplus food to inmates and done so for many years. 3: Millions of tax dollars have been wasted on lawsuits Lawsuits brought against Arpaio by employees, former employees, inmates, and the families of dead inmates have cost the county millions and Arpaio has misled the public about the cost to taxpayers of lawsuits. The case of Scott Norberg, who died in jail, is a good example. Arpaio has frequently said the $8.25 million settlement cost the county nothing and was covered by insurance. What he does not say is that, at the time of the settlement, the county had a $1 million deductible. Because of these lawsuits, the deductible for the sheriff's office insurance coverage has increase from $1 million to $5 million per incident. 4: He is responsible for a critical and dangerous shortage of personnel in both the jails and patrol. This condition is unsafe for the officers, the inmates, and the public. This situation leads to more lawsuits which results in more millions of tax dollars wasted. Arpaio has created a critical and dangerous shortage of deputy sheriffs needed to perform fundamental law enforcement services in the unincorporated areas of the County. Deputies that could be assigned to patrol, are assigned instead as personal bodyguards for Sheriff Arpaio. Detention officers, desperately needed in the jails, are assigned to the labor-intensive, publicity-producing chain gangs in order to get Arpaio on more TV news programs. Projects that bolster Arpaio's ego, satisfy his need for publicity, and insure his personal safety are all fully staffed. Unfortunately, at the same time on the streets and in the jails of the county, lives are placed at risk by Arpaio's self-serving abuse of authority . Also Sheriff Arpaio has the largest executive staff of any police agency in Arizona and perhaps the United States . By comparison, the Los Angles County Sheriff's Department, the nation's largest, has half as many on the executive staff. The millions spend on excess executive positions should be used to hire employees that could be assigned where really needed. 5: Hundreds of current sheriff's office employees, represented by a number of employee organizations, have expressed a vote of no confidence in Sheriff Arpaio. Police officers associations throughout the State of Arizona have voted "no confidence" in Joe Arpaio as Sheriff! These include; State of Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge Five, Maricopa County Deputies Association, Arizona Cops. If the police officers in the State of Arizona have no confidence in Joe, why should you? 6: The self proclaimed "Toughest Sheriff in America " is too fearful to debate other candidates. There have been several debates scheduled this year between the candidates that are running for the Office of Sheriff. All the candidates have appeared minus one, Joe Arpaio. Why is Joe so afraid to debate his policies in public with the other candidates? Could it be that he couldn't read from his "scripted" speech that he has given hundreds of times before other public gatherings where he makes his outlandish claims to fame. Several years ago Sheriff Arpaio visited the outlying patrol districts of the Sheriff's Office to what was suppose to be a "question and answer" meeting between his employees. Instead at each of these four meetings he started out with his canned political speech telling the deputies how important he was and that they depended upon him for their jobs. At District's Two and Three, he was politely asked by Patrol Sergeant's in attendance if he could answer questions from the deputies. He hesitantly stated that he wasn't prepared to answer any questions but would try. He was then asked basic questions that involved officer safety issues, the lack of training, and pay issues. Arpaio fumbled trying to answer, and on several occasions sidestepped the question entirely. Weeks after these meetings, the deputies and sergeants that asked these questions to Sheriff Arpaio were transferred to newly created positions within the office. One assignment was being stationed in the basement of the main jail on graveyard to answer a telephone that never rang, and another to the property room, inventorying items in storage. 7: Arpaio routinely abuses his authority for personal, political, and vindictive reasons. Two Republicans and an Independent running against Arpaio have all alleged abuses of power on the part of Sheriff Arpaio. In 2002, the county settled a lawsuit out of court with former employee Steve Barnes for wrongful termination after he blew the whistle on questionable tactics by the sheriff's office. Barnes claimed that Arpaio's office wiretapped former Arpaio aide Tom Bearup and that it had targeted County Attorney Rick Romley for surveillance. Bearup, W. Steven Martin and Dan Saban, all running for sheriff against Arpaio this year, have also reported that they have been followed and harassed by sheriff's deputies. Another example would also be the arrest of Nick Tarr, otherwise known as "Joe Arizona". In 2020 there were three hot propositions involving Indian gaming in Arizona, Nick's "Joe Arizona" character supported racetracks having slot machines, Sheriff Joe was supporting a proposition that kept Indian gaming on Indian land. For Halloween Nick decided to campaign in downtown Phoenix dressed as an officer. He went into his prop closet can came out with an old uniform shirt from DPS, his trademark "I Love Arizona" t-shirt, and a pair of Arpaio's pink boxer shorts. Dave Hendersott, chief Deputy of the Sheriff's Office spotted Nick and he called DPS twice to have them come out and give Nick a citation. DPS officers came out and decided there was no crime. Undaunted, Hendershott then ordered his own deputies to arrest Tarr of impersonating an officer. The charges against Tarr we later dropped and Tarr now has a lawsuit against the Sheriff's Office. 8: Many community leaders and concerned organizations have looked beyond the smokescreen to see the corruption and incompetence of the Arpaio administration. Sheriff Joe used to boast of 80% approval ratings amongst the voters of Maricopa County . But as the truth gets out about how he really runs one of the nations largest Sheriff's Offices, his popularity is taking a nose dive! Currently the O'Neal survey lists his approval rating at only 35% As an example, the Son's of Italy dropped Arpaio as being a "Top Cop" cited controversy over allegations of people dying or being seriously injured while being held in Arpaio's jails. "I just believe that law enforcement officers, like Caesar's wife, must be above suspicion," De Sanctis said, making reference to William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." "There's too much controversy right now for us to include Sheriff Arpaio in our report," she said. 9: Sheriff Joe Arpaio has deceived, misinformed and outright lied to the public! He lies about his personal history, the cost of lawsuits, the effectiveness of his programs, and the money he claims to have saved taxpayers. He takes false credit for posses, chain gangs, tent jails, feeding surplus food to inmates, and pink underwear. There are numerous examples that we can find where Sheriff Joe has outright lied to the public. As an example, Arpaio spent over $10,000 in tax payer money to have Arizona State University study recidivism in his jail system. ASU found that there was no change in the rate at which inmates returned to the jail. Joe has discounted this study as false and continues to claim that his jail program has reduced crime in the valley. Another claim is that Sheriff Joe has saved county tax payers millions of dollars because of his innovative programs. Then why can't he control his budget? Why was he $7 million dollars in the hole in 1999/2000/2001 and where did the money go? Why was Loretta Barkell put into the Finance Director with a title of Deputy Chief? Because the BOS put her there and told Chief Hendershott that if he got a handle on the budget he would get his raise. 10: Arpaio's self-serving and ego-driven actions have severely damaged relations between the sheriff's office and other government organizations. . Joe Arpaio filed a law suit against the BOS over the money and he hired outside attorneys to represent him. Joe and County Attorney Richard Romley have never got along in any way. He has never advised the City of Phoenix P.D. of his "Joe Shows" or asked if they wanted help and just moved in. **************************** ***Cold case file my happy arse; those 'BARNEY FIFE' wanna-be's can't be caught doing their REAL JOBS and this moron is making claims that he's found a crack/lie in POTUS's birth certificate! Blows the mind what some HUMANS will swallow when they've been fed such heinous BS from former POTUS and still deny their culpable lies and facts that should have had that president impeached! SMH --- gullible and SHEEPLE-PEOPLE *********************** Fact: POTUS - Nixon lied and was caught many times over - resigned to save face and to disappear prior to being told to 'GET OUT' Fact: POTUS - Ronald Reagan lied..."I did not order arms & ammunition to be sold/sent to the Contras"; and despite ignoring what Congress had told him 'NO, you can't be doing that'. Ego busting dear Ronald Reagan did it anyway! That's an impeachable offence and then he sold ARMS & WEAPONS to IRAN - used the excess over payment to purchase those Arms & Weapons for the Contra's and allowed Oliver North to take the dive for his illegal actions! Fact: POTUS - GHWB #43 - "Read my lips: no new taxes" and then did exactly the opposite {but on the scale of lies and truth --- that seems to fall into the cracks} and where exactly was GHWB during all those high level meetings about the Contra & Iran arms deals? Gee, now that's a story all in it's self...but no problem it seems to not matter greatly to those that want to nit-pick about a birth certificate --- LMAO Fact: POTUS - Clinton - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"; and we allowed a mentally driven AG with a vendetta to push that issue with such great gusto it cost us tax payers 80 million dollars!!! And Clinton still left office with a budget excess...LMAO Fact: POTUS - GWB "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" and >>> The 935 lies of George W. Bush / Yes, you already knew. But now they're actually quantifiable. ******************************* And here we are again reading some more utter BS rehash about a 'BIRTHER' fretting issue because the 'BIRTHERS' tin foil hat wearing crowd just can't let it go! WOWSERS...I've not had such a hearty LMAO moment in such a long-long time. |
Employment Background Checks
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Thu 06/25/15 02:33 PM
LPdon asked >>>
Do we have anyone with Human Resources experience here? I just have a question about pre-employment background checks. I was told that companies only go back 7 years, is that true? If so how come they only go back so far and not all the way back? Hmmm, how many permission papers did you have to sign off on - each request for permission must be specific to what your potential employer wants/needs to know! They can't legally just hand your a generic form for your signature and then proceed to check you out like you're going to work for the CIA/FBI etc., etc., etc. ******************************************************* What can your future employer check on? First, it'��s important to know that an employer must ask your permission in writing to conduct a background check. This form must be separate from your application. The request should be detailed, as well. For instance, if they want to talk to your character references, or look into your criminal background, they must get your consent for what'��s known as an investigative consumer report. Investigation into your medical records requires another specific consent form. If you sign any consent form for a background check, it'��s safe to assume that the company you might potentially work for will be looking into it. If you'��re not asked for consent, you shouldn'��t be screened for anything listed below. In addition to checking in with your previous employers and other work references, employers are able to inquire about the following aspects of your background: Character references A character reference is different from a work reference in that an employer may want to understand more about your personality outside of your work style and accomplishments. A character reference be requested if you’re working with sensitive populations (such as the elderly or disabled) or for an organization where group work is critical. It’s important that you line up character references before they’re asked of you. Court records Employees can review public court records to see if you have an arrest record or have been involved in any court cases. It’s important that you make sure the files are correct and up to date, particularly if you’ve been a victim of identity theft or your case has been dismissed. Credit reports & bankruptcy A credit check will usually occur if your potential employment involves you working in a financial, accounting, or payroll capacity. If a credit report is still requested -�� even though your job doesn'��t require you to handle money -�� it may be that the employer is looking to use your credit history to gauge your level of responsibility. If the employer finds that your credit report is grounds to deny your application for employment, they must give you a copy of the report, as well as a copy of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You can dispute inaccurate or incomplete information by contacting the company that issued the report. Criminal & incarceration records Each state has different requirements in terms of using your criminal history to make a hiring decision. Look into the laws of your own state online or at your state'��s Department of Safety or Division of State Police. Driving records and vehicle registration If you'��re seeking a role that involves you being on the road often (or even infrequently), or transporting products or clients, a driving record and vehicle registration check should be required as part of your background screening. Driving record checks usually include: - Accidents - Traffic Violations - Suspensions - Drug or Alcohol Related Convictions - License Status - Date of Issuance/Expiration click on this link for the entire informative listing>>> **************************************** I do know that here in the state of KS {as a former business owner} I was only allowed to provide these facts for a reference check; Would you rehire this {u]person again if they applied? Answer could only be a YES or NO {no details could be provided}! |
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Thu 06/25/15 02:10 PM
And the 'RIPPLE EFFECT' starts rolling out: life lessons learned the hard way --- defame/humiliate/keep making racists comments and the Back Flow is going to be pretty dam efficient!
Surely - ole' comb couldn't have forgotten about just HOW MANY LATINO NATIONS THERE ARE OUT THERE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD? Univision Dumps Trump, Miss USA Pageant Over Remarks On Immigrants The Donald may largely be considered a joke here in the United States, but across Latin America, especially in Mexico, the sting of Trump’s remarks on Mexican immigrants has left many incensed. So much so that Univision, a broadcast television network with the largest Spanish-speaking audience in the world, has severed ties with Trump and the Miss USA Pageant, which the Republican presidential candidate partially owns, the Associated Press reports. .@realDonaldTrump , As a #Latino I cannot work in an event associated with your name — CristiandelaFuente (@iamdelafuente) June 25, 2015 This is a result of a building fever pitch of outrage following Trump’s announcement that he was running for president when, in his speech, he claimed that Latino immigrants were 'criminals' and '��rapists.'�� Univision wants to back out of signed @MissUniverse contract because I exposed the terrible trade deals that the U.S. makes with Mexico. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2015 Trump responded to the uproar on Twitter, saying that he wasn’t talking about Mexican people but about trade deals. It’s not likely to quell the anger of Latinos, some of whom may have bought a pinata made in Donald Trump'��s likeness. I am speaking as a Mexican-American here: This kind of racist rhetoric poisons our national dialogue and causes more damage than you might imagine. The majority of people in the United States may not agree with Donald Trump, but we are also not doing a decent job at condemning his statements as racist, and it may very well be because we still do not recognize the humanity of our immigrant population, especially those of color. To put it in perspective, imagine Donald Trump dismissing another community as 'rapists' on a national platform. The invocation of rape to condemn a minority class and to inspire fear in the white majority is a well-established racist tactic. That’s how Latin America is taking it, and that’s how we should be treating it. While it’s tempting to laugh Trump off, from the outside looking in, he is a prominent businessman at the center stage of American politics making incendiary remarks. Univision getting rid of Trump is a big move. It’s an emotional response, rooted in pain, that Americans should be taking more seriously. H/T: Associated Press |
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GRRRREAT; I use hose pieces for cushions around trees that I have to stake back with nylon string to pull &/or support from our KS winds and pulling them back from the wrong directing that they start to lean into. Keeps the nylon from cutting into the bark.
Also that hose makes a great outline/pattern for any future landscape flower bedding idea's that I might me a better idea of area/sq feet before I start digging! |
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Thu 06/25/15 07:39 AM
SassyEuro's partial quote stated >>>
"delivered frozen meat with tools hidden inside to two inmates" S2 / AP LTme stated
a) Yes. Widely reported. b) ?!?! What the &^%$ are convicted murderers in an ostensible high security prison supposed to do with "frozen meat"?! Take it to the kitchenette in their cell, thaw it in the microwave, and then saut� it w/ shallots & garlic? The 8:AM update was more about Palmer than the escapees. From SassyEuro's link & article back up ^^^ Clinton County District Attorney Andrew Wylie said Mitchell told investigators she smuggled hacksaw blades, a screwdriver and other tools into the prison by placing them in the frozen hamburger meat. He said she then placed the meat in a refrigerator in the tailor shop and Palmer took the meat to Sweat and Matt, who were housed in a section where inmates are allowed to cook their own meals. The district attorney said the guard didn't know the tools were inside the meat.
Ignorance and Liability = pure moron behavior by this prison warden! To much error of judgment and lazy arsed protocol within this prison system! Start at the top and systematic 'YOUR FIRED' and heads should roll. IMHO |
Good Morning !!
Taking one of my 14yr old little poopers into the vet: needs a sedation and clipping and teeth check...had a swollen area earlier but that could have been from a honey bee sting.
Silly little dog just won't leave those Bee's alone. |
No words please - part 7
say goodnight . Gracie.
Special Prayers for our SitkaRains; may her wounds and many broken bones heal with rapid acceleration...may she sleep unfretted by memories of the horrible horse pile up and keep her lovely steed in her heart & memory! To your loving hands and gods good grace - Amen |
SassyEuro posted >>>
DAY 16- CNN ...35 minutes ago A SECOND PRISON WORKER CHARGED ( A Guard ) Can this get any more ridicules Ok - OK...get the henchman/goon squad of 'Herr Cheney/Rumsfeld/& GwB' in there and water board the entire shift(s) of guards/medical staff/laundry/lunch room staff and put them through the 'water boarding paces'; just get it all over with and someone will 'CRACK'. Sweet Jesus this is just taking 4ever! |
MsHarmony stated >>>
lets see what happens, the case in the OP states the suspect is claiming not guilty kids can lie,,, Oh, most certainly they do...but as with all these cases that I've been reading {trying to understand the mindset of these adults}...the #1 primary thing these predators have in common = 'I Am Not Guilty And Those Kids LIE'; and the number of SnapChat/emails/twitter posts were just too many to deny! |