Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND

Fri 06/19/15 08:48 AM
" there was a 'RULE of 25 yrs' and the monetary images were to be changed. " 2A

LTme stated >>>
It would seem to me a dismal blunder to foolishly mis-rank our Founder's contributions, for purpose of adhering to such rule.

Rules can be broken. And in this case, that may be the ideal solution.

& or if necessary, Congress could rewrite the rule, delete it, or whatever.

The only reason our current monetary appearance has undergone such radical changes was because of the advances of the lazer copier machines and that lead to such mass production of 'FAKE MONEY'...that 25 yr rule has been pretty much a MOOT POINT.

Fri 06/19/15 08:42 AM
LTme posted >>>
I bought a few 18 packs just before price-hikes.

But it turns out, raw eggs keep under refrigeration about five times as long as hard-boiled eggs.

Though it may be less energy efficient, it may be best to only hard-boil them about a week in advance.

If hard-boiled too far in advance, the whites go gooey.

When hard-boiling eggs, does the yoke end up with a dark outside, not healthy yellow like the inside?

PBS America's Test Kitchen says, that's from over-cooking; a formation of sulfur compounds reacting between yoke and white; and the way to avoid it is to not overcook them.

Under-cooking them is a bad idea.
But cooking them so the yokes are fully cooked, but only yellow may be the more aesthetic presentation.

And hard-boiled eggs still warm from cooking are nearly as tasty as soft-boiled eggs.

Why aren't you just scrambling them and freezing that 'liquid' egg mixture in ice cube trays? 2 cubes = 1 egg for any recipe.
"LIQUIDFIED" eggs is what most restaurants/food service places order the most quantity in...they use very little 'CRACK EGG' per order.

Fri 06/19/15 08:34 AM
LTme stated >>>
Meanwhile I heard a thoughtful comment on the radio this morning:

That because of the pivotal role Hamilton played in economic stabilization, we should keep the $10.oo as it is, and bump Jackson off the $20.

Ya, I heard that as well - but in the 'LINK' ^^^ that I provided it stated that there was a 'RULE of 25 yrs' and the monetary images were to be changed.

Seems that 'RULE' started slipping and our Federal Mint didn't adhere to that! War time interruptions and other pressing issues...but there wasn't any guidelines/rules/protocol for what image was to be placed on specific currency/values.

And I for one...don't adhere to that ole' adage 'just because he was the first' --- yada,yada,yada...but we certainly can't afford to spend the stupid bucks that our USPO wastes on all those STAMPS!

Fri 06/19/15 08:28 AM
MetalWind posted >>>

It would be interesting to know how this hatred grew. He obviously has a very low IQ and his positions are usually learned from others.

EXACTLY --- what quite a bit of the prior posts were about;

Tomato provide the info about Dylann's prior prescription drug abuse and issues! And the conversation flowed from there! :thumbsup:

Fri 06/19/15 07:45 AM
Tmommy stated >>>
See this is how I grew up. I tried explaining this to my sister in law once back in days of being stay at home moms. If you make a schedule and a daily routine then you are not overwhelmed by chores

EXACTLY - then it teaches the children a fantastic work ethic as well - shown by example - not do as I say!

Even when I was in Administration/Office work --- my least favorite job was FILING {UGH} but the last 30 minutes of each day I set that time aside to FILE.
Nothing drove me 'BUG NUTS' faster then to leave that to some lay person who just didn't give a cr*p and then I couldn't find an important document because it was just stuffed into some obligatory-mindless place and we spent too much time searching for it! rant

Fri 06/19/15 07:12 AM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Fri 06/19/15 07:13 AM

:banana: happy that Dylann Roof pleaded 'GUILTY'; just heard it on the ABC news. :angel: RELIEF!

oops must not have had enough coffee; he confessed to 'ALL' of the shootings - spoke to several as he was reloading - "then finished his mission"...he'll be arranged later today!

Fri 06/19/15 07:08 AM
Stan stated >>>
I should have said "no" more often. I should have banked more cash when it was coming in so easily. Could have used it to leverage an empire much sooner and retired 10 years ago, at 41. Could have had a bigger beach house.

Then again, some choices led to amazing adventure, even if I did just get out still breathing. Part of success is learning through failures and coming back stronger from the experience. Advice offered, but not asked for, especially when I was 20-something, would have gone in one ear and out the other. Probably should have listened a bit sooner, too hard-headed is my excuse.

DITTO...but I got it from my parents; and often told them so :wink:

Fri 06/19/15 07:00 AM
Hmmm...he had clarity of thought...spoke with victims while reloading - considered not going through with his mission - and confessed to the killing of 9 and wounding of 3 others!
There won't be a 'INSANITY' plea filed by his attorney's NOW!

Dylann Roof 'Almost Didn't Go Through'
With Charleston Church Shooting

by Daniel Arkin Jun 19 2015, 9:09 am ET

The man who shot and killed nine parishioners at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina, told police that he "almost didn't go through with it because everyone was so nice to him," sources told NBC News.

And yet Dylann Roof decided he had to "go through with his mission."

Roof, 21, has confessed to gunning down nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston on Wednesday night, two sources confirmed to NBC News. He is expected at a bond hearing via closed circuit television at 2 p.m. ET Friday.

Roof was captured in Shelby, North Carolina, on Thursday morning and agreed to be taken back to South Carolina. Police have called the killings a hate crime. A survivor told a relative the gunman said African-Americans are "taking over our country" during the rampage.

Fri 06/19/15 06:51 AM
AnnieRooRoo asked >>>
Wow we get find maybe jail time for carrying a knife because it is classed as a dangerous weapon.
Is it safe to walk the streets during the day or night? Are you guys safe?

Demographically Speaking; the high crime ratio and mass population = what you'll read and hear about on any given evening news segment about violent crimes in America. I live in rural/small town central KS {heartland of America}...where we are most commonly owners of hunting weapons and keep them at ready access for varmints {high ratio of rabid animals in the hot summer months} and for putting wild game on our tables.

But we do suffer from the repetitive number of 'METH LABS/DRUG BUSTS' for the pure number of acres per law enforcement is out of balance. And often some of those 'druggies' wander into homes that they are just too 'FOGGED UP MENTALY' to understand that they are now staring at a barrel of a loaded weapon that will end their life! **BANG** another druggy snuffed out because they just couldn't understand 'HALT/STOP'...

From RebelArchers link & post >>>
So how often do Americans use guns to defend themselves? If it almost never happens, then the NRA argument is based on a fallacy and deserves little respect in the fashioning of public policy. If, on the other hand, defensive gun use (DGU) is relatively common, then even a diehard gun-control advocate with any principles and common sense would admit that this fact must be given some weight.
Criminologists concur that the unusual prevalence of guns in America'��some 300 million in private hands ��makes our violent crime more lethal than that of other countries. (See, for example, the excellent When Brute Force Fails , by UCLA'��s Mark Kleiman.) That'��s the cost of allowing widespread civilian gun ownership: In this country, when someone is inclined to commit a mugging, shoot up a movie theater, or kill their spouse (or themselves), firearms are readily available.

Ergo...the NRA loves to quote stats & data; and yet when the stats & data prove something else then it's all just JUNK SCIENCE and never should be taken at value. Or better quote something 'COMMON SENSE' as a factual given when the flip side of that 'COMMON SENSE' will equally prove they're thinking and BS as just more MANURE that they spread! :wink:

Fri 06/19/15 06:32 AM

Now on the MOST WANTED list

OK - OK...that's some progress; RIGHT?

Fri 06/19/15 06:30 AM
PacificStar stated >>>
I am retired. I gave up deadlines and worrying about deadlines and through out the clock so I can procrastinate with the best of them.

If I didn't stick to my weekly schedule of:
Mondays = Vacuum & dust living room
Tuesday = sweep & mop country kitchen & laundry room
Wednesday = vacuum & dust 2 bedrooms
Thursday = sweep bird seed and spray down the front porch
Friday = laundry & or mow {this always depends on weather forecast} I use my 'SOLAR' line to dry my clothing
Saturday = weed & feed & water large flower containers
Sunday = GOOF OFF DAY :banana:

And daily I have chicken chores - dogs - 2 parakeets to keep fed & watered. I'd be so LAZY and just reading.

This schedule/routine was started & passed down from when my grandmother & mother had their household chore days~~~it's tradition now. Back then we had a day of nothing but IRONING; UGH, I do not miss that repetitive chore. noway

Fri 06/19/15 06:20 AM

A small thing I sorely miss about my dearly departed; his little notes/messages written and put in places that were sure to surprise me! :cry: brokenheart

Fri 06/19/15 06:10 AM
Just find a topic or start one of your own...jump in and start yakk'n!

Fri 06/19/15 06:03 AM

Fri 06/19/15 05:54 AM
:banana: happy that Dylann Roof pleaded 'GUILTY'; just heard it on the ABC news. :angel: RELIEF!

Fri 06/19/15 05:17 AM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Fri 06/19/15 05:20 AM
LTme asked >>>
"Tonto" al
On BOTH the penny, and the nickel?

Can you offer a corroborating link?

alleOoops posted >>>
I knew you would ask that.... Fortunately, I have better
than that. Here's an actual picture of for you.:tongue:

Tonto posing for the mint.

No - No - Nooooooo...LOL It's a COMPOSTE of 3 unique Indian Chief portraits...:wink:

The obverse design for the Indian Head 5-cent coin, commonly called a "Buffalo nickel," depicts a large, powerful portrait of an Indian, facing right. The appearance is rough looking, unlike the smooth cheeks and other facial features that typify the many versions of Lady Liberty that have been on U.S Coins. The portrait is believed to be a composite of three Indian chiefs, although the identities of the models have been disputed. A few Native Americans laid claim to be the model for the coin. The artist himself identified two of the models as Chief Iron Tail, a Sioux and Chief Two Moons, a Cheyenne. Unfortunately, Fraser had trouble remembering the names of his models. He had been asked the question so many times, that it was evident he was growing tired of the whole issue rather than set the record straight. In an undated letter to Mint Director George E. Roberts believed to be from 1913, suggests that Fraser considered the Indian design represented a type, rather than a direct portrait. He said he could recall Two Moons and Iron Tail as having served as his inspiration and possibly “one or two others'��. In alter years he dropped the number of possible '��other'�� models to one.

The one Indian originally believed to be the third model was Chief Two Guns White Calf, a Blackfoot. His claim lost a great deal of validity when in 1931, Fraser denied having used him as a model. In a letter dated June 10, 1931, from Fraser to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the U.S. Department of Interior, and later released to the press on July 12, 1931, Fraser is quoted as saying:

'��The Indian head on the Buffalo nickel is not a direct portrait of any particular Indian, but was made from several portrait busts which I did not Indians. As a matter of fact, I used three different Indian heads; I remember two of the men. One was Irontail, the best Indian head I can remember; the other one was Two Moons, and the third I cannot recall. I have never seen Two Guns Whitecalf nor used him in any way, although he has a magnificent head. I can easily understand how he was mistaken in thinking that he posed for me. A great many artists have modeled and drawn him, and it was only natural for him to believe that one of them was the designer of the nickel. I am particularly interested in Indian affairs, having as a boy lived in South Dakota before the Indians were so carefully guarded in their agencies. Later, the Crow Creek agency was formed at Chamberlain, but I always feel that I have seen the Indian in this natural habitat, with the finest costumes being worn. I hope their affairs are progressing favorably.'��

Fri 06/19/15 05:01 AM
Yes, indeed...for all of those effected by this horror!

Thu 06/18/15 08:25 PM

Thu 06/18/15 08:05 PM
Tmommy posted >>>
Feeling better baby

went for long walk
got out all the moodyblues
over my head like little thundercloud todaygrumble bigsmile much as I love strolling - walking; to venture out now {at dark}...why I'd be 'sucked dry' by those huge arsed mosquito's --- despite some thinking I'm such a 'SOUR OLE' HAG'...those mosquito's love my blood and won't leave me BE!

I'd have to spray my clothes - my exposed flesh area's and then come back in and take another shower before bedtime! Oh-hell that's too much work

But I'm happy that you found you 'HAPPY CENTER' and were able to get out and get some fresh air!

I'm head'n to bed --- nighty-night world!

Thu 06/18/15 07:44 PM
AnnieRooRoo asked >>>
I am curious, What is the law of your county say about guns? Do you have to sit for a gun licence? Is there an age that someone has to be to have a gun?
Can I come into your country and buy a gun and go hunting? Is it that easy?
We hear so much of this sort of thing over the years and I just wanted to know. Here in NZ we have very strict rules with guns and yes accidents do happen in the bush and we have had our fair share of people doing the wrong thing. We also have to practise a lock down in the schools for this sort of thing.

AlleOops stated >>>
If you go to Mexico, become a member of a drug gang, our justice department will give you as many as you want.

Oh...come on; you won't have to drive that far.noway
Just do some simple 'Breaking & Entering' and most of those NRA - GUN NUTS won't/don't own a GUN SAFE to keep their plethora of weapons in --- easy-peasy and there no cost to the Thieving Thug either! :wink: drinker
Tomato stated >>>
keeping your guns for self defense locked in a safe is stupid, suppose you actually need it, you think the person who invades your home is going to stand there and wait while you put the combination to the safe in? "hold on mr home invader, let me just put this combination in real quick" "sure go ahead mr homeowner, ill just ransack your house and rape your wife while you do that" "thanx mr home invader for being so understanding"

The 'MYTH' and the reality; my hand gun has a trigger lock - it's right beside my bed in my night stand - all my other (22 rifle & 410) are in the gun safe! I do not need my weapons laying around like I'm going to be invaded by a thundering-hoard of Mongols! noway
To live any other way is foolish and irresponsible and children get killed exactly by those 'foolish & irresponsible' methods!

BTW - before you say anything about my 'trigger lock'; I've got 3 of the noisiest - light sleeper medium sized ankle biters that are 'sound activated'...they do their job very well. :wink: